コード例 #1
ファイル: JulianField.php プロジェクト: celest-time/prototype
 public function adjustInto(Temporal $temporal, $newValue)
     if ($this->range()->isValidValue($newValue) == false) {
         throw new DateTimeException("Invalid value: " . $this->name . " " . $newValue);
     return $temporal->with(CF::EPOCH_DAY(), Math::subtractExact($newValue, $this->offset));
コード例 #2
  * @dataProvider data_instantNoZone
 public function test_parse_instantNoZone_supported(DateTimeFormatter $formatter, $text, Instant $expected)
     $actual = $formatter->parse($text);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::INSTANT_SECONDS()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::EPOCH_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::SECOND_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::NANO_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::MICRO_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::MILLI_OF_SECOND()), true);
コード例 #3
 public function isSupportedBy(TemporalAccessor $temporal)
     return $temporal->isSupported(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY()) && IsoFields::isIso($temporal);
コード例 #4
 function data_fieldBased()
     return [[CF::DAY_OF_WEEK(), true, false], [CF::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH(), true, false], [CF::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR(), true, false], [CF::DAY_OF_MONTH(), true, false], [CF::DAY_OF_YEAR(), true, false], [CF::EPOCH_DAY(), true, false], [CF::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH(), true, false], [CF::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR(), true, false], [CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), true, false], [CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH(), true, false], [CF::YEAR_OF_ERA(), true, false], [CF::YEAR(), true, false], [CF::ERA(), true, false], [CF::AMPM_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::HOUR_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM(), false, true], [CF::HOUR_OF_AMPM(), false, true], [CF::MINUTE_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::MINUTE_OF_HOUR(), false, true], [CF::SECOND_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::SECOND_OF_MINUTE(), false, true], [CF::MILLI_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::MILLI_OF_SECOND(), false, true], [CF::MICRO_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::MICRO_OF_SECOND(), false, true], [CF::NANO_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::NANO_OF_SECOND(), false, true]];
コード例 #5
  * Resolves parsed {@code ChronoField} values into a date during parsing.
  * <p>
  * Most {@code TemporalField} implementations are resolved using the
  * resolve method on the field. By contrast, the {@code ChronoField} class
  * defines fields that only have meaning relative to the chronology.
  * As such, {@code ChronoField} date fields are resolved here in the
  * context of a specific chronology.
  * <p>
  * {@code ChronoField} instances are resolved by this method, which may
  * be overridden in subclasses.
  * <ul>
  * <li>{@code EPOCH_DAY} - If present, this is converted to a date and
  *  all other date fields are then cross-checked against the date.
  * <li>{@code PROLEPTIC_MONTH} - If present, then it is split into the
  *  {@code YEAR} and {@code MONTH_OF_YEAR}. If the mode is strict or smart
  *  then the field is validated.
  * <li>{@code YEAR_OF_ERA} and {@code ERA} - If both are present, then they
  *  are combined to form a {@code YEAR}. In lenient mode, the {@code YEAR_OF_ERA}
  *  range is not validated, in smart and strict mode it is. The {@code ERA} is
  *  validated for range in all three modes. If only the {@code YEAR_OF_ERA} is
  *  present, and the mode is smart or lenient, then the last available era
  *  is assumed. In strict mode, no era is assumed and the {@code YEAR_OF_ERA} is
  *  left untouched. If only the {@code ERA} is present, then it is left untouched.
  * <li>{@code YEAR}, {@code MONTH_OF_YEAR} and {@code DAY_OF_MONTH} -
  *  If all three are present, then they are combined to form a date.
  *  In all three modes, the {@code YEAR} is validated.
  *  If the mode is smart or strict, then the month and day are validated.
  *  If the mode is lenient, then the date is combined in a manner equivalent to
  *  creating a date on the first day of the first month in the requested year,
  *  then adding the difference in months, then the difference in days.
  *  If the mode is smart, and the day-of-month is greater than the maximum for
  *  the year-month, then the day-of-month is adjusted to the last day-of-month.
  *  If the mode is strict, then the three fields must form a valid date.
  * <li>{@code YEAR} and {@code DAY_OF_YEAR} -
  *  If both are present, then they are combined to form a date.
  *  In all three modes, the {@code YEAR} is validated.
  *  If the mode is lenient, then the date is combined in a manner equivalent to
  *  creating a date on the first day of the requested year, then adding
  *  the difference in days.
  *  If the mode is smart or strict, then the two fields must form a valid date.
  * <li>{@code YEAR}, {@code MONTH_OF_YEAR}, {@code ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH} and
  *  If all four are present, then they are combined to form a date.
  *  In all three modes, the {@code YEAR} is validated.
  *  If the mode is lenient, then the date is combined in a manner equivalent to
  *  creating a date on the first day of the first month in the requested year, then adding
  *  the difference in months, then the difference in weeks, then in days.
  *  If the mode is smart or strict, then the all four fields are validated to
  *  their outer ranges. The date is then combined in a manner equivalent to
  *  creating a date on the first day of the requested year and month, then adding
  *  the amount in weeks and days to reach their values. If the mode is strict,
  *  the date is additionally validated to check that the day and week adjustment
  *  did not change the month.
  * <li>{@code YEAR}, {@code MONTH_OF_YEAR}, {@code ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH} and
  *  {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} - If all four are present, then they are combined to
  *  form a date. The approach is the same as described above for
  *  years, months and weeks in {@code ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH}.
  *  The day-of-week is adjusted as the next or same matching day-of-week once
  *  the years, months and weeks have been handled.
  * <li>{@code YEAR}, {@code ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR} and {@code ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR} -
  *  If all three are present, then they are combined to form a date.
  *  In all three modes, the {@code YEAR} is validated.
  *  If the mode is lenient, then the date is combined in a manner equivalent to
  *  creating a date on the first day of the requested year, then adding
  *  the difference in weeks, then in days.
  *  If the mode is smart or strict, then the all three fields are validated to
  *  their outer ranges. The date is then combined in a manner equivalent to
  *  creating a date on the first day of the requested year, then adding
  *  the amount in weeks and days to reach their values. If the mode is strict,
  *  the date is additionally validated to check that the day and week adjustment
  *  did not change the year.
  * <li>{@code YEAR}, {@code ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR} and {@code DAY_OF_WEEK} -
  *  If all three are present, then they are combined to form a date.
  *  The approach is the same as described above for years and weeks in
  *  {@code ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR}. The day-of-week is adjusted as the
  *  next or same matching day-of-week once the years and weeks have been handled.
  * </ul>
  * <p>
  * The default implementation is suitable for most calendar systems.
  * If {@link java.time.temporal.ChronoField#YEAR_OF_ERA} is found without an {@link java.time.temporal.ChronoField#ERA}
  * then the last era in {@link #eras()} is used.
  * The implementation assumes a 7 day week, that the first day-of-month
  * has the value 1, that first day-of-year has the value 1, and that the
  * first of the month and year always exists.
  * @param FieldValues $fieldValues the map of fields to values, which can be updated, not null
  * @param ResolverStyle $resolverStyle the requested type of resolve, not null
  * @return ChronoLocalDate the resolved date, null if insufficient information to create a date
  * @throws DateTimeException if the date cannot be resolved, typically
  *  because of a conflict in the input data
 public function resolveDate(FieldValues $fieldValues, ResolverStyle $resolverStyle)
     // check epoch-day before inventing era
     if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY())) {
         return $this->dateEpochDay($fieldValues->remove(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY()));
     // fix proleptic month before inventing era
     $this->resolveProlepticMonth($fieldValues, $resolverStyle);
     // invent era if necessary to resolve year-of-era
     $resolved = $this->resolveYearOfEra($fieldValues, $resolverStyle);
     if ($resolved !== null) {
         return $resolved;
     // build date
     if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::YEAR())) {
         if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR())) {
             if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH())) {
                 return $this->resolveYMD($fieldValues, $resolverStyle);
             if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH())) {
                 if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH())) {
                     return $this->resolveYMAA($fieldValues, $resolverStyle);
                 if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK())) {
                     return $this->resolveYMAD($fieldValues, $resolverStyle);
         if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::DAY_OF_YEAR())) {
             return $this->resolveYD($fieldValues, $resolverStyle);
         if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR())) {
             if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR())) {
                 return $this->resolveYAA($fieldValues, $resolverStyle);
             if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK())) {
                 return $this->resolveYAD($fieldValues, $resolverStyle);
     return null;
コード例 #6
  * @inheritdoc
 public function toEpochDay()
     return $this->getLong(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY());
コード例 #7
ファイル: LocalDate.php プロジェクト: celest-time/prototype
  * Returns a copy of this date with the specified field set to a new value.
  * <p>
  * This returns a {@code LocalDate}, based on this one, with the value
  * for the specified field changed.
  * This can be used to change any supported field, such as the year, month or day-of-month.
  * If it is not possible to set the value, because the field is not supported or for
  * some other reason, an exception is thrown.
  * <p>
  * In some cases, changing the specified field can cause the resulting date to become invalid,
  * such as changing the month from 31st January to February would make the day-of-month invalid.
  * In cases like this, the field is responsible for resolving the date. Typically it will choose
  * the previous valid date, which would be the last valid day of February in this example.
  * <p>
  * If the field is a {@link ChronoField} then the adjustment is implemented here.
  * The supported fields behave as follows:
  * <ul>
  * <li>{@code DAY_OF_WEEK} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified day-of-week.
  *  The date is adjusted up to 6 days forward or backward within the boundary
  *  of a Monday to Sunday week.
  * <li>{@code ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified aligned-day-of-week.
  *  The date is adjusted to the specified month-based aligned-day-of-week.
  *  Aligned weeks are counted such that the first week of a given month starts
  *  on the first day of that month.
  *  This may cause the date to be moved up to 6 days into the following month.
  * <li>{@code ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified aligned-day-of-week.
  *  The date is adjusted to the specified year-based aligned-day-of-week.
  *  Aligned weeks are counted such that the first week of a given year starts
  *  on the first day of that year.
  *  This may cause the date to be moved up to 6 days into the following year.
  * <li>{@code DAY_OF_MONTH} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified day-of-month.
  *  The month and year will be unchanged. If the day-of-month is invalid for the
  *  year and month, then a {@code DateTimeException} is thrown.
  * <li>{@code DAY_OF_YEAR} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified day-of-year.
  *  The year will be unchanged. If the day-of-year is invalid for the
  *  year, then a {@code DateTimeException} is thrown.
  * <li>{@code EPOCH_DAY} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified epoch-day.
  *  This completely replaces the date and is equivalent to {@link #ofEpochDay(long)}.
  * <li>{@code ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified aligned-week-of-month.
  *  Aligned weeks are counted such that the first week of a given month starts
  *  on the first day of that month.
  *  This adjustment moves the date in whole week chunks to match the specified week.
  *  The result will have the same day-of-week as this date.
  *  This may cause the date to be moved into the following month.
  * <li>{@code ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified aligned-week-of-year.
  *  Aligned weeks are counted such that the first week of a given year starts
  *  on the first day of that year.
  *  This adjustment moves the date in whole week chunks to match the specified week.
  *  The result will have the same day-of-week as this date.
  *  This may cause the date to be moved into the following year.
  * <li>{@code MONTH_OF_YEAR} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified month-of-year.
  *  The year will be unchanged. The day-of-month will also be unchanged,
  *  unless it would be invalid for the new month and year. In that case, the
  *  day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value for the new month and year.
  * <li>{@code PROLEPTIC_MONTH} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified proleptic-month.
  *  The day-of-month will be unchanged, unless it would be invalid for the new month
  *  and year. In that case, the day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value
  *  for the new month and year.
  * <li>{@code YEAR_OF_ERA} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified year-of-era.
  *  The era and month will be unchanged. The day-of-month will also be unchanged,
  *  unless it would be invalid for the new month and year. In that case, the
  *  day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value for the new month and year.
  * <li>{@code YEAR} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified year.
  *  The month will be unchanged. The day-of-month will also be unchanged,
  *  unless it would be invalid for the new month and year. In that case, the
  *  day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value for the new month and year.
  * <li>{@code ERA} -
  *  Returns a {@code LocalDate} with the specified era.
  *  The year-of-era and month will be unchanged. The day-of-month will also be unchanged,
  *  unless it would be invalid for the new month and year. In that case, the
  *  day-of-month is adjusted to the maximum valid value for the new month and year.
  * </ul>
  * <p>
  * In all cases, if the new value is outside the valid range of values for the field
  * then a {@code DateTimeException} will be thrown.
  * <p>
  * All other {@code ChronoField} instances will throw an {@code UnsupportedTemporalTypeException}.
  * <p>
  * If the field is not a {@code ChronoField}, then the result of this method
  * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalField.adjustInto(Temporal, long)}
  * passing {@code this} as the argument. In this case, the field determines
  * whether and how to adjust the instant.
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param TemporalField $field the field to set in the result, not null
  * @param int $newValue the new value of the field in the result
  * @return LocalDate a {@code LocalDate} based on {@code this} with the specified field set, not null
  * @throws DateTimeException if the field cannot be set
  * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the field is not supported
  * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
 public function with(TemporalField $field, $newValue)
     if ($field instanceof ChronoField) {
         /** @var Chronofield $f */
         $f = $field;
         switch ($f) {
             case ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK():
                 return $this->plusDays($newValue - $this->getDayOfWeek()->getValue());
             case ChronoField::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH():
                 return $this->plusDays($newValue - $this->getLong(ChronoField::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH()));
             case ChronoField::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR():
                 return $this->plusDays($newValue - $this->getLong(ChronoField::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR()));
             case ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH():
                 return $this->withDayOfMonth((int) $newValue);
             case ChronoField::DAY_OF_YEAR():
                 return $this->withDayOfYear((int) $newValue);
             case ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY():
                 return LocalDate::ofEpochDay($newValue);
             case ChronoField::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH():
                 return $this->plusWeeks($newValue - $this->getLong(ChronoField::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH()));
             case ChronoField::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR():
                 return $this->plusWeeks($newValue - $this->getLong(ChronoField::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR()));
             case ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR():
                 return $this->withMonth((int) $newValue);
             case ChronoField::PROLEPTIC_MONTH():
                 return $this->plusMonths($newValue - $this->getProlepticMonth());
             case ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA():
                 return $this->withYear((int) ($this->year >= 1 ? $newValue : 1 - $newValue));
             case ChronoField::YEAR():
                 return $this->withYear((int) $newValue);
             case ChronoField::ERA():
                 return $this->getLong(ChronoField::ERA()) == $newValue ? $this : $this->withYear(1 - $this->year);
         throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported field: " . $field);
     return $field->adjustInto($this, $newValue);
コード例 #8
 public function test_withZone_parsedZone_override()
     $f = (new DateTimeFormatterBuilder())->parseDefaulting(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), 2)->appendZoneId()->toFormatter();
     $f = $f->withZone(self::EUROPE_ATHENS());
     $accessor = $f->parse("Europe/Paris");
     $this->assertEquals($accessor->query(TemporalQueries::localDate()), LocalDate::of(1970, 1, 3));
     $this->assertEquals($accessor->query(TemporalQueries::localTime()), null);
     $this->assertEquals($accessor->query(TemporalQueries::zoneId()), self::EUROPE_PARIS());
コード例 #9
 public function isSupportedBy(TemporalAccessor $temporal)
     return $temporal->isSupported(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY()) && AbstractChronology::from($temporal)->equals(IsoChronology::INSTANCE());
コード例 #10
 function data_samples()
     return [[ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), self::JAN01_1970(), 0], [JulianFields::JULIAN_DAY(), self::JAN01_1970(), 2400001 + 40587], [JulianFields::MODIFIED_JULIAN_DAY(), self::JAN01_1970(), 40587], [JulianFields::RATA_DIE(), self::JAN01_1970(), 710347 + (40587 - 31771)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), self::DEC31_1969(), -1], [JulianFields::JULIAN_DAY(), self::DEC31_1969(), 2400001 + 40586], [JulianFields::MODIFIED_JULIAN_DAY(), self::DEC31_1969(), 40586], [JulianFields::RATA_DIE(), self::DEC31_1969(), 710347 + (40586 - 31771)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), self::NOV12_1945(), -24 * 365 - 6 - 31 - 30 + 11], [JulianFields::JULIAN_DAY(), self::NOV12_1945(), 2431772], [JulianFields::MODIFIED_JULIAN_DAY(), self::NOV12_1945(), 31771], [JulianFields::RATA_DIE(), self::NOV12_1945(), 710347], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), self::JAN01_0001(), -24 * 365 - 6 - 31 - 30 + 11 - 710346], [JulianFields::JULIAN_DAY(), self::JAN01_0001(), 2431772 - 710346], [JulianFields::MODIFIED_JULIAN_DAY(), self::JAN01_0001(), 31771 - 710346], [JulianFields::RATA_DIE(), self::JAN01_0001(), 1]];
コード例 #11
 function data_combine()
     return [[ChronoField::YEAR(), 2012, ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 6, ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH(), 3, null, null, LocalDate::class, LocalDate::of(2012, 6, 3)], [ChronoField::PROLEPTIC_MONTH(), 2012 * 12 + 6 - 1, ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH(), 3, null, null, null, null, LocalDate::class, LocalDate::of(2012, 6, 3)], [ChronoField::YEAR(), 2012, ChronoField::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR(), 6, ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 3, null, null, LocalDate::class, LocalDate::of(2012, 2, 8)], [ChronoField::YEAR(), 2012, ChronoField::DAY_OF_YEAR(), 155, null, null, null, null, LocalDate::class, LocalDate::of(2012, 6, 3)], [ChronoField::YEAR(), 2012, ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 6, null, null, null, null, LocalDate::class, null], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), 12, null, null, null, null, null, null, LocalDate::class, LocalDate::of(1970, 1, 13)]];
コード例 #12
  * @inheritdoc
 public function adjustInto(Temporal $temporal)
     return $temporal->with(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), $this->toLocalDate()->toEpochDay())->with(ChronoField::NANO_OF_DAY(), $this->toLocalTime()->toNanoOfDay());
コード例 #13
ファイル: TCKYearTest.php プロジェクト: celest-time/prototype
 public function test_isSupported_TemporalField()
     // TODO check
     //$this->assertEquals(TEST_2008.isSupported((TemporalField) null()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::NANO_OF_SECOND()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::NANO_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::MICRO_OF_SECOND()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::MICRO_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::MILLI_OF_SECOND()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::MILLI_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::SECOND_OF_MINUTE()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::SECOND_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::MINUTE_OF_HOUR()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::MINUTE_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::HOUR_OF_AMPM()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::HOUR_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::AMPM_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::DAY_OF_YEAR()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::PROLEPTIC_MONTH()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA()), true);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::ERA()), true);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::INSTANT_SECONDS()), false);
     $this->assertEquals(self::$TEST_2008->isSupported(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS()), false);
コード例 #14
 public function until(Temporal $endExclusive, TemporalUnit $unit)
     $end = $this->getChronology()->localDateTime($endExclusive);
     if ($unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
         if ($unit->isTimeBased()) {
             $amount = $end->getLong(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY()) - $this->date->getLong(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY());
             switch ($unit) {
                 case ChronoUnit::NANOS():
                     $amount = Math::multiplyExact($amount, self::NANOS_PER_DAY);
                 case ChronoUnit::MICROS():
                     $amount = Math::multiplyExact($amount, self::MICROS_PER_DAY);
                 case ChronoUnit::MILLIS():
                     $amount = Math::multiplyExact($amount, self::MILLIS_PER_DAY);
                 case ChronoUnit::SECONDS():
                     $amount = Math::multiplyExact($amount, self::SECONDS_PER_DAY);
                 case ChronoUnit::MINUTES():
                     $amount = Math::multiplyExact($amount, self::MINUTES_PER_DAY);
                 case ChronoUnit::HOURS():
                     $amount = Math::multiplyExact($amount, self::HOURS_PER_DAY);
                 case ChronoUnit::HALF_DAYS():
                     $amount = Math::multiplyExact($amount, 2);
             return Math::addExact($amount, $this->time->until($end->toLocalTime(), $unit));
         $endDate = $end->toLocalDate();
         if ($end->toLocalTime()->isBefore($this->time)) {
             $endDate = $endDate->minus(1, ChronoUnit::DAYS());
         return $this->date->until($endDate, $unit);
     return $unit->between($this, $end);
コード例 #15
  * A query for {@code LocalDate} returning null if not found.
  * @param TemporalAccessor $temporal
  * @return null|LocalDate
 public static function _localDate(TemporalAccessor $temporal)
     if ($temporal->isSupported(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY())) {
         return LocalDate::ofEpochDay($temporal->getLong(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY()));
     return null;
コード例 #16
 public function getLong(TemporalField $field)
     if ($field == ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY()) {
         return LocalDate::of(2012, 6, 30)->toEpochDay();
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
コード例 #17
 public function test_isSupported_TemporalField()
     // TODO $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(null), false);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::NANO_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::NANO_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MICRO_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MICRO_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MILLI_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MILLI_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::SECOND_OF_MINUTE()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::SECOND_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MINUTE_OF_HOUR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MINUTE_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::HOUR_OF_AMPM()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::HOUR_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::AMPM_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::DAY_OF_WEEK()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::DAY_OF_MONTH()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::DAY_OF_YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::EPOCH_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::YEAR_OF_ERA()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ERA()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::INSTANT_SECONDS()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::OFFSET_SECONDS()), true);
コード例 #18
 private static function adjust(TemporalAccessor $temporal, DateTimeFormatter $formatter)
     // normal case first (early return is an optimization)
     $overrideChrono = $formatter->getChronology();
     $overrideZone = $formatter->getZone();
     if ($overrideChrono == null && $overrideZone == null) {
         return $temporal;
     // ensure minimal change (early return is an optimization)
     $temporalChrono = $temporal->query(TemporalQueries::chronology());
     $temporalZone = $temporal->query(TemporalQueries::zoneId());
     if ($temporalChrono !== null && $temporalChrono->equals($overrideChrono)) {
         $overrideChrono = null;
     if ($temporalZone !== null && $temporalZone->equals($overrideZone)) {
         $overrideZone = null;
     if ($overrideChrono === null && $overrideZone === null) {
         return $temporal;
     // make adjustment
     $effectiveChrono = $overrideChrono != null ? $overrideChrono : $temporalChrono;
     if ($overrideZone != null) {
         // if have zone and instant, calculation is simple, defaulting chrono if necessary
         if ($temporal->isSupported(ChronoField::INSTANT_SECONDS())) {
             $chrono = $effectiveChrono != null ? $effectiveChrono : IsoChronology::INSTANCE();
             return $chrono->zonedDateTime(Instant::from($temporal), $overrideZone);
         // block changing zone on OffsetTime, and similar problem cases
         if ($overrideZone->normalized() instanceof ZoneOffset && $temporal->isSupported(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS()) && $temporal->get(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS()) != $overrideZone->getRules()->getOffset(Instant::EPOCH())->getTotalSeconds()) {
             throw new DateTimeException("Unable to apply override zone '" . $overrideZone . "' because the temporal object being formatted has a different offset but" . " does not represent an instant: " . $temporal);
     $effectiveZone = $overrideZone !== null ? $overrideZone : $temporalZone;
     $effectiveDate = null;
     if ($overrideChrono !== null) {
         if ($temporal->isSupported(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY())) {
             $effectiveDate = $effectiveChrono->dateFrom($temporal);
         } else {
             // check for date fields other than epoch-day, ignoring case of converting null to ISO
             if (!($overrideChrono == IsoChronology::INSTANCE() && $temporalChrono === null)) {
                 foreach (ChronoField::values() as $f) {
                     if ($f->isDateBased() && $temporal->isSupported($f)) {
                         throw new DateTimeException("Unable to apply override chronology '" . $overrideChrono . "' because the temporal object being formatted contains date fields but" . " does not represent a whole date: " . $temporal);
             $effectiveDate = null;
     } else {
         $effectiveDate = null;
     // combine available data
     // this is a non-standard temporal that is almost a pure delegate
     // this better handles map-like underlying temporal instances
     return new Test($effectiveDate, $temporal, $effectiveZone, $effectiveChrono);
コード例 #19
  * Adjusts the specified temporal object to have the same offset, date
  * and time as this object.
  * <p>
  * This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input
  * with the offset, date and time changed to be the same as this.
  * <p>
  * The adjustment is equivalent to using {@link Temporal#with(TemporalField, long)}
  * three times, passing {@link ChronoField#EPOCH_DAY},
  * {@link ChronoField#NANO_OF_DAY} and {@link ChronoField#OFFSET_SECONDS} as the fields.
  * <p>
  * In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using
  * {@link Temporal#with(TemporalAdjuster)}:
  * <pre>
  *   // these two lines are equivalent, but the second approach is recommended
  *   temporal = thisOffsetDateTime.adjustInto(temporal);
  *   temporal = temporal.with(thisOffsetDateTime);
  * </pre>
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param Temporal $temporal the target object to be adjusted, not null
  * @return Temporal the adjusted object, not null
  * @throws DateTimeException if unable to make the adjustment
  * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
 public function adjustInto(Temporal $temporal)
     // OffsetDateTime is treated as three separate fields, not an instant
     // this produces the most consistent set of results overall
     // the offset is set after the date and time, as it is typically a small
     // tweak to the result, with ZonedDateTime frequently ignoring the offset
     return $temporal->with(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), $this->toLocalDate()->toEpochDay())->with(ChronoField::NANO_OF_DAY(), $this->toLocalTime()->toNanoOfDay())->with(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS(), $this->getOffset()->getTotalSeconds());
コード例 #20
ファイル: IsoUnit.php プロジェクト: celest-time/prototype
 public function isSupportedBy(Temporal $temporal)
     return $temporal->isSupported(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY());