getHashForPattern() public static method

With the variants options, all variants from the maximum number of pattern characters to one character will be returned. This is required in some cases, the a placeholder is used very early in the pattern. Example: Pattern: "Mozilla/* (Nintendo 3DS; *) Version/*" User agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Nintendo 3DS; U; ; en) Version/1.7567.US" In this case the has for the pattern is created for "Mozilla/" while the pattern for the hash for user agent is created for "Mozilla/5.0". The variants option results in an array with hashes for "Mozilla/5.0", "Mozilla/5.", "Mozilla/5", "Mozilla/" ... "M", so that the pattern hash is included.
public static getHashForPattern ( string $pattern, boolean $variants = false ) : string | array
$pattern string
$variants boolean
return string | array
コード例 #1
ファイル: GetPattern.php プロジェクト: browscap/browscap-php
  * Gets some possible patterns that have to be matched against the user agent. With the given
  * user agent string, we can optimize the search for potential patterns:
  * - We check the first characters of the user agent (or better: a hash, generated from it)
  * - We compare the length of the pattern with the length of the user agent
  *   (the pattern cannot be longer than the user agent!)
  * @param string $userAgent
  * @return \Generator
 public function getPatterns($userAgent)
     $starts = Pattern::getHashForPattern($userAgent, true);
     $length = strlen($userAgent);
     // add special key to fall back to the default browser
     $starts[] = str_repeat('z', 32);
     // get patterns, first for the given browser and if that is not found,
     // for the default browser (with a special key)
     foreach ($starts as $tmpStart) {
         $tmpSubkey = SubKey::getPatternCacheSubkey($tmpStart);
         if (!$this->cache->hasItem('browscap.patterns.' . $tmpSubkey, true)) {
             $this->logger->debug('cache key "browscap.patterns.' . $tmpSubkey . '" not found');
         $success = null;
         $file = $this->cache->getItem('browscap.patterns.' . $tmpSubkey, true, $success);
         if (!$success) {
             $this->logger->debug('cache key "browscap.patterns.' . $tmpSubkey . '" not found');
         if (!is_array($file) || !count($file)) {
             $this->logger->debug('cache key "browscap.patterns.' . $tmpSubkey . '" was empty');
         $found = false;
         foreach ($file as $buffer) {
             list($tmpBuffer, $len, $patterns) = explode("\t", $buffer, 3);
             if ($tmpBuffer === $tmpStart) {
                 if ($len <= $length) {
                     (yield trim($patterns));
                 $found = true;
             } elseif ($found === true) {
     (yield '');
コード例 #2
ファイル: IniParser.php プロジェクト: browscap/browscap-php
  * Creates new pattern cache files
  * @param string $content
  * @return \Generator
 public function createPatterns($content)
     // get all relevant patterns from the INI file
     // - containing "*" or "?"
     // - not containing "*" or "?", but not having a comment
     preg_match_all('/(?<=\\[)(?:[^\\r\\n]*[?*][^\\r\\n]*)(?=\\])|(?<=\\[)(?:[^\\r\\n*?]+)(?=\\])(?![^\\[]*Comment=)/m', $content, $matches);
     if (empty($matches[0]) || !is_array($matches[0])) {
         (yield []);
     $quoterHelper = new Quoter();
     $matches = $matches[0];
     usort($matches, [$this, 'compareBcStrings']);
     // build an array to structure the data. this requires some memory, but we need this step to be able to
     // sort the data in the way we need it (see below).
     $data = [];
     foreach ($matches as $pattern) {
         if ('GJK_Browscap_Version' === $pattern) {
         $pattern = strtolower($pattern);
         $patternhash = Pattern::getHashForPattern($pattern, false);
         $tmpLength = Pattern::getPatternLength($pattern);
         // special handling of default entry
         if ($tmpLength === 0) {
             $patternhash = str_repeat('z', 32);
         if (!isset($data[$patternhash])) {
             $data[$patternhash] = [];
         if (!isset($data[$patternhash][$tmpLength])) {
             $data[$patternhash][$tmpLength] = [];
         $pattern = $quoterHelper->pregQuote($pattern);
         // Check if the pattern contains digits - in this case we replace them with a digit regular expression,
         // so that very similar patterns (e.g. only with different browser version numbers) can be compressed.
         // This helps to speed up the first (and most expensive) part of the pattern search a lot.
         if (strpbrk($pattern, '0123456789') !== false) {
             $compressedPattern = preg_replace('/\\d/', '[\\d]', $pattern);
             if (!in_array($compressedPattern, $data[$patternhash][$tmpLength])) {
                 $data[$patternhash][$tmpLength][] = $compressedPattern;
         } else {
             $data[$patternhash][$tmpLength][] = $pattern;
     // sorting of the data is important to check the patterns later in the correct order, because
     // we need to check the most specific (=longest) patterns first, and the least specific
     // (".*" for "Default Browser")  last.
     // sort by pattern start to group them
     // and then by pattern length (longest first)
     foreach (array_keys($data) as $key) {
     // write optimized file (grouped by the first character of the has, generated from the pattern
     // start) with multiple patterns joined by tabs. this is to speed up loading of the data (small
     // array with pattern strings instead of an large array with single patterns) and also enables
     // us to search for multiple patterns in one preg_match call for a fast first search
     // (3-10 faster), followed by a detailed search for each single pattern.
     $contents = [];
     foreach ($data as $patternhash => $tmpEntries) {
         if (empty($tmpEntries)) {
         $subkey = SubKey::getPatternCacheSubkey($patternhash);
         if (!isset($contents[$subkey])) {
             $contents[$subkey] = [];
         foreach ($tmpEntries as $tmpLength => $tmpPatterns) {
             if (empty($tmpPatterns)) {
             $chunks = array_chunk($tmpPatterns, self::COUNT_PATTERN);
             foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
                 $contents[$subkey][] = $patternhash . "\t" . $tmpLength . "\t" . implode("\t", $chunk);
     $subkeys = SubKey::getAllPatternCacheSubkeys();
     foreach ($contents as $subkey => $content) {
         $subkey = (string) $subkey;
         (yield [$subkey => $content]);
     foreach (array_keys($subkeys) as $subkey) {
         $subkey = (string) $subkey;
         (yield [$subkey => []]);
コード例 #3
ファイル: PatternTest.php プロジェクト: browscap/browscap-php
  * @group pattern
 public function testGetPatternStartWithVariants()
     $pattern = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.68 Safari/537.36';
     $expected = [0 => 'aaa556aeec36ac3edfe2f5deea5f1d28', 1 => '31d050fd7a4ea6c972063ef30d18991a', 2 => 'dbeb1c32b66fd7717de583d999f89ec3', 3 => '13e6ce11d0a70e2a5a3df41bf11d493e', 4 => '3a4a9ff7cf86e273442bad1305f3d1fd', 5 => 'b70924c16a59b9cc2de329464b64118e', 6 => '89364cb625249b3d478bace02699e05d', 7 => '27c9d5187cd283f8d160ec1ed2b5ac89', 8 => '6f8f57715090da2632453988d9a1501b', 9 => 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'];
     self::assertSame($expected, Pattern::getHashForPattern(strtolower($pattern), true));