public function getBody() { $o = $this->entity; // The offering $b = array(); // The session // Offerings that are not valid should not be passed here if ($o->getStatus() == Offering::COURSE_NA) { throw new \Exception("The offering is not available any more"); } $b['id'] = $o->getId(); $b['url'] = $o->getUrl(); $b['displayDate'] = $o->getDisplayDate(); $b['startDate'] = $o->getStartDate()->format('Y-m-d'); $b['startTimeStamp'] = $o->getStartTimestamp(); $b['microdataDate'] = $o->getMicrodataDate(); $b['status'] = $o->getStatus(); $b['courseId'] = $o->getCourse()->getId(); $b['slug'] = $o->getCourse()->getSlug(); // get the state $b['states'] = CourseUtility::getStates($o); $b['state'] = CourseUtility::calculateState($o); // Boost the state depending on the date. This value is used for sorting $b['state'] += CourseUtility::calculateBoost($b['states'], $o->getStartDate()); return $b; }
/** * HTML format for the blog * @param Course $course */ public function blogFormat(Course $course) { $router = $this->container->get('router'); $rs = $this->container->get('review'); $line1 = ''; // Course name $line2 = ''; // Institution name $line3 = ''; // Next Session $ratings = $rs->getRatings($course->getId()); $reviews = $rs->getReviews($course->getId()); // LINE 1 $url = '' . $router->generate('ClassCentralSiteBundle_mooc', array('id' => $course->getId(), 'slug' => $course->getSlug())); $name = $course->getName(); $line1 = "<a href='{$url}'><b>{$name}</b></a>"; // LINE 2 if ($course->getInstitutions()->count() > 0) { $ins = $course->getInstitutions()->first(); $insName = $ins->getName(); $line2 = "{$insName}"; } if ($course->getInitiative()) { $line2 .= ' via ' . $course->getInitiative()->getName(); } else { $line2 .= ' via Independent'; } $line2 = "<i>{$line2}</i>"; // LINE 3 $nextOffering = CourseUtility::getNextSession($course); if ($nextOffering) { $displayDate = $nextOffering->getDisplayDate(); $directUrl = $nextOffering->getUrl(); $states = CourseUtility::getStates($nextOffering); if (in_array('past', $states)) { $displayDate = 'TBA'; } if (in_array('selfpaced', $states)) { $displayDate = 'Self Paced'; } $ratingsLine = ''; if ($ratings > 0) { $formattedRatings = ReviewUtility::getRatingStars($ratings); $numRatings = $reviews['ratingCount']; $post = $numRatings == 1 ? 'rating' : 'ratings'; $ratingsLine = " | {$formattedRatings} (<a href='{$url}#course-all-reviews'>{$numRatings} {$post}</a>) "; } $lineDesc = ''; if ($course->getOneliner()) { $lineDesc = $course->getOneliner() . "<br/>"; } elseif ($course->getDescription()) { $lineDesc = $course->getDescription() . "<br/>"; } $line3 = "<b> <a href='{$directUrl}' target='_blank'>Go To Class</a> {$ratingsLine} | Next Session : {$displayDate} </b><br/>"; } return $line1 . '<br/>' . $line2 . '<br/>' . $lineDesc . $line3 . '<br/>'; }
/** * Takes a course entity and builds an array so that * it can be serialized and saved in a cache * @param Course $course */ public function getCourseArray(Course $course) { $courseDetails = array(); $courseDetails['id'] = $course->getId(); $courseDetails['name'] = $course->getName(); $courseDetails['videoIntro'] = $course->getVideoIntro(); $courseDetails['videoEmbedUrl'] = $this->getVideoEmbedUrl($course->getVideoIntro()); $courseDetails['length'] = $course->getLength(); $courseDetails['slug'] = $course->getSlug(); $courseDetails['url'] = $course->getUrl(); $courseDetails['nextOffering'] = null; $courseDetails['imageUrl'] = CourseUtility::getImageUrl($course); $courseDetails['status'] = $course->getStatus(); $courseDetails['certificate'] = $course->getCertificate(); $courseDetails['verifiedCertificate'] = $course->getVerifiedCertificate(); $courseDetails['workloadMin'] = $course->getWorkloadMin(); $courseDetails['workloadMax'] = $course->getWorkloadMax(); // Calculate the workload $workload = ''; if ($course->getWorkloadMin() && $course->getWorkloadMax()) { if ($course->getWorkloadMin() == $course->getWorkloadMax()) { $workload = $course->getWorkloadMin() . ' hours/week'; } else { $workload = $course->getWorkloadMin() . "-" . $course->getWorkloadMax() . ' hours/week'; } } $courseDetails['workload'] = $workload; // Get the descriptions $desc = null; $shortDesc = $course->getDescription(); // this text only. No html. Goes in the head description $longDesc = $course->getLongDescription(); //html $syllabus = $course->getSyllabus(); // html if (empty($longDesc)) { $desc = nl2br($shortDesc); } else { $desc = $longDesc; } if (strlen($shortDesc) > 500) { $shortDesc = substr($shortDesc, 0, 497) . '...'; } $courseDetails['shortDesc'] = $shortDesc; $courseDetails['syllabus'] = $syllabus; $courseDetails['longDesc'] = $longDesc; $courseDetails['desc'] = $desc; $nextOffering = $course->getNextOffering(); if ($nextOffering) { $courseDetails['nextOffering']['displayDate'] = $nextOffering->getDisplayDate(); $courseDetails['nextOffering']['id'] = $nextOffering->getId(); $courseDetails['nextOffering']['url'] = $nextOffering->getUrl(); // Get the state of this session $courseDetails['state'] = null; $states = array_intersect(array('past', 'ongoing', 'selfpaced', 'upcoming'), CourseUtility::getStates($nextOffering)); if (!empty($states)) { $courseDetails['nextOffering']['state'] = array_pop($states); } } $courseDetails['tags'] = array(); foreach ($course->getTags() as $tag) { $name = $tag->getName(); if (!empty($name)) { $courseDetails['tags'][] = $name; } } $courseDetails['listed'] = $this->getListedCount($course); // Stream $stream = $course->getStream(); $courseDetails['stream']['name'] = $stream->getName(); $courseDetails['stream']['slug'] = $stream->getSlug(); $courseDetails['stream']['showInNav'] = $stream->getShowInNav(); // Initiative $initiative = $course->getInitiative(); $courseDetails['initiative']['name'] = ''; if ($initiative != null) { $courseDetails['initiative']['name'] = $initiative->getName(); $courseDetails['initiative']['url'] = $initiative->getUrl(); $courseDetails['initiative']['tooltip'] = $initiative->getTooltip(); $courseDetails['initiative']['code'] = strtolower($initiative->getCode()); } else { $courseDetails['initiative']['name'] = 'Independent'; $courseDetails['initiative']['code'] = 'independent'; $courseDetails['initiative']['tooltip'] = 'Independent'; } // Language $lang = array(); if ($course->getLanguage()) { $l = $course->getLanguage(); $lang['name'] = $l->getName(); $lang['slug'] = $l->getSlug(); $lang['code'] = $l->getCode(); } $courseDetails['lang'] = $lang; // Institutions $courseDetails['institutions'] = array(); foreach ($course->getInstitutions() as $institution) { $courseDetails['institutions'][] = array('name' => $institution->getName(), 'url' => $institution->getUrl(), 'slug' => $institution->getSlug(), 'isUniversity' => $institution->getIsUniversity()); } // Instructors $courseDetails['instructors'] = array(); foreach ($course->getInstructors() as $instructor) { $courseDetails['instructors'][] = $instructor->getName(); } $courseDetails['instructorsSingleLineDisplay'] = $this->getInstructorsSingleLineDisplay($courseDetails['instructors']); // Check if the course has a duplicate course id if ($course->getDuplicateCourse()) { $duplicate = $course->getDuplicateCourse(); $courseDetails['duplicate'] = array('id' => $duplicate->getId(), 'slug' => $duplicate->getSlug()); } // Build an array for indepth review $indepthReview = array(); if ($course->getIndepthReview()) { $ir = $course->getIndepthReview(); $irUser = $ir->getUser(); $indepthReview = array('summary' => $ir->getSummary(), 'rating' => $ir->getRating(), 'url' => $ir->getUrl(), 'user' => array('name' => $irUser->getDisplayName(), 'id' => $irUser->getId(), 'handle' => $irUser->getHandle())); } $courseDetails['indepthReview'] = $indepthReview; // Save interview data if exists $interview = array(); if ($course->getInterview()) { $i = $course->getInterview(); $interview = array('id' => $i->getId(), 'title' => $i->getTitle(), 'summary' => $i->getSummary(), 'instructorName' => $i->getInstructorName(), 'instructorPhoto' => $i->getInstructorPhoto(), 'url' => $i->getUrl()); } $courseDetails['interview'] = $interview; // Credential details // Get the Credential $credential = array(); if (!$course->getCredentials()->isEmpty()) { $cred = $course->getCredentials()->first(); if ($cred->getStatus() < 100) { $credential['id'] = $cred->getId(); $credential['name'] = $cred->getName(); $credential['slug'] = $cred->getSlug(); $credential['certificateName'] = ''; $credential['certificateSlug'] = ''; $formatter = $cred->getFormatter(); $credential['certificateName'] = $formatter->getCertificateName(); $credential['certificateSlug'] = $formatter->getCertificateSlug(); } } $courseDetails['credential'] = $credential; return $courseDetails; }
/** * Boost the weight of courses that are upcoming or recent * @param Course $course */ private function getCourseWeight(Course $course) { $weight = 0; $ns = CourseUtility::getNextSession($course); if ($ns) { $states = CourseUtility::getStates($ns); $date = $ns->getStartDate(); if (in_array('recent', $states)) { if (in_array('ongoing', $states)) { return 23; // this means it has already started. Push it slightly down } return 25; } if (in_array('upcoming', $states)) { $dt = new \DateTime(); $dt->add(new \DateInterval('P30D')); if ($date < $dt) { return 15; } // Upcoming but later than a month return 10; } if (in_array('selfpaced', $states)) { return 14; } } return $weight; }
public function getBody() { $indexer = $this->container->get('es_indexer'); $em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager(); $rs = $this->container->get('review'); $body = array(); $c = $this->entity; // Alias for entity $body['name'] = $c->getName(); $body['id'] = $c->getId(); $body['videoIntro'] = $c->getVideoIntro(); $body['length'] = $c->getLength(); $body['slug'] = $c->getSlug(); $body['description'] = $c->getDescription(); $body['longDescription'] = $c->getLongDescription(); $body['syllabus'] = $c->getSyllabus(); $body['searchDesc'] = $c->getSearchDesc(); $body['status'] = $c->getStatus(); $body['certificate'] = $c->getCertificate(); $body['verifiedCertificate'] = $c->getVerifiedCertificate(); $body['url'] = $c->getUrl(); if ($c->getCreated()) { $body['created'] = $c->getCreated()->format(DATE_ISO8601); } // Tags $tags = array(); foreach ($c->getTags() as $tag) { $tags[] = strtolower($tag->getName()); } $body['tags'] = $tags; // Instructors $body['instructors'] = array(); foreach ($c->getInstructors() as $instructor) { $body['instructors'][] = $instructor->getName(); } // Language $body['language'] = array(); $lang = $c->getLanguage(); if ($lang) { $body['language']['name'] = $lang->getName(); $body['language']['id'] = $lang->getId(); $body['language']['slug'] = $lang->getSlug(); } else { // Set the default to english $l = $em->getRepository('ClassCentralSiteBundle:Language')->findOneBy(array('slug' => 'english')); $body['language']['name'] = $l->getName(); $body['language']['id'] = $l->getId(); $body['language']['slug'] = $l->getSlug(); } // Institutions $body['institutions'] = array(); foreach ($c->getInstitutions() as $ins) { $iDoc = new InstitutionDocumentType($ins, $this->container); $body['institutions'][] = $iDoc->getBody(); } // Provider $body['provider'] = array(); if ($c->getInitiative()) { $provider = $c->getInitiative(); } else { // create an independent provider $provider = new Initiative(); $provider->setName('Independent'); $provider->setCode('independent'); } $pDoc = new ProviderDocumentType($provider, $this->container); $body['provider'] = $pDoc->getBody(); // Get the next session $body['nextSession'] = array(); $ns = CourseUtility::getNextSession($c); if ($ns) { $nsDoc = new SessionDocumentType($ns, $this->container); $body['nextSession'] = $nsDoc->getBody(); } // Subject $subjects = array(); $sub = $c->getStream(); if ($sub->getParentStream()) { // Add the parent stream first $psDoc = new SubjectDocumentType($sub->getParentStream(), $this->container); $subjects[] = $psDoc->getBody(); } $sDoc = new SubjectDocumentType($sub, $this->container); $subjects[] = $sDoc->getBody(); $body['subjects'] = $subjects; // Sessions. Add sessions to the records $sessions = array(); $body['sessions'] = array(); foreach ($c->getOfferings() as $session) { // Ignore invalid session if ($session->getStatus() == Offering::COURSE_NA) { continue; } $sDoc = new SessionDocumentType($session, $this->container); $sessions[] = $sDoc->getBody(); } $body['sessions'] = $sessions; $body['numSessions'] = count($sessions); $body['rating'] = $rs->getRatings($c->getId()); $body['ratingSort'] = $rs->getBayesianAverageRating($c->getId()); $rArray = $rs->getReviewsArray($c->getId()); $body['reviewsCount'] = $rArray['count']; $body['ratingStars'] = ReviewUtility::getRatingStars($body['rating']); $body['formattedRating'] = ReviewUtility::formatRating($body['rating']); // Get Followed count $courseRepo = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager()->getRepository('ClassCentralSiteBundle:Course'); $body['followed'] = intval($courseRepo->getListedCount($c)); // Check if the course being offered is new // Definition of new - created 30 days ago $oneMonthAgo = new \DateTime(); $oneMonthAgo->sub(new \DateInterval("P30D")); $newCourse = false; if ($c->getCreated() >= $oneMonthAgo) { $newCourse = true; } $body['new'] = intval($newCourse); $startingSoon = false; $oneMonthLater = new \DateTime(); $oneMonthLater->add(new \DateInterval("P30D")); if ($ns && !in_array('selfpaced', $body['nextSession']['states']) && in_array('upcoming', $body['nextSession']['states'])) { if ($ns->getStartDate() < $oneMonthLater and $ns->getStatus() != Offering::START_DATES_UNKNOWN) { $startingSoon = true; } } $body['startingSoon'] = intval($startingSoon); // Get the Credential $credential = array(); if (!$c->getCredentials()->isEmpty()) { $cred = $c->getCredentials()->first(); if ($cred->getStatus() < 100) { $credential['id'] = $cred->getId(); $credential['name'] = $cred->getName(); $credential['slug'] = $cred->getSlug(); $credential['certificateName'] = ''; $credential['certificateSlug'] = ''; $credFormatter = $cred->getFormatter(); $credential['certificateName'] = $credFormatter->getCertificateName(); $credential['certificateSlug'] = $credFormatter->getCertificateSlug(); } } $body['credential'] = $credential; return $body; }
public function getBody() { $indexer = $this->container->get('es_indexer'); $em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager(); $rs = $this->container->get('review'); $body = array(); $c = $this->entity; // Alias for entity $body['name'] = $c->getName(); $body['id'] = $c->getId(); $body['videoIntro'] = $c->getVideoIntro(); $body['length'] = $c->getLength(); $body['slug'] = $c->getSlug(); $body['description'] = $c->getDescription(); $body['longDescription'] = $c->getLongDescription(); $body['syllabus'] = $c->getSyllabus(); $body['searchDesc'] = $c->getSearchDesc(); $body['status'] = $c->getStatus(); $body['certificate'] = $c->getCertificate(); $body['verifiedCertificate'] = $c->getVerifiedCertificate(); $body['url'] = $c->getUrl(); // Tags $tags = array(); foreach ($c->getTags() as $tag) { $tags[] = strtolower($tag->getName()); } $body['tags'] = $tags; // Instructors $body['instructors'] = array(); foreach ($c->getInstructors() as $instructor) { $body['instructors'][] = $instructor->getName(); } // Language $body['language'] = array(); $lang = $c->getLanguage(); if ($lang) { $body['language']['name'] = $lang->getName(); $body['language']['id'] = $lang->getId(); $body['language']['slug'] = $lang->getSlug(); } else { // Set the default to english $l = $em->getRepository('ClassCentralSiteBundle:Language')->findOneBy(array('slug' => 'english')); $body['language']['name'] = $l->getName(); $body['language']['id'] = $l->getId(); $body['language']['slug'] = $l->getSlug(); } // Institutions $body['institutions'] = array(); foreach ($c->getInstitutions() as $ins) { $iDoc = new InstitutionDocumentType($ins, $this->container); $body['institutions'][] = $iDoc->getBody(); } // Provider $body['provider'] = array(); if ($c->getInitiative()) { $provider = $c->getInitiative(); } else { // create an independent provider $provider = new Initiative(); $provider->setName('Independent'); $provider->setCode('independent'); } $pDoc = new ProviderDocumentType($provider, $this->container); $body['provider'] = $pDoc->getBody(); // Get the next session $body['nextSession'] = array(); $ns = CourseUtility::getNextSession($c); if ($ns) { $nsDoc = new SessionDocumentType($ns, $this->container); $body['nextSession'] = $nsDoc->getBody(); } // Subject $subjects = array(); $sub = $c->getStream(); if ($sub->getParentStream()) { // Add the parent stream first $psDoc = new SubjectDocumentType($sub->getParentStream(), $this->container); $subjects[] = $psDoc->getBody(); } $sDoc = new SubjectDocumentType($sub, $this->container); $subjects[] = $sDoc->getBody(); $body['subjects'] = $subjects; // Sessions. Add sessions to the records $sessions = array(); $body['sessions'] = array(); foreach ($c->getOfferings() as $session) { // Ignore invalid session if ($session->getStatus() == Offering::COURSE_NA) { continue; } $sDoc = new SessionDocumentType($session, $this->container); $sessions[] = $sDoc->getBody(); } $body['sessions'] = $sessions; $body['rating'] = $rs->getRatings($c->getId()); $body['ratingSort'] = $rs->getBayesianAverageRating($c->getId()); $rArray = $rs->getReviewsArray($c->getId()); $body['reviewsCount'] = $rArray['count']; $body['ratingStars'] = ReviewUtility::getRatingStars($body['rating']); $body['formattedRating'] = ReviewUtility::formatRating($body['rating']); // Get the Credential $credential = array(); if (!$c->getCredentials()->isEmpty()) { $cred = $c->getCredentials()->first(); if ($cred->getStatus() < 100) { $credential['id'] = $cred->getId(); $credential['name'] = $cred->getName(); $credential['slug'] = $cred->getSlug(); $credential['certificateName'] = ''; $credential['certificateSlug'] = ''; $credFormatter = $cred->getFormatter(); $credential['certificateName'] = $credFormatter->getCertificateName(); $credential['certificateSlug'] = $credFormatter->getCertificateSlug(); } } $body['credential'] = $credential; return $body; }
public function testGetNextSession() { $c = new Course(); // Finished offerings $fo1 = $this->buildOffering(1, new \DateTime("2012-06-03"), Offering::START_DATES_KNOWN); $fo2 = $this->buildOffering(2, new \DateTime("2012-05-03"), Offering::START_DATES_KNOWN); $fo3 = $this->buildOffering(3, new \DateTime("2012-07-03"), Offering::START_DATES_KNOWN); // Ongoing session $oodt1 = new \DateTime(); $oodt1->sub(new \DateInterval("P10D")); $oo1 = $this->buildOffering(4, $oodt1, Offering::START_DATES_KNOWN); // Self paced session $so1 = $this->buildOffering(5, new \DateTime("2012-07-03"), Offering::COURSE_OPEN); // Upcoming sessions $uo1 = $this->buildOffering(6, $this->getFutureDateUtility("P20D"), Offering::START_DATES_KNOWN); $uo2 = $this->buildOffering(7, $this->getFutureDateUtility("P10D"), Offering::START_DATES_KNOWN); $uo3 = $this->buildOffering(8, $this->getFutureDateUtility("P30D"), Offering::START_DATES_KNOWN); // Course with single finished offering $c->addOffering($fo1); $next = CourseUtility::getNextSession($c); $this->assertEquals($fo1->getId(), $next->getId()); // Course with multiple finished offering $c->addOffering($fo2); $c->addOffering($fo3); $next = CourseUtility::getNextSession($c); $this->assertEquals($fo3->getId(), $next->getId()); // Course with ongoing sessions $c->addOffering($oo1); $next = CourseUtility::getNextSession($c); $this->assertEquals($oo1->getId(), $next->getId()); // Course with with self paced sessions $c->addOffering($so1); $next = CourseUtility::getNextSession($c); $this->assertEquals($so1->getId(), $next->getId()); // Course with single upcoming session $c->addOffering($uo1); $next = CourseUtility::getNextSession($c); $this->assertEquals($uo1->getId(), $next->getId()); // Course with multiple upcoming sessions $c->addOffering($uo2); $c->addOffering($uo3); $next = CourseUtility::getNextSession($c); $this->assertEquals($uo2->getId(), $next->getId()); }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $month = $input->getArgument('month'); $year = $input->getArgument('year'); $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager(); $network = NetworkFactory::get($input->getOption('network'), $output); $network->setContainer($this->getContainer()); $isReddit = $input->getOption('network') == 'Reddit' || $input->getOption('cs') == 'Yes'; $courseToLevelMap = RedditNetwork::getCourseToLevelMap(); $offerings = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager()->getRepository('ClassCentralSiteBundle:Offering')->courseReport($month, $year); // Segreagate by Initiative $offeringsByInitiative = array(); $offeringsByStream = array(); $offeringsByLevel = array('beginner' => array(), 'intermediate' => array(), 'advanced' => array(), 'uncategorized' => array()); foreach ($offerings as $offering) { if ($offering->getInitiative() == null) { $initiative = 'Others'; } else { $initiative = $offering->getInitiative()->getName(); } // Skip unapproved courses if ($offering->getCourse()->getStatus() != CourseStatus::AVAILABLE) { continue; } if ($offering->getStatus() == Offering::START_DATES_UNKNOWN) { continue; } // Skip self paced courses if ($offering->getStatus() == Offering::COURSE_OPEN) { continue; } $offeringsByInitiative[$initiative][] = $offering; $subject = $offering->getCourse()->getStream(); if ($subject->getParentStream()) { $subject = $subject->getParentStream(); } $offeringsByStream[$subject->getName()][] = $offering; if ($isReddit && ($subject->getName() == 'Computer Science' || $subject->getName() == 'Programming')) { $courseId = $offering->getCourse()->getId(); if (isset($courseToLevelMap[$courseId])) { $offeringsByLevel[$courseToLevelMap[$courseId]][] = $offering; } else { $offeringsByLevel['uncategorized'][] = $offering; } } } // Segregate by Stream $network->setRouter($this->getContainer()->get('router')); $coursesByCount = array(); if ($isReddit) { foreach ($offeringsByLevel as $level => $offerings) { $count = count($offerings); $network->outLevel(ucfirst($level), $count); $network->beforeOffering(); foreach ($offerings as $offering) { $network->outOffering($offering); // Count the number of times its been added to my courses $added = $em->getRepository('ClassCentralSiteBundle:UserCourse')->findBy(array('course' => $offering->getCourse())); $timesOffered = 0; foreach ($offering->getCourse()->getOfferings() as $o) { $states = CourseUtility::getStates($o); if (in_array('past', $states) || in_array('ongoing', $states)) { $timesOffered++; } } if ($timesOffered < 2) { $timesAdded = count($added); $coursesByCount[$offering->getCourse()->getName()] = $timesAdded; } } } } else { foreach ($offeringsByStream as $stream => $offerings) { $subject = $offerings[0]->getCourse()->getStream(); if ($subject->getParentStream()) { $subject = $subject->getParentStream(); } $count = count($offerings); $network->outInitiative($subject, $count); $network->beforeOffering(); foreach ($offerings as $offering) { $network->outOffering($offering); // Count the number of times its been added to my courses $added = $em->getRepository('ClassCentralSiteBundle:UserCourse')->findBy(array('course' => $offering->getCourse())); $timesOffered = 0; foreach ($offering->getCourse()->getOfferings() as $o) { $states = CourseUtility::getStates($o); if (in_array('past', $states) || in_array('ongoing', $states)) { $timesOffered++; } } if ($timesOffered < 1) { $timesAdded = count($added); $coursesByCount[$offering->getCourse()->getName()] = $timesAdded; } } } } asort($coursesByCount); /* $formatter = $this->getContainer()->get('course_formatter'); $repo = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager()->getRepository('ClassCentralSiteBundle:Course'); $i= 0; foreach($coursesByCount as $courseId => $count) { $c = $repo->find($courseId ); echo $formatter->blogFormat( $c ) . "\n"; $i++; if($i == 10) break; } */ print_r($coursesByCount); }
public function tableRowFormat(Course $course) { $followColumn = ''; $courseNameColumn = ''; $startDateColumn = ''; $ratingColumn = ''; $router = $this->container->get('router'); $rs = $this->container->get('review'); // $courseUrl = '' . $router->generate('ClassCentralSiteBundle_mooc', array('id' => $course->getId(), 'slug' => $course->getSlug())); $courseName = $course->getName(); // COLUMN 1 - FOLLOW $followUrl = $courseUrl . '?follow=true'; $followColumn = "<td width='30px' style='vertical-align: top'><a href='{$followUrl}' style='color: red;font-size: 25px;text-decoration: none' target='_blank'>♥</a></td>"; // COLUMN 2 - COURSE NAME $providerLine = ''; if ($course->getInstitutions()->count() > 0) { $ins = $course->getInstitutions()->first(); $providerLine = $ins->getName(); $providerLine = "{$providerLine}"; } if ($course->getInitiative()) { $providerLine .= ' via ' . $course->getInitiative()->getName(); } else { $providerLine .= ' via Independent'; } $providerLine = "<i>{$providerLine}</i>"; $courseNameColumn = "<td><a href='{$courseUrl}'>{$courseName}</a><br/>{$providerLine}</td>"; // COLUMN 3 - START DATE $nextOffering = CourseUtility::getNextSession($course); if (!$nextOffering) { return ''; } $displayDate = $nextOffering->getDisplayDate(); $states = CourseUtility::getStates($nextOffering); if (in_array('past', $states)) { $displayDate = 'TBA'; } if (in_array('selfpaced', $states)) { $displayDate = 'Self Paced'; } $startDateColumn = "<td>{$displayDate}</td>"; // COLUMN 4 - RATING $ratings = $rs->getRatings($course->getId()); $reviews = $rs->getReviews($course->getId()); $ratingsLine = ReviewUtility::getRatingStars(0); // Default value if ($ratings > 0) { $formattedRatings = ReviewUtility::getRatingStars($ratings); $numRatings = $reviews['ratingCount']; $post = $numRatings == 1 ? 'rating' : 'ratings'; $ratingsLine = "{$formattedRatings} (<a href='{$courseUrl}#reviews'>{$numRatings}</a>) "; } $ratingColumn = "<td>{$ratingsLine}</td>"; return "<tr>" . $followColumn . $courseNameColumn . $ratingColumn . "</tr>"; }
public static function getStates(Offering $offering) { $state = CourseUtility::calculateState($offering); return self::getStatesFromState($state); }