コード例 #1
ファイル: Installer.php プロジェクト: alt3/cakebox-console
  * Set globally writable permissions on the "tmp" and "logs" directory.
  * This is not the most secure default, but it gets people up and running quickly.
  * @param string $dir The application's root directory.
  * @param \Composer\IO\IOInterface $io IO interface to write to console.
  * @return void
 public static function setFolderPermissions($dir, $io)
     // Change the permissions on a path and output the results.
     $changePerms = function ($path, $perms, $io) {
         // Get current permissions in decimal format so we can bitmask it.
         $currentPerms = octdec(substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path)), -4));
         if (($currentPerms & $perms) == $perms) {
         $res = chmod($path, $currentPerms | $perms);
         if ($res) {
             $io->write('Permissions set on ' . $path);
         } else {
             $io->write('Failed to set permissions on ' . $path);
     $walker = function ($dir, $perms, $io) use(&$walker, $changePerms) {
         $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), ['.', '..']);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $path = $dir . '/' . $file;
             if (!is_dir($path)) {
             $changePerms($path, $perms, $io);
             $walker($path, $perms, $io);
     $worldWritable = bindec('0000000111');
     $walker($dir . '/tmp', $worldWritable, $io);
     $changePerms($dir . '/tmp', $worldWritable, $io);
     $changePerms($dir . '/logs', $worldWritable, $io);
コード例 #2
  * @static
  * @param \Composer\IO\IOInterface $io
  * @param string                   $destination
  * @return bool
 private static function download(\Composer\IO\IOInterface $io, $destination)
     $io->write('<info>Installing jackrabbit</info>');
     if (false === ($urls = self::getDownloadUrl())) {
         $io->write('Invalid URLs');
     } else {
         $r = new RemoteFilesystem($io);
         do {
             try {
                 $url = current($urls);
                 $file = $destination . '/' . basename(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH));
                 $io->write(sprintf('Retrieving Jackrabbit from "%s"', $url), true);
                 $result = $r->copy('', $url, $file, true);
             } catch (\Composer\Downloader\TransportException $ex) {
                 $io->write('', true);
                 $result = false;
                 $file = null;
         } while (false === $result && next($urls));
         if (is_null($file)) {
             throw new \Exception('Invalid file name');
         return $file;
     return false;
コード例 #3
  * @inheritdoc
 public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
     $this->io = $io;
     //Extend download manager
     $dm = $composer->getDownloadManager();
     $executor = new ProcessExecutor($io);
     $fs = new Filesystem($executor);
     $config = $composer->getConfig();
     $dm->setDownloader('svn-export', new Downloader($io, $config, $executor, $fs));
     //Extend RepositoryManager Classes
     $rm = $composer->getRepositoryManager();
     $rm->setRepositoryClass('svn-export', 'LinearSoft\\Composer\\SvnExport\\Repository\\VcsRepository');
     $rm->setRepositoryClass('svn-export-composer', 'LinearSoft\\Composer\\SvnExport\\Repository\\ComposerRepository');
     //Load Extra Data
     $extra = $composer->getPackage()->getExtra();
     if (isset($extra['svn-export-repositories']) && is_array($extra['svn-export-repositories'])) {
         foreach ($extra['svn-export-repositories'] as $index => $repoConfig) {
             $this->validateRepositories($index, $repoConfig);
             if (isset($repoConfig['name'])) {
                 $name = $repoConfig['name'];
             } else {
                 $name = is_int($index) ? preg_replace('{^https?://}i', '', $repoConfig['url']) : $index;
             if ($repoConfig['type'] === 'svn') {
                 $repoConfig['type'] = 'svn-export';
             } else {
                 $repoConfig['type'] = 'svn-export-composer';
             $repo = $rm->createRepository($repoConfig['type'], $repoConfig);
             $this->io->write("Added SvnExport repo: {$name}");
コード例 #4
ファイル: Constraints.php プロジェクト: gomboc/composer
 public function writeToOutput()
     foreach ($this->minPackageLinks as $packageLink) {
コード例 #5
 protected function handleDeprecatedType(PackageInterface $package)
     $this->io->write("<warning>Package type 'patches' is deprecated ({$package}):</warning>" . " Use 'metapackage' instead.");
     if (method_exists($package, 'setType')) {
コード例 #6
 protected function selectPackage(IOInterface $io, $packageName, $version = null)
     $io->write('<info>Searching for the specified package.</info>');
     if ($composer = $this->getComposer(false)) {
         $localRepo = $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository();
         $repos = new CompositeRepository(array_merge(array($localRepo), $composer->getRepositoryManager()->getRepositories()));
     } else {
         $defaultRepos = Factory::createDefaultRepositories($this->getIO());
         $io->write('No composer.json found in the current directory, searching packages from ' . implode(', ', array_keys($defaultRepos)));
         $repos = new CompositeRepository($defaultRepos);
     $pool = new Pool();
     $parser = new VersionParser();
     $constraint = $version ? $parser->parseConstraints($version) : null;
     $packages = $pool->whatProvides($packageName, $constraint, true);
     if (count($packages) > 1) {
         $package = reset($packages);
         $io->write('<info>Found multiple matches, selected ' . $package->getPrettyString() . '.</info>');
         $io->write('Alternatives were ' . implode(', ', array_map(function ($p) {
             return $p->getPrettyString();
         }, $packages)) . '.');
         $io->write('<comment>Please use a more specific constraint to pick a different package.</comment>');
     } elseif ($packages) {
         $package = reset($packages);
         $io->write('<info>Found an exact match ' . $package->getPrettyString() . '.</info>');
     } else {
         $io->write('<error>Could not find a package matching ' . $packageName . '.</error>');
         return false;
     return $package;
コード例 #7
ファイル: NpmBridge.php プロジェクト: studionone/Flint
 private static function installDependencies(IOInterface $io, $folder)
     $io->write("Installing front end dependencies from package.json");
     $proc = new ProcessExecutor();
     $proc->execute('cd ' . $folder . ' && npm install');
     $io->write("Front end dependencies installed");
コード例 #8
ファイル: Installer.php プロジェクト: hostnet/phpcs-tool
  * The 'logical'-operation of this Installer.
  * PHPCS does not define constants for the config options,
  * doing so ourself would only lead to outdated intel.
  * @see https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/wiki/Configuration-Options
 public function execute()
     if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
         $this->io->write('Configured phpcs to use Hostnet standard');
コード例 #9
  * @param array $parameters
  * @param array $options
  * @return bool
 public function setAssetsVersion(array &$parameters, array $options)
     $assetsVersion = null;
     $assetsVersionExists = false;
     $assetsVersionStrategy = null;
     $assetsVersionStrategyExists = false;
     if (array_key_exists(self::ASSETS_VERSION, $parameters)) {
         $assetsVersion = $parameters[self::ASSETS_VERSION];
         $assetsVersionExists = true;
     if (array_key_exists(self::ASSETS_VERSION_STRATEGY, $parameters)) {
         $assetsVersionStrategy = $parameters[self::ASSETS_VERSION_STRATEGY];
         $assetsVersionStrategyExists = true;
     $hasChanges = false;
     if (!$assetsVersionExists || !$this->isEnvironmentVariable($options, self::ASSETS_VERSION)) {
         $assetsVersion = $this->generateAssetsVersion($assetsVersionStrategy, $assetsVersion);
         if (!$assetsVersionExists || null !== $assetsVersion) {
             $hasChanges = true;
             $this->io->write(sprintf('<info>Updating the "%s" parameter</info>', self::ASSETS_VERSION));
             $parameters[self::ASSETS_VERSION] = $assetsVersion;
     if (!$assetsVersionStrategyExists) {
         $hasChanges = true;
         $this->io->write(sprintf('<info>Initializing the "%s" parameter</info>', self::ASSETS_VERSION_STRATEGY));
         $parameters[self::ASSETS_VERSION_STRATEGY] = $assetsVersionStrategy;
     return $hasChanges;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Processor.php プロジェクト: kamilsk/common
  * @param string $targetPath
  * @param string $installPath
  * @param array $map
  * @param bool $isSymlink
  * @param bool $isRelative
  * @throws IOException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @api
  * @quality:method [B]
 public function publish($targetPath, $installPath, array $map, $isSymlink, $isRelative)
     $targetPath = rtrim($targetPath, '/');
     $installPath = rtrim($installPath, '/');
     $this->filesystem->mkdir($targetPath, 0777);
     foreach ($map as $from => $to) {
         $targetDir = realpath($targetPath) . '/' . $to;
         $sourceDir = realpath($installPath) . '/' . $from;
         if ($isSymlink) {
             $this->io->write(sprintf('Trying to install AdminLTE %s assets as symbolic links.', $from));
             $originDir = $sourceDir;
             if ($isRelative) {
                 $originDir = $this->filesystem->makePathRelative($sourceDir, realpath($targetPath));
             try {
                 $this->filesystem->symlink($originDir, $targetDir);
                 $this->io->write(sprintf('The AdminLTE %s assets were installed using symbolic links.', $from));
             } catch (IOException $e) {
                 $this->hardCopy($sourceDir, $targetDir);
                 $this->io->write(sprintf('It looks like your system doesn\'t support symbolic links,
                     so the AdminLTE %s assets were installed by copying them.', $from));
         } else {
             $this->io->write(sprintf('Installing AdminLTE %s assets as <comment>hard copies</comment>.', $from));
             $this->hardCopy($sourceDir, $targetDir);
コード例 #11
 public function process(Config\Template $tmpl)
     /* process template if condition is not set or condition is valid */
     if ($tmpl->getCondition() == null || $this->conditionValidator->isValid($tmpl->getCondition(), $this->vars)) {
         /* load source file */
         if (is_file($tmpl->getSource())) {
             $content = file_get_contents($tmpl->getSource());
             /* replace all vars by values */
             if (is_array($this->vars)) {
                 foreach ($this->vars as $key => $value) {
                     $content = str_replace('${' . $key . '}', $value, $content);
             /* save destination file */
             if (is_file($tmpl->getDestination()) && !$tmpl->isCanRewrite()) {
                 $this->io->write(__CLASS__ . ": <comment>Destination file '{$tmpl->getDestination()}' is already exist and cannot be rewrote (rewrite = false).</comment>");
             } else {
                 $this->fileSaver->save($tmpl->getDestination(), $content);
                 $this->io->write(__CLASS__ . ": <info>Destination file '{$tmpl->getDestination()}' is created from source template '{$tmpl->getSource()}'.</info>");
         } else {
             $this->io->writeError(__CLASS__ . ": <error>Cannot open source template ({$tmpl->getSource()}).</error>");
     } else {
         /* there is wrong condition for template */
         $outSrc = $tmpl->getSource();
         $cond = $tmpl->getCondition();
         $outCond = '${' . $cond->getVar() . '}' . $cond->getOperation() . $cond->getValue();
         $this->io->write(__CLASS__ . ": <comment>Skip processing of the template ({$outSrc}) because condition ({$outCond}) is 'false'.</comment>");
コード例 #12
ファイル: DeployManager.php プロジェクト: a13wes/MRKT
 public function doDeploy()
     /** @var Entry $package */
     foreach ($this->packages as $package) {
         if ($this->io->isDebug()) {
             $this->io->write('start magento deploy for ' . $package->getPackageName());
コード例 #13
  * Prints a links to package changelog on the post-package-update event.
  * @param PackageEvent $event
 public function onPostPackageUpdate(PackageEvent $event)
     $operation = $event->getOperation();
     if ($operation instanceof UpdateOperation) {
         try {
             $changelog = self::getChangelog($operation->getInitialPackage(), $operation->getTargetPackage());
         } catch (Exception\CouldNotCalculateChangelog $e) {
             $changelog = $e->getMessage();
         $this->io->write(self::PAD_STR . 'CHANGELOG: ' . $changelog);
コード例 #14
 public function postAutoloadDump(Event $event)
     // This method is called twice. Run it only once.
     if (!$this->runPostAutoloadDump) {
     $this->runPostAutoloadDump = false;
     $config = $this->composer->getConfig();
     $suffix = $config->get('autoloader-suffix');
     $vendorDir = $config->get('vendor-dir');
     $binDir = $config->get('bin-dir');
     $autoloadFile = $vendorDir . '/autoload.php';
     if (!file_exists($autoloadFile)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not adjust autoloader: The file %s was not found.', $autoloadFile));
     if (!$suffix && !$config->get('autoloader-suffix') && is_readable($autoloadFile)) {
         $content = file_get_contents($vendorDir . '/autoload.php');
         if (preg_match('{' . self::COMPOSER_AUTOLOADER_BASE . '([^:\\s]+)::}', $content, $match)) {
             $suffix = $match[1];
     $contents = file_get_contents($autoloadFile);
     $constant = '';
     $values = array('AUTOLOAD_CLASS' => var_export(self::COMPOSER_AUTOLOADER_BASE . $suffix, true));
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         $this->io->write('<info>Generating ' . $this->constantPrefix . $key . ' constant</info>');
         $constant .= "if (!defined('{$this->constantPrefix}{$key}')) {\n";
         $constant .= sprintf("    define('{$this->constantPrefix}{$key}', %s);\n", $value);
         $constant .= "}\n\n";
     $values = array_map(function ($value) {
         return var_export($value, true);
     }, array('BASE_DIR' => Path::makeRelative(getcwd(), $vendorDir), 'BIN_DIR' => Path::makeRelative($binDir, $vendorDir), 'FILE' => Path::makeRelative(realpath(Factory::getComposerFile()), $vendorDir)));
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         $this->io->write('<info>Generating ' . $this->constantPrefix . $key . ' constant</info>');
         $constant .= "if (!defined('{$this->constantPrefix}{$key}')) {\n";
         $constant .= sprintf("    define('{$this->constantPrefix}{$key}', realpath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . %s));\n", $value);
         $constant .= "}\n\n";
     $values = array('VENDOR_DIR' => $vendorDir);
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         $this->io->write('<info>Generating ' . $this->constantPrefix . $key . ' constant</info>');
         $constant .= "if (!defined('{$this->constantPrefix}{$key}')) {\n";
         $constant .= sprintf("    define('{$this->constantPrefix}{$key}', realpath(__DIR__));\n");
         $constant .= "}\n\n";
     // Regex modifiers:
     // "m": \s matches newlines
     // "D": $ matches at EOF only
     // Translation: insert before the last "return" in the file
     $contents = preg_replace('/\\n(?=return [^;]+;\\s*$)/mD', "\n" . $constant, $contents);
     file_put_contents($autoloadFile, $contents);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Application.php プロジェクト: composer/satis
  * @param bool              $required Not used
  * @param array|string|null $config   either a configuration array or a filename to read from,
  *                                    if null it will read from the default filename
  * @return Composer
 public function getComposer($required = true, $config = null)
     if (null === $this->composer) {
         try {
             $this->composer = Factory::create($this->io, $config);
         } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
     return $this->composer;
コード例 #16
 protected function copyHtAccess($fromPath)
     $htAccessFromPath = rtrim($fromPath, '/') . '/_.htaccess';
     $error = '<warning>_.htaccess could not be %s - please copy it manually to application root</warning>';
     if (!file_exists($htAccessFromPath)) {
         $this->io->write(sprintf($error, 'found'));
     $htAccessToPath = $this->cwd . '/.htaccess';
     if (!@copy($htAccessFromPath, $htAccessToPath)) {
         $this->io->write(sprintf($error, 'copied'));
コード例 #17
 protected function write()
     foreach (func_get_args() as $msg) {
         $lines = explode(PHP_EOL, $msg);
         if ($lines) {
             $this->io->write("{$this->lead} " . array_shift($lines));
             if ($lines) {
                 $msg = implode(PHP_EOL . '    ', $lines);
                 $this->io->write("    {$msg}");
コード例 #18
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function activate(Composer $composer, IOInterface $io)
     $this->composer = $composer;
     $this->io = $io;
     $this->curlClient = new CurlClient(self::generateUserAgent());
     if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
         $this->io->write("<info>[Curl]</info> plugin activate");
     $pluginConfig = $this->composer->getConfig()->get('curl-plugin');
     if (isset($pluginConfig['hosts']) && is_array($pluginConfig['hosts'])) {
         $this->hosts = array_merge($this->hosts, $pluginConfig['hosts']);
コード例 #19
  * @param IOInterface $io
  * @param array       $vulnerabilities
 protected static function dumpVulnerabilities(IOInterface $io, array $vulnerabilities)
     foreach ($vulnerabilities as $package => $infos) {
         $io->write("\n" . '  <info>' . $package . '</info> ' . $infos['version']);
         foreach ($infos['advisories'] as $key => $advisory) {
             $io->write('    <comment>' . $advisory['title'] . '</comment>');
             $io->write('    <info>' . $advisory['link'] . '</info>');
             if ($advisory['cve'] && $io->isVeryVerbose()) {
                 $io->write('    ' . $advisory['cve']);
コード例 #20
 protected function processParams($params, $actualParams)
     if (!$this->io->isInteractive()) {
         return $actualParams;
     $this->io->write('<comment>Some parameters are missing. Please provide them.</comment>');
     foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
         $result = $this->io->ask(sprintf("<question>%s</question> (<comment>%s</comment>): ", $this->messages[$key], $value));
         if (!empty($result)) {
             $actualParams[$key] = $result;
     return $actualParams;
コード例 #21
ファイル: Logger.php プロジェクト: dmyerson/d8ecs
  * Log a debug message
  * Messages will be output at the "verbose" logging level (eg `-v` needed
  * on the Composer command).
  * @param string $message
 public function debug($message)
     if ($this->inputOutput->isVerbose()) {
         $message = "  <info>[{$this->name}]</info> {$message}";
         if (method_exists($this->inputOutput, 'writeError')) {
         } else {
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
             // Backwards compatiblity for Composer before cb336a5
             // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
コード例 #22
ファイル: StudioPlugin.php プロジェクト: ravikumar8/studio
 public function update(Event $event)
     $path = $event->getComposer()->getPackage()->getTargetDir();
     $studioFile = "{$path}studio.json";
     $config = $this->getConfig($studioFile);
     if ($config->hasPackages()) {
         $packages = $config->getPackages();
         foreach ($packages as $directory) {
             $this->io->write("[Studio] Updating subproject {$directory}...");
             Shell::run('composer update', $directory);
コード例 #23
  * Restore previously backed up paths.
  * @see PathPreserver::backupSubpaths()
 public function rollback()
     if (empty($this->backups)) {
     foreach ($this->backups as $original => $backup_location) {
         // Remove any code that was placed by the package at the place of
         // the original path.
         if (static::file_exists($original)) {
             if (is_dir($original)) {
                 $this->filesystem->emptyDirectory($original, false);
             } else {
             $this->io->write(sprintf('<comment>Files of installed package were overwritten with preserved path %s!</comment>', $original), true);
         $folder = dirname($original);
         // Make sure we can write the file to the folder.
         $this->filesystem->rename($backup_location, $original);
         if ($this->filesystem->isDirEmpty(dirname($backup_location))) {
     // Restore all path permissions, that where set for the sake of moving
     // things around.
     // With a clean array, we can start over.
     $this->backups = array();
  * @return string[]
 private function fetch()
     $this->io->write(sprintf('  - Updating <info>%s</info> tag list', $this->package));
         $this->cache = [$_ENV['HRDNS_PHANTOMJS_VERSION']];
     if ($this->cache === null) {
         $this->cache = [];
         $this->io->writeError("    Downloading: <comment>Connecting...</comment>", false);
         $repo = new VcsRepository(['url' => $this->url, 'type' => $this->type], $this->io, $this->config);
         $this->cache = array_keys($repo->getDriver()->getTags());
         $this->io->overwriteError('', false);
         $this->io->overwriteError(sprintf("\r    Found <comment>%d</comment> versions\n", count($this->cache)));
     return $this->cache;
コード例 #25
     * Loads the real package.
     * @param LazyPackageInterface $package
     * @return CompletePackageInterface|false
    protected function loadRealPackage(LazyPackageInterface $package)
        $realPackage = false;

        try {
            $data = $this->driver->getComposerInformation($this->identifier);
            $valid = is_array($data);
            $data = $this->preProcess($this->driver, $this->validateData($data), $this->identifier);

            if ($this->verbose) {
                $this->io->write('Importing ' . ($valid ? '' : 'empty ') . $this->type . ' '.$data['version'].' ('.$data['version_normalized'].')');

            /* @var CompletePackageInterface $realPackage */
            $realPackage = $this->loader->load($data);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            if ($this->verbose) {
                $filename = $this->assetType->getFilename();
                $this->io->write('<'.$this->getIoTag().'>Skipped ' . $this->type . ' '.$package->getPrettyVersion().', '.($e instanceof TransportException ? 'no ' . $filename . ' file was found' : $e->getMessage()).'</'.$this->getIoTag().'>');

        return $realPackage;
コード例 #26
  * Iterate over all files in the given directory searching for classes
  * @param \Iterator|string $path      The path to search in or an iterator
  * @param string          $whitelist Regex that matches against the file path
  * @return array A class map array
  * @throws \RuntimeException When the path is neither an existing file nor directory
 public static function createMap($path, $whitelist = null, IOInterface $io = null)
     if (is_string($path)) {
         if (is_file($path)) {
             $path = array(new \SplFileInfo($path));
         } elseif (is_dir($path)) {
             $path = Finder::create()->files()->followLinks()->name('/\\.(php|inc|hh)$/')->in($path);
         } else {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Could not scan for classes inside "' . $path . '" which does not appear to be a file nor a folder');
     $map = array();
     foreach ($path as $file) {
         $filePath = $file->getRealPath();
         if (!in_array(pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array('php', 'inc', 'hh'))) {
         if ($whitelist && !preg_match($whitelist, strtr($filePath, '\\', '/'))) {
         $classes = self::findClasses($filePath);
         foreach ($classes as $class) {
             if (!isset($map[$class])) {
                 $map[$class] = $filePath;
             } elseif ($io && $map[$class] !== $filePath && !preg_match('{/(test|fixture|example)s?/}i', strtr($map[$class] . ' ' . $filePath, '\\', '/'))) {
                 $io->write('<warning>Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "' . $class . '"' . ' was found in both "' . $map[$class] . '" and "' . $filePath . '", the first will be used.</warning>');
     return $map;
コード例 #27
 public function ask($question, array $options)
     $output = [];
     $output[] = sprintf('<question>%s</question>', $question);
     foreach ($options as $selection => $title) {
         $output[] = sprintf('[<comment>%s</comment>] %s', $selection, $title);
     while (1) {
         $answer = $this->io->ask(implode(PHP_EOL, $output) . PHP_EOL);
         if (!array_key_exists($answer, $options)) {
             $this->io->write('<error>Invalid option selected.</error>');
         } else {
             return $answer;
コード例 #28
  * Generate database config. will store in: etc/secret.yml.
  * @param IOInterface $io
  * @return  void
 protected static function genSecretConfig(IOInterface $io)
     $etc = __DIR__ . '/../../../etc';
     $secret = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($etc . '/secret.dist.yml'));
     $driver = 'mysql';
     $host = $io->ask("Database host [localhost]: ", 'localhost');
     $name = $io->ask("Database name [natika]: ", 'natika');
     $user = $io->ask("Database user [root]: ", 'root');
     $pass = $io->askAndHideAnswer("Database password: ");
     $prefix = '';
     $secret['database'] = array('driver' => $driver, 'host' => $host, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $pass, 'name' => $name, 'prefix' => $prefix);
     file_put_contents($etc . '/secret.yml', Yaml::dump($secret, 4));
     $io->write('Database config setting complete.');
コード例 #29
ファイル: Patches.php プロジェクト: pingers/composer-patches
  * Executes a shell command with escaping.
  * @param string $cmd
  * @return bool
 protected function executeCommand($cmd)
     // Shell-escape all arguments except the command.
     $args = func_get_args();
     foreach ($args as $index => $arg) {
         if ($index !== 0) {
             $args[$index] = escapeshellarg($arg);
     // And replace the arguments.
     $command = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args);
     $output = '';
     if ($this->io->isVerbose()) {
         $this->io->write('<comment>' . $command . '</comment>');
         $io = $this->io;
         $output = function ($type, $data) use($io) {
             if ($type == Process::ERR) {
                 $io->write('<error>' . $data . '</error>');
             } else {
                 $io->write('<comment>' . $data . '</comment>');
     return $this->executor->execute($command, $output) == 0;
コード例 #30
ファイル: Plugin.php プロジェクト: jbzoo/composer-cleanup
  * Clean a package, based on its rules.
  * @param BasePackage $package The package to clean
  * @return bool True if cleaned
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
 protected function cleanPackage(BasePackage $package)
     $vendorDir = $this->config->get('vendor-dir');
     $targetDir = $package->getTargetDir();
     $packageName = $package->getPrettyName();
     $packageDir = $targetDir ? $packageName . '/' . $targetDir : $packageName;
     $rules = isset($this->rules[$packageName]) ? $this->rules[$packageName] : null;
     if (!$rules) {
         $this->io->writeError('Rules not found: ' . $packageName);
         return false;
     $dir = $this->filesystem->normalizePath(realpath($vendorDir . '/' . $packageDir));
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         $this->io->writeError('Vendor dir not found: ' . $vendorDir . '/' . $packageDir);
         return false;
     //$this->io->write('Rules: ' . print_r($rules, true));
     foreach ((array) $rules as $part) {
         // Split patterns for single globs (should be max 260 chars)
         $patterns = (array) $part;
         foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
             try {
                 foreach (glob($dir . '/' . $pattern) as $file) {
                     //$this->io->write('File removed: ' . $file);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $this->io->write("Could not parse {$packageDir} ({$pattern}): " . $e->getMessage());
     return true;