コード例 #1
  * Execute task
  * @global \moodle_database $DB
  * @global \stdClass $CFG
  * @return void
  * @throws \moodle_exception
 public function execute()
     global $DB, $CFG;
     // Not going to work if we're missing settings.
     if (!isset($CFG->block_mailchimp_apicode) || !isset($CFG->block_mailchimp_listid) || !isset($CFG->block_mailchimp_linked_profile_field)) {
     echo '== Beginning synchronization of MailChimp subscribers ==', "\n";
     // Get all users in MailChimp and synchronize.
     echo 'Getting list of users in MailChimp.', "\n";
     $listusers = \block_mailchimp\helper::getMembersSync();
     if (!$listusers) {
         debugging("ERROR: Failed to get list of all members. Unable to synchronize users.");
     // If there is an interest specified, filter out users who do not have this interest marked.
     if (isset($CFG->block_mailchimp_interest) && !$CFG->block_mailchimp_interest == "0") {
         foreach ($listusers['members'] as $key => $externaluser) {
             if ($externaluser['interests'][$CFG->block_mailchimp_interest] == false) {
         // Reindex the array
         $listusers['members'] = array_values($listusers['members']);
     $listuserscount = count($listusers['members']);
     // Get list of users in Moodle
     echo 'Getting list of users in Moodle.', "\n";
     $moodleusers = $DB->get_records('user');
     $moodleuserscount = count($moodleusers);
     // Convert Moodle email addresses to lower case. Mailchimp stores emails in lower case and calculates the MD5 hash on the lower case email.
     foreach ($moodleusers as $moodleuser) {
         $moodleuser->email = strtolower($moodleuser->email);
     // Sort MailChimp users list
     echo 'Sorting list of MailChimp users.', "\n";
     foreach ($listusers['members'] as $key => $row) {
         $emails[$key] = $row['email_address'];
     array_multisort($emails, SORT_ASC, $listusers['members']);
     // Sort Moodle users list
     echo 'Sorting list of Moodle users.', "\n";
     foreach ($moodleusers as $key => $row) {
         $emails[$key] = $row->email;
     array_multisort($emails, SORT_ASC, $moodleusers);
     // Syncronize the list of users in Moodle with those in Mailchimp
     echo '== Starting sync of Moodle users with users in MailChimp ==', "\n";
     foreach ($moodleusers as $moodleusersynckey => $moodleuser) {
         $statuspercent = round($moodleusersynckey / $moodleuserscount * 100, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
         echo $statuspercent, "%        \r";
         if (isguestuser($moodleuser)) {
         $this->synchronize_user($moodleuser, $listusers);
     echo 'Done.', "\n";
     //Iterate through mailchimp list and compare to moodle users' emails. If the email is not found in moodle, delete from mailchimp list.
     echo '== Starting MailChimp list cleanup ==', "\n";
     foreach ($listusers['members'] as $listuserskey => $externaluser) {
         $statuspercent = round($listuserskey / $listuserscount * 100, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
         echo $statuspercent, "%        \r";
         $this->synchronize_mcuser($externaluser, $moodleusers);
     echo 'Done.', "\n";
     echo '== Finished MailChimp syncronization ==', "\n";
     // Clean up static caches, since this process runs for a long time and (potentially) changes many DB records. See https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Task_API#Caches
コード例 #2
  * Execute task
  * @global \moodle_database $DB
  * @global \stdClass $CFG
  * @return void
  * @throws \moodle_exception
 public function execute_interestsync()
     global $DB, $CFG;
     // Not going to work if we're missing settings.
     if (!isset($CFG->block_mailchimp_apicode) || !isset($CFG->block_mailchimp_listid) || !isset($CFG->block_mailchimp_linked_profile_field)) {
         cli_error("No API code or list selected. Aborting interest sync.", 1);
     if (empty($CFG->block_mailchimp_interest) || $CFG->block_mailchimp_interest == "0") {
         cli_error("No interest selected. Aborting interest sync.", 1);
     $listid = $CFG->block_mailchimp_listid;
     // Get all users in MailChimp.
     $listusers = \block_mailchimp\helper::getMembersSync();
     if (!$listusers) {
         cli_error("ERROR: Failed to get list of all members. Unable to synchronize users.", 1);
     $listuserscount = count($listusers['members']);
     // Get list of users in Moodle
     cli_heading('Getting list of users in Moodle');
     $moodleusers = $DB->get_records('user');
     cli_heading('Sorting user lists');
     // Sort MailChimp users list
     // foreach ($listusers['members'] as $key => $row) {
     //     $emails[$key] = $row['email_address'];
     // }
     // array_multisort($emails, SORT_ASC, $listusers['members']);
     // unset($emails);
     // Sort Moodle users list
     foreach ($moodleusers as $key => $row) {
         $emails[$key] = $row->email;
     array_multisort($emails, SORT_ASC, $moodleusers);
     // // Update all the users that are present in moodle so they have the interest added.
     // cli_heading('Adding interest to MailChimp users that are present in Moodle');
     // foreach ($moodleusers as $moodleuser) {
     //         foreach ($listusers['members'] as $listuser) {
     //             // Search through the moodleusers to find the user with corresponding email address
     //             $maxkey = count($moodleusers) - 1;
     //             $minkey = 0;
     //             $searchkey = round((($maxkey + $minkey)/2), 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
     //             $moodleuser = false;
     //             $listuseremail = strtowlower($listuser['email_address']);
     //             while($minkey <= $maxkey) {
     //                 $moodleuseremail = strtolower($moodleusers[$searchkey]->email);
     //                 if ($listuseremail == $moodleuseremail) {
     //                     $moodleuser = $moodleusers[$searchkey];
     //                     break;
     //                 }
     //                 else if ($listuseremail > $moodleuseremail) {
     //                     $minkey = $searchkey + 1;
     //                     $searchkey = round((($maxkey + $minkey)/2), 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
     //                 }
     //                 else if ($listuseremail < $moodleuseremail) {
     //                     $maxkey = $searchkey - 1;
     //                     $searchkey = round((($maxkey + $minkey)/2), 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
     //                 }
     //         }
     //         // No corresponding moodleuser for the user in mailchimp
     //         if ($moodleuser == false) {
     //             // Do nothing for now
     //             break;
     //         }
     //     // Maybe add some error handling here
     // }
     // Update subscription status info
     cli_heading('Applying interest label and updating subscription status');
     foreach ($listusers['members'] as $listuserkey => $listuser) {
         $statuspercent = round($listuserkey / $listuserscount * 100, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
         echo $statuspercent, "%        \r";
         // Search through the mailchimp users to find the user with corresponding email address
         $maxkey = count($moodleusers) - 1;
         $minkey = 0;
         $searchkey = round(($maxkey + $minkey) / 2, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
         $moodleuser = false;
         $listuseremail = strtolower($listuser['email_address']);
         while ($minkey <= $maxkey) {
             $moodleuseremail = strtolower($moodleusers[$searchkey]->email);
             if ($listuseremail == $moodleuseremail) {
                 $moodleuser = $moodleusers[$searchkey];
             } else {
                 if ($listuseremail > $moodleuseremail) {
                     $minkey = $searchkey + 1;
                     $searchkey = round(($maxkey + $minkey) / 2, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
                 } else {
                     if ($listuseremail < $moodleuseremail) {
                         $maxkey = $searchkey - 1;
                         $searchkey = round(($maxkey + $minkey) / 2, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
         // No corresponding moodleuser for the user in mailchimp
         if ($moodleuser == false) {
             // Do nothing for now
         // Apply interest label to the user in MailChimp (First and last names are updated from Moodle)
         $args['EMAIL'] = strtolower($moodleuser->email);
         $args['FNAME'] = $moodleuser->firstname;
         $args['LNAME'] = $moodleuser->lastname;
         $updatestatus = \block_mailchimp\helper::listUpdateMember($listid, $moodleuser->email, $args, 'html');
         // Get the profile data for this moodleuser
         $moodleuserprofiledata = $this->mc_get_profile_data($moodleuser);
         // Check subscription status in MC
         if ($listuser['status'] == 'unsubscribed' && $moodleuserprofiledata->data == '1') {
             // User is unsubscribed in mailchimp but marked as subscribed in moodle. Mailchimp is the source of truth for this sync. We'll unsubscribe in moodle
             $this->mc_update_profile_subscription($moodleuser, false);
         if ($listuser['status'] == 'subscribed' && $moodleuserprofiledata->data == '0') {
             // User is subscribed in mailchimp but marked as unsubscribed in moodle. Subscribe the user in moodle
             $this->mc_update_profile_subscription($moodleuser, true);
     // New line for next output
     echo 'Done.', "\n";