/** * Display module contents * * @return void */ public function display() { // Get the module parameters $this->moduleclass = $this->params->get('moduleclass'); $this->limit = intval($this->params->get('limit', 100)); $this->recentgroups = array(); // Get the user's groups $this->allgroups = $this->_getGroups(User::get('id'), 'all'); include_once \Component::path('com_groups') . DS . 'models' . DS . 'recent.php'; $recents = Recent::all()->whereEquals('user_id', User::get('id'))->order('created', 'desc')->limit(5)->rows(); foreach ($this->allgroups as $group) { foreach ($recents as $recent) { if ($recent->get('group_id') == $group->gidNumber) { $this->recentgroups[] = $group; } } } if (!User::authorise('core.create', 'com_groups')) { $this->params->set('button_show_add', 0); } require $this->getLayoutPath(); }
/** * View Group * * @return array */ public function viewTask() { // set the needed layout $this->view->setLayout('view'); // validate the incoming cname if (!$this->_validCn($this->cn, true)) { $this->_errorHandler(404, Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND')); } // Load the group object $this->view->group = Group::getInstance($this->cn); // check to make sure we were able to load group if (!is_object($this->view->group) || !$this->view->group->get('gidNumber') || !$this->view->group->get('cn')) { $this->suggestNonExistingGroupTask(); return; } // Ensure it's an allowable group type to display if (!in_array($this->view->group->get('type'), array(1, 3))) { $this->_errorHandler(404, Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND')); } // ensure the group is published if ($this->view->group->get('published') != 1) { $this->_errorHandler(404, Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND')); } // Ensure the group has been published or has been approved if ($this->view->group->get('approved') != 1) { //get list of members & managers & invitees $managers = $this->view->group->get('managers'); $members = $this->view->group->get('members'); $invitees = $this->view->group->get('invitees'); $members_invitees = array_merge($members, $invitees); $managers_members_invitees = array_merge($managers, $members, $invitees); //if user is not member, manager, or invitee deny access if (!in_array(User::get('id'), $managers_members_invitees)) { $this->_errorHandler(404, Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_ERROR_NOT_FOUND')); } //if user is NOT manager but member or invitee if (!in_array(User::get('id'), $managers) && in_array(User::get('id'), $members_invitees)) { $this->unapprovedGroupTask(); return; } //set notification and clear after $this->setNotification(Lang::txt('COM_GROUPS_PENDING_APPROVAL_WARNING'), 'warning'); } // Get the group params $this->view->gparams = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry($this->view->group->get('params')); // Check authorization $this->view->authorized = Helpers\View::authorize($this->view->group); // get active tab $this->view->tab = Helpers\View::getTab($this->view->group); $this->view->trueTab = strtolower(Request::getVar('active', 'overview')); if ($this->view->group->get('approved') != 1 && $this->view->trueTab != 'overview') { return $this->unapprovedGroupTask(); } // Record the user if (!User::isGuest() && in_array(User::get('id'), $this->view->group->get('members'))) { include_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DS . 'models' . DS . 'recent.php'; Recent::hit(User::get('id'), $this->view->group->get('gidNumber')); } // get group pages if any $pageArchive = Page\Archive::getInstance(); $pages = $pageArchive->pages('list', array('gidNumber' => $this->view->group->get('gidNumber'), 'state' => array(0, 1), 'orderby' => 'lft ASC')); // custom error handling for super groups Helpers\View::attachCustomErrorHandler($this->view->group); // add the overview content $overviewContent = ''; $activePage = null; if ($this->view->tab == 'overview') { // add home page to pages list $pages = Helpers\Pages::addHomePage($this->view->group, $pages); // fetch the active page $activePage = Helpers\Pages::getActivePage($this->view->group, $pages); // are we on the login if ($this->view->trueTab == 'login') { $overviewContent = Helpers\View::superGroupLogin($this->view->group); } // check to see if we have super group component or php page if ($overviewContent == null && $this->config->get('super_components', 0)) { $overviewContent = Helpers\View::superGroupComponents($this->view->group, $this->view->trueTab); } // do we have group php pages if ($overviewContent == null) { $overviewContent = Helpers\View::superGroupPhpPages($this->view->group); } //set overview content if ($overviewContent == null) { $overviewContent = Helpers\Pages::displayPage($this->view->group, $activePage); } } // build the title $this->_buildTitle($pages); // build pathway $this->_buildPathway($pages); //set some vars for view $this->view->title = $this->_title; $this->view->content = Helpers\View::displaySectionsContent($this->view->group, $overviewContent); $this->view->activePage = $activePage; $this->view->notifications = $this->getNotifications() ? $this->getNotifications() : array(); //is this a super group? if ($this->view->group->isSuperGroup()) { //use group template file if we have it Request::setVar('tmpl', 'group'); // must call here cause otherwise doesnt load template $this->view->css()->js(); // load super group template // parse & render $superGroupTemplate = new Helpers\Template(); $superGroupTemplate->set('group', $this->view->group)->set('tab', $this->view->trueTab)->set('content', $this->view->content)->set('page', $this->view->activePage)->parse()->render(); // echo content & stop execution return $superGroupTemplate->output(true); } //display view $this->view->display(); }