コード例 #1
 public function perform()
     $args = $this->args;
     if (empty($args['header']) || empty($args['key']) || empty($args['accountId']) || empty($args['condition'])) {
         ResqueUtil::log(['status' => 'fail to export code', 'message' => 'missing params', 'args' => $args]);
         return false;
     $header = $args['header'];
     //set the language
     Yii::$app->language = empty($args['language']) ? LanguageUtil::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE : $args['language'];
     $fileName = $args['key'];
     $filePath = ExcelUtil::getFile($fileName, 'csv');
     $condition = unserialize($args['condition']);
     $object = CampaignLog::find();
     $classFunction = '\\backend\\modules\\product\\models\\CampaignLog::preProcessRedeemedCodeData';
     ExcelUtil::processMultiData($header, $filePath, [], $condition, $object, $classFunction, ['changeTostring' => []]);
     $hashKey = ExcelUtil::setQiniuKey($filePath, $fileName);
     if ($hashKey) {
         //notice frontend the job is finished
         Yii::$app->tuisongbao->triggerEvent(Message::EVENT_EXPORT_FINISH, ['key' => $fileName], [Message::CHANNEL_GLOBAL . $args['accountId']]);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #2
 public function actionFixData($startData, $endData)
     $accounts = Account::findAll(['enabledMods' => 'product']);
     foreach ($accounts as $account) {
         $accountId = $account->_id;
         $condition = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'createdAt' => ['$gte' => new MongoDate(strtotime($startData)), '$lt' => new Mongodate(strtotime($endData))]];
         $pipeline = [['$match' => $condition], ['$group' => ['_id' => ['campaignId' => '$campaignId', 'code' => '$code'], 'count' => ['$sum' => 1]]], ['$match' => ['count' => ['$gt' => 1]]]];
         $stats = CampaignLog::getCollection()->aggregate($pipeline);
         if (!empty($stats)) {
             foreach ($stats as $stat) {
                 $code = $stat['_id']['code'];
                 $logCondition = array_merge($condition, $stat['_id']);
                 $logs = CampaignLog::find()->where($logCondition)->orderBy(['createdAt' => 1])->all();
                 $memberId = $logs[0]['member']['id'];
                 $productName = $logs[0]['productName'];
                 $description = $productName . ' ' . $code;
                 $scoreHistoryCondition = ['memberId' => $memberId, 'brief' => ScoreHistory::ASSIGNER_EXCHANGE_PROMOTION_CODE, 'description' => $description];
                 $scoreHistorys = ScoreHistory::find()->where($scoreHistoryCondition)->orderBy(['createdAt' => 1])->all();
                 $keepScoreHistory = $scoreHistorys[0];
                 $removeScoreHistoryIds = [];
                 $deduct = 0;
                 foreach ($scoreHistorys as $scoreHistory) {
                     $removeScoreHistoryIds[] = $scoreHistory->_id;
                     $deduct += $scoreHistory->increment;
                 $member = Member::findByPk($memberId);
                 if ($member->score <= $deduct || $member->totalScore <= $deduct || $member->totalScoreAfterZeroed <= $deduct) {
                     echo 'Failed : Member' . $memberId . ' score not enough ' . 'score: ' . $member->score;
                     echo ' totalScore: ' . $member->totalScore;
                     echo ' totalScoreAfterZeroed: ' . $member->totalScoreAfterZeroed . PHP_EOL;
                 $deductScore = 0 - $deduct;
                 Member::updateAll(['$inc' => ['score' => $deductScore, 'totalScore' => $deductScore, 'totalScoreAfterZeroed' => $deductScore]], ['_id' => $memberId]);
                 ScoreHistory::deleteAll(['_id' => ['$in' => $removeScoreHistoryIds]]);
                 $logIds = ArrayHelper::getColumn($logs, '_id');
                 $keepLogId = $logIds[0];
                 CampaignLog::deleteAll(['_id' => ['$in' => array_values($logIds)]]);
                 echo 'Success: ' . $productName . ' ' . $code . ' ' . $stat['count'];
                 echo ' Deduct member ' . $memberId . ' score ' . $deduct . PHP_EOL;
     echo 'Success' . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #3
  * export the promotioncode has been redeemed
 public function actionExport()
     $accountId = $this->getAccountId();
     $params = $this->getQuery();
     $where = CampaignLog::createCondition($params, $accountId);
     $data = CampaignLog::find()->where($where)->one();
     if ($data) {
         //redis hash key and set a default value
         $key = Yii::t('product', 'file_name') . '_' . date('YmdHis');
         // get the header for the excel
         $headerValues = explode(",", Yii::t('product', 'promotion_redeemed_export'));
         $headerKeys = ['id', 'cardNumber', 'memberName', 'tel', 'sku', 'productName', 'code', 'prize', 'redeemTime', 'createdAt', 'redeemptionChannelName', 'campaignName', 'backendUser'];
         $header = array_combine($headerKeys, $headerValues);
         $exportArgs = ['collection' => 'campaignLog', 'classFunction' => '\\backend\\modules\\product\\models\\CampaignLog::preProcessRedeemedCodeData', 'sort' => ['createdAt' => -1], 'language' => Yii::$app->language, 'header' => $header, 'key' => $key, 'params' => [], 'fields' => '_id,code,productId,productName,campaignName,sku,operaterEmail,member,redeemTime,usedFrom,createdAt', 'accountId' => (string) $accountId, 'condition' => serialize(CampaignLog::getCollection()->buildCondition($where)), 'description' => 'Direct: export promotionCodes that is been redeemed'];
         $jobId = Yii::$app->job->create('backend\\modules\\common\\job\\MongoExportFile', $exportArgs);
         $result = ['result' => 'success', 'message' => 'exporting redeemed code', 'data' => ['jobId' => $jobId, 'key' => $key]];
     } else {
         $result = ['result' => 'error', 'message' => 'no datas', 'data' => []];
     return $result;
コード例 #4
 public function actionIndex()
     $offset = 0;
     $query = CampaignLog::find();
     $order = ['_id' => SORT_ASC];
     $campaignLogs = $query->orderBy($order)->offset($offset)->limit(static::BATCH_ROWS)->all();
     while (!empty($campaignLogs)) {
         foreach ($campaignLogs as $campaignLog) {
             if (empty($campaignLog->redeemTime)) {
                 if (!empty($campaignLog->usedTime)) {
                     $campaignLog->redeemTime = $campaignLog->usedTime;
                 } else {
                     $campaignLog->redeemTime = $campaignLog->createdAt;
         unset($campaignLog, $campaignLogs);
         $offset += static::BATCH_ROWS;
         $campaignLogs = $query->offset($offset)->limit(static::BATCH_ROWS)->all();
     echo 'update data successful' . PHP_EOL;
コード例 #5
 private function _memberLogsFromCampaign($accountId)
     $skip = 0;
     $limit = 100;
     $query = CampaignLog::find()->where(['accountId' => $accountId])->orderBy(['createdAt' => SORT_ASC]);
     $query = $query->offset($skip)->limit($limit);
     $campaignLogs = $query->all();
     while (!empty($campaignLogs)) {
         $memberLogs = [];
         foreach ($campaignLogs as $campaignLog) {
             $member = $campaignLog->member;
             $memberLogs[] = ['memberId' => $member['id'], 'operation' => MemberLogs::OPERATION_REDEEM, 'operationAt' => empty($campaignLog->redeemTime) ? $campaignLog->createdAt : $campaignLog->redeemTime, 'createdAt' => $campaignLog->createdAt, 'accountId' => $campaignLog->accountId];
         $skip += $limit;
         $query = $query->offset($skip)->limit($limit);
         $campaignLogs = $query->all();
コード例 #6
  * This function is just for fix error promotionCode redeem data
  * @param MongoId $accountId
  * @param MongoId $memberId
  * @param Array $codes
  * @return boolean, true, if there is no error data
 private function fixData($accountId, $memberId, $codes)
     $condition = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'member.id' => $memberId, 'code' => ['$in' => $codes]];
     $pipeline = [['$match' => $condition], ['$group' => ['_id' => ['campaignId' => '$campaignId', 'code' => '$code'], 'count' => ['$sum' => 1]]], ['$match' => ['count' => ['$gt' => 1]]]];
     $stats = CampaignLog::getCollection()->aggregate($pipeline);
     if (empty($stats)) {
         return true;
     $logCondition = ['accountId' => $accountId, 'member.id' => $memberId];
     $failedMessages = [];
     $successMessages = [];
     foreach ($stats as $stat) {
         $code = $stat['_id']['code'];
         //get campaign log
         $logCondition = array_merge($logCondition, $stat['_id']);
         $logs = CampaignLog::find()->where($logCondition)->orderBy(['createdAt' => SORT_ASC])->all();
         $memberId = $logs[0]['member']['id'];
         $productName = $logs[0]['productName'];
         //get score history
         $description = $productName . ' ' . $code;
         $scoreHistoryCondition = ['memberId' => $memberId, 'brief' => ScoreHistory::ASSIGNER_EXCHANGE_PROMOTION_CODE, 'description' => $description];
         $scoreHistorys = ScoreHistory::find()->where($scoreHistoryCondition)->orderBy(['createdAt' => SORT_ASC])->all();
         $keepScoreHistory = $scoreHistorys[0];
         $removeScoreHistoryIds = [];
         $deduct = 0;
         foreach ($scoreHistorys as $scoreHistory) {
             $removeScoreHistoryIds[] = $scoreHistory->_id;
             $deduct += $scoreHistory->increment;
         $member = Member::findByPk($memberId);
         //if member score not enough, log continue
         if ($member->score <= $deduct || $member->totalScore <= $deduct || $member->totalScoreAfterZeroed <= $deduct) {
             $failedMessages[] = ['Failed' => 'Member score not enough', 'member' => $member->toArray(), 'deduct' => $deduct];
         //fix member score
         $deductScore = 0 - $deduct;
         Member::updateAll(['$inc' => ['score' => $deductScore, 'totalScore' => $deductScore, 'totalScoreAfterZeroed' => $deductScore]], ['_id' => $memberId]);
         //remove scorehistory
         ScoreHistory::deleteAll(['_id' => ['$in' => $removeScoreHistoryIds]]);
         //remove campaignlog
         $logIds = ArrayHelper::getColumn($logs, '_id');
         $keepLogId = $logIds[0];
         CampaignLog::deleteAll(['_id' => ['$in' => array_values($logIds)]]);
         $successMessages[] = ['Success' => $productName . ' ' . $code . ' ' . $stat['count'], 'memberId' => $memberId, 'deduct' => $deduct];
     LogUtil::error(['Failed' => $failedMessages, 'Success' => $successMessages], 'fix-campaign-data');
コード例 #7
 public static function getToadyCampaignLog($condition)
     return CampaignLog::find()->where($condition)->count();
コード例 #8
 public function actionCnyPromotion()
     $params = $this->getParams('data', null);
     $accountId = new \MongoId($params['account_id']);
     if (empty($params) || empty($params['member_id']) || empty($params['type']) || empty($params['score']) || empty($accountId)) {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException("params are missing.");
     if ($params['type'] != 'promotion_code_redeemed') {
         Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
         return ['message' => 'Not promotion_code_redeemed'];
     //get memberInfo
     $member = Member::findByPk(new \MongoId($params['member_id']));
     $memberInfo = ['addScore' => $params['score'], 'id' => new \MongoId($params['member_id']), 'score' => $member->score];
     if (!empty($member->properties)) {
         foreach ($member->properties as $propertie) {
             if ($propertie['name'] == 'name') {
                 $memberInfo['name'] = $propertie['value'];
             if ($propertie['name'] == 'tel') {
                 $memberInfo['mobile'] = $propertie['value'];
     unset($member, $params);
     // get CNY Info
     $activity = Activity::findOne(['name' => 'cny', 'accountId' => $accountId]);
     if (empty($activity)) {
         throw new ServerErrorHttpException("Get CNY information failed or No CNY");
     $needPoints = $activity->luckyDrawInfo['needPoints'];
     $drawDates = $activity->luckyDrawInfo['drawDate'];
     $conditionForOdds = ['member.id' => $memberInfo['id'], 'redeemTime' => ['$gte' => $activity->startDate, '$lte' => $activity->endDate]];
     // get day
     // sort($drawDates);
     // $currentDate = new \mongoDate();
     // $targetDate = null;
     // $day = 0;
     // foreach ($drawDates as $drawDate) {
     //     if ($drawDate > $currentDate) {
     //         $targetDate = $drawDate;
     //         break;
     //     }
     // }
     // if (!empty($targetDate)) {
     //     $offsetTime = MongodbUtil::MongoDate2msTimeStamp($targetDate) - MongodbUtil::MongoDate2msTimeStamp($currentDate);
     //     $day = ceil($offsetTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
     //     unset($drawDates, $currentDate, $targetDate);
     // }
     // get odds
     $oddsCount = 0;
     $checkDouble = [];
     $canDouble = false;
     $redeemRecords = CampaignLog::find()->where($conditionForOdds)->all();
     if (!empty($redeemRecords)) {
         foreach ($redeemRecords as $redeemRecord) {
             $product = $redeemRecord['productName'];
             $oddsCount += $redeemRecord['member']['scoreAdded'];
             if (!$canDouble) {
                 if ($product == '2015 雞粉2.2kg' || $product == '2015 雞粉1.1kg' || $product == '2016 康寶雞粉 1.1KG' || $product == '2016 康寶雞粉 2.2KG') {
                     $checkDouble['chickenPowder'] = true;
                 if ($product == '2015 鮮雞汁' || $product == '2016 康寶濃縮鮮雞汁') {
                     $checkDouble['chickenJuice'] = true;
                 if ($product == '2015 鰹魚粉1kg' || $product == '2015 鰹魚粉1.5kg' || $product == '2016 康寶鰹魚粉 1KG' || $product == '2016 康寶鰹魚粉 1.5KG') {
                     $checkDouble['fishmeal'] = true;
                 if (count($checkDouble) == 3) {
                     $canDouble = true;
     $oddsCount = intval($oddsCount / $needPoints);
     if ($canDouble) {
         $oddsCount = $oddsCount * 2;
     unset($checkDouble, $canDouble, $needPoints, $redeemRecords, $conditionForOdds);
     //$memberInfo:id,name,mobile,addScore,score; $day; $oddsCount
     $mobile = BulkSmsUtil::processSmsMobile($accountId, $memberInfo['mobile']);
     $smsContent = null;
     $currentDate = MongodbUtil::MongoDate2msTimeStamp(new \mongoDate());
     $topPrizeDate = MongodbUtil::MongoDate2msTimeStamp(new \MongoDate(strtotime("2016-02-29 00:00:00")));
     $offsetDay = ceil(($topPrizeDate - $currentDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
     if ($offsetDay > 10) {
         // 還沒倒計時
         $smsContent = $memberInfo['name'] . '您好,您郵寄的點數已入點完成,此次共入點' . $memberInfo['addScore'] . '點,您目前點數為' . $memberInfo['score'] . '點。恭喜您同時累積活動『年年好味不能沒有你』' . $oddsCount . '次抽獎機會,累積點數越多,中獎機會越大,詳細活動辦法請見http://bit.ly/1P4yZEA';
     } elseif ($offsetDay > 3 && $offsetDay < 11) {
         $smsContent = $memberInfo['name'] . '您好,您郵寄的點數已入點完成,此次共入點' . $memberInfo['addScore'] . '點,您目前點數為' . $memberInfo['score'] . '點。恭喜您同時累積活動『年年好味不能沒有你』' . $oddsCount . '次抽獎機會,距離30萬元紅包抽獎,只剩' . $offsetDay . '天,詳細活動辦法請見http://bit.ly/1P4yZEA';
     } elseif ($offsetDay >= 0 && $offsetDay <= 3) {
         $smsContent = $memberInfo['name'] . '您好,您郵寄的點數已入點完成,此次共入點' . $memberInfo['addScore'] . '點,您目前點數為' . $memberInfo['score'] . '點。恭喜您同時累積活動『年年好味不能沒有你』' . $oddsCount . '次抽獎機會,距離30萬元紅包抽獎,倒數' . abs($offsetDay) . '天,詳細活動辦法請見http://bit.ly/1P4yZEA';
     Smslog::createSmsLog($mobile, $smsContent, 'CNY webhook SMS', 'sending', $accountId);
     MessageUtil::sendMobileMessage($mobile, $smsContent, $accountId);
     Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
     return ['mobile' => $mobile, 'smsContent' => $smsContent];
コード例 #9
  * @param $condition array eg: ['accountId'=>$accountId, 'redeemTime'=>['$gte'=>$startDate, '$lte'=>$endDate]];
  * @return $member array
  *     [
  *        [   "mobile" => '0933431025',
  *            "scoreAdded" => 30,
  *            "canDouble" => ture,
  *            "name": "用戶名1",
  *            "odds": 6
  *        ],
  *        [   "mobile" => '0912345678',
  *            "scoreAdded": 10,
  *            "canDouble" => false,
  *            "name": "用戶名2",
  *            "odds": 1
  *        ],
  *     ]
 private function _getCanDrawMembers($condition, $pointsPerOdds)
     $mobiles = CampaignLog::distinct('member.phone', $condition);
     $redeemRecords = CampaignLog::find()->where($condition)->all();
     $members = array();
     // mobile, scoreAdded, canDouble
     $mobilesCount = count($mobiles);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $mobilesCount; $i++) {
         $members[$i] = ['mobile' => $mobiles[$i], 'scoreAdded' => 0, 'canDouble' => false];
         $checkDouble = array();
         foreach ($redeemRecords as $redeemRecord) {
             $product = $redeemRecord['productName'];
             if ($mobiles[$i] == $redeemRecord['member']['phone']) {
                 $members[$i]['name'] = $redeemRecord['member']['name'];
                 if ($redeemRecord['member']['type'] == 'score') {
                     $members[$i]['scoreAdded'] += $redeemRecord['member']['scoreAdded'];
                 if (!$members[$i]['canDouble']) {
                     if ($product == '2015 雞粉2.2kg' || $product == '2015 雞粉1.1kg' || $product == '2016 康寶雞粉 1.1KG' || $product == '2016 康寶雞粉 2.2KG') {
                         $checkDouble['chickenPowder'] = true;
                     if ($product == '2015 鮮雞汁' || $product == '2016 康寶濃縮鮮雞汁') {
                         $checkDouble['chickenJuice'] = true;
                     if ($product == '2015 鰹魚粉1kg' || $product == '2015 鰹魚粉1.5kg' || $product == '2016 康寶鰹魚粉 1KG' || $product == '2016 康寶鰹魚粉 1.5KG') {
                         $checkDouble['fishmeal'] = true;
                     if (count($checkDouble) == 3) {
                         $members[$i]['canDouble'] = true;
     unset($mobiles, $redeemRecords, $mobilesCount);
     foreach ($members as $key => $value) {
         if ($members[$key]['canDouble']) {
             $members[$key]['odds'] = intval($members[$key]['scoreAdded'] / $pointsPerOdds) * 2;
         } else {
             $members[$key]['odds'] = intval($members[$key]['scoreAdded'] / $pointsPerOdds);
         // unset($members[$key]['canDouble']);
     return $members;