/** * Generate the module */ protected function compile() { $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User'); // Initialize the password widget $arrField = array('name' => 'password', 'inputType' => 'text', 'label' => $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['password'][0], 'eval' => array('hideInput' => true, 'mandatory' => true, 'required' => true)); $objWidget = new \FormTextField(\FormTextField::getAttributesFromDca($arrField, $arrField['name'])); $objWidget->rowClass = 'row_0 row_first even'; $strFormId = 'tl_close_account_' . $this->id; // Validate widget if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $strFormId) { $objWidget->validate(); // Validate the password if (!$objWidget->hasErrors()) { // The password has been generated with crypt() if (\Encryption::test($this->User->password)) { $blnAuthenticated = \Encryption::verify($objWidget->value, $this->User->password); } else { list($strPassword, $strSalt) = explode(':', $this->User->password); $blnAuthenticated = $strSalt == '' ? $strPassword === sha1($objWidget->value) : $strPassword === sha1($strSalt . $objWidget->value); } if (!$blnAuthenticated) { $objWidget->value = ''; $objWidget->addError($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidPass']); } } // Close account if (!$objWidget->hasErrors()) { // HOOK: send account ID if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['closeAccount']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['closeAccount'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['closeAccount'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($this->User->id, $this->reg_close, $this); } } $objMember = \MemberModel::findByPk($this->User->id); // Remove the account if ($this->reg_close == 'close_delete') { $objMember->delete(); $this->log('User account ID ' . $this->User->id . ' (' . \Idna::decodeEmail($this->User->email) . ') has been deleted', __METHOD__, TL_ACCESS); } else { $objMember->disable = 1; $objMember->tstamp = time(); $objMember->save(); $this->log('User account ID ' . $this->User->id . ' (' . \Idna::decodeEmail($this->User->email) . ') has been deactivated', __METHOD__, TL_ACCESS); } $this->User->logout(); // Check whether there is a jumpTo page if (($objJumpTo = $this->objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) instanceof PageModel) { $this->jumpToOrReload($objJumpTo->row()); } $this->reload(); } } $this->Template->fields = $objWidget->parse(); $this->Template->formId = $strFormId; $this->Template->action = \Environment::get('indexFreeRequest'); $this->Template->slabel = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['closeAccount']); $this->Template->rowLast = 'row_1 row_last odd'; }
/** * Try to login the current user * * @return boolean True if the user could be logged in */ public function login() { \System::loadLanguageFile('default'); // Do not continue if username or password are missing if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['password'])) { return false; } // Load the user object if ($this->findBy('username', \Input::post('username', true)) == false) { $blnLoaded = false; // HOOK: pass credentials to callback functions if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['importUser']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['importUser'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['importUser'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0], 'objImport', true); $blnLoaded = $this->objImport->{$callback[1]}(\Input::post('username', true), \Input::postUnsafeRaw('password'), $this->strTable); // Load successfull if ($blnLoaded === true) { break; } } } // Return if the user still cannot be loaded if (!$blnLoaded || $this->findBy('username', \Input::post('username', true)) == false) { \Message::addError($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidLogin']); $this->log('Could not find user "' . \Input::post('username', true) . '"', __METHOD__, TL_ACCESS); return false; } } $time = time(); // Set the user language if (\Input::post('language')) { $this->language = \Input::post('language'); } // Lock the account if there are too many login attempts if ($this->loginCount < 1) { $this->locked = $time; $this->loginCount = \Config::get('loginCount'); $this->save(); // Add a log entry and the error message, because checkAccountStatus() will not be called (see #4444) $this->log('User "' . $this->username . '" has been locked for ' . ceil(\Config::get('lockPeriod') / 60) . ' minutes', __METHOD__, TL_ACCESS); \Message::addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['accountLocked'], ceil(($this->locked + \Config::get('lockPeriod') - $time) / 60))); // Send admin notification if (\Config::get('adminEmail') != '') { $objEmail = new \Email(); $objEmail->subject = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['lockedAccount'][0]; $objEmail->text = sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['lockedAccount'][1], $this->username, TL_MODE == 'FE' ? $this->firstname . " " . $this->lastname : $this->name, \Idna::decode(\Environment::get('base')), ceil(\Config::get('lockPeriod') / 60)); $objEmail->sendTo(\Config::get('adminEmail')); } return false; } // Check the account status if ($this->checkAccountStatus() == false) { return false; } // The password has been generated with crypt() if (\Encryption::test($this->password)) { $blnAuthenticated = \Encryption::verify(\Input::postUnsafeRaw('password'), $this->password); } else { list($strPassword, $strSalt) = explode(':', $this->password); $blnAuthenticated = $strSalt == '' ? $strPassword === sha1(\Input::postUnsafeRaw('password')) : $strPassword === sha1($strSalt . \Input::postUnsafeRaw('password')); // Store a SHA-512 encrpyted version of the password if ($blnAuthenticated) { $this->password = \Encryption::hash(\Input::postUnsafeRaw('password')); } } // HOOK: pass credentials to callback functions if (!$blnAuthenticated && isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['checkCredentials']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['checkCredentials'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['checkCredentials'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0], 'objAuth', true); $blnAuthenticated = $this->objAuth->{$callback[1]}(\Input::post('username', true), \Input::postUnsafeRaw('password'), $this); // Authentication successfull if ($blnAuthenticated === true) { break; } } } // Redirect if the user could not be authenticated if (!$blnAuthenticated) { --$this->loginCount; $this->save(); \Message::addError($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidLogin']); $this->log('Invalid password submitted for username "' . $this->username . '"', __METHOD__, TL_ACCESS); return false; } $this->setUserFromDb(); // Update the record $this->lastLogin = $this->currentLogin; $this->currentLogin = $time; $this->loginCount = \Config::get('loginCount'); $this->save(); // Generate the session $this->regenerateSessionId(); $this->generateSession(); $this->log('User "' . $this->username . '" has logged in', __METHOD__, TL_ACCESS); // HOOK: post login callback if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['postLogin']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['postLogin'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['postLogin'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0], 'objLogin', true); $this->objLogin->{$callback[1]}($this); } } return true; }
/** * Generate the module */ protected function compile() { /** @var PageModel $objPage */ global $objPage; $this->import('FrontendUser', 'User'); $GLOBALS['TL_LANGUAGE'] = $objPage->language; \System::loadLanguageFile('tl_member'); $this->loadDataContainer('tl_member'); // Old password widget $arrFields['oldPassword'] = array('name' => 'oldpassword', 'label' => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['oldPassword'], 'inputType' => 'text', 'eval' => array('mandatory' => true, 'preserveTags' => true, 'hideInput' => true)); // New password widget $arrFields['newPassword'] = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_member']['fields']['password']; $arrFields['newPassword']['name'] = 'password'; $arrFields['newPassword']['label'] =& $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['newPassword']; $row = 0; $strFields = ''; $doNotSubmit = false; $objMember = \MemberModel::findByPk($this->User->id); $strFormId = 'tl_change_password_' . $this->id; $flashBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getFlashBag(); $strTable = $objMember->getTable(); // Initialize the versioning (see #8301) $objVersions = new \Versions($strTable, $objMember->id); $objVersions->setUsername($objMember->username); $objVersions->setUserId(0); $objVersions->setEditUrl('contao/main.php?do=member&act=edit&id=%s&rt=1'); $objVersions->initialize(); /** @var FormTextField $objOldPassword */ $objOldPassword = null; /** @var FormPassword $objNewPassword */ $objNewPassword = null; // Initialize the widgets foreach ($arrFields as $strKey => $arrField) { /** @var Widget $strClass */ $strClass = $GLOBALS['TL_FFL'][$arrField['inputType']]; // Continue if the class is not defined if (!class_exists($strClass)) { continue; } $arrField['eval']['required'] = $arrField['eval']['mandatory']; /** @var Widget $objWidget */ $objWidget = new $strClass($strClass::getAttributesFromDca($arrField, $arrField['name'])); $objWidget->storeValues = true; $objWidget->rowClass = 'row_' . $row . ($row == 0 ? ' row_first' : '') . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd'); // Increase the row count if it is a password field if ($objWidget instanceof FormPassword) { $objWidget->rowClassConfirm = 'row_' . ++$row . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd'); } ++$row; // Store the widget objects $strVar = 'obj' . ucfirst($strKey); ${$strVar} = $objWidget; // Validate the widget if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $strFormId) { $objWidget->validate(); // Validate the old password if ($strKey == 'oldPassword') { if (\Encryption::test($objMember->password)) { $blnAuthenticated = \Encryption::verify($objWidget->value, $objMember->password); } else { list($strPassword, $strSalt) = explode(':', $objMember->password); $blnAuthenticated = $strSalt == '' ? $strPassword === sha1($objWidget->value) : $strPassword === sha1($strSalt . $objWidget->value); } if (!$blnAuthenticated) { $objWidget->value = ''; $objWidget->addError($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['oldPasswordWrong']); sleep(2); // Wait 2 seconds while brute forcing :) } } if ($objWidget->hasErrors()) { $doNotSubmit = true; } } $strFields .= $objWidget->parse(); } $this->Template->fields = $strFields; $this->Template->hasError = $doNotSubmit; // Store the new password if (\Input::post('FORM_SUBMIT') == $strFormId && !$doNotSubmit) { $objMember->tstamp = time(); $objMember->password = $objNewPassword->value; $objMember->save(); // Create a new version if ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['config']['enableVersioning']) { $objVersions->create(); } // HOOK: set new password callback if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['setNewPassword']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['setNewPassword'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['setNewPassword'] as $callback) { $this->import($callback[0]); $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($objMember, $objNewPassword->value, $this); } } // Check whether there is a jumpTo page if (($objJumpTo = $this->objModel->getRelated('jumpTo')) instanceof PageModel) { $this->jumpToOrReload($objJumpTo->row()); } $flashBag->set('mod_change_password_confirm', $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['newPasswordSet']); $this->reload(); } // Confirmation message if ($flashBag->has('mod_change_password_confirm')) { $arrMessages = $flashBag->get('mod_change_password_confirm'); $this->Template->message = $arrMessages[0]; } $this->Template->formId = $strFormId; $this->Template->action = \Environment::get('indexFreeRequest'); $this->Template->slabel = \StringUtil::specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['changePassword']); $this->Template->rowLast = 'row_' . $row . ' row_last' . ($row % 2 == 0 ? ' even' : ' odd'); }
/** * Log in the user */ protected function loginUser() { $_SESSION['TL_INSTALL_AUTH'] = ''; $_SESSION['TL_INSTALL_EXPIRE'] = 0; // The password has been generated with crypt() if (\Encryption::test(\Config::get('installPassword'))) { if (\Encryption::verify(\Input::postUnsafeRaw('password'), \Config::get('installPassword'))) { $this->setAuthCookie(); \Config::persist('installCount', 0); $this->reload(); } } else { list($strPassword, $strSalt) = explode(':', \Config::get('installPassword')); $blnAuthenticated = $strSalt == '' ? $strPassword === sha1(\Input::postUnsafeRaw('password')) : $strPassword === sha1($strSalt . \Input::postUnsafeRaw('password')); if ($blnAuthenticated) { // Store a crypt() version of the password $strPassword = \Encryption::hash(\Input::postUnsafeRaw('password')); \Config::persist('installPassword', $strPassword); $this->setAuthCookie(); \Config::persist('installCount', 0); $this->reload(); } } // Increase the login count if we get here \Config::persist('installCount', \Config::get('installCount') + 1); $this->Template->passwordError = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidPass']; }