コード例 #1
 public function getGraphData()
     $company = Input::get('company');
     $interval = Input::get('interval');
     $precision = Input::get('prc');
     $company_symbol = isset($company) && !empty($company) ? $company : 'goog';
     $interval = isset($interval) && !empty($interval) ? $interval : 'd';
     $precision = isset($precision) && !empty($precision) && is_numeric($precision) ? $precision : 1;
     $stock_market = new StockMarket($company_symbol, $interval, $precision);
     //<---class declared here and passed the datas
     /* // <--utilizing the function for finding the Company name from Symbol
     			//<-- to check the given company symbol is correct or not */
     $company_name = $stock_market->find_company_name_from_symbol();
     if ($company_name) {
         //<-- if company name given is not false go further
         $stock_records = $stock_market->get_the_market_data();
         //<--function to collect Historical data for given company symbol
         if ($stock_records) {
             //<----if it retuns a record then proceed
             $range_from = $stock_market->get_graph_range_start();
             //<--this function helps to calculate historical Graph area minmum range
             $range_to = $stock_market->get_graph_range_ends();
             //<--this function helps to calculate historical Graph area maximum range
             $lower_range_coords = $stock_market->get_lower_price_data();
             //<--this function helps to return the lower price data for graph
             $higher_range_coords = $stock_market->get_higher_price_data();
             //<--this function helps  to return the higher price data for graph
             $graph = new PHPGraphLib(470, 270);
             $graph->setRange($range_from, $range_to);
             $graph->setTitle($company_name . '  Graph');
             //<--this draw the graph
             $contents = View::make('graph')->with('graph', $graph);
             // Create a response and modify a header value
             $response = Response::make($contents, 200);
             $response->header('Content-Type', 'image/png');
             return $response;
         //<-- stock data checks ends
     //<--company name check ends