コード例 #1
  * This request fetches the list of payment cards registered by the selected user in Payture system.
  * @return \stdClass
 public static function GetList()
     return self::request("GetList", PaytureEWallet::EWALLET_API_PREFIX, array("VWID" => PaytureEWalletConfiguration::getMerchantKey(), "DATA" => self::stringify(array("VWUserLgn" => PaytureEWalletConfiguration::getVWUserLogin(), "VWUserPsw" => PaytureEWalletConfiguration::getVWUserPassword()))));
コード例 #2
  * The SendCode request is performed before the payment command for additional cardholder (User) authentication.
  * As a result of the processing of the request, the confirmation code will be generated.
  * Thus, the User will need to indicate only the CVC2/CVV2 and the confirmation code during payment.
  * Confirmation code is a random 6-digit sequence sent by Payture gateway to the client’s mobile number.
  * The confirmation code is generated for a set of parameters containing VWUserLgn, CardId (optional),
  * OrderId (optional).
  * Repeating the request with the same parameter values results in a new code being generated and sent.
  * Each code stays valid for 30 minutes after delivery, or until a repeated code request occurs,
  * whichever is earlier; after that, the code will be removed from the system. Once a code is successfully confirmed
  * by client during payment procedure, it will be removed from the system as well.
  * @param array $data Optional payment parameters
  * @return \stdClass
 public static function SendCode($data)
     $fullData = array_merge(array("VWUserLgn" => PaytureEWalletConfiguration::getVWUserLogin(), "VWUserPsw" => PaytureEWalletConfiguration::getVWUserPassword()), $data);
     return self::request("SendCode", PaytureEWallet::EWALLET_API_PREFIX, array("VWID" => PaytureEWalletConfiguration::getMerchantKey(), "DATA" => self::stringify($fullData)));