コード例 #1
ファイル: Kernel.php プロジェクト: Beyond-Game/Raffaello
  * Define the application's command schedule.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule $schedule
  * @return void
 protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
     // 进入维护模式
     //->when(function () {return true;});//
     // 更新用户等级
     $schedule->call(function () {
         $registrations = Registration::where('state', 0)->where(function ($query) {
             $query->where('registration_date', Carbon::yesterday()->toDateString());
         foreach ($registrations as $registration) {
             $user = $registration->user;
             $user->credit_level -= 1;
     // 重置rest_num
     $schedule->call(function () {
         $doctor_schedules = DocSchedule::where('state', 0)->where(function ($query) {
             $week = [1 => 'monday', 2 => 'tuesday', 3 => 'wednesday', 4 => 'thursday', 5 => 'friday', 6 => 'saturday', 7 => 'sunday'];
             $query->where('doctoring_date', $week[Carbon::today()->dayOfWeek]);
         foreach ($doctor_schedules as $doctor_schedule) {
             $doctor_schedule->rest_num = $doctor_schedule->total_num;
     // 离开维护模式
コード例 #2
  * @test
 public function it_checks_the_fixed_budget_attributes_are_correct_when_expense_is_on_same_day_as_starting_date()
     //Create expense and income transactions with budget id of 2
     $response = $this->apiCall('GET', 'api/budgets?fixed=true&includeExtra=true');
     $content = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
     $budget = $content[0];
     $this->checkBudgetKeysExist($budget, true);
     // Check if the values are correct according to our seeders!!
     $this->assertEquals("http://localhost/api/budgets/2", $budget['path']);
     $this->assertEquals("business", $budget['name']);
     $this->assertEquals(100, $budget['amount']);
     $this->assertEquals(null, $budget['calculatedAmount']);
     $this->assertEquals('fixed', $budget['type']);
     $this->assertEquals(Carbon::today()->subMonths(8)->format('d/m/y'), $budget['formattedStartingDate']);
     $this->assertEquals(-270, $budget['spent']);
     $this->assertEquals(305, $budget['received']);
     $this->assertEquals(-240, $budget['spentOnOrAfterStartingDate']);
     $this->assertEquals(-30, $budget['spentBeforeStartingDate']);
     $this->assertEquals(205, $budget['receivedOnOrAfterStartingDate']);
     $this->assertEquals(9, $budget['cumulativeMonthNumber']);
     $this->assertEquals(900, $budget['cumulative']);
     $this->assertEquals(865, $budget['remaining']);
     $this->assertEquals(8, $budget['transactionsCount']);
コード例 #3
 public function search(Request $request)
     $rfc = $request->rfc;
     $tipo = $request->tipo_id;
     $today = Carbon::today();
     $today = $today->year . '-' . $today->month . '-' . $today->day;
     $paciente = Paciente::where('rfc', '=', $rfc)->where('tipo_id', '=', $tipo)->first();
     $tipo = Tipo::find($tipo);
     if (isset($paciente)) {
         if ($paciente->count() > 1) {
             $citas = Cita::orderBy('fecha', 'desc')->where('paciente_id', '=', $paciente->id)->take(5)->get();
             $citas->each(function ($citas) {
                 $citas->fecha = fecha_dmy($citas->fecha);
             if ($citas->count() >= 1) {
                 return Response::json($citas, 200);
             } else {
                 $response = array('error' => 'true');
                 return Response::json('No se encontro citas con paciente RFC: ' . $rfc . ' - ' . $tipo->code, 500);
     } else {
         $response = array('error' => 'true');
         return Response::json('No se encontro Paciente con RFC: ' . $rfc . ' - ' . $tipo->code, 500);
コード例 #4
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @param  string $customerId
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
 public function index($customerId)
     //TODO Create dynamic values
     $findDataRequest = array('creation[lte]' => Carbon::today()->addDay(1)->toDateString(), 'offset' => 0, 'limit' => 100);
     try {
         $openpayReference = OpenpayReferenceModel::where('user_id', $customerId)->first();
         if ($openpayReference == null) {
             return response()->json(array("response" => "error", "class" => "CustomerControllerError", "error" => array("code" => 101, "message" => "Customer doesn't exist")));
         $customer = $this->openpay->customers->get($openpayReference->openpay_id);
         $cardList = $customer->cards->getList($findDataRequest);
         $data = array();
         //TODO Create dynamic values
         foreach ($cardList as $card) {
             $cardData = array();
             $cardData["card_number"] = $card->card_number;
             $cardData["id"] = $card->id;
             $cardData["brand"] = $card->brand;
             array_push($data, $cardData);
         return response()->json(array("response" => "result", "result" => $data));
     } catch (\OpenpayApiError $e) {
         return response()->json(array("response" => "error", "class" => get_class($e), "error" => array("code" => $e->getErrorCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage(), "http_code" => $e->getHttpCode(), "category" => $e->getCategory())));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return response()->json(array("response" => "error", "class" => get_class($e), "error" => array("code" => $e->getCode(), "message" => $e->getMessage())));
コード例 #5
ファイル: TagihanController.php プロジェクト: blegoh/Sikeu
 public function showUM()
     $tgl = Carbon::today();
     $thn = $tgl->year . $tgl->year + 1;
     $tagihans = TagihanPendaftar::where('ThnAkademik', $thn)->get();
     return view('tagihan.um', ['tagihans' => $tagihans]);
コード例 #6
  * Show the application dashboard.
  * @return Response
 public function index(ReferenceServiceInterface $referenceService)
     $defaultPickupDate = Carbon::today()->addDay(3)->toDateString();
     $defaultReturnDate = Carbon::today()->addDay(5)->toDateString();
     $marquee = $referenceService->getMarquee();
     return view('sites.index', compact('defaultPickupDate', 'defaultReturnDate', 'marquee'));
コード例 #7
  * @return string
 protected function getKey()
     $today = Carbon::today();
     $month_prefix = $today->format('Ym');
     $customer_prefix = $this->customer->id;
     return 'ohmate-invitation-count-' . $customer_prefix . '-' . $month_prefix;
コード例 #8
  * Whether conference is currently accepted talk proposals
  * @return bool
 public function isCurrentlyAcceptingProposals()
     if (!$this->hasAnnouncedCallForProposals()) {
         return false;
     return Carbon::today()->between($this->getAttribute('cfp_starts_at'), $this->getAttribute('cfp_ends_at'));
コード例 #9
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $currentdate = Carbon::today();
     $affiliationActives = \App\Affiliation::orderBy('created_at', 'DEC')->where('finalization', '>=', $currentdate)->get();
     $affiliationInactives = \App\Affiliation::orderBy('created_at', 'DEC')->where('finalization', '<', $currentdate)->get();
     return view('affiliation.index')->with('affiliationActives', $affiliationActives)->with("affiliationInactives", $affiliationInactives);
コード例 #10
ファイル: FillMissed.php プロジェクト: botlax/ttcattendance
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     //check if have entry for today
     //check if locked
     //if good kaliwali
     //else populate with zeroes
     //then lock
     if (Attendance::latest('att_date')->first()->att_date != Carbon::today()) {
         $currentDate = new Attendance();
         $currentDate->att_date = Carbon::today();
         $holiday = 0;
         if (Carbon::today()->format('l') == 'Friday' || Holiday::where('holidate', Carbon::today())->first() != null) {
             $holiday = 1;
         $currentDate->holiday = $holiday;
     foreach (Site::all() as $site) {
         foreach ($site->labor as $labor) {
             if ($labor->attendance()->where('att_date', Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d G:i:s'))->first() != null) {
                 $labor->attendance()->where('att_date', Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d G:i:s'))->first()->pivot->update(['locked' => 'true']);
             } else {
                 $att = $labor->attendance()->where('att_date', Carbon::today()->format('Y-m-d G:i:s'))->first();
                 $att->pivot->locked = 'true';
                 $att->pivot->attended = $att->holiday == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                 $att->pivot->ot = 0;
                 $att->pivot->bot = 0;
                 $att->pivot->site = $labor->site->code;
コード例 #11
 public function store(AdminPlacementCreateRequest $request)
     $placement = Ad_Web::create($request->all());
     $placement->created_at = Carbon::today()->addDay(1);
     $ad = Ad::find($placement->ad_id);
     if ($ad->tipo == 'pequeño') {
         $placement->script = "<iframe src='" . url('imp/' . $placement->id . '-smwl') . "' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' width='300' height='250'></iframe>";
     } elseif ($ad->tipo == 'mediano') {
         $placement->script = "<iframe src='" . url('imp/' . $placement->id . '-lgrc') . "' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' width='728' height='90'></iframe>";
     } elseif ($ad->tipo == 'popup') {
         $placement->script = "<script src='" . url('imp/' . $placement->id . '-pobd') . "'></script>";
     } elseif ($ad->tipo == 'vertical') {
         $placement->script = "<iframe src='" . url('imp/' . $placement->id . '-vlty') . "' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' width='160' height='600'></iframe>";
     } else {
         $placement->script = "<iframe src='" . url('imp/' . $placement->id) . " scrolling='no' frameborder='0''></iframe>";
     if ($placement->save()) {
         notify()->flash('Placement created correctly', 'success', ['timer' => 3000, 'text' => '']);
     } else {
         notify()->flash('There was a problem creating the placement', 'error', ['timer' => 3000, 'text' => '']);
     return redirect()->to("admin/placement");
コード例 #12
  * @param $startDate
 protected function setStartDate(Carbon $startDate = null)
     if (is_null($startDate)) {
         $startDate = Carbon::today();
     $this->startDate = $startDate;
コード例 #13
 public function ajaxRateInfo(Request $request)
     /*$rate_id = $request->rate_id;
       $rate = Rate::where('id', '=', $rate_id)->get();
       return Response::json($rate);*/
     $rate_id = $request->rate_id;
     $rate = Rate::where('id', '=', $rate_id)->firstOrFail();
     $price = number_format($rate->price, 2);
     if ($rate->period == 'day') {
         $expirationDate = Carbon::today()->addDays($rate->period_count)->format('F d\\, Y');
     } else {
         if ($rate->period == 'month') {
             $expirationDate = Carbon::today()->addMonths($rate->period_count)->subDay()->format('F d\\, Y');
         } else {
             if ($rate->period == 'year') {
                 $expirationDate = Carbon::today()->addYears($rate->period_count)->subDay()->format('F d\\, Y');
     /*if($rate_id == 2)
           $expirationDate = Carbon::today()->addMonth()->format('F d\\, Y');      
       else if($rate_id == 6)
           $expirationDate = Carbon::today()->addYear()->subDay()->format('F d\\, Y');  
     return Response::json(['price' => $price, 'expirationDate' => $expirationDate]);
コード例 #14
  * Function for storing a new blog article.
  * @param $request
  * @param ArticleRequest $request
  * @return Redirect
 public function store(ArticleRequest $request)
     if ($request->has('slug')) {
         $request['slug'] = str_slug($request['slug'], "_");
     } else {
         $request['slug'] = str_slug($request['title'], "_");
     $today = Carbon::today()->format('Y') . '/' . Carbon::today()->format('M') . '/' . Carbon::today()->format('d');
     $uploadPath = base_path() . '/public/img/uploads/' . $today;
     $article = Article::create($request->all());
     // TODO: Refine into two seperate actions //
     if (!empty($request['cover-image']) || !empty($request['cover-image'])) {
         $SmallImageName = '/img/uploads/' . $today . '/' . $request['slug'] . '_sml' . '.' . $request->file('listing-image')->getClientOriginalExtension();
         $coverImageName = '/img/uploads/' . $today . '/' . $request['slug'] . '_cover' . '.' . $request->file('cover-image')->getClientOriginalExtension();
         $article['imgfull'] = $coverImageName;
         $article['imgsml'] = $SmallImageName;
     $article['page_code'] = str_random(16);
     $article['author'] = Auth::user()->id;
     $article['category'] = $request['category'];
     // TODO:: Preform a check to see if this Category Exists //
     $article['published'] = Carbon::parse($request['published']);
     // TODO:: Add a time to publish field //
     if (!empty($request['cover-image']) || !empty($request['cover-image'])) {
         $request->file('listing-image')->move($uploadPath, $SmallImageName);
         $request->file('cover-image')->move($uploadPath, $coverImageName);
     return redirect('blog/' . $request->slug);
コード例 #15
  * @test
 public function it_checks_the_flex_budget_attributes_are_correct_when_including_the_extra_budget_attributes()
     $response = $this->apiCall('GET', 'api/budgets?flex=true&includeExtra=true');
     $content = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
     //        dd($content);
     $budget = $content[0];
     //        dd($budget);
     $this->checkBudgetKeysExist($budget, true);
     // Check if the values are correct according to our seeders!!
     $this->assertEquals("http://localhost/api/budgets/4", $budget['path']);
     $this->assertEquals("busking", $budget['name']);
     $this->assertEquals(10, $budget['amount']);
     $this->assertEquals(20, $budget['calculatedAmount']);
     $this->assertEquals('flex', $budget['type']);
     $this->assertEquals(Carbon::today()->subMonths(8)->format('d/m/y'), $budget['formattedStartingDate']);
     $this->assertEquals(-35, $budget['spent']);
     $this->assertEquals(1500, $budget['received']);
     $this->assertEquals(-15, $budget['spentBeforeStartingDate']);
     $this->assertEquals(-20, $budget['spentOnOrAfterStartingDate']);
     $this->assertEquals(1000, $budget['receivedOnOrAfterStartingDate']);
     $this->assertEquals(9, $budget['cumulativeMonthNumber']);
     $this->assertEquals(null, $budget['cumulative']);
     $this->assertEquals(1000, $budget['remaining']);
     $this->assertEquals(6, $budget['transactionsCount']);
コード例 #16
ファイル: Series.php プロジェクト: mcculley1108/fp-shared
 public function getDate($next_series_starts)
     $today = Carbon::today();
     $diff_in_days = $today->diffInDays($this->starts_at, false);
     // Next series has already started, just show the date for this series
     if (!is_null($next_series_starts) and $next_series_starts->gt($today)) {
         return $this->starts_at->format('M, Y');
     // Series started before today
     if ($diff_in_days < 0) {
         return 'Current series';
     // Series started today
     if ($diff_in_days === 0) {
         return 'Begins today!';
     // 6 days away (it's Sunday before it starts (on Saturday)
     if ($diff_in_days === 6) {
         return 'Begins in 1 week';
     // More than a week away
     if ($diff_in_days >= 7) {
         return 'Begins in ' . $this->starts_at->diffInWeeks($today) . ' week' . ($this->starts_at->diffInWeeks($today) > 1 ? 's' : '');
     return 'Begins this weekend';
コード例 #17
ファイル: Kernel.php プロジェクト: thomasdola/afrouteWeb
  * Define the application's command schedule.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule  $schedule
  * @return void
 protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
     $schedule->call(function () {
         $trip_ids = Trip::where('departure_date', Carbon::today())->lists('id')->toArray();
         Booking::where('status', 'reserved')->whereIn('trip_id', $trip_ids)->delete();
コード例 #18
  * Show the application dashboard.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $today = Carbon::today();
     $tomorrow = Carbon::tomorrow();
     $tomorrowbookinguser = Booking::where('bookingdate', '=', $tomorrow)->get();
     $dt = Carbon::now();
     $year = $dt->year;
     $month = $dt->month;
     $currentmonthbreakfast = Booking::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->whereMonth('bookingdate', '=', $month)->whereYear('bookingdate', '=', $year)->where('breakfast', '=', 'on')->count();
     $currentmonthlunch = Booking::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->whereMonth('bookingdate', '=', $month)->whereMonth('bookingdate', '=', $month)->whereYear('bookingdate', '=', $year)->where('lunch', '=', 'on')->count();
     $currentmonthdinner = Booking::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->whereMonth('bookingdate', '=', $month)->whereMonth('bookingdate', '=', $month)->whereYear('bookingdate', '=', $year)->where('dinner', '=', 'on')->count();
     $totalbooking = $currentmonthbreakfast + $currentmonthlunch + $currentmonthdinner;
     $price = Account::whereMonth('accountdate', '=', date('m'))->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->sum('amount');
     $todaydayshop = Shop::where('shopdate', $today)->get();
     $tomorrowshop = Shop::where('shopdate', $tomorrow)->get();
     $bookings = Booking::where('bookingdate', '=', $today)->get();
     $breakfast = Booking::where('bookingdate', '=', $today)->where('breakfast', '=', 'on')->count();
     $lunch = Booking::where('bookingdate', '=', $today)->where('lunch', '=', 'on')->count();
     $dinner = Booking::where('bookingdate', '=', $today)->where('dinner', '=', 'on')->count();
     $t_breakfast = Booking::where('bookingdate', '=', $tomorrow)->where('breakfast', '=', 'on')->count();
     $t_lunch = Booking::where('bookingdate', '=', $tomorrow)->where('lunch', '=', 'on')->count();
     $t_dinner = Booking::where('bookingdate', '=', $tomorrow)->where('dinner', '=', 'on')->count();
     $useraccounts = DB::table('useraccounts')->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->select('user_id', DB::raw("SUM(foodamount) AS t_foodamount"), DB::raw("SUM(houserent) AS t_houserent"), DB::raw("SUM(internetbill) AS t_internetbill"), DB::raw("SUM(utlitybill) AS t_utlitybill"), DB::raw("SUM(buabill) AS t_buabill"), DB::raw("SUM(pay) AS t_pay"))->get();
     foreach ($useraccounts as $account) {
         $amount = $account->t_foodamount + $account->t_houserent + $account->t_internetbill + $account->t_utlitybill + $account->t_buabill;
         $balance = $amount - $account->t_pay;
     return view('home', ['bookings' => $bookings, 'breakfast' => $breakfast, 'lunch' => $lunch, 'dinner' => $dinner, 't_breakfast' => $t_breakfast, 't_lunch' => $t_lunch, 't_dinner' => $t_dinner, 'tomorrow' => $tomorrow, 'todaydayshop' => $todaydayshop, 'tomorrowshop' => $tomorrowshop, 'tomorrowbookinguser' => $tomorrowbookinguser, 'balance' => $balance, 'currentmonthbreakfast' => $currentmonthbreakfast, 'currentmonthlunch' => $currentmonthlunch, 'currentmonthdinner' => $currentmonthdinner, 'totalbooking' => $totalbooking, 'price' => $price]);
コード例 #19
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     $today = Carbon::now('Asia/Manila');
     $report_date = Config::find(1);
     // Send a report if today is not set to our config table
     if ($report_date->report_date->day != $today->day || $report_date->report_date->month != $today->month || $report_date->report_date->year != $today->year) {
         $report_date->report_date = $today;
         $deadline_names = [];
         $i = new \App\Info();
         foreach (\App\Info::all() as $info) {
             $deadline = $i->isDeadLineToday($info->dead_line);
             if ($deadline == 'deadline' && $info->claim_status != 'approved') {
                 $deadline_names[$info->name] = $info;
         $data = array('data' => $deadline_names);
         \Log::info('Sending mail....');
         \Mail::send('email.email', $data, function ($message) {
             $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'GIBX Internal System');
             $date = \Carbon\Carbon::today('Asia/Manila')->format('d/m/Y');
             $recipients = ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'];
             $message->to($recipients)->subject('GIBX Claims System Daily Report ' . $date);
         // TODO: Send an email for reporting here...
     return $next($request);
コード例 #20
 public function test_renderContent_returns_twig_parsed_content()
     $campaign2 = Campaign::create(['name' => 'Test split2', 'file_name' => 'test-split2.htm', 'file_type' => 'partial', 'start_at' => Carbon::today(), 'end_at' => Carbon::tomorrow(), 'version_a_content' => 'Foo', 'version_b_content' => 'Bar']);
     $campaign1 = Campaign::create(['name' => 'Test split1', 'file_name' => 'test-split1.htm', 'file_type' => 'partial', 'start_at' => Carbon::today(), 'end_at' => Carbon::tomorrow(), 'version_a_content' => 'Hello {{ split(' . $campaign2->id . ') }}', 'version_b_content' => 'World {{ split(' . $campaign2->id . ') }}']);
     $content = CmsHelper::renderContent($campaign1->id);
     $this->assertTrue(in_array($content, ['Hello Foo', 'Hello Bar', 'World Foo', 'World Bar']));
コード例 #21
ファイル: SendEmails.php プロジェクト: kcunanan/claremontrise
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $date = Carbon::today();
     $date1 = substr($date->addDays(1), 0, 10);
     $date2 = substr($date->addDays(1), 0, 10);
     $date3 = substr(Carbon::today()->addDays(40), 0, 10);
     $date0 = substr(Carbon::today(), 0, 10);
     $id[0] = DB::table('email_articles')->where('post_date', $date0)->value('article_id');
     $id[1] = DB::table('email_articles')->where('post_date', '=', $date1)->value('article_id');
     $id[2] = DB::table('email_articles')->where('post_date', '=', $date2)->value('article_id');
     $id[3] = DB::table('email_articles')->where('post_date', '=', $date3)->value('article_id');
     $events = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT * FROM events WHERE article_id >= '{$id['0']}' AND article_id < '{$id['3']}' AND type = 'event' LIMIT 3"));
     $collegeNews = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT * FROM events WHERE article_id <= '{$id['0']}'"));
     $icons = DB::table('icons')->get();
     $menu1 = DB::table('dining_hall_food')->where('store_id', '4')->where('meal', 'breakfast')->where('article_id', $id[0])->get();
     $menu2 = DB::table('dining_hall_food')->where('store_id', '4')->where('meal', 'lunch')->where('article_id', $id[0])->get();
     $menu3 = DB::table('dining_hall_food')->where('store_id', '4')->where('meal', 'dinner')->where('article_id', $id[0])->get();
     $weather = DB::table('weather')->where('article_id', $id[0])->get();
     $weather2 = DB::table('weather')->where('article_id', $id[1])->get();
     $weather3 = DB::table('weather')->where('article_id', $id[2])->get();
     $ga = DB::table('posts')->where('article_id', '<=', $id[0])->where('source', 'The Golden Antlers')->take(2)->get();
     $forum = DB::table('posts')->where('article_id', '<=', $id[0])->where('source', 'The Forum')->take(2)->get();
     $independent = DB::table('posts')->where('article_id', '<=', $id[0])->where('source', 'Claremont Independent')->take(2)->get();
     $buzz = DB::table('posts')->where('article_id', '<=', $id[0])->where('source', 'BuzzFeed')->take(2)->get();
     $pp = DB::table('sports')->where('college', 'PP')->where('article_id', '<=', $id[0] + 40)->take(3)->get();
     $cms = DB::table('sports')->where('college', 'CMS')->where('article_id', '<=', $id[0] + 32)->get();
     $ath = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT * FROM ath WHERE article_id > 387"));
     $athToday = DB::table('ath')->where('article_id', 387)->get();
     $gif = DB::table('gifs')->where('article_id', $id[0])->get();
     $insta = DB::table('instagrams')->where('article_id', $id[0])->get();
     Mail::send('email3', ['id' => $id, 'date' => Carbon::today(), 'insta' => $insta, 'futureAth' => $ath, 'todayAth' => $athToday, 'gif' => $gif, 'menu1' => $menu1, 'menu2' => $menu2, 'menu3' => $menu3, 'icons' => $icons, 'collegeNews' => $collegeNews, 'events' => $events, 'weather' => $weather, 'weather2' => $weather2, 'weather3' => $weather3, 'ga' => $ga, 'independent' => $independent, 'forum' => $forum, 'buzz' => $buzz, 'pp' => $pp, 'cms' => $cms], function ($message) {
         $message->to('*****@*****.**', 'Kevin')->subject('Yoooo!');
     echo "Sent!";
コード例 #22
 protected function setUp()
     $client = Mockery::mock(stdClass::class . ", " . ClientInterface::class);
     $auth = mock_auth();
     $this->trakt = new Trakt($auth, $client);
     $this->today = Carbon::today(new DateTimeZone("Europe/Amsterdam"));
コード例 #23
  * Render yearly panel with navigation and chart
  * @param  string $envelopeId Envelope primary key
  * @param  string|null $date Date within the year to consider (default to current year)
  * @return Illuminate\View\View|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory View
 public function getYearly($envelopeId, $date = null)
     $envelope = Auth::user()->envelopes()->findOrFail($envelopeId);
     $date = is_null($date) ? Carbon::today() : Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $date);
     $data = ['envelope' => $envelope, 'date' => $date, 'prevYear' => $date->copy()->subYear(), 'nextYear' => $date->copy()->addYear(), 'chart' => LineChart::forge($envelope, $date, LineChart::PERIOD_YEAR)];
     return view('envelope.development.yearly', $data);
コード例 #24
 public function __construct()
     $this->user = Auth::user();
     $this->length = 'month';
     $this->start_date = $this->length == 'month' ? Carbon::today()->subMonth() : Carbon::today()->subWeek();
     $this->end_date = Carbon::today();
コード例 #25
  * Checks if number of todays messages are greater than max
  * @return boolean [description]
 public function isAboveMax()
     if ($this->message->where('post_date', '>', Carbon::today())->count() > config('crm-launcher.notification.crm_notify_from_messages')) {
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #26
ファイル: HomeController.php プロジェクト: breenyoung/wfadmin
 public function testMethod()
     $pickupDateReminder = config('app.pickup_reminder_days_to_remind');
     $today = Carbon::today('America/Halifax');
     $twoDaysFromNow = Carbon::today('America/Halifax')->addDay($pickupDateReminder);
     $startWorkOrders = WorkOrder::whereDate('start_date', '=', $today)->get();
     $startCount = $startWorkOrders->count();
     $endWorkOrders = WorkOrder::whereDate('end_date', '=', $twoDaysFromNow)->with('product', 'customer')->get();
     $endCount = $endWorkOrders->count();
     $endDueDate = $twoDaysFromNow->toFormattedDateString();
     $viewData = ['todaysDate' => $today->toFormattedDateString(), 'startCount' => $startCount, 'endCount' => $endCount, 'startWorkOrders' => $startWorkOrders, 'endWorkOrders' => $endWorkOrders, 'endDueDate' => $endDueDate, 'pickupDateReminder' => $pickupDateReminder];
     $to = config('app.pickup_reminder_email_to');
     $from = config('app.pickup_reminder_email_from');
     $subject = config('app.pickup_reminder_email_subject');
     $view = config('app.pickup_reminder_email_view');
     Mail::send($view, ['viewdata' => $viewData], function ($message) use($viewData, $to, $from, $subject) {
     return view(config('app.pickup_reminder_email_view'))->with(['todaysDate' => $today->toFormattedDateString(),
                                         'startCount' => $startCount,
                                         'endCount' => $endCount,
                                         'startWorkOrders' => $startWorkOrders,
                                         'endWorkOrders' => $endWorkOrders,
                                         'endDueDate' => $endDueDate,
                                         'pickupDateReminder' => $pickupDateReminder
     echo 'Done';
コード例 #27
  * @test
 public function it_gets_the_diff()
     $today = Carbon::today();
     $logDate = Carbon::today()->subDays(10);
     $log = "laravel-{$logDate->toDateString()}.log";
     $this->assertSame(10, LogUtil::diffInDays($log, $today));
コード例 #28
  * Verify that a given license is both 'active' and 'current' (i.e. has
  * not expired, etc.).
  * @param License $lic
  * @return boolean
 protected function isCurrent(License $lic)
     $active = $this->isActive($lic->status, $valid);
     $today = Carbon::today();
     return $active && $lic->start_at->lte($today) && $lic->end_at->gte($today);
コード例 #29
 public function testAujoudHuiReturnTheDateOfToday()
     $now = Carbon::now();
     $dt = SearchResultDateTimeParser::toDt("Aujourd'hui", "{$now->hour}:{$now->minute}");
     $expected = Carbon::today()->hour($now->hour)->minute($now->minute)->format('Y-m-d H:m');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $dt);
コード例 #30
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $today = Carbon::today();
     $nextMonth = Carbon::today()->addMonth();
     $monday = new Carbon('next monday');
     $sunday = new Carbon('next monday');
     echo $sunday;
     $planningen = Planning::where('first_day', '>', $today)->get();
     while ($monday < $nextMonth) {
         $not_exists = true;
         foreach ($planningen as $planning) {
             if ($monday >= $planning->first_day && $monday <= $planning->last_day) {
                 $not_exists = false;
         if ($not_exists) {
             $newPlanning = new Planning();
             $newPlanning->first_day = $monday;
             $newPlanning->last_day = $sunday;