コード例 #1
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     $one_sec = 10000000;
     # microsecond * 10
     $one_min = 60 * $one_sec;
     $one_hour = 60 * $one_min;
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     $prj = new Prj();
     # Add tasks
     $task1 = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("1");
     $timeUnitType = new TimeUnitType();
     $task1->set($tsk->DURATION, $project->getDuration(8, $timeUnitType->Hour));
     $task1->set($tsk->START, $project->get($prj->START_DATE));
     $task1->set($tsk->FINISH, $project->get($prj->CALENDAR)->getTaskFinishDateFromDuration($task1, (double) (string) $task1->get($tsk->DURATION)));
     $task2 = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("2");
     $task2->set($tsk->DURATION, $project->getDuration(8, $timeUnitType->Hour));
     $task2->set($tsk->START, $project->get($prj->START_DATE));
     $task2->set($tsk->FINISH, $project->get($prj->CALENDAR)->getTaskFinishDateFromDuration($task2, (double) (string) $task2->get($tsk->DURATION)));
     # Add four TaskLinks with different TaskLinkTypes
     $taskLinkType = new TaskLinkType();
     $link1 = $project->getTaskLinks()->add($task1, $task2, $taskLinkType->StartToStart);
     # Save the Project
     $saveFileFormat = new SaveFileFormat();
     $project->save($dataDir . "TaskLinks.mpp", $saveFileFormat->MPP);
     print "Saved task links data." . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #2
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project();
     $pred = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task 1");
     $succ = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task 2");
     $link = $project->getTaskLinks()->add($pred, $succ);
     print "Created task link." . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #3
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project();
     $pred = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task 1");
     $succ = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task 2");
     $link = $project->getTaskLinks()->add($pred, $succ);
     $taskLinkType = new TaskLinkType();
     print "Defined task link type." . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #4
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     # Create a ChildTasksCollector instance
     $collector = new ChildTasksCollector();
     # Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils
     $taskUtils = new TaskUtils();
     $taskUtils->apply($project->getRootTask(), $collector, 0);
     $tasks = $collector->getTasks();
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     # Parse through all the collected tasks
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < sizeof($tasks)) {
         $task = $tasks->get($i);
         if ((string) $task->get($tsk->STOP) == "1/1/2015") {
             print "NA" . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             print "Task Stop: " . (string) $task->get($tsk->STOP) . PHP_EOL;
             // . toString()
         if ((string) $task->get($tsk->RESUME) == "1/1/2015") {
             print "NA" . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             print "Task Resume: " . (string) $task->get($tsk->RESUME);
             // . toString()
         print "---------------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
         $i += 1;
コード例 #5
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     $task = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task");
     $rsc = $project->getResources()->add("Rsc");
     $assn = $project->getResourceAssignments()->add($task, $rsc);
     print "Created resource assignment." . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #6
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project();
     print $project->getCalculationMode();
     $task = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task");
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     $task->set($tsk->DURATION, $project->getDuration(2));
     $task->set($tsk->PERCENT_COMPLETE, 50);
     print "Changed progress of task." . PHP_EOL;
 public static function set_resource_assignments($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project();
     $task = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task");
     $rsc = $project->getResources()->add("Rsc");
     $rscc = new Rsc();
     $bigDecimal = new BigDecimal();
     $rsc->set($rscc->STANDARD_RATE, $bigDecimal->valueOf(10));
     $rsc->set($rscc->OVERTIME_RATE, $bigDecimal->valueOf(15));
     $assn = $project->getResourceAssignments()->add($task, $rsc);
     print "Set resource assignment properties." . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #8
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project();
     $task = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task");
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     $bigDecimal = new BigDecimal();
     $task->set($tsk->COST, $bigDecimal->valueOf(800));
     print "Task Remaining Cost: " . (string) $task->get($tsk->REMAINING_COST) . PHP_EOL;
     print "Task Fixed Cost: " . (string) $task->get($tsk->FIXED_COST) . PHP_EOL;
     print "Task Cost Variance: " . (string) $task->get($tsk->COST_VARIANCE) . PHP_EOL;
     print "Project Cost: " . (string) $project->getRootTask()->get($tsk->COST) . PHP_EOL;
     print "Project Fixed Cost: " . (string) $project->getRootTask()->get($tsk->FIXED_COST) . PHP_EOL;
     print "Project Remaining Cost: " . (string) $project->getRootTask()->get($tsk->REMAINING_COST) . PHP_EOL;
     print "Project Variance Cost: " . (string) $project->getRootTask()->get($tsk->COST_VARIANCE) . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #9
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project();
     $prj = new Prj();
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     # Get a standard calendar
     $calendar = $project->get($prj->CALENDAR);
     # Set project's calendar settings
     $cal = new Calendar();
     $cal = $cal->getInstance();
     $cal->set(2011, 3, 15, 8, 0, 0);
     $project->set($prj->START_DATE, $cal->getTime());
     $cal->set(2011, 3, 21, 17, 0, 0);
     $project->set($prj->FINISH_DATE, $cal->getTime());
     # root task
     $rootTask = $project->getRootTask();
     $rootTask->set($tsk->NAME, "Root");
     # Add a new task
     $taskToSplit = $rootTask->getChildren()->add("Task1");
     $taskToSplit->set($tsk->DURATION, $project->getDuration(3));
     # Create a new resource assignment
     $splitResourceAssignment = $project->getResourceAssignments()->add($taskToSplit, null);
     # Generate resource assignment timephased data
     # Split the task into 3 parts.
     # Provide start date and finish date arguments to SplitTask method
     # These dates will be used for split
     # Set project's calendar settings
     $cal = new Calendar();
     $cal = $cal->getInstance();
     $cal2 = new Calendar();
     $cal2 = $cal2->getInstance();
     $cal->set(2011, 3, 16, 8, 0, 0);
     $cal2->set(2011, 3, 16, 17, 0, 0);
     $splitResourceAssignment->splitTask($cal->getTime(), $cal2->getTime(), $calendar);
     $cal->set(2011, 3, 18, 8, 0, 0);
     $cal2->set(2011, 3, 18, 17, 0, 0);
     $splitResourceAssignment->splitTask($cal->getTime(), $cal2->getTime(), $calendar);
     $asn = new Asn();
     $workContourType = new WorkContourType();
     $splitResourceAssignment->set($asn->WORK_CONTOUR, $workContourType->Contoured);
     # Save the Project
     $saveFileFormat = new SaveFileFormat();
     $project->save($dataDir . "SplitTasks.xml", $saveFileFormat->XML);
コード例 #10
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     $onesec = 10000000;
     $onemin = 60 * $onesec;
     $onehour = 60 * $onemin;
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project();
     # Creating TaskBaseline:
     $task = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task");
     $baselineType = new BaselineType();
     $baseline = $task->getBaselines()->toList()->get(0);
     $duration = (double) (string) $baseline->getDuration();
     $baseline_duration = $duration / $onehour;
     print $baseline_duration . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #11
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     # create a new task
     $task = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task1");
     # set start date
     $cal = new Calendar();
     $cal = $cal->getInstance();
     $cal->set(2015, 7, 1, 8, 0, 0);
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     $task->set($tsk->START, $cal->getTime());
     $cal->set(2015, 7, 1, 17, 0, 0);
     $task->set($tsk->FINISH, $cal->getTime());
     # Save the project as MPP project file
     $saveFileFormat = new SaveFileFormat();
     $project->save($dataDir . "AfterLinking.mpp", $saveFileFormat->MPP);
     print "Project file updated, please check the output file." . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #12
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project();
     $task = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task");
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     # task duration in days (default time unit)
     $duration = $task->get($tsk->DURATION);
     print "Duration in Days: " . $duration->toString();
     # convert to hours time unit
     $timeUnitType = new TimeUnitType();
     $duration = $duration->convert($timeUnitType->Hour);
     print "Duration in Hours: " . (string) $duration . PHP_EOL;
     # Decrease task duration
     $task->set($tsk->DURATION, $task->get($tsk->DURATION)->subtract(0.5));
     print "0.5 wks: " . (string) $task->get($tsk->DURATION) . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #13
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     # Create a ChildTasksCollector instance
     $collector = new ChildTasksCollector();
     # Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils
     $taskUtils = new TaskUtils();
     $taskUtils->apply($project->getRootTask(), $collector, 0);
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     # Parse through all the collected tasks
     $tasks = $collector->getTasks();
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < sizeof($tasks)) {
         $task = $tasks->get($i);
         print $str_ed = $task->get($tsk->IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN) != null ? "EffortDriven" : "Non-EffortDriven" . PHP_EOL;
         print $str_crit = $task->get($tsk->IS_CRITICAL) != null ? "Critical" : "Non-Critical" . PHP_EOL;
         $i += 1;
コード例 #14
 public static function get_parent_and_child_tasks($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     # Create a ChildTasksCollector instance
     $collector = new ChildTasksCollector();
     # Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils
     $taskUtils = new TaskUtils();
     $taskUtils->apply($project->getRootTask(), $collector, 0);
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     $tasks = $collector->getTasks();
     # Parse through all the collected tasks
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < sizeof($tasks)) {
         $task = $tasks->get($i);
         print "Task Name = " . (string) $task->get($tsk->NAME);
         $i += 1;
コード例 #15
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     # Create a ChildTasksCollector instance
     $collector = new ChildTasksCollector();
     # Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils
     $taskUtils = new TaskUtils();
     $taskUtils->apply($project->getRootTask(), $collector, 0);
     $tasks = $collector->getTasks();
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     # Parse through all the collected tasks
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < sizeof($tasks)) {
         $task = $tasks->get($i);
         print "Priority: " . (string) $task->get($tsk->PRIORITY) . PHP_EOL;
         // . toString()
         print "---------------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
         $i += 1;
コード例 #16
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     $project_summary = $project->getRootTask();
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     $rsc = new Rsc();
     print "Project Budget Work = " . (string) $project_summary->get($tsk->BUDGET_WORK) . PHP_EOL;
     print "Project Budget Cost = " . (string) $project_summary->get($tsk->BUDGET_COST) . PHP_EOL;
     # Get resource by Uid
     $resource = $project->getResources()->getByUid(1);
     # Display resource budget work
     print "Resource BudgetWork = " . (string) $resource->get($rsc->BUDGET_WORK) . PHP_EOL;
     # Get next resource by Uid
     $resource = $project->getResources()->getByUid(2);
     # Display resource budget cost
     print "Resource BudgetCost = " . (string) $resource->get($rsc->BUDGET_COST) . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #17
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     $prj = new Prj();
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     $cal = new Calendar();
     $cal = $cal->getInstance();
     $cal->set(2013, 7, 17, 8, 0, 0);
     $project->set($prj->START_DATE, $cal->getTime());
     $project->set($prj->NEW_TASKS_ARE_MANUAL, new NullableBool(false));
     $task = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->add("Task");
     $rsc = $project->getResources()->add("Rsc");
     $rscc = new Rsc();
     $bigDecimal = new BigDecimal();
     $rsc->set($rscc->STANDARD_RATE, $bigDecimal->valueOf(10));
     $rsc->set($rscc->OVERTIME_RATE, $bigDecimal->valueOf(15));
     # 6 days duration
     $task->set($tsk->DURATION, $project->getDuration(6));
     $assn = $project->getResourceAssignments()->add($task, $rsc);
     $d = new Date(0);
     $asnn = new Asn();
     $assn->set($asnn->STOP, new Date(0));
     $assn->set($asnn->RESUME, new Date(0));
     # backloaded contour increases task duration from 6 to 10 days
     $workContourType = new WorkContourType();
     $assn->set($asnn->WORK_CONTOUR, $workContourType->BackLoaded);
     $baselineType = new BaselineType();
     $task->set($tsk->PERCENT_COMPLETE, 50);
     $timephasedDataType = new TimephasedDataType();
     $td = $assn->getTimephasedData($assn->get($asnn->START), $assn->get($asnn->FINISH), $timephasedDataType->AssignmentRemainingWork)->toList();
     print "Size: " . (string) $td->size() . PHP_EOL;
     print "Value: " . (string) $td->get(0)->getValue() . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #18
 public static function run($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     $time_unit_type = new TimeUnitType();
     # Get a task to calculate its duration in different formats
     $task = $project->getRootTask()->getChildren()->getById(1);
     # Get the duration in Minutes
     print (double) (string) $task->get($tsk->DURATION)->convert($time_unit_type->Minute) . PHP_EOL;
     # Get the duration in Days
     print (double) (string) $task->get($tsk->DURATION)->convert($time_unit_type->Day) . PHP_EOL;
     # Get the duration in Hours
     print (double) (string) $task->get($tsk->DURATION)->convert($time_unit_type->Hour) . PHP_EOL;
     # Get the duration in Weeks
     print (double) (string) $task->get($tsk->DURATION)->convert($time_unit_type->Week) . PHP_EOL;
     # Get the duration in Months
     print (double) (string) $task->get($tsk->DURATION)->convert($time_unit_type->Month) . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #19
 public static function get_outline_properties($dataDir = null)
     # Instantiate project object
     $project = new Project($dataDir . 'test_tasks.mpp');
     # Create a ChildTasksCollector instance
     $collector = new ChildTasksCollector();
     # Collect all the tasks from RootTask using TaskUtils
     $taskUtils = new TaskUtils();
     $taskUtils->apply($project->getRootTask(), $collector, 0);
     $tasks = $collector->getTasks();
     $tsk = new Tsk();
     # Parse through all the collected tasks
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < sizeof($tasks)) {
         $task = $tasks->get($i);
         print "Outline Level: " . (string) $task->get($tsk->OUTLINE_LEVEL) . PHP_EOL;
         // . to_string;
         print "Outline Number: " . (string) $task->get($tsk->OUTLINE_NUMBER) . PHP_EOL;
         // . to_string;
         print "---------------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL;
         $i += 1;