public function update($id, array $attributes) { try { // Find the user using the user id $user = Sentry::findUserById($id); $group_id = 0; foreach ($user->groups as $group) { $group_id = $group->id; } if ($group_id > 0 && $group_id != $attributes['group_id']) { // User is Assigned , So Remove Old Group and Re-assigned New Group // Find Old the group using the group id $oldGroup = Sentry::findGroupById($group_id); $user->removeGroup($oldGroup); // Find New the group using the group id $newGroup = Sentry::findGroupById($attributes['group_id']); $user->addGroup($newGroup); } else { if ($group_id == 0 && $attributes['group_id'] > 0) { // User is Not Assigned , So Assigned New Group // Find New the group using the group id $newGroup = Sentry::findGroupById($attributes['group_id']); $user->addGroup($newGroup); } } $user->email = $attributes['email']; $user->save(); return true; } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $data = array("email" => Input::get("email"), "first_name" => Input::get("first_name"), "last_name" => Input::get("last_name"), "password" => Input::get("password"), "repassword" => Input::get("repassword"), "groups" => Input::get("groups") == null ? array() : Input::get("groups")); $rules = array("email" => "required|unique:users,email", "first_name" => "required", "last_name" => "required", "password" => "required|min:6", "repassword" => "required|min:6|same:password"); $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::route('admin.users.create')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } else { $user = new AdminUser(); $user->email = $data['email']; $user->first_name = $data['first_name']; $user->last_name = $data['last_name']; $user->password = Hash::make($data['password']); if ($user->save()) { $s_user = Sentry::findUserById($user->id); foreach ($data["groups"] as $group) { $s_user->addGroup(Sentry::findGroupById($group)); } Session::flash('success', "Đã thêm user" . $data['email'] . " thành công"); return Redirect::route('admin.users.create'); } else { Session::flash('error', "Xảy ra lỗi trong khi thêm user " . $data['name']); return Redirect::route('admin.users.create'); } } }
/** * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function postStore() { $user = Sentry::createUser(Input::all()); //添加默认用户组 $genealGroup = Sentry::findGroupById(2); $user->addGroup($genealGroup); if ($user) { return Response::json(['status' => 1]); } else { return Response::json(['status' => 0]); } }
/** * Deletes specified group. * * @param array $id */ public function delete($id) { try { $group = Sentry::findGroupById($id); $group->where('id', $id)->forceDelete(); \Cache::flush(); Event::fire('Groups.Deleted', array($id, Carbon::now(), 'Deleted')); return 'success'; } catch (GroupNotFoundException $e) { return 'Group was not found.'; } }
public function run() { User::truncate(); $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { try { // Create the user $user = Sentry::createUser(array('first_name' => $faker->name, 'last_name' => $faker->name, 'email' => $faker->unique()->email, 'phone' => $faker->unique()->phoneNumber, 'image_url' => $faker->imageUrl($width = 640, $height = 480), 'password' => '123', 'activated' => true)); // Find the group using the group id $adminGroup = Sentry::findGroupById($faker->randomElement(array(1, 2, 3))); // Assign the group to the user $user->addGroup($adminGroup); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } }
/** * 添加用户 * @return mixed */ public function store() { $user['email'] = $user['username'] = Input::get('email'); $user['password'] = Input::get('password0'); $mail_url = (new Uinfo())->getMail($user['email']); //判断用户是否存在 $user_exist = User::where('email', $user['email'])->first(); if ($user_exist) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors('邮箱已被占用!'); } $errors = ''; //添加用户 try { $user = Sentry::register($user); //添加默认用户组 $genealGroup = Sentry::findGroupById(2); $user->addGroup($genealGroup); //添加用户对应信息 Uinfo::create(['uid' => $user->id]); //登陆该用户 $data['activationCode'] = $user->getActivationCode(); $data['uid'] = $user->id; Mail::send('', $data, function ($message) use($user) { $message->to($user->email, '尊敬的柚皮会员')->subject('欢迎注册柚皮网'); }); } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\LoginRequiredException $e) { $errors = '请输入完整注册信息.'; } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\PasswordRequiredException $e) { $errors = '请输入密码.'; } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserExistsException $e) { $errors = '用户已存在.'; } if ($errors) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($errors); } else { return View::make('')->withEmail($mail_url); } }
public function setGroupsAttribute($groups = array()) { // Remove exisiting groups foreach ($this->groups as $group) { $this->removeGroup($group); } // Add new groups foreach ($groups as $id) { $group = Sentry::findGroupById($id); $this->addGroup($group); } }
/** * 用户组添加成员 * @param $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function putAddMemberToGroup($id) { $group = Sentry::findGroupById($id); $errors = ''; foreach (Input::all() as $user) { if ($user['checked']) { $member = Sentry::findUserById($user['id']); if (!$member->addGroup($group)) { $errors = true; } } } return Response::json(['status' => $errors ? 0 : 1]); }
public function postUsers(Request $request) { $outputMessage = array(); if ($request->has('action')) { switch ($request->get('action')) { case 'new': $email = $request->get('email'); $password = $request->get('password'); $firstname = $request->get('firstname'); $lastname = $request->get('lastname'); //$groupName = $request->get('group'); $groupID = $request->get('group'); try { $user = Sentry::register(array('email' => $email, 'first_name' => $firstname, 'last_name' => $lastname, 'password' => $password, 'activated' => true)); if ($user) { $outputMessage[] = array("type" => "success", "msg" => "User created successfuly."); if ($groupID == 1) { $group = Sentry::findGroupByName('user'); $user->addGroup($group); $outputMessage[] = array("type" => "alert", "msg" => "The God is unique.User is added to User group ;)"); } else { $group = Sentry::findGroupById($groupID); if ($group) { $user->addGroup($group); $outputMessage[] = array("type" => "success", "msg" => "User added to " . $group->name . " successfuly"); } else { $group = Sentry::findGroupByName('user'); $user->addGroup($group); $outputMessage[] = array("type" => "alert", "msg" => "Group " . $group->name . " not found.User is added to User group ;)"); } } } } catch (\Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\LoginRequiredException $e) { $outputMessage[] = array("type" => "alert", "msg" => "Login field is required."); } catch (\Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\PasswordRequiredException $e) { $outputMessage[] = array("type" => "alert", "msg" => "Login field is required."); } catch (\Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\UserExistsException $e) { $outputMessage[] = array("type" => "alert", "msg" => "User with this login already exists."); } catch (\Cartalyst\Sentry\Groups\GroupNotFoundException $e) { $outputMessage[] = array("type" => "alert", "msg" => "Group was not found."); } break; } } $groups = Sentry::findAllGroups(); $users = User::select(array('id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email'))->paginate(20); return view('admin.users')->with('users', $users)->with('groups', $groups)->with('messages', $outputMessage); }
/** * Delete found group * * @param int $id * @return bool */ public function delete($id) { try { $group = Sentry::findGroupById($id); $group->delete(); } catch (GroupNotFoundException $e) { return false; } return true; }
public function deletepermission() { $input = Input::all(); $objPermission = new Permission(); foreach ($input['aids'] as $v) { $objPermission->destroy($v); } $permissions = $objPermission->get(); $listkey = array(); foreach ($permissions as $v) { $listkey[] = $v['key']; } $objGroup = new Groups(); $groups = $objGroup->get(); foreach ($groups as $v) { $group = Sentry::findGroupById($v['id']); $groupPermissions = $group->getPermissions(); foreach ($groupPermissions as $k => $vl) { if (!in_array($k, $listkey)) { $groupPermissions[$k] = 0; } } $group->permissions = $groupPermissions; $group->save(); } return Response::json('1'); }
/** * Checks if a user belongs to the given Role ID * @param int $roleId * @return bool */ public function hasRoleId($roleId) { $role = Sentry::findGroupById($roleId); return $this->inGroup($role); }
public function store() { $input = Input::all(); Input::flash(); if (isset($input['id']) && $input['id'] != '') { $input = Input::all(); $rules = array('id' => array('required'), 'email' => 'required|email'); $useredit = Sentry::findUserById($input['id']); if ($input['password'] != '') { $rules['password'] = array('required', 'min:6'); $rules['retype_password'] = array('required', 'min:6'); } $validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); //check email if ($validation->fails()) { $message = ''; $mess = $validation->errors()->getMessages(); foreach ($mess as $v) { $message .= $v[0] . ' '; } if ($message != '') { Session::flash('message', $message); } if (!isset($input['id'])) { return Redirect::to('manager/users'); } return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit/' . $input['id']); } else { try { $useredit->email = $input['email']; $useredit->first_name = isset($input['first_name']) ? $input['first_name'] : ''; $useredit->last_name = isset($input['last_name']) ? $input['last_name'] : ''; if ($input['password'] != '') { $useredit->password = $input['password']; } if ($useredit->save()) { $groupscursor = $useredit->getGroups(); $groups = array(); $inputgroups = isset($input['groups']) ? $input['groups'] : array(); foreach ($groupscursor as $v) { if (!in_array($v['id'], $inputgroups)) { $g = Sentry::findGroupById($v['id']); $useredit->removeGroup($g); } $groups[] = $v['id']; } if (isset($input['groups'])) { foreach ($input['groups'] as $v) { if (!in_array($v, $groups)) { $Group = Sentry::findGroupById($v); $useredit->addGroup($Group); } } } } Session::flash('message', trans('saved')); return Redirect::to('manager/users'); } catch (LoginRequiredException $e) { Session::flash('message', 'Login field is required.'); return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit/' . $input['id']); } catch (PasswordRequiredException $e) { Session::flash('message', 'Password field is required.'); return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit/' . $input['id']); } catch (UserExistsException $e) { Session::flash('message', 'User with this login already exists.'); return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit/' . $input['id']); } catch (GroupNotFoundException $e) { Session::flash('message', 'Group was not found.'); return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit/' . $input['id']); } } } else { $rules = array('password' => array('required', 'min:6'), 'retype_password' => array('required', 'min:6'), 'email' => 'required|email'); $validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); //check $objUsers = new Users(); $check = $objUsers->where('email', '=', trim(strtolower($input['email'])))->count(); if ($validation->fails() || $check > 0) { $messages = ''; if ($check > 0) { $messages .= 'User with this email already exists. '; } $mess = $validation->errors()->getMessages(); foreach ($mess as $v) { $messages .= $v[0] . ' '; } if ($messages != '') { Session::flash('message', $messages); } return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit'); } else { try { $datacreateUser = array('email' => trim(strtolower($input['email'])), 'password' => isset($input['password']) ? $input['password'] : '', 'activated' => true, 'first_name' => isset($input['first_name']) ? $input['first_name'] : '', 'last_name' => isset($input['last_name']) ? $input['last_name'] : ''); $user = Sentry::createUser($datacreateUser); /*$email = trim(strtolower($input['email'])); $first_name = trim(strtolower($input['first_name']));*/ if (isset($input['groups']) && isset($user['id'])) { foreach ($input['groups'] as $v) { $Group = Sentry::findGroupById($v); $user->addGroup($Group); } } /*Mail::send('system::email.email_template.acount_info', $input, function($message) use ($email, $first_name) { $message->to($email, $first_name)->subject('Welcome to the'); });*/ } catch (LoginRequiredException $e) { Session::flash('message', 'Login field is required. '); return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit'); } catch (PasswordRequiredException $e) { Session::flash('message', 'Password field is required. '); return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit'); } catch (UserExistsException $e) { Session::flash('message', 'User with this email already exists. '); return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit'); } catch (GroupNotFoundException $e) { Session::flash('message', 'Group was not found.'); return Redirect::to('manager/users/edit'); } } Session::flash('message', 'User created'); return Redirect::to('manager/users'); } }
/** * Update a user and sync its roles * @param int $userId * @param $data * @param $roles * @return mixed */ public function updateAndSyncRoles($userId, $data, $roles) { $user = Sentry::findUserById($userId); $this->checkForNewPassword($data); $user->update($data); if (!empty($roles)) { // Get the user roles $userRoles = $user->groups()->get()->toArray(); $cleanedRoles = []; foreach ($userRoles as $role) { $cleanedRoles[$role['id']] = $role; } // Set the new roles foreach ($roles as $roleId) { if (isset($cleanedRoles[$roleId])) { unset($cleanedRoles[$roleId]); } $group = Sentry::findGroupById($roleId); $user->addGroup($group); } // Unset the unchecked roles foreach ($cleanedRoles as $roleId => $role) { $group = Sentry::findGroupById($roleId); $user->removeGroup($group); } } }
/** * Delete a role * @param $id * @return mixed */ public function delete($id) { $role = Sentry::findGroupById($id); return $role->delete(); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $data = array("title" => Input::get("title"), "name" => Input::get("alias"), "permissions" => Input::get("permissions")); $rules = array("title" => "max:255", "name" => array("required", "max:40", "regex:/^([a-zA-Z]|\\.|_|-)+\$/", "unique:groups,name," . $id)); $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::route('admin.groups.edit')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } else { try { // Find the group using the group id $group = Sentry::findGroupById($id); $group->title = $data['title']; $group->name = $data['name']; // Update the group details $group->permissions = $data['permissions'] == null ? "" : $data['permissions']; // Update the group if ($group->save()) { Session::flash('success', "Đã cập nhật module " . $data['name'] . " thành công"); return Redirect::route('admin.groups.edit', $id); } else { Session::flash('error', "Xảy ra lỗi không thể cập nhật được nhóm " . $data['name']); return Redirect::route('admin.groups.edit', $id); } } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Groups\GroupExistsException $e) { Session::flash('error', "Nhóm đã tồn tại " . $data['name']); return Redirect::route('admin.groups.edit', $id); } catch (Cartalyst\Sentry\Groups\GroupNotFoundException $e) { Session::flash('error', "Không tìm thấy nhóm " . $data['name']); return Redirect::route('admin.groups.edit', $id); } } }