コード例 #1
ファイル: ItemTest.php プロジェクト: BibleBowl/account
  * @test
 public function generatesSeasonalRegistrationDescription()
     foreach (Program::all() as $program) {
         $item = new Item(['sku' => $program->sku]);
         $this->assertEquals($program->name . ' Seasonal Registration', $item->name());
コード例 #2
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     Season::create(['name' => date('Y') . '-' . (date('y') + 1)]);
     Program::create(['name' => 'Beginner Bible Bowl', 'abbreviation' => 'Beginner', 'slug' => 'beginner', 'registration_fee' => '25.00', 'min_grade' => 2, 'max_grade' => 5]);
     Program::create(['name' => 'Teen Bible Bowl', 'abbreviation' => 'Teen', 'slug' => 'teen', 'registration_fee' => '35.00', 'min_grade' => 6, 'max_grade' => 12]);
     GroupType::create(['name' => 'Christian School']);
     GroupType::create(['name' => 'Homeschool']);
     GroupType::create(['name' => 'Church']);
     GroupType::create(['name' => 'Other']);
     ParticipantType::create(['name' => 'Team']);
     ParticipantType::create(['name' => 'Player']);
     ParticipantType::create(['name' => 'Quizmaster']);
     ParticipantType::create(['name' => 'Spectator - Adult', 'description' => 'Single adult']);
     ParticipantType::create(['name' => 'Spectator - Family', 'description' => 'Up to 2 adults and children who are not players']);
     EventType::create(['participant_type_id' => ParticipantType::TEAM, 'name' => 'Round Robin']);
     EventType::create(['participant_type_id' => ParticipantType::PLAYER, 'name' => 'Quote Bee']);
     EventType::create(['participant_type_id' => ParticipantType::TEAM, 'name' => 'Double Elimination']);
     EventType::create(['participant_type_id' => ParticipantType::PLAYER, 'name' => 'BuzzOff']);
     EventType::create(['participant_type_id' => ParticipantType::PLAYER, 'name' => 'King of the Hill']);
     Bouncer::allow(Role::ADMIN)->to([Ability::VIEW_REPORTS, Ability::MANAGE_ROLES, Ability::MANAGE_USERS, Ability::MANAGE_GROUPS, Ability::MANAGE_PLAYERS, Ability::CREATE_TOURNAMENTS, Ability::SWITCH_ACCOUNTS, Ability::MANAGE_SETTINGS]);
     Bouncer::allow(Role::HEAD_COACH)->to([Ability::MANAGE_ROSTER, Ability::MANAGE_TEAMS]);
     Role::create(['name' => Role::COACH, 'mailchimp_interest_id' => '29a52dd6fc']);
     Role::create(['name' => Role::LEAGUE_COORDINATOR, 'mailchimp_interest_id' => '9b90dc8bdd']);
     Role::create(['name' => Role::QUIZMASTER, 'mailchimp_interest_id' => 'fe3a183033']);
     Role::where('name', Role::HEAD_COACH)->update(['mailchimp_interest_id' => 'be4c459134']);
     Role::where('name', Role::GUARDIAN)->update(['mailchimp_interest_id' => '0f83e0f312']);
     $howDidYouHearAbout = RegistrationSurveyQuestion::create(['question' => 'How did you hear about Bible Bowl?', 'order' => 1]);
     $howDidYouHearAbout->answers()->saveMany([app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Friend', 'order' => '1']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Church brochure/bulletin', 'order' => '2']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Homeschool convention', 'order' => '3']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'TV', 'order' => '4']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Web Advertisement', 'order' => '5']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Internet', 'order' => '6']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Other', 'order' => '7']])]);
     $mostInfluential = RegistrationSurveyQuestion::create(['question' => 'Which of the following were most influential in your decision to join Bible Bowl?', 'order' => 2]);
     $mostInfluential->answers()->saveMany([app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => "Friend's recommendation", 'order' => '1']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Attending a practice/demo/meeting', 'order' => '2']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Learning about it on the web site', 'order' => '3']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Homeschool curriculum potential', 'order' => '4']]), app(RegistrationSurveyAnswer::class, [['answer' => 'Other', 'order' => '5']])]);
コード例 #3
ファイル: GroupController.php プロジェクト: BibleBowl/account
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function create()
     $programs = [];
     foreach (Program::all() as $program) {
         $programs[$program->id] = $program . '';
     return view('group.create')->withPrograms($programs);
コード例 #4
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function create()
     $programs = [];
     foreach (Program::all() as $program) {
         $programs[$program->id] = $program . '';
     return view('tournaments.admin.create', ['programs' => $programs, 'eventTypes' => EventType::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(), 'participantTypes' => ParticipantType::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(), 'defaultEventTypes' => [EventType::ROUND_ROBIN, EventType::DOUBLE_ELIMINATION]]);
コード例 #5
  * @test
 public function sixthGradersCanBeAddedToBeginnerOrTeen()
     GroupRegistration::$gradesWithProgramChoice = [6];
     $this->visit('/register/players')->see('David Webb')->select('6', 'player[1][grade]')->press('Continue')->seePageIs('/register/program')->see('David Webb')->select(Program::BEGINNER, 'player[1]')->press('Continue');
     // assert the player is classified as beginner
     $beginner = Program::findOrFail(Program::BEGINNER);
     /** @var GroupRegistration $registration */
     $registration = Session::seasonalGroupRegistration();
     $this->arrayHasKey(1, $registration->playerInfo($beginner));
コード例 #6
 private function seedReceipts()
     $teen = Program::findOrFail(Program::TEEN);
     $receipt = Receipt::create(['total' => $teen->registration_fee * 3, 'payment_reference_number' => uniqid(), 'user_id' => DatabaseSeeder::$guardian->id, 'address_id' => DatabaseSeeder::$guardian->primary_address_id]);
     $receipt->items()->create(['sku' => $teen->sku, 'description' => $teen->name . ' Seasonal Registration', 'quantity' => '3', 'price' => $teen->registration_fee]);
     $createdAt = Carbon::now()->subMonth();
     $beginner = Program::findOrFail(Program::BEGINNER);
     $receipt = Receipt::create(['total' => $beginner->registration_fee * 3, 'payment_reference_number' => uniqid(), 'user_id' => DatabaseSeeder::$guardian->id, 'address_id' => DatabaseSeeder::$guardian->primary_address_id, 'created_at' => $createdAt]);
     $receipt->items()->create(['sku' => $beginner->sku, 'description' => $beginner->name . ' Seasonal Registration', 'quantity' => '3', 'price' => $beginner->registration_fee, 'created_at' => $createdAt]);
コード例 #7
  * @param SettingsUpdateRequest $request
  * @return mixed
 public function update(SettingsUpdateRequest $request)
     DB::transaction(function () use($request) {
         // update programs
         foreach ($request->get('program') as $programId => $toUpdate) {
             Program::where('id', $programId)->update($toUpdate);
     return redirect('/admin/settings/')->withFlashSuccess('Your changes were saved');
コード例 #8
  * @return Program
 public function programs()
     if ($this->programs == null) {
         $programs = [];
         foreach (Program::all() as $program) {
             if ($this->numberOfPlayers($program) > 0) {
                 $programs[] = $program;
         $this->programs = $programs;
     return $this->programs;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Item.php プロジェクト: BibleBowl/account
  * Build a user friendly display name based
  * on the SKU.
  * @return string
 public function name()
     // seasonal registrations
     $seasonalGroupRegistrationPrefix = 'SEASON_REG_';
     if (starts_with($this->sku, $seasonalGroupRegistrationPrefix)) {
         $program = Program::where('slug', str_replace($seasonalGroupRegistrationPrefix, '', $this->sku))->firstOrFail();
         return $program->name . ' Seasonal Registration';
     // tournament registrations
     $tournamentRegistrationPrefix = 'TOURNAMENT_REG_';
     if (starts_with($this->sku, $tournamentRegistrationPrefix)) {
         $pieces = explode('_', $this->sku);
         return ucwords(strtolower(implode(' ', $pieces))) . ' Tournament Registration';
     return $this->sku;
コード例 #10
ファイル: SeasonRotator.php プロジェクト: BibleBowl/account
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire(AutomatedGroupDeactivator $groupDeactivator)
     /** @var Carbon $endDate */
     $endDate = Setting::seasonEnd();
     /** @var Carbon $startDate */
     $startDate = Setting::seasonStart();
     $nextSeasonName = $startDate->format('Y-') . $startDate->addYear()->format('y');
     // notify the office before the season rotates
     $rotateInDays = 7;
     if ($endDate->isBirthday(Carbon::now()->addDays($rotateInDays))) {
         Mail::queue('emails.season-rotate-notification', ['willRotateOn' => $endDate->toFormattedDateString(), 'nextSeasonName' => $nextSeasonName, 'programs' => Program::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get()], function (Message $message) use($nextSeasonName, $rotateInDays) {
             $message->to(config('biblebowl.officeEmail'))->subject('The ' . $nextSeasonName . ' season begins in ' . $rotateInDays . ' days');
     // rotate the season
     if ($endDate->isBirthday()) {
         /* @var Season $season */
         Season::firstOrCreate(['name' => $nextSeasonName]);
         // since the season rotated today, deactivate inactive groups from last season
         $lastSeason = Season::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->skip(1)->first();
コード例 #11
ファイル: DatabaseSeeder.php プロジェクト: BibleBowl/account
 private function seedReceipt(User $user) : Receipt
     $program = Program::firstOrFail();
     $receipt = Receipt::create(['total' => 15.0, 'payment_reference_number' => uniqid(), 'first_name' => $user->first_name, 'last_name' => $user->last_name, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'address_id' => $user->primary_address_id]);
     $receipt->items()->create(['sku' => $program->sku, 'description' => $program->name . ' Seasonal Registration', 'quantity' => '2', 'price' => $program->registration_fee]);
     return $receipt;
コード例 #12

// Serialized objects need to be re-instantiated in order
// to have a successful database connection
$programs = \BibleBowl\Program::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get();

    @include('emails.theme.header', [
        'header' => 'Automatically Deactivated Groups'

    @include('emails.theme.text-block', [
        'body' => '<p>Groups automatically become inactive when they end a season without any active players.  This time, <strong>'.count($groupIds).'</strong> met the criteria.  They have already been notified as well as provided instructions on how to reactivate their group or transfer the group ownership to another individual.  There\'s nothing you need to do, this is merely a notification that the following groups are now inactive.</p>'

    @foreach($programs as $program)
$groups = \BibleBowl\Group::whereIn('id', $groupIds)->where('program_id', $program->id)->with('owner')->get();
        @if($groups->count() > 0)
$bulletedList = '';
foreach ($groups as $group) {
    $bulletedList .= '<li>' . $group->name . ' (' . $group->owner->full_name . ')</li>';
            @include('emails.theme.text-block', [
                'body' => "<h4>".$program->name."</h4><ul>".$bulletedList.'</ul>'
コード例 #13
ファイル: Group.php プロジェクト: BibleBowl/account
  * Query groups by beginner or teen.
 public function scopeByProgram(Builder $query, $program)
     if (is_string($program)) {
         $program = Program::where('slug', $program)->first()->id;
     return $query->where('groups.program_id', $program);
コード例 #14
  * If the group isn't found this step will direct
  * the parent to a later.
 public function later($programSlug)
     /** @var GroupRegistration $registration */
     $registration = Session::seasonalGroupRegistration();
     $playersRemovedFromProgram = null;
     $continueRegistration = false;
     foreach (Program::all() as $program) {
         // don't register players in this program
         if ($program->slug == $programSlug && $registration->numberOfPlayers($program) > 0) {
             $playersRemovedFromProgram = $program;
         // only continue if other programs have players
         if ($registration->numberOfPlayers($program) > 0) {
             $continueRegistration = true;
     if ($continueRegistration) {
         return redirect('/register/summary')->withFlashSuccess('Your ' . $playersRemovedFromProgram->abbreviation . ' players have been removed from this registration');
     return redirect('/dashboard');