/** * installs a field for plugin * * @param int $pluginId Id of the plugin creating the field * @param int $tabId Id of tab into which to install the field * @param SimpleXMLElement $field XML element of the field to install * @return int|false Field id or False on error */ function installField($pluginId, $tabId, $field) { global $_CB_database, $_PLUGINS; // Check to see if plugin tab already exists in db if (!$field->attributes('fieldid')) { $_CB_database->setQuery("SELECT fieldid FROM #__comprofiler_fields WHERE name = '" . $field->attributes('name') . "'"); $fieldid = $_CB_database->loadResult(); } else { $fieldid = $field->attributes('fieldid'); } $row = new FieldTable(); if ($fieldid) { $row->load((int) $fieldid); } $row->name = $field->attributes('name'); $row->pluginid = $pluginId; $row->tabid = $tabId; $row->type = $field->attributes('type'); $row->calculated = (int) $field->attributes('calculated'); if (!$row->fieldid) { $row->title = $field->attributes('title'); $row->description = trim($field->attributes('description')); $row->ordering = 99; $row->registration = $field->attributes('registration'); $row->profile = $field->attributes('profile'); $row->edit = $field->attributes('edit'); $row->readonly = $field->attributes('readonly'); $row->searchable = $field->attributes('searchable'); $row->params = $field->attributes('params'); } $dbTable = $field->getElementByPath('database/table'); if ($dbTable !== false) { $table = $dbTable->attributes('name'); } else { $table = $field->attributes('table'); } if ($table) { $row->table = $table; } else { $row->table = '#__comprofiler'; } // if the field type is unknown, suppose it's a field type of the plugin: $fieldTypePluginId = $_PLUGINS->getUserFieldPluginId($row->type); if (!$fieldTypePluginId) { // and register it so that the XML file for custom type can be found for store: $_PLUGINS->registerUserFieldTypes(array($row->type => 'CBfield_' . $row->type), $pluginId); } if (!$row->store()) { $this->setError(1, 'SQL error on field store2' . ': ' . $row->getError()); return false; } $fieldid = (int) $row->fieldid; return $fieldid; }
/** * Commented CBT calls for language parser pickup: Moved to cb.core.php so they get picked-up in front-end language file and not in backend one. */ function loadSampleData() { global $_CB_Backend_Title; @set_time_limit(240); $_CB_Backend_Title = array(0 => array('fa fa-wrench', CBTxt::T('TOOLS_SAMPLE_DATA_TITLE', 'CB Tools: Sample Data: Results'))); $return = null; $affected = false; $tab = new TabTable(); $tab->load(array('title' => '_UE_ADDITIONAL_INFO_HEADER')); if (!$tab->tabid) { $affected = true; $tab->set('title', '_UE_ADDITIONAL_INFO_HEADER'); $tab->set('displaytype', 'menunested'); $tab->set('position', 'canvas_main_middle'); $tab->set('viewaccesslevel', 1); $tab->set('enabled', 1); $tab->set('ordering', 1); if ($tab->getError() || !$tab->store()) { $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix text-danger">' . CBTxt::T('TOOLS_SAMPLE_DATA_TAB_NOT_OK', 'Tab [title] failed to add. Error: [error]', array('[title]' => $tab->get('title'), '[error]' => $tab->getError())) . '</div>'; } } if ($affected) { $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix text-success">' . CBTxt::T('TOOLS_SAMPLE_DATA_TAB_OK', 'Tab Added Successfully!') . '</div>'; } $affected = false; $fields = array('cb_website' => array('title' => '_UE_Website', 'type' => 'webaddress', 'registration' => 0, 'ordering' => 1), 'cb_location' => array('title' => '_UE_Location', 'type' => 'text', 'maxlength' => 50, 'size' => 25, 'registration' => 0, 'ordering' => 2), 'cb_occupation' => array('title' => '_UE_Occupation', 'type' => 'text', 'registration' => 0, 'ordering' => 3), 'cb_interests' => array('title' => '_UE_Interests', 'type' => 'text', 'registration' => 0, 'ordering' => 4), 'cb_company' => array('title' => '_UE_Company', 'type' => 'text', 'ordering' => 5), 'cb_city' => array('title' => '_UE_City', 'type' => 'text', 'ordering' => 6), 'cb_state' => array('title' => '_UE_State', 'type' => 'text', 'maxlength' => 10, 'size' => 4, 'ordering' => 7), 'cb_zipcode' => array('title' => '_UE_ZipCode', 'type' => 'text', 'ordering' => 8), 'cb_country' => array('title' => '_UE_Country', 'type' => 'text', 'ordering' => 9), 'cb_address' => array('title' => '_UE_Address', 'type' => 'text', 'ordering' => 10), 'cb_phone' => array('title' => '_UE_PHONE', 'type' => 'text', 'ordering' => 11), 'cb_fax' => array('title' => '_UE_FAX', 'type' => 'text', 'ordering' => 12)); foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $fieldSettings) { $field = new FieldTable(); $field->load(array('name' => $fieldName)); if (!$field->fieldid) { $affected = true; $field->set('name', $fieldName); $field->set('registration', 1); $field->set('profile', 1); $field->set('edit', 1); $field->set('published', 1); foreach ($fieldSettings as $column => $value) { $field->set($column, $value); } $field->set('tabid', $tab->tabid); $field->set('pluginid', 1); if ($field->getError() || !$field->store()) { $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix text-danger">' . CBTxt::T('TOOLS_SAMPLE_DATA_FIELD_NOT_OK', 'Field [name] failed to add. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->get('name'), '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } } if ($affected) { $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix text-success">' . CBTxt::T('TOOLS_SAMPLE_DATA_FIELD_OK', 'Fields Added Successfully!') . '</div>'; } $affected = false; $list = new ListTable(); $list->load(array('title' => 'Members List')); if (!$list->listid) { $affected = true; $list->set('title', 'Members List'); $list->set('viewaccesslevel', 1); $list->set('usergroupids', '1|*|6|*|7|*|2|*|3|*|4|*|5|*|8'); $list->set('default', 1); $list->set('published', 1); $list->set('ordering', 1); $listParams = new Registry(); $listParams->set('sort_mode', '0'); $listParams->set('basic_sort', array(array('column' => 'username', 'direction' => 'ASC'))); $listParams->set('columns', array(array('title' => 'User', 'size' => '3', 'fields' => array(array('field' => '17', 'display' => '4'), array('field' => '29', 'display' => '4'), array('field' => '42', 'display' => '4'), array('field' => '26', 'display' => '4'))), array('title' => 'Info', 'size' => '9', 'fields' => array(array('field' => '27', 'display' => '1'), array('field' => '49', 'display' => '1'), array('field' => '28', 'display' => '1'))))); $listParams->set('list_grid_layout', '1'); $list->set('params', $listParams->asJson()); if ($list->getError() || !$list->store()) { $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix text-danger">' . CBTxt::T('TOOLS_SAMPLE_DATA_LIST_NOT_OK', 'List [title] failed to add. Error: [error]', array('[title]' => $list->get('title'), '[error]' => $tab->getError())) . '</div>'; } } if ($affected) { $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix text-success">' . CBTxt::T('TOOLS_SAMPLE_DATA_LIST_OK', 'List Added Successfully!') . '</div>'; } if (!$return) { $return .= '<div class="form-group cb_form_line clearfix">' . CBTxt::T('TOOLS_SAMPLE_DATA_ALREADY_CONFIGURED', 'Sample Data is already loaded!') . '</div>'; } echo $return; }
function cbInstaller_install_plugins(&$return) { global $_CB_framework, $_CB_adminpath, $ueConfig; cbimport('cb.adminfilesystem'); cbimport('cb.installer'); $cbDatabase = \CBLib\Application\Application::Database(); // List of core plugins that are no longer core, but we just want to disable core status and not remove as they don't conflict: $deprecated = array('bootstrap', 'winclassic', 'webfx', 'osx', 'luna', 'dark', 'yanc', 'cb.mamblogtab', 'cb.simpleboardtab', 'cb.authortab'); foreach ($deprecated as $pluginElement) { $plugin = new PluginTable(); if ($plugin->load(array('element' => $pluginElement))) { $query = "UPDATE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_plugin') . "\n SET " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('iscore') . " = 0" . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('id') . " = " . (int) $plugin->id; $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); if (!$cbDatabase->query()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Plugin [element] failed to deprecate. Please run Tools > Check Community Builder Database to reattempt.', array('[element]' => $pluginElement)) . '</div>'; } $query = "UPDATE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_tabs') . "\n SET " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('sys') . " = 0" . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('pluginid') . " = " . (int) $plugin->id; $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); if (!$cbDatabase->query()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Plugin [element] tabs failed to deprecate. Please run Tools > Check Community Builder Database to reattempt.', array('[element]' => $pluginElement)) . '</div>'; } $query = "UPDATE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_fields') . "\n SET " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('sys') . " = 0" . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('pluginid') . " = " . (int) $plugin->id; $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); if (!$cbDatabase->query()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Plugin [element] fields failed to deprecate. Please run Tools > Check Community Builder Database to reattempt.', array('[element]' => $pluginElement)) . '</div>'; } } } // List of plugins that conflict with the core that need to be removed (normally due to being merged into core): $conflicted = array('bootstrap', 'winclassic', 'webfx', 'osx', 'luna', 'dark', 'yanc', 'cb.mamblogtab', 'cb.authortab', 'cbvideofield', 'cb.filefield'); foreach ($conflicted as $pluginElement) { $plugin = new PluginTable(); if ($plugin->load(array('element' => $pluginElement))) { if (!cbInstaller_uninstall_plugin($plugin, $return)) { return false; } } } // Ensure Default template, CB Core, and language plugins are published as they are not allowed to be unpublished: $query = "UPDATE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_plugin') . "\n SET " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('published') . " = 1" . "\n WHERE ( " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('id') . " IN " . $cbDatabase->safeArrayOfIntegers(array(1, 7)) . ' OR ' . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('type') . ' = ' . $cbDatabase->quote('language') . ' )'; $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $cbDatabase->query(); $pluginsFile = $_CB_adminpath . 'pluginsfiles.tgz'; // We need to ensure the core plugins archive actually exists before doing anything with it: if (!file_exists($pluginsFile)) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Core plugins archive [path] missing.', array('[path]' => $pluginsFile)) . '</div>'; return false; } // We need zlib to unzip packages so lets check that it exists: if (!extension_loaded('zlib')) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::T('Core plugins can not be installed as zlib is not installed.') . '</div>'; return false; } $installer = new cbInstallerPlugin(); // Uncompress the core plugins so we can install them: if (!$installer->upload($pluginsFile, true, false)) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Core plugins can not be installed as uncompressing [path] failed.', array('[path]' => $pluginsFile)) . '</div>'; return false; } $adminFS = cbAdminFileSystem::getInstance(); $baseDir = $_CB_framework->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_comprofiler'; // Create the base plugin directory: if (!$adminFS->is_dir($baseDir . '/plugin')) { if (!$adminFS->mkdir($baseDir . '/plugin')) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Failed to create directory [path].', array('[path]' => $baseDir . '/plugin')) . '</div>'; return false; } if (!$adminFS->copy($baseDir . '/index.html', $baseDir . '/plugin/index.html')) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Failed to create index [path].', array('[path]' => $baseDir . '/plugin/index.html')) . '</div>'; return false; } } // Create the language template directory: if (!$adminFS->is_dir($baseDir . '/plugin/language')) { if (!$adminFS->mkdir($baseDir . '/plugin/language')) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Failed to create directory [path].', array('[path]' => $baseDir . '/plugin/language')) . '</div>'; return false; } if (!$adminFS->copy($baseDir . '/index.html', $baseDir . '/plugin/language/index.html')) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Failed to create index [path].', array('[path]' => $baseDir . '/plugin/language/index.html')) . '</div>'; return false; } } // Create the template plugin directory: if (!$adminFS->is_dir($baseDir . '/plugin/templates')) { if (!$adminFS->mkdir($baseDir . '/plugin/templates')) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Failed to create directory [path].', array('[path]' => $baseDir . '/plugin/templates')) . '</div>'; return false; } if (!$adminFS->copy($baseDir . '/index.html', $baseDir . '/plugin/templates/index.html')) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Failed to create index [path].', array('[path]' => $baseDir . '/plugin/templates/index.html')) . '</div>'; return false; } } // Create the user plugin directory: if (!$adminFS->is_dir($baseDir . '/plugin/user')) { if (!$adminFS->mkdir($baseDir . '/plugin/user')) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Failed to create directory [path].', array('[path]' => $baseDir . '/plugin/user')) . '</div>'; return false; } if (!$adminFS->copy($baseDir . '/index.html', $baseDir . '/plugin/user/index.html')) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Failed to create index [path].', array('[path]' => $baseDir . '/plugin/user/index.html')) . '</div>'; return false; } } // Install core plugins 1 by 1 silently: $installFrom = $installer->installDir(); $filesList = cbReadDirectory($installFrom, '.', true); foreach ($filesList as $file) { if (preg_match('/^.+\\.xml$/i', $file)) { $plgPath = $installFrom . (substr($installFrom, -1, 1) == '/' ? '' : '/') . $file; $plgXml = new SimpleXMLElement(trim(file_get_contents($plgPath))); if ($plgXml->getName() == 'cbinstall') { $plgDir = dirname($plgPath) . '/'; ob_start(); $plgInstaller = new cbInstallerPlugin(); $installed = $plgInstaller->install($plgDir); ob_end_clean(); if (!$installed) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Installing core plugin [plugin] failed with error [error].', array('[plugin]' => $plgInstaller->i_elementname ? $plgInstaller->i_elementname : $file, '[error]' => $plgInstaller->getError())) . '</div>'; return false; } } } } // Delete the expanded core plugins archive: $result = $adminFS->deldir(_cbPathName($installFrom . '/')); if ($result === false) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::T('Deleting expanded core plugins archive failed.') . '</div>'; } // Delete the core plugins archive: $result = $adminFS->unlink(_cbPathName($pluginsFile, false)); if ($result === false) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Deleting core plugins archive [path] failed.', array('[path]' => $pluginsFile)) . '</div>'; } // Sets the as ready so config can actually load this time: \CB\Application\CBConfig::setCbConfigReadyToLoad(true); // Load the config now that the tables exist encase they didn't during install: \CB\Application\CBConfig::loadLegacyCBueConfig(); // Migrate old file based configuration to database based configuration: $newConfig = null; if ($adminFS->file_exists($_CB_adminpath . 'ue_config.php')) { /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ include_once $_CB_adminpath . 'ue_config.php'; // Reset the template back to default if upgrading from a 1.x install: $ueConfig['templatedir'] = 'default'; $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } // Convert CB 1.x nesttabs into new nested tab display mode if needed: if (isset($ueConfig['nesttabs'])) { // Update all the tabs that would have normally auto-nested and make them nested displays $query = 'UPDATE ' . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_tabs') . "\n SET " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('displaytype') . " = " . $cbDatabase->Quote('nested') . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('displaytype') . " = " . $cbDatabase->Quote('tab') . "\n AND " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('fields') . " = 1" . "\n AND ( ( " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('pluginclass') . " IS NULL )" . ' OR ( ' . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('sys') . ' = 2 ) )'; $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $cbDatabase->query(); unset($ueConfig['nesttabs']); $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } // Migrate global avatar params to field params: if (isset($ueConfig['allowAvatar']) || isset($ueConfig['defaultAvatar']) || isset($ueConfig['defaultPendingAvatar']) || isset($ueConfig['allowAvatarGallery'])) { $field = new FieldTable(); if ($field->load(array('name' => 'avatar'))) { $fieldParams = new Registry($field->params); if (isset($ueConfig['allowAvatar'])) { $fieldParams->set('image_allow_uploads', (int) $ueConfig['allowAvatar']); unset($ueConfig['allowAvatar']); } if (isset($ueConfig['defaultAvatar'])) { $fieldParams->set('defaultAvatar', $ueConfig['defaultAvatar']); unset($ueConfig['defaultAvatar']); } if (isset($ueConfig['defaultPendingAvatar'])) { $fieldParams->set('defaultPendingAvatar', $ueConfig['defaultPendingAvatar']); unset($ueConfig['defaultPendingAvatar']); } if (isset($ueConfig['allowAvatarGallery'])) { $fieldParams->set('image_allow_gallery', (int) $ueConfig['allowAvatarGallery']); unset($ueConfig['allowAvatarGallery']); } $field->set('params', $fieldParams->asJson()); if (!$field->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Field [name] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->name, '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } // Migrate global email ajax checker to field specific param: if (isset($ueConfig['reg_email_checker'])) { $field = new FieldTable(); if ($field->load(array('name' => 'email'))) { $fieldParams = new Registry($field->params); $fieldParams->set('field_check_email', (string) $ueConfig['reg_email_checker']); $field->set('params', $fieldParams->asJson()); if (!$field->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Field [name] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->name, '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } unset($ueConfig['reg_email_checker']); $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } // Migrate global image params to field params: if (isset($ueConfig['allowAvatarUpload'])) { $query = 'SELECT *' . "\n FROM " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_fields') . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('name') . " != " . $cbDatabase->Quote('avatar') . "\n AND " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('type') . " = " . $cbDatabase->Quote('image'); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $fields = $cbDatabase->loadObjectList(null, '\\CB\\Database\\Table\\FieldTable', array($cbDatabase)); /** @var $fields FieldTable[] */ foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldParams = new Registry($field->params); $fieldParams->set('image_allow_uploads', (int) $ueConfig['allowAvatarUpload']); $field->set('params', $fieldParams->asJson()); if (!$field->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Field [name] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->name, '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } unset($ueConfig['allowAvatarUpload']); $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } // Convert CB 1.x allow_profileviewbyGID into new profile_viewaccesslevel if needed: if (isset($ueConfig['allow_profileviewbyGID']) && !isset($ueConfig['profile_viewaccesslevel'])) { $ueConfig['profile_viewaccesslevel'] = \CBLib\Application\Application::CmsPermissions()->convertOldGroupToViewAccessLevel($ueConfig['allow_profileviewbyGID'], 'CB Profiles access'); unset($ueConfig['allow_profileviewbyGID']); $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } // Convert CB 1.x allow_profileviewbyGID into new profile_viewaccesslevel if needed: if (isset($ueConfig['imageApproverGid']) && !isset($ueConfig['moderator_viewaccesslevel'])) { $ueConfig['moderator_viewaccesslevel'] = \CBLib\Application\Application::CmsPermissions()->convertOldGroupToViewAccessLevel($ueConfig['imageApproverGid'], 'CB Moderators access'); unset($ueConfig['imageApproverGid']); $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } // If old configuration for terms and conditions exists we need to pass it to the terms and conditions field: if (isset($ueConfig['reg_enable_toc']) && isset($ueConfig['reg_toc_url'])) { if ($ueConfig['reg_enable_toc'] == 1 && $ueConfig['reg_toc_url'] != '') { $field = new FieldTable(); if ($field->load(array('name' => 'acceptedterms'))) { $fieldParams = new Registry($field->params); if ($fieldParams->get('terms_url') == '') { $fieldParams->set('terms_url', $ueConfig['reg_toc_url']); $field->set('required', 1); $field->set('registration', 1); $field->set('edit', 1); $field->set('params', $fieldParams->asJson()); if (!$field->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Field [name] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->name, '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } } } unset($ueConfig['reg_enable_toc']); unset($ueConfig['reg_toc_url']); $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } // If old configuration for userlists exists we need to pass it to the userlist it self: if (isset($ueConfig['num_per_page']) && isset($ueConfig['allow_profilelink'])) { if ($ueConfig['num_per_page'] != '' || $ueConfig['allow_profilelink'] != 1) { $query = 'SELECT *' . "\n FROM " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_lists'); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $lists = $cbDatabase->loadObjectList(null, '\\CB\\Database\\Table\\ListTable', array($cbDatabase)); /** @var $lists ListTable[] */ foreach ($lists as $list) { $listParams = new Registry($list->params); $changed = false; if ($ueConfig['num_per_page'] != '' && $listParams->get('list_limit') == '') { $listParams->set('list_limit', $ueConfig['num_per_page']); $changed = true; } if ($ueConfig['allow_profilelink'] != 1 && $listParams->get('allow_profilelink') == '') { $listParams->set('allow_profilelink', $ueConfig['allow_profilelink']); $changed = true; } if ($changed) { $list->set('params', $listParams->asJson()); if (!$list->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Userlist [title] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $list->title, '[error]' => $list->getError())) . '</div>'; } } } } unset($ueConfig['num_per_page']); unset($ueConfig['allow_profilelink']); $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } // Establish default for any missing config params: $configXml = new SimpleXMLElement(trim(file_get_contents($_CB_adminpath . 'xmlcb/views/view.com_comprofiler.editconfig.xml'))); if ($configXml) { $configXmlParams = $configXml->xpath('//param'); if ($configXmlParams) { $configXmlSet = false; foreach ($configXmlParams as $configXmlParam) { $k = (string) $configXmlParam->attributes('name'); if (!isset($ueConfig[$k])) { $v = (string) $configXmlParam->attributes('default'); if ($k) { $ueConfig[$k] = $v; $configXmlSet = true; } } } if ($configXmlSet) { $newConfig = json_encode($ueConfig); } } } // Update cb.core with the new cb config: if ($newConfig) { $query = "UPDATE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_plugin') . "\n SET " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('params') . " = " . $cbDatabase->Quote($newConfig) . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('id') . " = 1"; $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); if (!$cbDatabase->query()) { $_CB_framework->enqueueMessage(CBTxt::P('Failed to update configuration params in database. Error: [error]', array('[error]' => $cbDatabase->getErrorMsg())), 'error'); return false; } } // Remove the old config file if it exists as we migrated above already: if ($adminFS->file_exists($_CB_adminpath . 'ue_config.php')) { $adminFS->unlink($_CB_adminpath . 'ue_config.php'); } // Migrate old userlist columns to new usage: $tableFields = $cbDatabase->getTableFields('#__comprofiler_lists'); if (isset($tableFields['#__comprofiler_lists'])) { $userListFields = array_keys($tableFields['#__comprofiler_lists']); $userListOldFields = array('useraccessgroupid', 'sortfields', 'filterfields', 'col1title', 'col1enabled', 'col1fields', 'col1captions', 'col2title', 'col2enabled', 'col2fields', 'col2captions', 'col3title', 'col3enabled', 'col3fields', 'col3captions', 'col4title', 'col4enabled', 'col4fields', 'col4captions'); // At least 1 legacy column still exists so lets begin migration of userlists: if (array_intersect($userListOldFields, $userListFields)) { $query = 'SELECT *' . "\n FROM " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_lists'); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $lists = $cbDatabase->loadObjectList(null, '\\CB\\Database\\Table\\ListTable', array($cbDatabase)); /** @var $lists ListTable[] */ foreach ($lists as $list) { $listParams = new Registry($list->params); $listSorting = array(); $listSortFields = $list->get('sortfields') ? explode(', ', str_replace('`', '', $list->get('sortfields'))) : array(); $paramsChanged = false; foreach ($listSortFields as $listSortField) { $sortParts = explode(' ', $listSortField); $sortField = isset($sortParts[0]) ? trim($sortParts[0]) : null; if ($sortField) { $sortDirection = isset($sortParts[1]) ? trim($sortParts[1]) : 'ASC'; $listSorting[] = array('column' => $sortField, 'direction' => $sortDirection); } } if ($listSorting) { $paramsChanged = true; $listParams->set('sort_mode', '0'); $listParams->set('basic_sort', $listSorting); } $listFilterFields = $list->get('filterfields'); if ($listFilterFields) { $filterType = substr($listFilterFields, 0, 1); $listFilterFields = rawurldecode(substr($listFilterFields, 2, -1)); if ($filterType == 'a') { $paramsChanged = true; $listParams->set('filter_mode', '1'); $listParams->set('filter_advanced', $listFilterFields); } else { $listFilters = array(); $basicFilters = explode(' AND ', $listFilterFields); foreach ($basicFilters as $basicFilter) { if (preg_match('/`(.+)`\\s*(.+)\\s*\'(.*)\'|`(.+)`\\s*(.+)/i', $basicFilter, $matches)) { $filterField = isset($filterParts[1]) ? $filterParts[1] : (isset($filterParts[4]) ? $filterParts[4] : null); $filterOperator = isset($filterParts[2]) ? $filterParts[2] : (isset($filterParts[5]) ? $filterParts[5] : null); $filterVal = isset($filterParts[3]) ? $filterParts[3] : ''; switch ($filterOperator) { case '!=': $filterOperator = '<>||ISNULL'; break; case 'IS NULL': case "= ''": $filterOperator = '='; $filterVal = ''; break; case 'IS NOT NULL': case "!= ''": $filterOperator = '!='; $filterVal = ''; break; } if ($filterField && $filterOperator) { $listFilters[] = array('column' => $filterField, 'operator' => $filterOperator, 'value' => $filterVal); } } } if ($listFilters) { $paramsChanged = true; $listParams->set('filter_mode', '0'); $listParams->set('filter_basic', $listFilters); } } } $listColumns = array(); for ($i = 1, $n = 4; $i <= $n; $i++) { if ($list->get('col' . $i . 'enabled')) { $columnTitle = $list->get('col' . $i . 'title', ''); $columnCaptions = (int) $list->get('col' . $i . 'captions', 0); $columnFields = $list->get('col' . $i . 'fields') ? explode('|*|', $list->get('col' . $i . 'fields')) : array(); $listFields = array(); foreach ($columnFields as $columnField) { $listFields[] = array('field' => (string) $columnField, 'display' => $columnCaptions ? '1' : '4'); } if ($listFields) { $listColumns[] = array('title' => $columnTitle, 'size' => '3', 'cssclass' => '', 'fields' => $listFields); } } } if ($listColumns) { $paramsChanged = true; $listParams->set('columns', $listColumns); } if ($paramsChanged || $list->get('usergroupids')) { $list->set('usergroupids', implode('|*|', explode(', ', $list->get('usergroupids')))); $list->set('params', $listParams->asJson()); if (!$list->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Userlist [title] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $list->title, '[error]' => $list->getError())) . '</div>'; } } } $userListDrop = array(); foreach ($userListOldFields as $userListOldField) { if (in_array($userListOldField, $userListFields)) { $userListDrop[] = $cbDatabase->NameQuote($userListOldField); } } if ($userListDrop) { $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_lists') . "\n DROP " . implode(', DROP ', $userListDrop); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $cbDatabase->query(); } } } // Migrates password strength parameters: $plugin = new PluginTable(); if ($plugin->load(array('element' => 'cbpasswordstrength'))) { $query = "SELECT *" . "\n FROM " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_fields') . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('type') . " = " . $cbDatabase->Quote('password'); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $fields = $cbDatabase->loadObjectList(null, '\\CB\\Database\\Table\\FieldTable', array($cbDatabase)); /** @var $fields FieldTable[] */ foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldParams = new Registry($field->params); $fieldParams->set('passTestSrength', (string) $fieldParams->get('pswstr_display', 1)); $field->set('params', $fieldParams->asJson()); if (!$field->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Field [name] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->name, '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } if (!cbInstaller_uninstall_plugin($plugin, $return)) { return false; } } // Migrates ajax points field parameters: $plugin = new PluginTable(); if ($plugin->load(array('element' => 'cbajaxpointsfield'))) { $query = "SELECT *" . "\n FROM " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_fields') . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('type') . " = " . $cbDatabase->Quote('ajaxpoints'); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $fields = $cbDatabase->loadObjectList(null, '\\CB\\Database\\Table\\FieldTable', array($cbDatabase)); /** @var $fields FieldTable[] */ foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldParams = new Registry($field->params); switch ((int) $fieldParams->get('ajax_layout', 1)) { case 1: $fieldParams->set('points_layout', '[minus] [value] [plus]'); break; case 2: $fieldParams->set('points_layout', '[plus] [value] [minus]'); break; case 3: $fieldParams->set('points_layout', '[value] [minus][plus]'); break; case 4: $fieldParams->set('points_layout', '[value] [plus][minus]'); break; case 5: $fieldParams->set('points_layout', '[minus][plus] [value]'); break; case 6: $fieldParams->set('points_layout', '[plus][minus] [value]'); break; } $fieldParams->set('points_inc_plus', (string) $fieldParams->get('ajax_increment_up', 1)); $fieldParams->set('points_inc_minus', (string) $fieldParams->get('ajax_increment_down', 1)); $fieldParams->set('points_access', '8'); $fieldParams->set('points_access_custom', (string) $fieldParams->get('ajax_access', 0)); $field->set('type', 'points'); $field->set('pluginid', 1); $field->set('params', $fieldParams->asJson()); if (!$field->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Field [name] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->name, '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } if (!cbInstaller_uninstall_plugin($plugin, $return)) { return false; } } // Migrates rating field parameters: $plugin = new PluginTable(); if ($plugin->load(array('element' => 'ratingfield'))) { $query = "SELECT *" . "\n FROM " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_fields') . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('type') . " IN " . $cbDatabase->safeArrayOfStrings(array('myrating', 'yourrating')); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $fields = $cbDatabase->loadObjectList(null, '\\CB\\Database\\Table\\FieldTable', array($cbDatabase)); /** @var $fields FieldTable[] */ foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldParams = new Registry($field->params); if ($field->type == 'myrating') { $fieldParams->set('rating_access', '2'); } else { if ($fieldParams->get('AllowAnnonymous', 1)) { $fieldParams->set('rating_access', '3'); } else { $fieldParams->set('rating_access', '4'); $fieldParams->set('rating_access_exclude', '1'); } } $fieldParams->set('rating_number', (string) $fieldParams->get('NumStars', 5)); switch ((int) $fieldParams->get('RatingFraction', 1)) { case 1: $fieldParams->set('rating_step', '1'); break; case 2: $fieldParams->set('rating_step', '0.5'); break; case 3: $fieldParams->set('rating_step', '0.33'); break; case 4: $fieldParams->set('rating_step', '0.25'); break; } $field->set('type', 'rating'); $field->set('pluginid', 1); $field->set('params', $fieldParams->asJson()); if (!$field->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Field [name] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->name, '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } if (!cbInstaller_uninstall_plugin($plugin, $return)) { return false; } } // Migrates verify email field parameters: $plugin = new PluginTable(); if ($plugin->load(array('element' => 'cbverifyemail'))) { $query = "SELECT *" . "\n FROM " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_fields') . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('type') . " IN " . $cbDatabase->safeArrayOfStrings(array('emailaddress', 'primaryemailaddress')); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $fields = $cbDatabase->loadObjectList(null, '\\CB\\Database\\Table\\FieldTable', array($cbDatabase)); /** @var $fields FieldTable[] */ foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldParams = new Registry($field->params); $fieldParams->set('fieldVerifyInput', $fieldParams->get('verifyemail_display_reg', 1) || $fieldParams->get('verifyemail_display_edit', 0) ? '1' : '0'); $fieldParams->set('verifyEmailTitle', $fieldParams->get('verifyemail_title', '_UE_VERIFY_SOMETHING')); $field->set('params', $fieldParams->asJson()); if (!$field->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Field [name] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->name, '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } if (!cbInstaller_uninstall_plugin($plugin, $return)) { return false; } } // Migrates forum integration parameters: $plugin = new PluginTable(); if ($plugin->load(array('element' => 'cb.simpleboardtab'))) { $pluginParams = new Registry($plugin->params); $cbForums = new PluginTable(); if ($cbForums->load(array('element' => 'cbforums'))) { $cbForumsParams = new Registry($cbForums->params); if ((int) $pluginParams->get('forumType', 0) == 4) { $cbForumsParams->set('forum_model', '6'); } else { $cbForumsParams->set('forum_model', '1'); } switch ((int) $pluginParams->get('sidebarMode', 0)) { case 1: $cbForumsParams->set('k20_personaltext', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner1')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_gender', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner4')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_birthdate', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner2')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_location', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner3')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_icq', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner5')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_aim', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner6')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_yim', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner7')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_msn', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner8')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_skype', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner9')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_twitter', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner12')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_facebook', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner13')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_gtalk', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner10')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_myspace', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner14')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_linkedin', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner15')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_delicious', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner16')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_digg', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner18')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_blogspot', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner19')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_flickr', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner20')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_bebo', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner21')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_website', $pluginParams->get('sidebarBeginner11')); break; case 2: $cbForumsParams->set('k20_sidebar_reg', $pluginParams->get('sidebarAdvancedExists')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_sidebar_anon', $pluginParams->get('sidebarAdvancedPublic')); $cbForumsParams->set('k20_sidebar_del', $pluginParams->get('sidebarAdvancedDeleted')); break; } $cbForums->set('params', $cbForumsParams->asJson()); if (!$cbForums->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Plugin [element] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[element]' => $plugin->element, '[error]' => $cbForums->getError())) . '</div>'; } } // Migrate the forum fields to ensure their display mode is set: $query = "SELECT *" . "\n FROM " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_fields') . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('name') . " IN " . $cbDatabase->safeArrayOfStrings(array('forumrank', 'forumposts', 'forumkarma')); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $fields = $cbDatabase->loadObjectList(null, '\\CB\\Database\\Table\\FieldTable', array($cbDatabase)); /** @var $fields FieldTable[] */ foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldParams = new Registry($field->params); switch ($field->name) { case 'forumposts': $fieldParams->set('forumStatus', 'posts'); break; case 'forumkarma': $fieldParams->set('forumStatus', 'karma'); break; case 'forumrank': $fieldParams->set('forumStatus', 'rank'); break; } $field->set('params', $fieldParams->asJson()); if (!$field->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Field [name] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[name]' => $field->name, '[error]' => $field->getError())) . '</div>'; } } if (!cbInstaller_uninstall_plugin($plugin, $return)) { return false; } } // Removes legacy about cb menu items from CB Menu tab params $tab = new TabTable(); if ($tab->load(17)) { $tabParams = new Registry($tab->params); if ($tabParams->get('firstSubMenuName') == '_UE_MENU_ABOUT_CB') { $tabParams->set('firstSubMenuName', ''); $tabParams->set('firstSubMenuHref', ''); if ($tabParams->get('firstMenuName') == '_UE_MENU_CB' && !$tabParams->get('secondSubMenuName')) { $tabParams->set('firstMenuName', ''); } $tab->set('params', $tabParams->asJson()); if (!$tab->store()) { $return .= '<div style="font-size:14px;color:red;margin-bottom:10px;">' . CBTxt::P('Tab [title] failed to migrate. Error: [error]', array('[title]' => $tab->title, '[error]' => $tab->getError())) . '</div>'; } } } // We need to fix the name fields publish state: switch ($ueConfig['name_style']) { case 2: $nameArray = array('name' => 0, 'firstname' => 1, 'middlename' => 0, 'lastname' => 1); break; case 3: $nameArray = array('name' => 0, 'firstname' => 1, 'middlename' => 1, 'lastname' => 1); break; case 1: default: $nameArray = array('name' => 1, 'firstname' => 0, 'middlename' => 0, 'lastname' => 0); break; } foreach ($nameArray as $name => $published) { $query = 'UPDATE ' . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('#__comprofiler_fields') . "\n SET " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('published') . " = " . (int) $published . "\n WHERE " . $cbDatabase->NameQuote('name') . " = " . $cbDatabase->Quote($name); $cbDatabase->setQuery($query); $cbDatabase->query(); } return true; }