コード例 #1

define('DISCORDPHP_STARTTIME', microtime(true));
use Bot\Bot;
use Bot\Config;
use Discord\Discord;
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
$opts = getopt('', ['config::']);
$configfile = isset($opts['config']) ? $opts['config'] : $_SERVER['PWD'] . '/config.json';
echo "DiscordPHPBot\r\n";
echo "Loading config file from {$configfile}\r\n";
try {
    echo "Initilizing the bot...\r\n";
    $bot = new Bot($configfile);
    echo "Initilized bot.\r\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo "Could not initilize bot. {$e->getMessage()}\r\n";
try {
    echo "Loading commands...\r\n";
    $commandResearch = glob('./src/Commands/*.php');
    $commandLoad = true;
    foreach ($commandResearch as $file) {
        include $file;
    echo "Loaded commands.\r\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo "Could not load commands. {$e->getMessage()}\r\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: bot.php プロジェクト: uniquoooo/DiscordPHPBot
define('DISCORDPHP_STARTTIME', microtime(true));
define('BOT_DIR', __DIR__);
use Bot\Bot;
use Bot\Config;
use Discord\Discord;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
$opts = getopt('', ['config::']);
$configfile = isset($opts['config']) ? $opts['config'] : $_SERVER['PWD'] . '/config.json';
$log = new Logger('DiscordPHP-Bot');
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stdout', Logger::INFO));
$log->addInfo('Starting DiscordPHPBot...');
$log->addInfo("Loading config from {$configfile}...");
try {
    $bot = new Bot($configfile, $log);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    $log->addError('Error while initilizing or running the bot.', ['message' => $e->getMessage()]);
try {
    $log->addInfo('Initilizing commands...');
    $bot->addCommand('help', \Bot\Commands\Help::class, 1, 'Shows the help command.', '');
    $bot->addCommand('eval', \Bot\Commands\Evalu::class, 3, 'Evaluates some code.', '<code>');
    $bot->addCommand('join', \Bot\Commands\Join::class, 1, 'Joins the specified server.', '<invite>');
    $bot->addCommand('flush', \Bot\Commands\Flush::class, 2, 'Flushes the channels messages.', '[messages=15]');
    $bot->addCommand('info', \Bot\Commands\Info::class, 1, 'Shows information about the bot.', '');
    $bot->addCommand('meme', \Bot\Commands\Meme::class, 1, 'dank memes', '');
    $bot->addCommand('setlevel', \Bot\Commands\SetLevel::class, 4, 'Sets the auth level of a user.', '<user> [level=2]');
    $bot->addCommand('mylevel', \Bot\Commands\MyLevel::class, 0, 'Shows your auth level.', '');
    $bot->addCommand('setprefix', \Bot\Commands\SetPrefix::class, 4, 'Sets the prefix for the bot.', '<prefix>');