コード例 #1
ファイル: lianlian.php プロジェクト: wuwenhan/huoqiwang
  * 获取用户绑卡信息
  * @param $uid
  * @return bool
 public static function getBankcard($uid)
     $info = Info::findOne($uid);
     if ($info) {
         $bank_card = $info->bank_card;
         $bank_code = $info->bank_card_phone;
         if ($bank_card != "" && $bank_code != "") {
             $bank = array('01020000' => "工商银行", '01030000' => '农业银行', '01040000' => '中国银行', '01050000' => '建设银行', '03080000' => '招商银行', '03100000' => '浦发银行', '03030000' => '光大银行', '03070000' => '平安银行', '03040000' => '华夏银行', '03090000' => '兴业银行', '03020000' => '中信银行', '01000000' => '储蓄银行', '03050000' => '民生银行', '03060000' => '广发银行');
             $bank_name = $bank[$bank_code];
             $data['bank_card'] = $bank_card;
             $data['bank_name'] = $bank_name;
             return $data;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.php プロジェクト: wuwenhan/huoqiwang

use yii\helpers\Html;
use common\models\base\fund\Income;
use common\models\setting\Setting;
use common\models\base\asset\Info;
/* @var $this \yii\web\View */
/* @var $content string */
$directoryAsset = Yii::$app->assetManager->getPublishedUrl('@almasaeed/');
if (!yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
    $income_array = Income::find()->where("created_at>=" . strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) . " AND member_id=" . yii::$app->user->id)->asArray()->one();
    $profit = Info::findOne(['member_id' => yii::$app->user->id])->profit;
    $income_total = Info::findOne(['member_id' => yii::$app->user->id])->total_revenue;
} else {
    $income_array = "";
    $profit = "";
    $income_total = "";
// footer数据表
try {
    $tel1 = Setting::findOne(['code' => 'phone'])->value;
    $tel2 = Setting::findOne(['code' => 'tell'])->value;
    $email = Setting::findOne(['code' => 'email'])->value;
    $work = Setting::findOne(['code' => 'work'])->value;
} catch (ErrorException $e) {
    $tel1 = "";
    $tel2 = "";
    $email = "";
    $work = "";
コード例 #3
ファイル: Withdrawals.php プロジェクト: wuwenhan/huoqiwang
  * Auther:langxi
  * 根据赎回债权字典进行赎回操作
  * @param $Redeem
 private static function Set_redeem($Redeem)
     foreach ($Redeem as $k => $v) {
         $order = Order::findOne($v['order_id']);
         $order->money = $order['money'] - $v['thirdmoney'];
         if ($order['money'] == '0') {
             $order->status = Order::STATUS_DELETE;
         $order = $order->save();
         if (!$order) {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '转让债权赎回失败', 'data' => null);
             return $result;
         $thirdorder = Thirdorder::findOne($v['thirdorder_id']);
         $thirdorder->money = $thirdorder['money'] - $v['thirdmoney'];
         if ($thirdorder['money'] == '0') {
             $thirdorder->status = Thirdorder::STATUS_DELETED;
         $thirdorder->mcmoney = $thirdorder['mcmoney'] + $v['thirdmoney'];
         $thirdorder->ocmoney = $thirdorder['ocmoney'] - $v['thirdmoney'];
         $thirdorder = $thirdorder->save();
         if (!$thirdorder) {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '第三方转让债权失败', 'data' => null);
             return $result;
         $thirdproduct = Thirdproduct::findOne($v['thirdproduct_id']);
         $thirdproduct->invest_sum = $thirdproduct['invest_sum'] - $v['thirdmoney'];
         $thirdproduct->mcmoney = $thirdproduct['mcmoney'] + $v['thirdmoney'];
         $thirdproduct = $thirdproduct->save();
         if (!$thirdproduct) {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '赎回第三方债权已投金额失败', 'data' => null);
             return $result;
         $maxcreditor = Thirdproduct::find()->select(['maxcreditor'])->where(['id' => $v['thirdproduct_id']])->asArray()->one();
         $maxcreditor = $maxcreditor['maxcreditor'];
         $is_max = Catmiddle::find()->where(['cid' => '1', 'uid' => $maxcreditor])->asArray()->one();
         if (!$is_max) {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '最大债权人异常', 'data' => null);
             return $result;
         $max_info = Info::findOne($maxcreditor);
         $max_info->balance = $max_info['balance'] - $v['thirdmoney'];
         $max_info = $max_info->save();
         if (!$max_info) {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '消减最大债权人账户金额失败', 'data' => null);
             return $result;
         $member_id = Order::find()->select(['member_id'])->where(['id' => $v['order_id']])->asArray()->one();
         $member_id = $member_id['member_id'];
         $clerk = new ClerkLog();
         $clerk->member_id = $member_id;
         $clerk->clerk_id = $maxcreditor;
         $clerk->behav = ClerkLog::CLERK_BEHAV_TWO;
         $clerk->step = $v['thirdmoney'];
         $clerk->remark = '最大债权人';
         $clerk = $clerk->save();
         if (!$clerk) {
             throw new ErrorException('写入职员账户记录失败');
     return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Invest.php プロジェクト: wuwenhan/huoqiwang
  * Auther:langxi
  * 将投资的金额按照生成的债权数据字典,分散加入债权表
 private static function set_Third($thirdArr, $member_id)
     foreach ($thirdArr as $vo) {
         $thirdproduct = Thirdproduct::find()->select(['creditor', 'maxcreditor'])->where(['id' => $vo['id']])->asArray()->one();
         if ($vo['ocmoney'] > 0) {
             $creditor = $thirdproduct['creditor'];
             $is_yuan = Catmiddle::find()->where(['cid' => '2', 'uid' => $creditor])->asArray()->one();
             if (!$is_yuan) {
                 $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '原始债权人异常', 'data' => null);
                 return $result;
             $yuan_info = Info::findOne($creditor);
             $yuan_info->balance = $yuan_info['balance'] + $vo['ocmoney'];
             $yuan_info = $yuan_info->save();
             if (!$yuan_info) {
                 $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '资金放入原始债权人账户失败', 'data' => null);
                 return $result;
             $clerk = new ClerkLog();
             $clerk->member_id = $member_id;
             $clerk->clerk_id = $creditor;
             $clerk->behav = ClerkLog::CLERK_BEHAV_ONE;
             $clerk->step = $vo['ocmoney'];
             $clerk->remark = '原始债权人';
             $clerk = $clerk->save();
             if (!$clerk) {
                 $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '写入职员账户记录失败', 'data' => null);
                 return $result;
         if ($vo['mcmoney'] > 0) {
             $maxcreditor = $thirdproduct['maxcreditor'];
             $is_max = Catmiddle::find()->where(['cid' => '1', 'uid' => $maxcreditor])->asArray()->one();
             if (!$is_max) {
                 $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '最大债权人异常', 'data' => null);
                 return $result;
             $max_info = Info::findOne($maxcreditor);
             $max_info->balance = $max_info['balance'] + $vo['mcmoney'];
             $max_info = $max_info->save();
             if (!$max_info) {
                 $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '资金放入最大债权人账户失败', 'data' => null);
                 return $result;
             $clerk = new ClerkLog();
             $clerk->member_id = $member_id;
             $clerk->clerk_id = $maxcreditor;
             $clerk->behav = ClerkLog::CLERK_BEHAV_ONE;
             $clerk->step = $vo['mcmoney'];
             $clerk->remark = '最大债权人';
             $clerk = $clerk->save();
             if (!$clerk) {
                 $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '写入职员账户记录失败', 'data' => null);
                 return $result;
         $order = Order::find()->where(['member_id' => $member_id])->orderBy('start_at desc')->asArray()->one();
         $thirdorder = new Thirdorder();
         $thirdorder->member_id = $member_id;
         $thirdorder->thirdproduct_id = $vo['id'];
         $thirdorder->order_id = $order['id'];
         $thirdorder->money = $vo['mcmoney'] + $vo['ocmoney'];
         $thirdorder->ocmoney = $vo['ocmoney'];
         $thirdorder->mcmoney = $vo['mcmoney'];
         $thirdorder->start_money = $vo['mcmoney'] + $vo['ocmoney'];
         $thirdorder->status = Thirdorder::STATUS_ACTIVE;
         $thirdorder->start_at = time();
         $thirdorder->end_at = $order['end_at'];
         $thirdorder = $thirdorder->save();
         if (!$thirdorder) {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '债权数据字典写入债权订单表失败', 'data' => null);
             return $result;
         $thirdproduct = Thirdproduct::findOne($vo['id']);
         $thirdproduct->ocmoney = $thirdproduct['ocmoney'] - $vo['ocmoney'];
         $thirdproduct->mcmoney = $thirdproduct['mcmoney'] - $vo['mcmoney'];
         $thirdproduct->invest_sum = $thirdproduct['invest_sum'] + $vo['ocmoney'] + $vo['mcmoney'];
         $thirdproduct = $thirdproduct->save();
         if (!$thirdproduct) {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '资金写入债权表失败', 'data' => null);
             return $result;
     return false;
コード例 #5
  * 用户退款
  * @return string
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException
 public function actionRefund()
     if (\App::$app->request->post()) {
         $uid = \App::$app->request->post()['Code']['uid'];
         $orig_outer_trade_no = \App::$app->request->post()['Code']['out_trade_no'];
         $refund_amount = \App::$app->request->post()['Code']['money'];
         $summary = \App::$app->request->post()['Code']['msg'];
         $sina_balance = sinapay::querySinaBalance($uid);
         if ($sina_balance['errorNum'] == '0') {
             $available_balance = $sina_balance['data']['available_balance'];
         $balance = Info::findOne(['member_id' => $uid]);
         $site_balabce = $balance['balance'];
         $sina = new sina();
         $out_trade_no = date('Ymd') . substr(implode(NULL, array_map('ord', str_split(substr(uniqid(), 7, 13), 1))), 0, 8) . str_pad(mt_rand(1, 99999), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $refund = $sina->create_hosting_refund($out_trade_no, $orig_outer_trade_no, $refund_amount, $summary);
         if (!$refund) {
             throw new NotFoundHttpException('新浪接口错误');
         if ($refund['response_code'] == "APPLY_SUCCESS") {
             if ($refund['refund_status'] == 'SUCCESS' || $refund['refund_status'] == 'PAY_FINISHED') {
                 $sina_balance = sinapay::querySinaBalance($uid);
                 if ($sina_balance['errorNum'] == '0') {
                     $available_balance_now = $sina_balance['data']['available_balance'];
                 $balance = Info::findOne(['member_id' => $uid]);
                 $site_balabce_now = $balance['balance'];
                 $data = array('available_balance' => $available_balance, 'site_balabce' => $site_balabce, 'available_balance_now' => $available_balance_now, 'site_balabce_now' => $site_balabce_now);
                 return $this->render('import', compact("data"));
             } else {
                 throw new NotFoundHttpException($refund['response_message']);
         } else {
             throw new NotFoundHttpException($refund['response_message']);
     } else {
         $data = array('available_balance' => '-1', 'site_balabce' => '-2', 'available_balance_now' => '-3', 'site_balabce_now' => '-4');
         return $this->render('import', compact("data"));
コード例 #6
ファイル: InfoController.php プロジェクト: wuwenhan/huoqiwang
  * Finds the Info model based on its primary key value.
  * If the model is not found, a 404 HTTP exception will be thrown.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return Info the loaded model
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the model cannot be found
 protected function findModel($id)
     if (($model = Info::findOne($id)) !== null) {
         return $model;
     } else {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');
コード例 #7
ファイル: member.php プロジェクト: wuwenhan/huoqiwang
  * 用户签到
  * @param $uid
  * @param $from
  * @return array
 public static function signIn($uid, $from)
     $info = Info::findOne(['member_id' => $uid]);
     if (!$info) {
         $return = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => "用户不存在", 'data' => null);
         return $return;
     $invest = $info->invest;
     if ($invest < 1000) {
         $return = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => "在投金额大于1000的用户才能签到", 'data' => null);
         return $return;
     $get_sign = SignIn::find()->where(['uid' => $uid])->orderBy('sign_in_time DESC')->one();
     if ($get_sign) {
         $sign_time = $get_sign->sign_in_time;
         $zero_time = strtotime(date("Y-m-d"));
         //            $tom_zero_time = $zero_time + 86400;
         if ($sign_time < $zero_time) {
             $log = new SignIn();
             $log->uid = $uid;
             $log->sign_in_time = time();
             $log->sign_in_money = 0;
             $log->sign_in_ip = Yii::$app->request->userIp;
             $log->sign_in_from = $from;
             $log->status = SignIn::STATUS_ACTIVE;
             if ($log->save()) {
                 $result = array('errorNum' => '0', 'errorMsg' => 'success', 'data' => null);
                 return $result;
             } else {
                 $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '签到失败', 'data' => null);
                 return $result;
         } else {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '已经签到', 'data' => null);
             return $result;
     } else {
         $log = new SignIn();
         $log->uid = $uid;
         $log->sign_in_time = time();
         $log->sign_in_money = 0;
         $log->sign_in_ip = Yii::$app->request->userIp;
         $log->sign_in_from = $from;
         $log->status = SignIn::STATUS_ACTIVE;
         if ($log->save()) {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '0', 'errorMsg' => 'success', 'data' => null);
             return $result;
         } else {
             $result = array('errorNum' => '1', 'errorMsg' => '签到失败', 'data' => null);
             return $result;