コード例 #1
// Create a blank container to hold all dependencies for the application
class App extends Container
$app = new App();
// Start loading the mandatory classes and add to the container
$config = new Config();
$config->loadConfig(CONF_DIR . 'config.php');
// tell it where config file lives.
$app->set('config', $config);
$app->set('request', new Request($_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES, $_SERVER));
$app->set('database', new Database($app->get('config')));
// pass config dependency to the database
$app->set('session', new Session($app->get('config'), $app->get('database')));
$app->set('authentication', new Authentication($app->get('database'), $app->get('session')));
$app->set('user', new User($app->get('database'), $app->get('session')));
$app->set('page', new Page($app->get('config')));
$app->set('page_caching', new Caching\PageCaching($app->get('request'), $app->get('config'), PAGE_CACHE_DIR));
$app->set('fragment_caching', new Caching\FragmentCaching($app->get('config'), FRAGMENT_CACHE_DIR));
$app->set('utilities', new Utilities());
// Pass the router all the core dependencies
$router = new Router($app);
// register the namespaces in /app/ (including regex routes if applicable)
$router->registerRouteMap('Test', APP_DIR . '/Test/_routes.php');
// dispatch to controller
if (DEBUG === true) {
    echo '<br />Processed in ' . round(microtime(1) - $mt, 3) . ' seconds<br />' . number_format(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024, 0, ".", ",") . " Kb's used";