コード例 #1
ファイル: QueueShell.php プロジェクト: codeblastr/queue
  * Initialize method
 public function initialize()
     $paths = App::path('Shell/Task', 'CodeBlastrQueue');
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $Folder = new Folder($path);
         $res = array_merge($this->tasks, $Folder->find('Queue.+\\.php'));
         foreach ($res as &$r) {
             $r = 'CodeBlastrQueue.' . basename($r, 'Task.php');
         $this->tasks = $res;
コード例 #2
ファイル: QueueShell.php プロジェクト: repher/cakephp-queue
  * Overwrite shell initialize to dynamically load all Queue Related Tasks.
  * @return void
 public function initialize()
     $plugins = Plugin::loaded();
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         $pluginPaths = App::path('Shell/Task', $plugin);
         foreach ($pluginPaths as $pluginPath) {
             $Folder = new Folder($pluginPath);
             $res = $Folder->find('Queue.+Task\\.php');
             foreach ($res as &$r) {
                 $r = $plugin . '.' . basename($r, 'Task.php');
             $this->tasks = array_merge($this->tasks, $res);
     $paths = App::path('Shell/Task');
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $Folder = new Folder($path);
         $res = array_merge($this->tasks, $Folder->find('Queue.+\\.php'));
         foreach ($res as &$r) {
             $r = basename($r, 'Task.php');
         $this->tasks = $res;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FixtureManager.php プロジェクト: gourmet/platform
  * Loads all fixtures from disk if none defined.
  * @param \Cake\TestSuite\TestCase $test The test case to inspect.
  * @return void
 public function fixturize($test)
     if (!isset($test->fixtures)) {
         $folder = new Folder($this->_fixturePath);
         $fixtureFiles = $folder->find('.*Fixture\\.php');
         foreach ($fixtureFiles as $fixtureFile) {
             $fixtureName = str_replace('Fixture.php', '', $fixtureFile);
             $fixtureName = Inflector::underscore($fixtureName);
             $test->fixtures[] = 'app.' . $fixtureName;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ModuleManager.php プロジェクト: wasabi-cms/cms
  * Initialize a single module instance.
  * @param string $modulePath
 protected static function _initializeModule($modulePath)
     $moduleFolder = new Folder($modulePath);
     $moduleName = basename($moduleFolder->path);
     $moduleClassFilename = $moduleName . 'Module.php';
     $moduleClassFile = $moduleFolder->find($moduleClassFilename);
     if (empty($moduleClassFile)) {
         user_error(__d('wasabi_cms', 'Module {0} has no associated class file {1} in {3}.', $moduleName, $moduleClassFilename, $modulePath));
     $moduleClassFile = $moduleClassFile[0];
     $moduleNamespace = self::_extractNamespace($modulePath . DS . $moduleClassFile);
     if (!$moduleNamespace) {
         user_error(__d('wasabi_cms', 'Module {3} has no namespace.'));
     $class = $moduleNamespace . '\\' . $moduleName . 'Module';
     self::$_modules[$class] = new $class();
コード例 #5
 public function import()
     $settingsFile = 'settings';
     if (!empty($this->plugin)) {
         $settingsFile = $this->plugin . '.' . $settingsFile;
         $settingsFileDir = Plugin::path($this->plugin) . 'config';
     } else {
         $settingsFileDir = ROOT . DS . 'config';
     $settingsDir = new Folder($settingsFileDir, false);
     if (!$settingsDir->find('settings.*')) {
         return false;
     $config = new PhpConfig();
     $data = $config->read($settingsFile);
     if (!$data) {
         return false;
     if (!empty($this->plugin)) {
         $this->out(__d('platform', '- <success>Processing settings pool for {0} plugin</success>', $this->plugin));
     } else {
         $this->out(__d('platform', '- <success>Processing settings pool for {0}</success>', 'App'));
     $settingsTable = TableRegistry::get('Platform.Settings');
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         if (!isset($row['plugin']) || empty($row['plugin'])) {
             $row['plugin'] = $this->plugin;
         $data = ['plugin' => $row['plugin'], 'path' => $row['path']];
         $setting = $settingsTable->find('all', ['conditions' => $data])->first();
         if (!$setting) {
             $setting = $settingsTable->newEntity();
             $data = array_merge($data, ['value' => isset($row['default']) ? $row['default'] : '']);
         $setting = $settingsTable->patchEntity($setting, $data);
     //TODO: Maybe chared method for settings save
     $settings = $settingsTable->find()->combine('path', 'value')->toArray();
     $settings = Hash::expand($settings);
     Settings::dump('config', 'default', $settings);
コード例 #6
  * Returns a list of Controller names found in /src/Controller/Api.
  * @return array List holding sorted Controller names
 public static function getApiControllers()
     $cached = Cache::read('api_controllers');
     if ($cached) {
         return $cached;
     $dir = new Folder(APP . 'Controller' . DS . Inflector::camelize(Configure::read('App++.Api.prefix')));
     $controllerFiles = $dir->find('.*Controller\\.php');
     if (!$controllerFiles) {
         return false;
     $result = [];
     foreach ($controllerFiles as $controllerFile) {
         $result[] = substr($controllerFile, 0, strlen($controllerFile) - 14);
     Cache::write('api_controllers', $result);
     return $result;
コード例 #7
 private function deleteFile(Attachment $attachment, $recursive = false)
     $return = true;
     $dir = new Folder(Configure::read('Upload.path') . $attachment->get('file_path'));
     if ($recursive) {
         $files = $dir->findRecursive($attachment->get('file_name') . '.*', true);
     } else {
         $files = $dir->find($attachment->get('file_name') . '.*');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $fileTmp = new File($file);
         if ($fileTmp->exists()) {
             if (!$fileTmp->delete()) {
                 $return = false;
         } else {
             $return = false;
     return $return;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ImagesController.php プロジェクト: aiphee/image
 public function ajaxDeleteImage($id = null)
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $ImagesTable = TableRegistry::get('Images');
     $image = $ImagesTable->get($id);
     $shared = $ImagesTable->find()->where(['id !=' => $image->id, 'field_index !=' => $image->field_index, 'model' => $image->model, 'filename' => $image->filename]);
     if (!$shared->count()) {
         $basePath = WWW_ROOT . 'uploads/images/' . $image->model;
         $dir = new Folder($basePath);
         $files = $dir->find('.*_.*\\..*');
         (new File($basePath . DS . $image->filename))->delete();
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (preg_match("/.*_{$image->filename}/", $file)) {
                 (new File($basePath . DS . $file))->delete();
     if (!$ImagesTable->delete($image)) {
         throw new InternalErrorException();
     if (!$this->request->is('ajax')) {
コード例 #9
ファイル: File.php プロジェクト: aoliverio/content
  * This function provides the correct filename for the creation of file systems. 
  * @param type $directory
  * @param type $filename
  * @return string
 public function getPermittedFilename($directory, $filename)
     $pathInfo = pathinfo($filename);
     $pathInfo['filename'] = substr(Inflector::slug($pathInfo['filename']), 0, 100);
     if (strlen($pathInfo['filename']) < 3) {
         $pathInfo['filename'] = $this->_randomString();
     $dir = new Folder($directory);
     $iter = 0;
     do {
         if ($iter == 0) {
             $slugFileName = $pathInfo['filename'] . '.' . $pathInfo['extension'];
         } else {
             $slugFileName = $pathInfo['filename'] . '-' . $iter . '.' . $pathInfo['extension'];
         $data = $dir->find($slugFileName, true);
     } while (count($data) > 0);
     return $slugFileName;
コード例 #10
ファイル: FolderTest.php プロジェクト: KarimaLadhani/cakephp
  * testFind method
  * @return void
 public function testFind()
     $Folder = new Folder();
     $Folder->cd(CORE_PATH . 'config');
     $result = $Folder->find();
     $expected = ['config.php'];
     $this->assertSame(array_diff($expected, $result), []);
     $this->assertSame(array_diff($expected, $result), []);
     $result = $Folder->find('.*', true);
     $expected = ['bootstrap.php', 'cacert.pem', 'config.php'];
     $this->assertSame($expected, $result);
     $result = $Folder->find('.*\\.php');
     $expected = ['bootstrap.php', 'config.php'];
     $this->assertSame(array_diff($expected, $result), []);
     $this->assertSame(array_diff($expected, $result), []);
     $result = $Folder->find('.*\\.php', true);
     $expected = ['bootstrap.php', 'config.php'];
     $this->assertSame($expected, $result);
     $result = $Folder->find('.*ig\\.php');
     $expected = ['config.php'];
     $this->assertSame($expected, $result);
     $result = $Folder->find('config\\.php');
     $expected = ['config.php'];
     $this->assertSame($expected, $result);
     $Folder = new Folder(TMP . 'tests/', true);
     $File = new File($Folder->pwd() . DS . 'paths.php', true);
     $Folder->create($Folder->pwd() . DS . 'testme');
     $result = $Folder->find('paths\\.php');
     $expected = [];
     $this->assertSame($expected, $result);
     $Folder->cd($Folder->pwd() . '/..');
     $result = $Folder->find('paths\\.php');
     $expected = ['paths.php'];
     $this->assertSame($expected, $result);
コード例 #11
ファイル: Plugin.php プロジェクト: Cheren/union
  * Path to migration folder.
  * @param $path
  * @return array
 public static function migrationData($path)
     $data = [];
     $dir = new Folder($path);
     $files = $dir->find('.*\\.php');
     if (!empty($files)) {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $_fileName = str_replace('.php', '', $file);
             $segments = explode('_', $_fileName);
             $version = $segments[0];
             $class = Inflector::camelize(implode('_', $segments));
             $data[$version] = ['class' => $class, 'path' => $path . DS . $file];
     return $data;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Sbc.php プロジェクト: el-cms/Sb
  * Loads the configuration files and populates the array
  * @return void
 public function loadConfig()
     // Load Yaml lib
     if (empty($this->_Spyc)) {
         $this->_Spyc = new Spyc();
     $template = Configure::read('Sb.template');
     // Fetch the correct template
     $this->log("\"{$template}\" template is being used.", 'info', 1);
     $this->_template = $template;
     // Search for config files
     $configDir = $this->getConfigPath($template);
     $this->log("Template dir is '{$configDir}'.", 'info');
     $dir = new Folder($configDir);
     $configFiles = $dir->find('(?!_).*\\.yml');
     // Load config files
     foreach ($configFiles as $file) {
         // Opening file and converting YAML content to PHP array
         $this->log("Loading file: \"{$file}\"...", 'info', 1);
         $this->_config = array_merge_recursive($this->_config, $this->_Spyc->YAMLLoad($configDir . $file));
コード例 #13
ファイル: CakeboxInfo.php プロジェクト: alt3/cakebox-console
  * Return an simple array with all Nginx site files found in /etc/nginx/sites-available.
  * @return array Simple array with found filenames
 public function getNginxFiles()
     $dir = new Folder($this->webserverMeta['nginx']['sites-available']);
     return $dir->find('.*', 'sort');
コード例 #14
ファイル: GuardianComponent.php プロジェクト: wasabi-cms/core
  * Retrieve all controller names + paths for the app src.
  * @return array
 public function getControllersForApp()
     $controllers = [];
     $ctrlFolder = new Folder();
     /** @var Folder $ctrlFolder */
     $ctrlFolder->cd(ROOT . DS . 'src' . DS . 'Controller');
     if (!empty($ctrlFolder)) {
         $files = $ctrlFolder->find('.*Controller\\.php$');
         $subLength = strlen('Controller.php');
         foreach ($files as $f) {
             $filename = basename($f);
             if ($filename === 'AppController.php') {
             $ctrlName = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - $subLength);
             $controllers[] = ['name' => $ctrlName, 'path' => $ctrlFolder->path . DS . $f];
         $subFolders = $ctrlFolder->read(true, false, true)[0];
         foreach ($subFolders as $subFolder) {
             $files = $ctrlFolder->find('.*Controller\\.php$');
             $subLength = strlen('Controller.php');
             foreach ($files as $f) {
                 $filename = basename($f);
                 if ($filename === 'AppController.php') {
                 $ctrlName = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - $subLength);
                 $controllers[] = ['name' => $ctrlName, 'path' => $ctrlFolder->path . DS . $f];
     return $controllers;
コード例 #15
  * Includes the needed components
  * @return void
 protected function _includeComponents()
     // for now, we just include all components
     $appComponentFolder = WWW_ROOT . 'js/app/components/';
     $folder = new Folder($appComponentFolder);
     $files = $folder->find('.*\\.js');
     if (!empty($files)) {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $this->_dependencies[] = 'app/components/' . $file;
     // Add Plugin Components
     foreach (Plugin::loaded() as $pluginName) {
         $pluginJsComponentsFolder = Plugin::path($pluginName) . '/webroot/js/app/components/';
         if (is_dir($pluginJsComponentsFolder)) {
             $folder = new Folder($pluginJsComponentsFolder);
             $files = $folder->find('.*\\.js');
             foreach ($files as $file) {
                 $this->_dependencies[] = '/' . Inflector::underscore($pluginName) . '/js/app/components/' . $file;
コード例 #16
 public function reset()
     $this->out(__d('platform', '<warning>Start app database downgrading</warning>'));
     $migrationsDir = new Folder(ROOT . DS . 'config' . DS . 'Migrations', false);
     $migrationFiles = $migrationsDir->find('.*\\.php');
     if (count($migrationFiles) > 0) {
         $this->out(__d('platform', '- <success>App core database downgraded</success>'));
     foreach (Plugin::loaded() as $plugin) {
         $migrationsDir = new Folder(Plugin::path($plugin) . 'config' . DS . 'Migrations', false);
         $migrationFiles = $migrationsDir->find('.*\\.php');
         if (count($migrationFiles) > 0) {
             $this->runMigrations('rollback', $plugin);
             $this->out(__d('platform', '- <success>{0} plugin migrations downgraded</success>', $plugin));
     if (file_exists(ROOT . DS . 'config' . DS . 'config.php')) {
         unlink(ROOT . DS . 'config' . DS . 'config.php');
コード例 #17
ファイル: AclExtras.php プロジェクト: cakephp/acl
  * Get a list of controllers in the app and plugins.
  * Returns an array of path => import notation.
  * @param string $plugin Name of plugin to get controllers for
  * @param string $prefix Name of prefix to get controllers for
  * @return array
 public function getControllerList($plugin = null, $prefix = null)
     if (!$plugin) {
         $path = App::path('Controller' . (empty($prefix) ? '' : DS . Inflector::camelize($prefix)));
         $dir = new Folder($path[0]);
         $controllers = $dir->find('.*Controller\\.php');
     } else {
         $path = App::path('Controller' . (empty($prefix) ? '' : DS . Inflector::camelize($prefix)), $plugin);
         $dir = new Folder($path[0]);
         $controllers = $dir->find('.*Controller\\.php');
     return $controllers;
コード例 #18
  * Delete image's thumbnails if exists.
  * @param string $imagePath Full path to original image file
  * @return void
 public static function deleteThumbnails($imagePath)
     $imagePath = normalizePath("{$imagePath}/");
     $fileName = basename($imagePath);
     $tmbPath = normalizePath(dirname($imagePath) . '/.tmb/');
     $folder = new Folder($tmbPath);
     $pattern = preg_quote(static::removeExt($fileName));
     foreach ($folder->find(".*{$pattern}.*") as $tn) {
         $tn = new File($tmbPath . $tn);
コード例 #19
  * Process the tasks when they need to run
  * @access private
  * @return void
 private function runjobs()
     $dir = new Folder(TMP);
     // set processing flag so function takes place only once at any given time
     $processing = count($dir->find('\\.scheduler_running_flag'));
     $processingFlag = new File($dir->slashTerm($dir->pwd()) . '.scheduler_running_flag');
     if ($processing && time() - $processingFlag->lastChange() < $this->processingTimeout) {
         $this->out("Scheduler already running! Exiting.");
         return false;
     } else {
     if (!$this->storePath) {
         $this->storePath = TMP;
     // look for a store of the previous run
     $store = "";
     $storeFilePath = $this->storePath . $this->storeFile;
     if (file_exists($storeFilePath)) {
         $store = file_get_contents($storeFilePath);
     $this->out('Reading from: ' . $storeFilePath);
     // build or rebuild the store
     if ($store != '') {
         $store = json_decode($store, true);
     } else {
         $store = $this->schedule;
     // run the jobs that need to be run, record the time
     foreach ($this->schedule as $name => $job) {
         $now = new DateTime();
         $task = $job['task'];
         $action = $job['action'];
         // if the job has never been run before, create it
         if (!isset($store[$name])) {
             $store[$name] = $job;
         // figure out the last run date
         $tmptime = $store[$name]['lastRun'];
         if ($tmptime == null) {
             $tmptime = new DateTime("1969-01-01 00:00:00");
         } elseif (is_array($tmptime)) {
             $tmptime = new DateTime($tmptime['date'], new DateTimeZone($tmptime['timezone']));
         } elseif (is_string($tmptime)) {
             $tmptime = new DateTime($tmptime);
         // determine the next run time based on the last
         if (substr($job['interval'], 0, 1) === 'P') {
             $tmptime->add(new DateInterval($job['interval']));
             // "P10DT4H" http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.dateinterval.php
         } else {
             // "next day 10:30" http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.relative.php
         // is it time to run? has it never been run before?
         if ($tmptime <= $now) {
             $this->out("Running {$name}");
             if (!isset($this->{$task})) {
                 $this->{$task} = $this->Tasks->load($task);
                 // load models if they aren't already
                 // foreach ($this->$task->uses as $mk => $mv) {
                 // 	if (!isset($this->$task->$mv)) {
                 // 		App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
                 // 		App::uses($mv, 'Model');
                 // 		$this->$task->$mv = new $mv();
                 // 	}
                 // }
             // grab the entire schedule record incase it was updated..
             $store[$name] = $this->schedule[$name];
             // execute the task and store the result
             $store[$name]['lastResult'] = call_user_func_array(array($this->{$task}, $action), $job['args']);
             // assign it the current time
             $now = new DateTime();
             $store[$name]['lastRun'] = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // write the store back to the file
     file_put_contents($this->storePath . $this->storeFile, json_encode($store));
     // remove processing flag
コード例 #20
  * _removeExpiredLock
  * @return void
 protected function _removeExpiredLock()
     $dir = new Folder(CONFIG . $this->_config['lockout']['file_path'], true);
     $files = $dir->find();
     foreach ($files as $fileName) {
         $file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . $fileName);
         $lastChange = Time::createFromTimestamp($file->lastChange());
         if ($lastChange->wasWithinLast($this->_config['lockout']['expires'])) {
コード例 #21
ファイル: ModulesHelper.php プロジェクト: Cheren/union
  * Find and get module styles.
  * @return array
 public function getStyles()
     $theme = activeTheme();
     $stylesDir = $this->_stylesPath($this->_plugin);
     $defaultFolder = new Folder($stylesDir);
     $defaultStyles = $defaultFolder->find('.*\\.ctp');
     $themeStylesDir = $this->_stylesPath($theme);
     $themeFolder = new Folder($themeStylesDir);
     $themeStyles = $themeFolder->find('.*\\.ctp');
     $output = [];
     $styles = array_replace($defaultStyles, $themeStyles);
     foreach ($styles as $style) {
         $name = pathinfo($style, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
         $output[$name] = Inflector::camelize($name);
     return $output;
コード例 #22
ファイル: FolderTest.php プロジェクト: rashmi/newrepo
  * Verify that the order using name is correct.
 public function testSortByName()
     $Folder = new Folder(TMP . 'tests', true);
     $fileA = new File($Folder->pwd() . DS . 'a.txt');
     $fileC = new File($Folder->pwd() . DS . 'c.txt');
     $fileB = new File($Folder->pwd() . DS . 'b.txt');
     $results = $Folder->find('.*', Folder::SORT_NAME);
     $this->assertSame(['a.txt', 'b.txt', 'c.txt'], $results);