コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
 function loginform_exec($Frm, $Err)
     if ($Err) {
         $Frm->_gui->Vars["login_message"] = "Ошибки при заполнении формы";
     // clr
     db::delete(TABLE_LOGIN_HOST, "time < " . (time() - 900));
     $last_login_time = db::get_arrays("SELECT time FROM " . TABLE_LOGIN_HOST . " WHERE ip = '" . db::input($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) . "' ORDER BY time");
     $cnt = count($last_login_time);
     $rowx["time"] = 0;
     if ($cnt) {
         $rowx = $last_login_time[0];
     $user = Employee::findOneBy(array('email' => strtolower($Frm->GetValue(0)), 'hpwd' => md5($Frm->GetValue(1) . $Frm->GetValue(0))));
     if (!$user || $cnt > 2) {
         if ($cnt > 1) {
             $t = 900 - time() + $rowx["time"];
             if ($t > 60) {
                 $w = floor($t / 60) . " мин.";
             } else {
                 $w = " минуту";
             $Frm->_gui->Vars["login_message"] = "Попытки исчерпаны. Подождите " . $w;
         } else {
             $Frm->_gui->Vars["login_message"] = "Ошибка. Осталось попыток: " . (2 - $cnt);
             db::insert(TABLE_LOGIN_HOST, array('ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'time' => time()));
     } else {
         // ok
         if ($user["blocked"] || $user["black_list"]) {
             $Frm->_gui->Vars["login_message"] = "Доступ запрещен";
         $ll = array();
         if ($user["last_login"]) {
             $ll = unserialize($user["last_login"]);
             while (count($ll) > 99) {
         $ll[] = array("ip" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "time" => time());
         Employee::update($user['id'], array('last_act' => time(), 'last_login' => serialize($ll)));
         $_SESSION["user"]["auth"] = true;
         $_SESSION["user"]["data"] = $user;
コード例 #2
ファイル: EntityRepository.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
  * Finds entities by a set of criteria.
  * @param array $criteria
  * @param array|null $orderBy
  * @param int|null $limit
  * @param int|null $offset
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @return array The objects.
 public static function findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)
     if (is_array($criteria)) {
         $where = '';
         foreach ($criteria as $key => $value) {
             if (is_null($value)) {
             if (!empty($where)) {
                 $where .= " AND ";
             $where .= $key . " = '" . db::input($value) . "'";
         if (!empty($where)) {
             $where = "WHERE " . $where;
         } else {
             $where = "WHERE 1";
         $order = '';
         if (is_array($orderBy) && count($orderBy)) {
             $order = 'ORDER BY ';
             foreach ($orderBy as $key => $value) {
                 $order .= $key . ' ' . $value;
         $sLimit = '';
         if (!is_null($offset) || !is_null($limit)) {
             $sLimit = 'LIMIT ';
             if (!is_null($offset)) {
                 $sLimit .= $offset . ', ';
             if (!is_null($limit)) {
                 $sLimit .= $limit;
         return db::get_arrays("\n        SELECT *\n        FROM " . static::TABLE . "\n        " . $where . "\n        " . $order . "\n        " . $sLimit . "\n      ");
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(self::getEntity());
コード例 #3
ファイル: gui_table.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
 function MakeHTML()
     if ($this->isort) {
     $where = "";
     if ($this->mysql_filter != "") {
         $where = " WHERE " . $this->mysql_filter;
     if ($this->mysql_source) {
         $this->Rows = array();
         $limit = "";
         if ($this->pager) {
             $this->pager->allcount = intval(db::get_single_value("SELECT COUNT(" . $this->mysql_source_alias . "id) AS cnt FROM " . TBL_PREF . $this->mysql_source . $where));
             $limit = $this->pager->GetLimitStr();
         $ord_str = "ORDER BY ";
         if (!is_null($this->order_rules)) {
             $ord_str .= $this->order_rules . ",";
         $ord_str .= !$this->GetCurSortKey() ? $this->mysql_source_alias . "id" : $this->mysql_source_alias . $this->GetCurSortKey();
         foreach (db::get_arrays("SELECT " . $this->mysql_flds . " FROM " . TBL_PREF . $this->mysql_source . $where . " " . $ord_str . $limit) as $r) {
             $this->AddRow($r, $this->mysql_source_alias . "id");
     } else {
         if ($this->pager) {
             $this->pager->allcount = count($this->Rows);
             if ($this->pager->GetLimitStr() != '') {
                 $tmp = $this->Rows;
                 $this->Rows = array();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $this->pager->onPage; $i++) {
                     if (isset($tmp[$this->pager->curPage * $this->pager->onPage + $i])) {
                         $this->Rows[$i] = $tmp[$this->pager->curPage * $this->pager->onPage + $i];
     $this->HtmlB = "";
     foreach ($this->Rows as $kr => $r) {
         $rdata = $r["data"];
         $r["style"]["cursor"] = "arrow";
         $r["style"]["background-color"] = "";
         if ($this->OnRowStart) {
             eval("\$" . "s = " . $this->OnRowStart . "(\$" . "r);");
         if (is_array($this->Highlite)) {
             if ($rdata[$this->Highlite[0]] == $this->Highlite[1]) {
                 $r["style"]["background-color"] = "yellow";
         if (!empty($_SESSION['user']['data']['conf_ord_colors']) && $this->useColors) {
             $currentColors = unserialize($_SESSION['user']['data']['conf_ord_colors']);
             $r["style"]["background-color"] = isset($currentColors[$rdata['id']]) ? $currentColors[$rdata['id']] : '#FFFFFF';
         } else {
             $currentColors = array();
         $st = $this->makeRowStyle($r);
         $this->HtmlB .= "<tr style='" . $st . "'  data-color='" . (isset($currentColors[$rdata['id']]) ? $currentColors[$rdata['id']] : '#FFFFFF') . "' data-row-id='" . $rdata['id'] . "'";
         if ($this->RowSelect) {
             $this->HtmlB .= " onmouseover='jQuery(this).css(\"background-color\", \"" . $this->RowSelectCol . "\");' onmouseout='jQuery(this).css(\"background-color\", \"" . $r["style"]["background-color"] . "\");'";
             if ($this->RowEvent != "") {
                 $this->HtmlB .= " onclick='" . $this->RowEvent . "(" . $r["data"][$r["ek"]] . ");'";
             } else {
                 if ($this->RowEvent2 != "") {
                     if (strpos($this->RowEvent2, "%var%") != false) {
                         $s = str_replace("%var%", $r["data"][$r["ek"]], $this->RowEvent2);
                     } else {
                         $attr_index = strpos($this->RowEvent2, "%var.");
                         $s = str_replace("%var.", '', $this->RowEvent2);
                         $attr_ends = strpos($s, '%', $attr_index);
                         $attr_name = substr($s, $attr_index, $attr_ends - $attr_index);
                         $s = str_replace($attr_name . '%', $r["data"][$attr_name], $s);
                     $this->HtmlB .= " onclick='" . $s . "'";
         $this->HtmlB .= ">" . "\n";
         foreach ($this->Columns as $k => $v) {
             $s = "";
             if (count($v->Custom)) {
                 $v = $v->Custom[$this->Settings["cust"][$k]];
             if ($v->Key != "" && isset($rdata[$v->Key])) {
                 if (is_array($v->ExtData)) {
                     $s = $v->ExtData[$rdata[$v->Key]];
                 } else {
                     $s = $rdata[$v->Key];
             if ($v->Process != "") {
                 $this->Rows[$kr]['info'][$k] = '';
                 eval("\$" . "s=" . $v->Process . "(\$" . "s, \$" . "rdata, \$" . "this, \$" . "this->Rows[\$" . "kr]['info'][\$" . "k]);");
             } elseif ($v->Format) {
                 switch ($v->Format) {
                     case CGUI_TABLE_FMT_SIZE:
                         $s = _tbl_fmt_size($s);
                     case CGUI_TABLE_FMT_DATE:
                         $s = _tbl_fmt_date($s);
                     case CGUI_TABLE_FMT_DATETIME:
                         $s = _tbl_fmt_datetime($s);
             if (!empty($this->Rows[$kr]["info"][$k])) {
                 $s = $this->Rows[$kr]["info"][$k]->GetHTML($s);
             $this->HtmlB .= "<td";
             if ($v->NoWrap) {
                 $this->HtmlB .= " nowrap";
             if ($v->Align) {
                 $this->HtmlB .= " style='text-align: " . $v->Align . "'";
             if ($v->hidden) {
                 $this->HtmlB .= ' class="hide"';
             if ($v->id) {
                 $this->HtmlB .= ' id="' . $v->id . '"';
             $this->HtmlB .= ">";
             if ($v->instantEdit) {
                 $this->HtmlB .= '<span class="instantEditOldValue">' . $s . '</span><span class="instantEdit" data-title="' . $v->Caption . '" data-field="' . $v->Key . '" data-value="' . $rdata[$v->Key] . '"></span>' . "\n";
             } else {
                 $this->HtmlB .= $s . "\n";
             $this->HtmlB .= "</td>" . "\n";
         $this->HtmlB .= "</tr>" . "\n";
コード例 #4
ファイル: _checkvis.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
    print "<div style='overflow:auto; background:white; border: 1px solid gray; height: 78px'>" . "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style='font-size:8pt; margin-left:2px;'>" . "<tr style='color:gray'><td>Сотрудник</td><td style='width:10px' nowrap></td><td>Занятость</td></tr>";
    // Филиал сотрудника. Если нет филиала, то используем 8 часов раб день
    $worklong = 0;
    if ($_SESSION["user"]["data"]["filial_id"]) {
        $fil = fils_get($_SESSION["user"]["data"]["filial_id"]);
        $dweek = date("w", $date) - 1;
        if ($dweek == -1) {
            $dweek = 6;
        fils_getworktime($fil, $dweek, $st, $en);
        $worklong = $en - $st;
    if (!$worklong) {
        $worklong = 480;
    foreach ($users as $u) {
        print "<tr><td>" . $u["fio"] . "</td><td></td><td>" . round(100 * $u["visits_sum"] / $worklong) . "%</td></tr>";
    print "</table></div>";
} else {
    $meetings = db::get_arrays("SELECT tm_start, tm_finish, station_id FROM " . TABLE_VISITS . " WHERE user_id = " . $uid . " AND date = " . $date);
    if ($meetings) {
        print "<div style='font-size:10pt'>";
        foreach ($meetings as $r) {
            print utils_cvt_i2times($r["tm_start"]) . "-" . utils_cvt_i2times($r["tm_finish"]) . ' - ' . get_station_name($r['station_id']) . "<br>";
        print "</div>";
    } else {
        print "на выбранную дату у сотрудника нет встреч";
コード例 #5
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
    $column->Caption = "Доход фирмы";
    $column->Key = "company_profit";
    $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
    $column->Caption = "Оплачено фирме";
    $column->Key = "company_paid";
    $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
    $column->Caption = "Долг перед фирмой";
    $column->Key = "debt_to_company";
    if ($isDirector) {
        $column->instantEdit = true;
    $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
    $column->Caption = "Заказы";
    $column->Key = "orders";
    $column->hidden = true;
    $column->id = 'orders_list';
$result = array('id' => 'Стоимость, руб.', 'client_price' => 0, 'client_payed' => 0, 'client_debt' => 0, 'author_price' => 0, 'author_payed' => 0, 'debt_to_author' => 0, 'company_profit' => 0, 'company_paid' => 0, 'debt_to_company' => 0, 'orders' => '');
foreach (db::get_arrays("SELECT cost_kln, cost_auth, oplata_kln, author_paid, filial_id, id, company_paid FROM " . TBL_PREF . $Filter->DstTable . " WHERE " . (!empty($result_filter) ? $result_filter : "1")) as $row) {
    $result['client_price'] += $row['cost_kln'];
    $result['client_payed'] += $row['oplata_kln'];
    $result['client_debt'] += $row['cost_kln'] - $row['oplata_kln'];
    $result['author_price'] += $row['cost_auth'];
    $result['author_payed'] += $row['author_paid'] ? $row['author_paid'] : 0;
    $result['company_profit'] += calculate_debt_to_company($row['cost_kln'], $row['cost_auth'], $row['filial_id']);
    $result['company_paid'] += $row['company_paid'];
    $result['orders'] .= empty($result['orders']) ? $row['id'] : ',' . $row['id'];
$result['debt_to_author'] = $result['author_price'] - $result['author_payed'];
$result['debt_to_company'] = $result['company_profit'] - $result['company_paid'];
$stat_tbl->AddRow($result, "id");
コード例 #6
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
$i = 1;
foreach ($new_columns as $column) {
    if (isset($column['internal_name']) && in_array($column['internal_name'], $column_group_name)) {
    $r = $tbl->NewColumn();
    $r->Caption = str_replace(" ", " <br>", $column['name']);
    $r->DoSort = $column['do_sort'];
    $r->Key = $column['internal_name'];
    $r->Align = $column['align'];
    $r->Process = $column['on_execute'];
    $r->instantEdit = $column['instant_edit'];
$totals = db::get_arrays("\n  SELECT filial_id, SUM(`value`) as total_expenses\n  FROM " . TBL_PREF . $Filter->DstTable . "\n  WHERE " . $result_filter . "\n  GROUP BY filial_id\n");
if ($totals) {
    $stat_tbl = $GUI->Table("expenses_stat" . $n);
    $stat_tbl->Width = "50%";
    $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
    $column->Caption = "Филиал";
    $column->Key = "id";
    $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
    $column->Caption = "Общий расход";
    $column->Key = "total_expenses";
    if (is_director($_SESSION['user']['data']['id'])) {
        $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
        $column->Caption = "Итого расход руководителя";
        $column->Key = "director_expenses";
    foreach ($totals as $row) {
コード例 #7
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
$column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
$column->Caption = "Долг";
$column->Key = "client_debt";
$column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
$column->Caption = "Расход";
$column->Key = "consumption";
$column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
$column->Caption = "Статус выплат";
$column->Key = "referrer_payment_status_all";
if (is_director($_SESSION['user']['data']['id'])) {
    $column->instantEdit = true;
$column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
$column->Caption = "Заказы";
$column->Key = "orders";
$column->hidden = true;
$column->id = 'orders_list';
$result = array('id' => '', 'client_price' => 0, 'client_paid' => 0, 'client_debt' => 0, 'consumption' => 0, 'referrer_payment_status_all' => 0, 'orders' => '');
$result['referrer_payment_status_all'] = 'Не оплачено';
foreach (db::get_arrays("SELECT id, cost_kln, oplata_kln, referrer_payment_status FROM " . TBL_PREF . $Filter->DstTable) as $row) {
    $info = null;
    $result['client_price'] += $row['cost_kln'];
    $result['client_paid'] += $row['oplata_kln'];
    $result['client_debt'] += $row['cost_kln'] - $row['oplata_kln'];
    $result['consumption'] += get_consumption(0, $row, null, $info);
    if ($row['referrer_payment_status'] == 1) {
        $result['referrer_payment_status_all'] = 'Оплачено';
    $result['orders'] .= empty($result['orders']) ? $row['id'] : ',' . $row['id'];
コード例 #8
ファイル: functions.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
function get_order_files($order_id, $creator = null)
    return db::get_arrays("\n    SELECT *\n    FROM " . TBL_PREF . "order_files\n    WHERE order_id = " . db::input($order_id) . (is_null($creator) ? '' : ' AND creator_id = ' . db::input($creator)));
コード例 #9
        $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
        $column->Caption = "Итого";
        $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
        $column->Caption = "Стоимость";
        $column->Key = "client_price";
        $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
        $column->Caption = "Оплачено";
        $column->Key = "client_paid";
        $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
        $column->Caption = "Долг";
        $column->Key = "client_debt";
        $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
        $column->Caption = "Мой доход";
        $column->Key = "consumption";
        $result = array('client_price' => 0, 'client_paid' => 0, 'client_debt' => 0, 'consumption' => 0, 'id' => 0);
        foreach (db::get_arrays("SELECT id, cost_kln, oplata_kln FROM " . TBL_PREF . $Filter->DstTable) as $row) {
            $info = '';
            $result['client_price'] += $row['cost_kln'];
            $result['client_paid'] += $row['oplata_kln'];
            $result['client_debt'] += $row['cost_kln'] - $row['oplata_kln'];
            $result['consumption'] += get_consumption(0, $row, null, $info);
        echo '<div style="margin: 10px auto 0;width: 50%;" class="gui_style">';
        echo $GUI->tables[1]->PrintTable();
        echo '</div>';
    } else {
        echo 'text';
function tp_users_cmds_frame($value, $row, $table, &$info)
コード例 #10
ファイル: diplom.api.class.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
 public static function get_client($params)
     $fields = '*';
     if (array_key_exists('fields', $params)) {
         $fields = join(', ', $params['fields']);
     $where = self::generate_where_clause($params);
     $query = "SELECT {$fields} FROM " . TBL_PREF . "clients WHERE " . self::generate_where_clause($params);
     $db_result = db::get_arrays($query);
     if (0 == ($errno = mysql_errno())) {
         if (count($db_result)) {
             return self::generate_response(true, "OK", $db_result[0]);
         } else {
             return self::generate_response(false, "Клиента с параметрами: " . $where . " не существует");
     } else {
         return self::generate_response(false, db::error($query, $errno, mysql_error()));
コード例 #11
ファイル: cabinet_orders.php プロジェクト: yonkon/diplom
            $stat_tbl = $GUI->Table("cabinet_orders_stats" . $_SESSION["frame"]["client"]["id"]);
            $stat_tbl->Width = "50%";
            $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
            $column->Caption = "Итого";
            $column->Key = "id";
            $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
            $column->Caption = "Стоимость";
            $column->Key = "client_price";
            $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
            $column->Caption = "Оплачено";
            $column->Key = "client_payed";
            $column = $stat_tbl->NewColumn();
            $column->Caption = "Долг";
            $column->Key = "client_debt";
            $result = array('id' => '', 'client_price' => 0, 'client_payed' => 0, 'client_debt' => 0);
            foreach (db::get_arrays("SELECT cost_kln, oplata_kln FROM " . TABLE_ORDERS . " WHERE klient_id = " . db::input($_SESSION["frame"]["client"]["id"])) as $row) {
                $result['client_price'] += $row['cost_kln'];
                $result['client_payed'] += $row['oplata_kln'];
                $result['client_debt'] += $row['cost_kln'] - $row['oplata_kln'];
            $stat_tbl->AddRow($result, "id");
            echo '<center>';
            echo $GUI->tables[1]->PrintTable();
            echo '</center>';
        } else {
            echo "У Вас нет заказов";
function get_client_debt($value, $row, $table, &$info)
コード例 #12

use Components\Classes\db;
$query = 'SELECT *, FROM_UNIXTIME(created) as _date  FROM `ofc_order_files` where created <=1401580800
ORDER BY `ofc_order_files`.`creator_id`, _date ';
$db_result = db::get_arrays($query);
$hasFiles = 0;
foreach ($db_result as $file) {
    if (is_file(DIR_WS_ORDER_FILES . $file['order_id'] . '/' . $file['name'])) {
        $filename = $file['name'];
        echo "<p>{$filename}</p>";
echo "<p>Всего файлов: {$hasFiles}</p>";
$printr = print_r($db_result, true);
echo nl2br($printr);