コード例 #1

This program is used to detect phantom nodes of type A in pages.
require_once 'auth_chanw.php';
use cascade_ws_AOHS as aohs;
use cascade_ws_constants as c;
use cascade_ws_asset as a;
use cascade_ws_property as p;
use cascade_ws_utility as u;
use cascade_ws_exception as e;
try {
    $site_name = "hr";
    $at = $cascade->getSite($site_name)->getAssetTree();
    echo S_PRE, u\XmlUtility::replaceBrackets($at->toXml()), E_PRE;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo S_PRE . $e . E_PRE;
} catch (\Error $er) {
    echo S_PRE . $er . E_PRE;
コード例 #2

require_once 'auth_dev_app.php';
use cascade_ws_AOHS as aohs;
use cascade_ws_constants as c;
use cascade_ws_asset as a;
use cascade_ws_property as p;
use cascade_ws_utility as u;
use cascade_ws_exception as e;
try {
    $source_template = $source_cascade->getAsset(a\Template::TYPE, "templates/rwd", "_rwd_common");
    $target_template = $target_cascade->getAsset(a\Template::TYPE, "templates/rwd", "_rwd_common");
    $source_s_xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($source_template->getXml());
    $target_s_xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($target_template->getXml());
    $source_xml = $source_s_xml->asXML();
    $target_xml = $target_s_xml->asXML();
    if (u\XmlUtility::isXmlIdentical($source_s_xml, $source_s_xml)) {
        echo "Identical", BR;
    } else {
        echo "Different", BR;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo S_PRE . $e . E_PRE;
} catch (\Error $er) {
    echo S_PRE . $er . E_PRE;