コード例 #1
 public function search($params)
     $query = AuthItemChild::find();
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
     if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {
         return $dataProvider;
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'parent', $this->parent])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'child', $this->child]);
     return $dataProvider;
コード例 #2
 public static function getRolesByPermission($permission)
     $role = [''];
     $roles = AuthItemChild::find()->where(['child' => $permission])->all();
     if ($roles) {
         foreach ($roles as $r) {
             $role[] = $r->child;
     return $role;
コード例 #3
  * Creates data provider instance with search query applied
  * @param array $params
  * @return ActiveDataProvider
 public function search($params)
     $query = AuthItemChild::find();
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
     if (!$this->validate()) {
         // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails
         // $query->where('0=1');
         return $dataProvider;
     $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'parent', $this->parent])->andFilterWhere(['like', 'child', $this->child]);
     return $dataProvider;
コード例 #4
 public function actionInit()
     $auth = \Yii::$app->authManager;
     //$arrPerm = [];
     $query = AuthItem::find()->where(['type' => 0]);
     $modelAuthItem = $query->all();
     foreach ($modelAuthItem as $obj) {
         $arrPerm[$obj->name] = $obj->description;
     //$arrRole = [];
     $query = AuthItem::find()->where(['type' => 2]);
     $modelAuthItem = $query->all();
     foreach ($modelAuthItem as $obj) {
         $arrRole[$obj->name] = $obj->description;
     $query = AuthItem::find()->where(['type' => 2]);
     $modelAuthItem = $query->all();
     //$arrRolePerm = [];
     foreach ($modelAuthItem as $obj) {
         $name = $obj->name;
         $query = AuthItemChild::find()->where(['parent' => $name]);
         $modelAuthItemChild = $query->all();
         foreach ($modelAuthItemChild as $objchild) {
             $arrRolePerm[$name][] = $objchild->child;
     foreach ($arrPerm as $permName => $title) {
         $perm = $auth->createPermission($permName);
         $perm->description = $title;
     foreach ($arrRole as $roleName => $title) {
         $role = $auth->createRole($roleName);
         $role->description = $title;
         // assign role permission
         foreach ($arrRolePerm[$roleName] as $permName) {
             $perm = $auth->getPermission($permName);
             $auth->addChild($role, $perm);
コード例 #5
ファイル: AuthItem.php プロジェクト: phaniapsr/yiicomm
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getAuthItemChildren()
     return $this->hasMany(AuthItemChild::className(), ['child' => 'name']);
コード例 #6
  * Finds the AuthItem model based on its primary key value.
  * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown.
  * @param string $id
  * @return AuthItemChild the loaded model
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found
 protected function findModel($id)
     if (($model = AuthItemChild::findOne($id)) !== null) {
         return $model;
     } else {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('Страница не найдена.');
コード例 #7
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     return ['access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [['actions' => ['login', 'error'], 'allow' => true], ['actions' => ['logout'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => ['@']], ['actions' => ['index'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Главная')], ['actions' => ['setting'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Настройки')], ['actions' => ['manager'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Менеджер файлов')]]]];
コード例 #8
ファイル: Role.php プロジェクト: phpdn/qc-base
  * 获取子级角色
 public function getChildItems()
     return $this->hasMany(AuthItemChild::className(), ['parent' => 'name']);
  * Finds the AuthItemChild model based on its primary key value.
  * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown.
  * @param string $parent
  * @param string $child
  * @return AuthItemChild the loaded model
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found
 protected function findModel($parent, $child)
     if (($model = AuthItemChild::findOne(['parent' => $parent, 'child' => $child])) !== null) {
         return $model;
     } else {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');
コード例 #10
 public function behaviors()
     return ['access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [['actions' => ['index'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Роли > Просмотр таблицы')], ['actions' => ['create'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Роли > Создание')], ['actions' => ['update'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Роли > Редактирование')], ['actions' => ['delete', 'multidelete'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Роли > Удаление')]]]];
コード例 #11
 public function behaviors()
     return ['access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [['actions' => ['index'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Документы > Поиск по документам')], ['actions' => ['create'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Документы > Создание')], ['actions' => ['update', 'multipublicate', 'multiclose', 'ajaxoptions', 'ajaxoption', 'deleteimg', 'deletefield'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Документы > Редактирование')], ['actions' => ['move'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Документы > Перемещение')], ['actions' => ['delete', 'multidelete'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Документы > Удаление')], ['actions' => ['view'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Документы > Предварительный просмотр')]]]];
コード例 #12
 public function behaviors()
     return ['access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [['actions' => ['create', 'update', 'delete', 'multidelete'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Шаблоны > Редактирование')]]]];
コード例 #13
 public function behaviors()
     return ['access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [['actions' => ['index'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => AuthItemChild::getRolesByPermission('Администрирование: Дополнительные поля > Поиск')]]]];