コード例 #1
Note that the method call $page->getText fails
if the page is absolutely blank. When a page contains
no contents at all, the structured data object is also
blank. My library will treat such a page as an XHTML page,
not a page associated with a data definition. Manually fill in
some data so that the structured data becomes visible.
$start_time = time();
require_once 'auth_chanw.php';
use cascade_ws_AOHS as aohs;
use cascade_ws_constants as c;
use cascade_ws_asset as a;
use cascade_ws_property as p;
use cascade_ws_utility as u;
use cascade_ws_exception as e;
try {
    $site_name = "hrintra";
    $at = $cascade->getSite($site_name)->getAssetTree();
    $at->traverse(array(a\Page::TYPE => array("assetTreeSetPageDisplayName")));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo S_PRE . $e . E_PRE;
} catch (\Error $er) {
    echo S_PRE . $er . E_PRE;
function assetTreeSetPageDisplayName(aohs\AssetOperationHandlerService $service, p\Child $child, array $params = NULL, array &$results = NULL)
    $type = $child->getType();