static function isUserLogged() { if (!isset($_COOKIE["authenticate_user"])) { return false; } else { $user = explode("|", $_COOKIE["authenticate_user"]); $db = Conf::getDB(); $res = $db->Query("SELECT id FROM adm_users WHERE md5(username)='" . $user[0] . "' AND password='******' LIMIT 1"); if (!$res) { return false; } return true; } }
$percorso .= $class_name[count($class_name) - 1] . ".php"; if (strstr($percorso, "Smarty")) { //echo $percorso; } if (file_exists($percorso)) { require_once str_replace("//", "/", $percorso); /*if($class_name[count($class_name)-1] == "Config"){ $class::setSmarter(); $class::readProperties(); $class::readParameters(); }*/ } }); Config::readParameters(); Config::setSmarter(); Config::readProperties(); $check_equal = $_GET["url"] == ADMIN_DIR || $_GET["url"] == "/" . ADMIN_DIR || $_GET["url"] == ADMIN_DIR . "/" || $_GET["url"] == "/" . ADMIN_DIR . "/"; $check = substr($_GET["url"], 0, strlen(ADMIN_DIR)) == ADMIN_DIR || substr($_GET["url"], 0, strlen(ADMIN_DIR) + 1) == "/" . ADMIN_DIR; if ($check) { $controller = new AdminController(); } if ($check_equal && COUNT($_POST) > 0) { if (AdminController::exists()) { $cook = md5($_POST["username"]) . "|" . md5($_POST["password"]); setcookie("authenticate_user", $cook, time() + 3600 * 24 * 2, "/"); $user = $controller->findBy(array("username" => $_POST["username"])); if (!isset($_SESSION["admin_user"]) || $_SESSION["admin_user"] != $_COOKIE["authenticate_user"]) { $_SESSION["admin_user"] = $_COOKIE["authenticate_user"]; $setAccess = true; } else { $setAccess = false;
public function createEntity($name) { $keys = Config::getDB()->getAllKeys($name); $creator = new EntityCreator($name, $keys, "", $this->name); $creator->create(); }
/** * * @param type $var * @return type */ private function getDbVarInfoByDB($var) { return array("type" => Config::getDB()->getColumnType($var, $this->name), "default" => Config::getDb()->GetDefaultValue($var, $this->name), "key" => isset($this->keys[$var]) ? $this->keys[$var] : null, "extra" => Config::getDb()->GetColumnExtras($var, $this->name), "nullable" => Config::getDb()->IsNullableColumn($var, $this->name)); }
public function initFields() { if ($this->from) { $this->campi = $this->ct_controller->findBy(array("id_sezione" => $this->getId(), $this->from => 1)); } else { $this->campi = $this->ct_controller->findBy(array("id_sezione" => $this->getId())); } $chiave_titolo = false; if (!isset($this->table)) { /*@var $controller_obj AbstractController*/ $this->controller = new $this->object(); $this->chiave = \CMS\Conf\Config::getDB()->getPrimaryKey($this->controller->getTableName()); } else { $this->chiave = \CMS\Conf\Config::getDB()->getPrimaryKey($this->table); } if ($this->campi == false) { if (isset($this->table)) { $this->campi = \CMS\Conf\Config::getDB()->GetColumnNames($this->table); } else { $this->campi = \CMS\Conf\Config::getDB()->GetColumnNames($this->controller->getTableName()); } $chiave_titolo = true; foreach ($this->campi as $kk => $vv) { $this->campi[$kk] = array("field" => $vv, "hidden" => false, "key" => false); if ($kk == $this->chiave) { $this->campi[$kk]["hidden"] = true; $this->campi[$kk]["key"] = true; if ($chiave_titolo) { $this->campi[$kk]["titolo"] = true; } } $this->campi[$kk] = (object) $this->campi[$kk]; $this->campi[$kk] = new \CMS\Controller\AbstractStdClass(get_object_vars($this->campi[$kk])); } } foreach ($this->campi as $kk => $vv) { $this->getExternalValues($this->campi[$kk]); } }
/** * * @param type $values * @param type $table */ private function checkValuesType(&$values, $table) { /*@var $db MySQL*/ $db = Config::getDB(); foreach ($values as $key => $val) { $type = $db->GetColumnDataType($key, $table); ////echo $type; if ($type == "VAR_STRING" || $type == "VAR_BLOB") { $values[$key] = addslashes(htmlentities($val)); } } }
/** * Creates a bundle */ public static function createBundle($bundlename = "Data", $tables = array()) { $dirname = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "\\" . $bundlename . "Bundle"; if (!file_exists($dirname)) { mkdir($dirname, 0755); } if (count($tables) > 0) { foreach ($tables as $key => $val) { if (\CMS\DbWorkers\Table::exists($val)) { \CMS\Conf\Config::createBundle($bundlename, $tables); } } } }
/** * Returns all keys of this table */ private function getAllKeys() { return Config::getDb()->getAllKeys($this->name); }
/** * Render a file based on smarty * @param type $templatename Template name * @param type $params parametri */ public function render($templatename, $params) { try { if (!file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/Resources/{$templatename}.tpl")) { throw new \Exception("Template not found!"); } else { $filename = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/Resources/{$templatename}.tpl"; } //echo $filename; /* @var CMS\Conf\Smarty $smarty*/ $smarty = Config::getSmarter(); //print_r($params); //exit; $smarty->assign("COOKIE", $_COOKIE); $smarty->assign("SESSION", $_SESSION); $smarty->assign("GET", $_GET); $smarty->assign("POST", $_POST); foreach ($params as $key => $val) { $smarty->assign($key, $val); } $smarty->display(str_replace("//", "/", $filename)); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo "Caught exception: " . $e->getMessage(); } }