/** * @param CentreonEngine\Events\AddHost $event */ public static function execute(AddHostEvent $event) { $pollerId = $event->getPollerId(); $hostList = $event->getHostList(); foreach ($hostList as &$host) { if ($host['host_name'] === '_Module_BAM') { unset($host); } } $event->setHostList($hostList); }
/** * * @param array $filesList * @param int $poller_id * @param string $path * @param string $filename * @param CentreonEngine\Events\GetMacroHost $hostMacroEvent * @param CentreonEngine\Events\GetMacroService $serviceMacroEvent */ public static function generate(&$filesList, $poller_id, $path, $filename, $hostMacroEvent, $serviceMacroEvent) { $di = Di::getDefault(); /* Get Database Connexion */ $dbconn = $di->get('db_centreon'); /* Get disabled fields */ $disableField = static::getTripleChoice(); /* Init Content Array */ $content = array(); /* Get information into the database. */ $fields = static::getFields(); $query = "SELECT {$fields} \n FROM cfg_hosts \n WHERE host_activate = '1' \n AND (host_register = '1' \n OR host_register = '2') \n AND poller_id = ?\n ORDER BY host_name"; $stmt = $dbconn->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(array($poller_id)); $hostList = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $event = $di->get('events'); $addHostEvent = new AddHostEvent($poller_id, $hostList); $event->emit('centreon-engine.add.host', array($addHostEvent)); $hostList = $addHostEvent->getHostList(); foreach ($hostList as $host) { $content = array(); $tmp = array("type" => "host"); $tmpData = array(); $args = ""; $host_id = null; /* Write Host Properties */ foreach ($host as $key => $value) { if ($key == "host_id") { $host_id = $host["host_id"]; /* Add host_id macro for broker - This is mandatory*/ $tmpData["_HOST_ID"] = $host_id; $host_name = ""; } elseif ($key == "host_snmp_community" && $value != "") { $tmpData["_SNMPCOMMUNITY"] = $value; } elseif ($key == "host_snmp_version" && $value != "") { $tmpData["_SNMPVERSION"] = $value; } elseif (isset($disableField[$key]) && $value != 2 && $value != "") { $key = str_replace("host_", "", $key); $tmpData[$key] = $value; } elseif (!isset($disableField[$key]) && $value != "") { if ($key != 'host_name') { $key = str_replace("host_", "", $key); } else { $host_name = $value; } if ($key == 'command_command_id_arg1' || $key == 'command_command_id_arg2') { $args = $value; } else { if ($key == 'check_command' || $key == 'event_handler') { $value = CommandConfigurationRepository::getCommandName($value) . $args; $args = ""; } else { if ($key == 'check_period') { $value = TimeperiodConfigurationRepository::getPeriodName($value); } else { if ($key == 'timezone_id') { $key = 'timezone'; if ($value != 'NULL') { $tName = \CentreonAdministration\Models\Timezone::getParameters($value, array('name')); $value = ':' . $tName['name']; } } } } } $tmpData[$key] = $value; } } if (!is_null($host_id)) { $templates = HostTemplateConfigurationRepository::getTemplates($host_id); if ($templates != "") { $tmpData['use'] = $templates; } } /* Generate macro */ $macros = CustomMacroRepository::loadHostCustomMacro($host_id); if (is_array($macros) && count($macros)) { foreach ($macros as $macro) { if (preg_match('/^\\$_HOST(.+)\\$$/', $macro['macro_name'], $m)) { $name = "_{$m[1]}"; $tmpData[$name] = $macro['macro_value']; } } } /* Macros that can be generated from other modules */ $extraMacros = $hostMacroEvent->getMacro($host_id); foreach ($extraMacros as $macroName => $macroValue) { $macroName = "_{$macroName}"; $tmpData[$macroName] = $macroValue; } $tmpData['register'] = 1; $tmp["content"] = $tmpData; $content[] = $tmp; /* Write Service Properties */ $services = ServiceRepository::generate($host_id, $serviceMacroEvent); foreach ($services as $contentService) { $content[] = $contentService; } WriteConfigFile::writeObjectFile($content, $path . $poller_id . "/objects.d/" . $filename . $host_name . "-" . $host_id . ".cfg", $filesList, "API"); } unset($content); }