static function emailAdmin($message = '', $subject = '', $from = '', $rcpt = '') { $message = DevValue::isNotNull($message) ? $message : "If you have recieved this email, then the admnistrative alert system on your website has been activated with no status message. Please check your log files.\n"; $subject = DevValue::isNotNull($subject) ? $subject : "Automated Email Alert From Your Site!"; $from = DevValue::isNotNull($from) ? $from : "admin@" . HTTP::domain(); $rcpt = DevValue::isNotNull($rcpt) ? $rcpt : "admin@" . HTTP::domain(); $email = Email($rcpt, $from, $subject, $message); $status = $email->send(); return $status; }
public function write() { $value = HTTP::jsonEncode($this->_data ? $this->_data : $this->_contents); $label = $this->_source; $path = $this->config('location'); $expire = (int) $this->config('expire'); $cookiesecure = $this->config('secure'); $path = $path ? $path : HTTP::domain(); $cookiedie = DevNumber::isValid($expire) ? time() + (int) $expire : (int) $expire; //expire in one hour $cookiesecure = (bool) $secure; $status = HTTP::cookie($label, $value, $cookiedie, $path = null, $cookiesecure) ? self::STATUS_SUCCESS : self::STATUS_FAILED; $this->status($status); }
public function open() { $target = $this->config('target') ? $this->config('target') : HTTP::domain(); $method = $this->config('method'); $header = $this->config('header'); $wrapper = $this->config('wrapper'); if (HTTP::urlExists($target)) { $options = array($wrapper => array('header' => $header, 'method' => $method)); $this->_connection = stream_context_create($options); $status = $this->_connection ? self::STATUS_CONNECTED : self::STATUS_NOTCONNECTED; } else { $status = self::STATUS_NOTCONNECTED; } $this->status($status); }
public function open() { if (HTTP::urlExists($this->config('target'))) { $target = parse_url($this->config('target')); $status = ''; $this->_host = $target['host'] ? $target['host'] : HTTP::domain(); $this->_url = $target['path']; $port = $target['port'] ? $target['port'] : $this->config('port'); $this->_connection = fsockopen($host, $port, $error_number, $error_string, 30); $status($this->_connection) ? self::STATUS_CONNECTED : $error_string . ': ' . $error_number; } else { $status = self::STATUS_NOTCONNECTED; } $this->status($status); }
public function open() { $status = ''; $target = $this->config('target') ? $this->config('target') : HTTP::domain(); $refresh = (bool) $this->config('refresh'); if (!$this->config('validate_host') || HTTP::urlExists($target)) { $data = $this->_data; //open connection $this->_connection = curl_init(); curl_setopt($this->_connection, CURLOPT_URL, $target); curl_setopt($this->_connection, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, $refresh); if ($this->config('username') && $this->config('password')) { curl_setopt($this->_connection, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->config('username') . ':' . $this->config('password')); } $status = $this->_connection ? self::STATUS_CONNECTED : self::STATUS_NOTCONNECTED; } else { $status = self::STATUS_NOTCONNECTED; } $this->status($status); }
static function session($var, $value = null, $expire = null, $path = null, $secure = false) { if (DevValue::isNull($value)) { return isset($_SESSION[$var]) ? $_SESSION[$var] : null; } if (session_id() == '') { $domain = $path ? substr($path, 0, strpos($path, '/')) : HTTP::domain(); $dir = $path ? substr($path, strpos($path, '/'), strlen($path)) : '/'; $cookiedie = DevNumber::isValid($expire) ? time() + (int) $expire : (int) $expire; //expire in one hour $cookiesecure = (bool) $secure; session_set_cookie_params($cookiedie, $dir, $domain, $cookiesecure); session_start(); } $status = ($_SESSION[$var] = $value) ? true : false; return $status; }