public function init() { Admin::registerGroup(self::CHATGROUP); $this->questionsCount = \Util::getLinesCount(self::QUIZ_DB_PATH); $this->quizDb = Factory::create(\Util::getLocalPath() . DS . 'quiz.json'); if (!isset($this->quizDb['scores'])) { $this->quizDb['scores'] = []; } $this->ev->on(CoreInterface::MESSAGE, [$this, 'processMessage']); $this->ev->on('tick', [$this, 'processRunningQuiz']); \Util::console('Quiz: Questions count: ' . $this->questionsCount); $this->ev->on('restart', function () { $running = \Util::store('quiz') ?: []; if (count($running)) { foreach ($running as $chatName => $run) { $msg = '(devil) Игра окончена, т.к. ведущий перезагружается.'; $msg .= $this->scoresMessage($chatName); $this->core->send($chatName, $msg); unset($running[$chatName]); \Util::store('quiz', $running); } } return true; }); }
public function getRates($force = false) { $ratesToGet = ['today' => strtotime('today'), 'tomorrow' => strtotime('tomorrow')]; $ratesDb = Factory::create(\Util::getLocalPath() . DS . 'rates.json'); $rates = $ratesDb['rates'] ?: []; foreach ($ratesToGet as $day => $stamp) { if ($force || empty($rates[$stamp])) { $response = $this->http->getResponse('GET', '' . date('m/d/Y', $stamp)); if ($response && $response->getStatusCode() === 200 && ($body = $response->getBody())) { /** @var \SimpleXMLElement $rate */ $rate = simplexml_load_string($body, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); if ((bool) $rate && isset($rate->Currency)) { $newRate = []; foreach ($rate->Currency as $currency) { switch ((string) $currency->CharCode) { case 'EUR': case 'RUB': case 'USD': $newRate[(string) $currency->CharCode] = round((double) $currency->Rate); break; } } $rates[$stamp] = $newRate; } else { unset($rates[$stamp]); } ksort($rates); $ratesDb['rates'] = $rates; } } } return $rates; }
public function init() { $this->ev->on('tick', [$this, 'processFeeds']); $this->rssDb = Factory::create(\Util::getLocalPath() . DS . 'rss.json'); }
public function initSkypeConnection() { $config = $this->container->get('config'); $this->username = $config['web']['username']; $this->password = $config['web']['password']; $this->tokenDb = $this->quizDb = Factory::create(\Util::getLocalPath() . DS . 'coreWebToken.json'); $this->lastPoll = time(); \Util::debug('Start login'); if ($this->tokenDb['skypeTokenTimeout'] && $this->tokenDb['skypeTokenTimeout'] < time()) { $this->tokenDb->clear(); \Util::debug('Clearing timed out session'); } if (!$this->tokenDb['skypeToken']) { \Util::debug('No token'); $response = $this->webRequest('', 'GET', null, [], false, true); \Util::debug('Checking if authorized already'); $headersPos = strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n"); $headers = $this->parseHeaders(substr($response, 0, $headersPos)); $body = substr($response, $headersPos + 4); if (isset($headers['Set-Cookie'])) { if (is_string($headers['Set-Cookie'])) { $headers['Set-Cookie'] = [$headers['Set-Cookie']]; } foreach ($headers['Set-Cookie'] as $cookie) { $match = []; if ($this->tokenDb['skypeToken']) { break; } if (!preg_match('/^refresh-token=(.+?);/', $cookie, $match)) { continue; } if ($match && $match[1]) { \Util::debug('Got skypeToken: ' . $match[1]); $this->setSkypeToken($match[1]); break; } } } if (!$this->tokenDb['skypeToken']) { \Util::debug('Not authorized'); $pq = \phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($body); $pie = $pq->find('input[name=pie]')->val(); $etm = $pq->find('input[name=etm]')->val(); $jsTime = $pq->find('input[name=js_time]')->val(); $response = $this->webRequest('', 'POST', ['username' => $this->username, 'password' => $this->password, 'persistent' => 1, 'pie' => $pie, 'etm' => $etm, 'js_time' => $jsTime, 'timezone_field' => '+03|00', 'client_id' => 578134, 'redirect_uri' => '']); $pq = \phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($response); $skypeToken = $pq->find('input[name=skypetoken]')->val(); if ($skypeToken) { \Util::debug('Got skypeToken: ' . $skypeToken); $this->setSkypeToken($skypeToken); } } } if (!$this->tokenDb['skypeToken']) { \Util::debug('No skypeToken, exiting'); die(1); } \Util::debug('Getting regToken'); $response = $this->webRequest('', 'POST', ['skypetoken' => $this->tokenDb['skypeToken']]); $response = $this->webRequest('', 'POST', '{"endpointFeatures":"Agent"}', ['Accept' => 'application/json, text/javascript', 'ClientInfo' => self::CLIENT_INFO, 'BehaviorOverride' => 'redirectAs404', 'LockAndKey' => '; time=' . $this->lastPoll . '; lockAndKeyResponse=' . hash('sha256', $this->lastPoll), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Origin' => '', 'Referer' => '', 'ContextId' => 'tcid=' . $this->lastPoll . '00000000'], false, true); $headersPos = strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n"); $headers = $this->parseHeaders(substr($response, 0, $headersPos)); $body = substr($response, $headersPos + 4); $endpointUrl = $headers['Location']; if ($endpointUrl) { // \Util::debug('raw endpointUrl: ' . $endpointUrl); $this->endpointUrl = rtrim(urldecode($endpointUrl), '/') . '/'; } $regToken = $headers['Set-RegistrationToken']; if ($regToken) { list($regToken, $regTokenTimeout, $endpointId) = explode('; ', $regToken); $this->regToken = $regToken; $this->regTokenTimeout = str_replace('expires=', '', $regTokenTimeout); $this->endpointId = str_replace('endpointId=', '', $endpointId); \Util::debug('regToken: ' . $this->regToken); \Util::debug('endpointId: ' . $this->endpointId); $this->endpointUrl = rtrim(str_replace('/' . $this->endpointId . '/', '', urldecode($this->endpointUrl)), '/'); \Util::debug('endpointUrl: ' . $this->endpointUrl); \Util::debug('Creating endpoint'); $response = $this->webRequest($this->endpointUrl . '/' . $this->endpointId, 'PUT', '{"endpointFeatures":"Agent"}', ['Accept' => 'application/json, text/javascript', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate, sdch', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-EN;q=1', 'BehaviorOverride' => 'redirectAs404', 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate', 'ClientInfo' => self::CLIENT_INFO, 'Connection' => 'keep-alive', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Expires' => '0', 'Host' => parse_url($this->endpointUrl, PHP_URL_HOST), 'Origin' => '', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache', 'Referer' => '', 'ContextId' => 'tcid=' . $this->lastPoll . '00000000'], false, true, 5); \Util::debug('Body: ' . $response); \Util::debug('Setting subscriptions'); $response = $this->webRequest($this->endpointUrl . '/' . 'SELF/subscriptions', 'POST', '{"channelType":"httpLongPoll","template":"raw","interestedResources":["/v1/users/ME/conversations/ALL/properties","/v1/users/ME/conversations/ALL/messages","/v1/users/ME/contacts/ALL","/v1/threads/ALL"]}', ['Accept' => 'application/json, text/javascript']); $this->initialized = true; } }
public function initSkypeConnection() { $config = $this->container->get('config'); $this->username = $config['web']['username']; $this->password = $config['web']['password']; $this->tokenDb = $this->quizDb = Factory::create(\Util::getLocalPath() . DS . 'coreWebToken.json'); $this->lastPoll = time(); \Util::debug('Start login'); if ($this->tokenDb['skypeTokenTimeout'] && $this->tokenDb['skypeTokenTimeout'] < time()) { $this->tokenDb->clear(); \Util::debug('Clearing timed out session'); } if (!$this->tokenDb['skypeToken']) { \Util::debug('No token'); $response = $this->webRequest('', 'GET', null, [], false, true); \Util::debug('loginpage'); $headersPos = strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n"); $headers = $this->parseHeaders(substr($response, 0, $headersPos)); $body = substr($response, $headersPos + 4); if (isset($headers['Set-Cookie'])) { if (is_string($headers['Set-Cookie'])) { $headers['Set-Cookie'] = [$headers['Set-Cookie']]; } foreach ($headers['Set-Cookie'] as $cookie) { $match = []; if ($this->tokenDb['skypeToken']) { break; } if (!preg_match('/^refresh-token=(.+?);/', $cookie, $match)) { continue; } if ($match && $match[1]) { $this->setSkypeToken($match[1]); } } } if (!$this->tokenDb['skypeToken']) { $pq = \phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($body); $pie = $pq->find('input[name=pie]')->val(); $etm = $pq->find('input[name=etm]')->val(); $jsTime = $pq->find('input[name=js_time]')->val(); $response = $this->webRequest('', 'POST', ['username' => $this->username, 'password' => $this->password, 'persistent' => 1, 'pie' => $pie, 'etm' => $etm, 'js_time' => $jsTime, 'timezone_field' => '+03|00', 'client_id' => 578134, 'redirect_uri' => '']); $pq = \phpQuery::newDocumentHTML($response); $skypeToken = $pq->find('input[name=skypetoken]')->val(); if ($skypeToken) { $this->setSkypeToken($skypeToken); } } } $response = $this->webRequest('', 'POST', ['skypetoken' => $this->tokenDb['skypeToken']]); $response = $this->webRequest('', 'POST', '{}', ['Accept' => 'application/json, text/javascript', 'ClientInfo' => 'os=Windows; osVer=10; proc=Win32; lcid=en-us; deviceType=1; country=n/a;; clientVer=908/', 'BehaviorOverride' => 'redirectAs404', 'LockAndKey' => '; time=' . $this->lastPoll . '; lockAndKeyResponse=' . md5($this->lastPoll), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'Origin' => '', 'Referer' => '', 'ContextId' => 'tcid=' . $this->lastPoll . '00000000'], false, true); $headersPos = strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n"); $headers = $this->parseHeaders(substr($response, 0, $headersPos)); $body = substr($response, $headersPos + 4); $endpointUrl = $headers['Location']; if ($endpointUrl) { $this->endpointUrl = rtrim(urldecode($endpointUrl), '/') . '/'; } $regToken = $headers['Set-RegistrationToken']; if ($regToken) { list($regToken, $regTokenTimeout, $endpointId) = explode('; ', $regToken); $this->regToken = $regToken; $this->regTokenTimeout = str_replace('expires=', '', $regTokenTimeout); $this->endpointId = str_replace('endpointId=', '', $endpointId); $this->endpointUrl = str_replace($this->endpointId . '/', '', urldecode($this->endpointUrl)); \Util::debug($this->endpointUrl); $response = $this->webRequest($this->endpointUrl . $this->endpointId, 'PUT', '{}', ['Accept' => 'application/json, text/javascript', 'ClientInfo' => 'os=Windows; osVer=10; proc=Win32; lcid=en-us; deviceType=1; country=n/a;; clientVer=908/', 'BehaviorOverride' => 'redirectAs404', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 'Origin' => '', 'Referer' => '', 'ContextId' => 'tcid=' . $this->lastPoll . '00000000'], false, true, 5); $response = $this->webRequest($this->endpointUrl . 'SELF/subscriptions', 'POST', '{"channelType":"httpLongPoll","template":"raw","interestedResources":["/v1/users/ME/conversations/ALL/properties","/v1/users/ME/conversations/ALL/messages","/v1/users/ME/contacts/ALL","/v1/threads/ALL"]}', ['Accept' => 'application/json, text/javascript']); $this->initialized = true; } }
public function processJobs($time) { if ($time >= $this->currentTime + self::PERIOD) { $this->currentTime = $time; $builds = []; // TODO move to config $jobsUrl = "http://jenkinshost/api/json?tree=jobs[name," . "lastBuild[building,timestamp,actions[parameters[name,value]],fullDisplayName,result,number,url," . 'changeSet[items[msg,author[fullName]]]' . "]]"; // \Util::debug($jobsUrl); $response = $this->http->getResponse('GET', $jobsUrl); if ($response && $response->getStatusCode() === 200 && ($body = $response->getBody())) { /** @var array $buildsRaw */ $buildsRaw = json_decode($body, true)['jobs']; $jobs = $this->pluginConfig['jobs']; foreach ($buildsRaw as $build) { if (in_array($build['name'], array_keys($jobs))) { $builds[$build['name']] = []; if (isset($build['lastBuild']['actions'][0]['parameters'])) { foreach ($build['lastBuild']['actions'][0]['parameters'] as $param) { $builds[$build['name']][$param['name']] = $param['value']; } } $builds[$build['name']]['result'] = $build['lastBuild']['result']; $builds[$build['name']]['displayName'] = $build['lastBuild']['fullDisplayName']; $builds[$build['name']]['number'] = $build['lastBuild']['number']; $builds[$build['name']]['url'] = $build['lastBuild']['url']; $builds[$build['name']]['time'] = $build['lastBuild']['timestamp']; $builds[$build['name']]['building'] = $build['lastBuild']['building']; $changes = []; if (!empty($build['lastBuild']['changeSet']['items'])) { foreach ($build['lastBuild']['changeSet']['items'] as $change) { $changes[] = [$change['author']['fullName'], $change['msg']]; } } $builds[$build['name']]['changes'] = $changes; } } $jobsDb = Factory::create(\Util::getLocalPath() . DS . 'jobs.json'); $msg = ''; $prevBuilds = $jobsDb['jobs'] ?: []; foreach ($builds as $name => $build) { $extra = []; $job = !empty($jobs[$name]) ? $jobs[$name] : []; if (isset($prevBuilds[$name]) && ($build['number'] !== $prevBuilds[$name]['number'] || $build['result'] !== $prevBuilds[$name]['result'])) { $xtext = ''; if (isset($build['DEPLOY_STAGE'])) { $extra['on'] = $build['DEPLOY_STAGE']; } if (isset($build['TARGET_SERVER'])) { $extra['on'] = $build['TARGET_SERVER']; } if (isset($build['DEPLOY_BRANCH'])) { $extra['source:'] = $build['DEPLOY_BRANCH']; } if (count($extra)) { $texts = []; foreach ($extra as $xname => $xval) { $texts[] = "{$xname} {$xval}"; } $xtext = implode(', ', $texts); } if (!$build['building']) { \Util::console("Jenkins: job '{$name}'' state {$build['result']}"); $result = $build['result']; $link = ''; $versionUrl = null; switch ($result) { case 'SUCCESS': if (array_key_exists('skipSections', $job) && in_array('success', $job['skipSections'])) { \Util::console("Jenkins: job '{$name}' skip success"); continue 2; } $result = '(y) SUCCESS'; break; case 'FAILURE': if (array_key_exists('skipSections', $job) && in_array('failure', $job['skipSections'])) { \Util::console("Jenkins: job '{$name}' skip failure"); continue 2; } $result = ';( FAILURE'; $link = $build['url']; break; } if (!empty($job)) { if (array_values($job) === $job) { $versionUrl = current($job); } else { if (array_key_exists('DEPLOY_STAGE', $build) && !empty($build['DEPLOY_STAGE']) && !empty($job[$build['DEPLOY_STAGE']])) { $versionUrl = $job[$build['DEPLOY_STAGE']]; } elseif (array_key_exists('TARGET_SERVER', $build) && !empty($build['TARGET_SERVER']) && !empty($job[$build['TARGET_SERVER']])) { $versionUrl = $job[$build['TARGET_SERVER']]; } } } $version = null; if ($versionUrl && $build['result'] === 'SUCCESS') { $response = $this->http->getResponse('GET', $versionUrl, [RequestOptions::AUTH => [$this->pluginConfig['auth']['user'], $this->pluginConfig['auth']['passwd']]]); if ($response && $response->getStatusCode() === 200 && ($body = $response->getBody())) { $xtext .= ' (ver. ' . trim($body) . ')'; } } $msg .= PHP_EOL . "[J] {$build['displayName']} {$result} {$xtext} " . date('Y-m-d H:i', $build['time'] / 1000) . " {$link}" . PHP_EOL; if (count($build['changes'])) { $msg .= 'Changeset:' . PHP_EOL; $changeSet = []; foreach ($build['changes'] as $change) { list($changeName, $changeMessage) = $change; $changeName = trim($changeName); if (!isset($changeSet[$changeName])) { $changeSet[$changeName] = []; } $taskNum = preg_replace('/^([A-Z]+\\-\\d+).*$/', '\\1', $changeMessage); if ($taskNum) { if (!isset($changeSet[$changeName][$taskNum])) { $changeSet[$changeName][$taskNum] = 0; } $changeSet[$changeName][$taskNum]++; } } foreach ($changeSet as $changer => $tasks) { foreach ($tasks as $task => $count) { $msg .= $changer . ': ' . $task . " ({$count} commit(s))" . PHP_EOL; } } } } else { \Util::console("Jenkins: job '{$name}' started"); if (!empty($job) && array_key_exists('skipSections', $job) && in_array('start', $job['skipSections'])) { \Util::console("Jenkins: job '{$name}' skip start"); continue; } $msg .= PHP_EOL . "[J] {$build['displayName']} build began {$xtext}"; } } } $jobsDb['jobs'] = $builds; if ($msg) { $chats = $this->db['chats'] ?: []; if (isset($chats[self::CHATGROUP]) && count($chats[self::CHATGROUP])) { foreach ($chats[self::CHATGROUP] as $chatName) { $this->core->send($chatName, trim($msg)); } } } } else { \Util::console('Jenkins builds failed to fetch: ' . ($response ? $response->getBody() : '.')); } } }
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface; $builder = new DI\ContainerBuilder(); $builder->useAnnotations(true); $builder->addDefinitions(['config.path' => ROOT . DS . 'config', 'config' => function (ContainerInterface $c) { $config = \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($c->get('config.path') . DS . 'bot.yml')); return $config; }, 'loop' => \DI\object(React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop::class), 'event' => \DI\object(Sabre\Event\EventEmitter::class)]); $container = $builder->build(); spl_autoload_register(function ($className) use($container) { $className = ltrim($className, "\\"); $fileName = ''; if (($lastNsPos = strrpos($className, "\\")) !== false) { $namespace = substr($className, 0, $lastNsPos); $className = substr($className, $lastNsPos + 1); $fileName = str_replace("\\", DS, $namespace) . DS; } $fileName .= str_replace('_', DS, $className) . '.php'; $requirePath = __DIR__ . DS . 'src' . DS . $fileName; require $requirePath; }); $config = $container->get('config'); Util::$debug = $config['debug']; $db = \Bot\Filebase\Factory::create(BASE . DS . 'main.json'); $container->set('Core', \DI\object("\\Bot\\Core\\Web")); $container->set('db', $db); Util::store('container', $container); /** * @var \Bot\App $app */ $app = $container->get('\\Bot\\App'); $app->run();