コード例 #1
 public function configureLocationAction(Request $request, $step)
     $wizard = $this->get('campaignchain.core.channel.wizard');
     $locations = $wizard->getLocations();
     // Get the identifier of the first element in the locations array.
     $identifier = array_keys($locations)[$step];
     // Retrieve the current location object.
     $location = $locations[$identifier];
     $locationType = $this->get('campaignchain.core.form.type.location');
     $form = $this->createForm($locationType, $location);
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         // Keep track of Flash Bag Messages in the Wizard.
         $flashBagMsg = '';
         $wizard->set('flashBagMsg', $flashBagMsg);
         // Is the location a Facebook user or page? The related location module will tell.
         if ($location->getLocationModule()->getIdentifier() == 'campaignchain-facebook-user') {
             // The display name of the Facebook user will be the name of the CampaignChain channel.
             // Get the OAuth profile data from the Wizard.
             $profile = $wizard->get('profile');
             // Define the URL of the location
             // Here we handle the specific data of the user stream as provided by Facebook.
             $user = new User();
             $obj = new \ReflectionObject($profile);
             if ($obj->hasProperty('coverInfoUrl')) {
             // Remember the user object in the Wizard.
             $wizard->set($user->getIdentifier(), $user);
             $flashBagMsg = $wizard->get('flashBagMsg');
             $flashBagMsg .= '<li>User stream: <a href="' . $profile->profileURL . '">' . $profile->displayName . '</a></li>';
             $wizard->set('flashBagMsg', $flashBagMsg);
         } else {
             $pagesData = $wizard->get('pagesData');
             $pageData = $pagesData[$identifier];
             // Connect to Facebook to retrieve detailed info about this page.
             $client = $this->container->get('campaignchain.channel.facebook.rest.client');
             $tokens = $wizard->get('tokens');
             $connection = $client->connect($tokens[$wizard->get('facebook_user_id')]->getAccessToken());
             $fields = ['about', 'link', 'name', 'username', 'description', 'can_post', 'category', 'cover', 'is_published'];
             $response = $connection->api('/' . $identifier . '?fields=' . implode(',', $fields));
             $pageData = array_merge($pageData, $response);
             // Define the URL of the location
             $page = new Page();
             // If the user is not in the session, then it has already been
             // created.
             if ($wizard->has($wizard->get('facebook_user_id'))) {
                 $user = $wizard->get($wizard->get('facebook_user_id'));
             } else {
                 $user = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('CampaignChainLocationFacebookBundle:User')->findOneByIdentifier($wizard->get('facebook_user_id'));
                 if ($user) {
             if (isset($pageData['username'])) {
             if (isset($pageData['description'])) {
             if (isset($pageData['about'])) {
             if (isset($pageData['cover'])) {
             // Remember the user object in the Wizard.
             $wizard->set($page->getIdentifier(), $page);
             $flashBagMsg = $wizard->get('flashBagMsg');
             $flashBagMsg .= '<li>Page: <a href="' . $page->getLink() . '">' . $page->getName() . '</a></li>';
             $wizard->set('flashBagMsg', $flashBagMsg);
         // Add the updated Location to the wizard
         $wizard->addLocation($identifier, $location);
         // Are there still locations to be configured?
         if (isset(array_keys($locations)[$step + 1])) {
             // Redirect to this same page to configure the next location.
             return $this->redirectToRoute('campaignchain_channel_facebook_location_configure', ['step' => $step + 1]);
         } else {
             // We are done with configuring the locations, so lets end the Wizard and persist the locations.
             // TODO: Wrap into DB transaction.
             $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
             foreach ($locations as $identifier => $location) {
                 // Persist the Facebook user- and page-specific data.
                 // schedule job to get metrics from now on
                 if ($location->getLocationModule()->getIdentifier() === 'campaignchain-facebook-page') {
             $this->addFlash('success', 'The following locations are now connected:' . '<ul>' . $wizard->get('flashBagMsg') . '</ul>');
             $tokens = $wizard->get('tokens');
             $channel = $wizard->persist();
              * Store all access tokens per location in the OAuth Client
              * bundle's Token entity, but only for the Facebook user
              * locations, not the page locations.
             $tokenService = $this->get('campaignchain.security.authentication.client.oauth.token');
             foreach ($tokens as $identifier => $token) {
                 if (isset($locations[$identifier])) {
                     $token = $em->merge($token);
             return $this->redirectToRoute('campaignchain_core_location');
     return $this->render('CampaignChainLocationFacebookBundle::new.html.twig', ['page_title' => 'Configure Facebook Location', 'form' => $form->createView(), 'location' => $location]);