public function action_index() { //ログイン用のオブジェクト生成 $auth = Auth::instance(); $auth->logout(); Response::redirect('/'); }
public function sidebar($options = array()) { $identifier = array('nav' => array('id' => 'sidebar', 'class' => 'sidebar nav-collapse collapse'), 'ul' => array('id' => 'side-nav', 'class' => 'side-nav'), 'li' => array('id' => '', 'class' => '', 'role' => '')); if (isset($options['nav'])) { $identifier['nav'] = $options['nav']; } if (isset($options['ul'])) { $identifier['ul'] = $options['ul']; } if (isset($options['li'])) { $identifier['li'] = $options['li']; } $ul = ' <nav id="' . $identifier['nav']['id'] . '" class="' . $identifier['nav']['class'] . '"> <ul id="' . $identifier['ul']['id'] . '" class="' . $identifier['ul']['class'] . '">'; foreach ($options['data'] as $k => $v) { if (isset($v['filter'])) { if ($v['filter'] == '*') { $ul .= '<li><a href="' . Uri::base() . $v['link'] . '">' . $v['name'] . '</a></li>'; } elseif (in_array(\Auth\Auth::instance()->get('group')->id, $v['filter'])) { $ul .= '<li><a href="' . Uri::base() . $v['link'] . '">' . $v['name'] . '</a></li>'; } } } $ul .= '</ul></nav>'; return $ul; }
public static function admin_login($username_or_email, $password) { if (Auth::instance()->login($username_or_email, $password)) { list(list(, $group_id)) = Auth::get_groups(); if ($group_id == 100) { return true; } } return false; }
public function before() { $uri_string = explode('/', Uri::string()); if (count($uri_string) > 1 and $uri_string[0] == 'user' and $uri_string[1] == 'login') { return; } else { $user_id = \Auth\Auth::instance()->get_user_id()[1]; /*($user_id); exit();*/ if ($user_id) { $user = Model_User::find($user_id); if (!$user || $user->group != 100) { Response::redirect('/user/login'); } } else { Response::redirect('/user/login'); } } }
public function post_add() { $requestData = Input::json(); $auth = Auth::instance(); $userData = $auth->get_user_array(); $post = $requestData['data']; $post['Author'] = $userData['screen_name']; //Session::get(''); $date = new \DateTime(); $post['DateCreate'] = date_format($date, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); $post['Tag'] = ''; $post['Views'] = 0; $storyManager = new StoryManager(); if ($storyManager->createNewStory($post)) { Session::set_flash('success', 'Success create new story!'); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Server error! Please try again later or contact administrator!'); } Response::redirect('admin/modules/news/add'); }
public function action_index() { //すでにログイン済であればログイン後のページへリダイレクト Auth::check() and Response::redirect('top'); //エラーメッセージ用変数初期化 $error = null; //ログイン用のオブジェクト生成 $auth = Auth::instance(); //ログインボタンが押されたら、ユーザ名、パスワードをチェックする if (Input::post()) { if ($auth->login(Input::post('username'), Input::post('password'))) { // ログイン成功時、ログイン後のページへリダイレクト Response::redirect('top'); } else { // ログイン失敗時、エラーメッセージ作成 $error = 'ユーザ名かパスワードに誤りがあります'; } } //ビューテンプレートを呼び出し $this->template->content = View::forge('login/index'); //エラーメッセージをビューにセット $this->template->content->set('error', $error); $this->template->title = "login"; }
/** * @return array * */ private function _user_info() { $group = \Auth\Auth::instance()->get_groups(); $data = array('id' => \Auth\Auth::instance()->get('id'), 'username' => \Auth\Auth::instance()->get_screen_name(), 'email' => \Auth\Auth::instance()->get_email()); return $data; }
public function action_file($folder = null, $size = null, $crop = 'no') { try { if (is_null($folder)) { throw new Exception('Folder name is not given!'); } if (is_null($size)) { throw new Exception('Image file name is not given!'); } if (!strpos($size, 'x')) { throw new Exception('Image size is not given!'); } if (!\Fuel\Core\Input::get('image')) { throw new Exception('Image is not given!'); } $file = \Fuel\Core\Input::get('image'); /** @var $upload_path */ $upload_path = '/var/www/html/' . $this->_dir; /** @var $file_path */ $file_path = $folder . '/' . $file; /** @var $real_path */ $real_path = $upload_path . '/' . $file_path; /** @var $new_name */ $new_name = $size . '_' . $file; /** @var $resize_path : Path for resize only */ $resize_path = $upload_path . '/' . $folder . '/resize/'; /** @var $resize_file */ $resize_file = $upload_path . '/' . $folder . '/resize/' . $new_name; /** @var $crop_path : Path for crop only */ $crop_path = $upload_path . '/' . $folder . '/crop/'; /** @var $crop_file */ $crop_file = $upload_path . '/' . $folder . '/crop/' . $new_name; /** @var $image */ $image = \Fuel\Core\Image::forge(array('driver' => 'gd', 'bgcolor' => null, 'quality' => 100)); /** @var $where_are_file */ $where_are_file = ''; /** @var $where_are_path */ $where_are_path = ''; if ($crop == 'no') { $where_are_file = $resize_file; $where_are_path = $resize_path; } else { $where_are_file = $crop_file; $where_are_path = $crop_path; } if (!file_exists($where_are_file)) { /** * Check if not dir then make it. */ if (!is_dir($where_are_path)) { if (!mkdir($where_are_path, 0777)) { throw new Exception('Permission denied!'); } } /** @var $size */ $size = explode('x', $size); if ($crop == 'crop') { /** * Chaining to crop_resize() function */ $image->load($real_path)->crop_resize($size[0], $size[1])->save($where_are_file); } else { /** * Chaining to resize() function */ $image->load($real_path)->resize($size[0], $size[1], true, false)->save($where_are_file); } /** * Load file and output image. */ $image->load($where_are_file)->output(); } else { /** * If file exist force output to show image. */ if (\Fuel\Core\Input::get('action') == 'delete') { if (\Auth\Auth::instance()->get('group') == 100) { $model = Model_Filemanager::find_by_value($file); if ($model) { $model->deleted_at = time(); $model->value = null; if ($model->save()) { \Fuel\Core\File::delete($where_are_file); \Fuel\Core\File::delete($real_path); \Fuel\Core\Response::redirect('filemanager/folder/' . $folder); } else { throw new Exception('Cannot delete in database!'); } } else { throw new Exception('Image not found!'); } } else { throw new Exception('You are not an Administrator!'); } } else { $image->load($where_are_file)->output(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { /** @var $error */ $error = '<ul>'; $error .= '<li>' . $e->getLine() . '</li>'; $error .= '<li>' . $e->getFile() . '</li>'; $error .= '<li>' . $e->getMessage() . '</li>'; $error .= '</ul>'; return $error; } exit; }