コード例 #1
  * Sends a request to the API for sending a SMS to the specified address.
  * @param string  $addr                 address to which SMS should be sent. 
  * @param string  $msg                  SMS message body to send.
  * @param boolean $notifyDeliveryStatus whether the API should sent a
  *                                      notification after delivery.
  * @return SendSMSResponse API response.
  * @throws ServiceException if API request was not successful.
 public function sendSMS($addr, $msg, $notifyDeliveryStatus = true)
     $vals = array('address' => $addr, 'message' => $msg, 'notifyDeliveryStatus' => $notifyDeliveryStatus);
     $jsobj = array('outboundSMSRequest' => $vals);
     $jvals = json_encode($jsobj);
     $endpoint = $this->getFqdn() . '/sms/v3/messaging/outbox';
     $req = new RESTFulRequest($endpoint);
     $req->setAuthorizationHeader($this->getToken())->setHeader('Accept', 'application/json')->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     $result = $req->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
     $arr = Service::parseJson($result);
     return SendSMSResponse::fromArray($arr);
コード例 #2
  * Sends a request to the API for sending a SMS to the specified address.
  * @param string  $addr                 address to which SMS should be sent. 
  * @param string  $msg                  SMS message body to send.
  * @param boolean $notifyDeliveryStatus whether the API should sent a
  *                                      notification after delivery.
  * @return SendSMSResponse API response.
  * @throws ServiceException if API request was not successful.
 public function sendSMS($addr, $msg, $notifyDeliveryStatus = false, $raw_response = false)
     $vals = array('address' => $addr, 'message' => $msg, 'notifyDeliveryStatus' => $notifyDeliveryStatus);
     $jsobj = array('outboundSMSRequest' => $vals);
     $jvals = json_encode($jsobj);
     $endpoint = $this->getFqdn() . '/sms/v3/messaging/outbox';
     $req = new RESTFulRequest($endpoint);
     $req->setAuthorizationHeader($this->getToken())->setHeader('Accept', 'application/json')->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     $result = $req->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
     // Handle the flag to return json.
     if ($raw_response) {
         $body = Service::parseApiResposeBody($result);
         // Note: This could throw ServiceExeption
         return $body;
     $arr = Service::parseJson($result);
     return SendSMSResponse::fromArray($arr);
コード例 #3
  * Revokes the specified token.
  * @param string $token token to revoke
  * @param string $hint hint for token type
  * @throws OAuthException if API gateway returned an error
 public function revokeToken($token, $hint = 'access_token')
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     $httpPost->setParam('client_id', $this->_clientId)->setParam('client_secret', $this->_clientSecret)->setParam('token', $token)->setParam('token_type_hint', $hint);
     $req = new RestfulRequest($this->_revoke_url);
     $result = $req->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
     if ($result->getResponseCode() != 200) {
         throw new OAuthException('HTTP Code', $result->getResponseBody());
コード例 #4
 public function sendHttpMultipart(HttpMultipart $multipart)
     $this->setHeader('Content-Type', $multipart->getContentType());
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     return $this->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
コード例 #5
  * Sends a request to the api for generating a signed document and 
  * signature, both of which will be contained within the returned notary 
  * object. 
  * @param string $payload payload used to generate signature and signed 
  *                        document
  * @return Notary notary generated from payload
  * @throws ServiceException if api response isn't successful
 public function getNotary($payload)
     $endpoint = $this->_fqdn . '/Security/Notary/Rest/1/SignedPayload';
     $req = new RestfulRequest($endpoint);
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     $result = $req->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
     $responseArr = Service::parseJson($result);
     return new Notary($responseArr['SignedDocument'], $responseArr['Signature'], $payload);
コード例 #6
 public function createMessageIndex()
     $endpoint = $this->getFqdn() . '/myMessages/v2/messages/index';
     $req = new RestfulRequest($endpoint);
     $req->setHeader('Accept', 'application/json')->setAuthorizationHeader($this->getToken());
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     $httpPost->setBody(' ');
     //empty body
     $result = $req->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
     if ($result->getResponseCode() != 202) {
         $body = $result->getResponseBody();
         throw new ServiceException($result->getResponseCode(), $body);
コード例 #7
  * Sends a request to the API for converting text to speech.
  * @param string      $ctype content type.
  * @param string      $txt   text to convert to speech.
  * @param string|null $xArg  optional arguments to set, if not null.
  * @return raw audio/x-wave data.
  * @throws ServiceException if API request was not successful.
 public function textToSpeech($ctype, $txt, $xArg = null)
     $endpoint = $this->getFqdn() . '/speech/v3/textToSpeech';
     $req = new RESTFulRequest($endpoint);
     $req->setAuthorizationHeader($this->getToken())->setHeader('Accept', 'audio/x-wav')->setHeader('Content-Type', $ctype);
     if ($xArg != null) {
         $req->setHeader('X-Arg', $xArg);
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     $result = $req->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
     $code = $result->getResponseCode();
     if ($code != 200 && $code != 201) {
         throw new ServiceException($body, $code);
     $body = $result->getResponseBody();
     return $body;
コード例 #8
  * Sends a request to the API gateway for creating a group.
  * @param Group $group group information to create
  * @return string location of created resource
  * @throws ServiceException if request was not successful
 public function createGroup(Group $group)
     $endpoint = $this->getFqdn() . '/addressBook/v1/groups';
     $req = new RestfulRequest($endpoint);
     $req->setAuthorizationHeader($this->getToken())->setHeader('Accept', 'application/json')->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     $result = $req->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
     $code = $result->getResponseCode();
     if ($code != 201 && $code != 204) {
         throw new ServiceException($code, $result->getResponseBody());
     return $result->getHeader('location');
コード例 #9
  * Gets a new OAuth token using the refresh token of the specified OAuth
  * token.
  * The token request is done using the <i>refresh_token</i> grant type.
  * @param OAuthToken $token OAuth token to use for refreshing
  * @return OAuthToken an OAuth token
  * @throws OAuthException if server did not return valid access token
 public function refreshToken(OAuthToken $token)
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     $httpPost->setParam('refresh_token', $token->getRefreshToken())->setParam('grant_type', 'refresh_token')->setParam('client_id', $this->_clientId)->setParam('client_secret', $this->_clientSecret);
     $req = new RestfulRequest($this->_url);
     $result = $req->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
     return $this->parseResult($result);
コード例 #10
 public function createNotificationSubscription(CreateSubscriptionArgs $args)
     $channelId = urlencode($args->getChannelId());
     $suburl = '/notification/v1/channels/' . $channelId . '/subscriptions';
     $endpoint = $this->getFqdn() . $suburl;
     $subscription = array("events" => $args->getEvents());
     if ($args->getCallbackData() != null) {
         $subscription['callbackData'] = $args->getCallbackData();
     if ($args->getExpiresIn() != null) {
         $subscription['expiresIn'] = $args->getExpiresIn();
     $jvals = json_encode(array("subscription" => $subscription));
     $httpPost = new HttpPost();
     $req = new RestfulRequest($endpoint);
     $result = $req->setAuthorizationHeader($this->getToken())->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')->setHeader('Accept', 'application/json')->sendHttpPost($httpPost);
     $successCodes = array(201);
     $arr = Service::parseJson($result, $successCodes);
     $arrSubscription = $arr['subscription'];
     $arrSubscriptionId = $arrSubscription['subscriptionId'];
     $arrExpiresIn = null;
     if (isset($arrSubscription['expiresIn'])) {
         $arrExpiresIn = $arrSubscription['expiresIn'];
     $subscriptionResponse = new SubscriptionResponse($arrSubscriptionId, $arrExpiresIn);
     $contentType = $result->getHeader('content-type');
     $location = $result->getHeader('location');
     $systemTransId = $result->getHeader('x-systemTransactionId');
     $createSubscriptionResponse = new CreateSubscriptionResponse($contentType, $location, $systemTransId, $subscriptionResponse);
     return $createSubscriptionResponse;