コード例 #1
ファイル: DSigTest.php プロジェクト: komex/XmlSecurity
 public function testSignDocumentSha256()
     // if key has a passphrase, set it via fifth parameter in factory
     $key = Key::factory(Key::RSA_SHA256, $this->fixturesDir . '/privkey.pem', true, Key::TYPE_PRIVATE);
     $cert = Key::factory(Key::RSA_SHA256, $this->fixturesDir . '/mycert.pem', true, Key::TYPE_PUBLIC);
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     $doc->formatOutput = true;
     $doc->load($this->fixturesDir . '/DSig/sign_document.xml');
     $keyInfo = DSig::createX509CertificateKeyInfo($doc, $cert);
     $signature = DSig::createSignature($key, DSig::EXC_C14N, $doc->documentElement, null, $keyInfo);
     DSig::addNodeToSignature($signature, $doc, DSig::SHA1, DSig::TRANSFORMATION_ENVELOPED_SIGNATURE);
     DSig::signDocument($signature, $key, DSig::EXC_C14N);
     $file = $this->fixturesDir . '/DSig/sign_document_sha256_result.xml';
     $this->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlFile($file, $doc->saveXML(), "Sign document with SHA256");
コード例 #2
ファイル: KeyTest.php プロジェクト: komex/XmlSecurity
 public function testGenerateSessionKeyParity()
     /* Run the test several times, to increase the chance of detecting an error. */
     for ($t = 0; $t < 16; $t++) {
         $key = Key::factory(Key::TRIPLEDES_CBC);
         $k = $key->getKey();
         for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($k); $i++) {
             $byte = ord($k[$i]);
             $parity = 0;
             while ($byte !== 0) {
                 $parity ^= $byte & 1;
                 $byte >>= 1;
             $this->assertEquals(1, $parity, "Check that generated triple-des keys have the correct parity.");
コード例 #3
ファイル: EncTest.php プロジェクト: komex/XmlSecurity
 public function testEncryption()
     $key = Key::factory(Key::AES256_CBC);
     $cert = Key::factory(Key::RSA_OAEP_MGF1P, $this->fixturesDir . '/mycert.pem', true, Key::TYPE_PUBLIC);
     $tests = array(array('ref' => false, 'type' => Enc::ELEMENT, 'file' => 'encrypt_document_element.xml', 'desc' => 'Encrypt document with type ELEMENT'), array('ref' => false, 'type' => Enc::CONTENT, 'file' => 'encrypt_document_content.xml', 'desc' => 'Encrypt document with type CONTENT'), array('ref' => true, 'type' => Enc::ELEMENT, 'file' => 'encrypt_document_element_reference.xml', 'desc' => 'Encrypt document with type ELEMENT and key reference'), array('ref' => true, 'type' => Enc::CONTENT, 'file' => 'encrypt_document_content_reference.xml', 'desc' => 'Encrypt document with type CONTENT and key reference'));
     foreach ($tests as $test) {
         $doc = new DOMDocument();
         $doc->load($this->fixturesDir . '/Enc/encrypt_document.xml');
         if ($test['ref']) {
             $guid = 'EncKey-57cf0489-02e2-45c0-9fcc-fe1a51b53ab2';
             // static - normally use DSig::generateUUID()
             $keyInfo = Enc::createEncryptedKeyReferenceKeyInfo($doc, $guid);
             $encryptedData = Enc::encryptNode($doc->documentElement, $test['type'], $key, null, $keyInfo);
             Enc::createEncryptedKey($guid, $key, $cert, $doc->documentElement);
         } else {
             $encryptedData = Enc::encryptNode($doc->documentElement, $test['type'], $key);
             Enc::createEncryptedKey(null, $key, $cert, $encryptedData);
         $file = $this->fixturesDir . '/Enc/' . $test['file'];
         $expected = $this->removeCipherValues(file_get_contents($file));
         $actual = $this->removeCipherValues($doc->saveXML());
         $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual, $test['desc']);
コード例 #4
  * Tries to resolve a key from the given \DOMElement.
  * @param \DOMElement $node      Node where to resolve the key
  * @param string      $algorithm XML security key algorithm
  * @return \ass\XmlSecurity\Key|null
 public function keyInfoSecurityTokenReferenceResolver(\DOMElement $node, $algorithm)
     foreach ($node->childNodes as $key) {
         if (Helper::NS_WSS === $key->namespaceURI) {
             switch ($key->localName) {
                 case 'KeyIdentifier':
                     return $this->serviceSecurityKey->getPublicKey();
                 case 'Reference':
                     $uri = $key->getAttribute('URI');
                     $referencedNode = $this->getReferenceNodeForUri($node, $uri);
                     if (XmlSecurityEnc::NS_XMLENC === $referencedNode->namespaceURI && 'EncryptedKey' == $referencedNode->localName) {
                         $key = XmlSecurityEnc::decryptEncryptedKey($referencedNode, $this->userSecurityKey->getPrivateKey());
                         return XmlSecurityKey::factory($algorithm, $key, false, XmlSecurityKey::TYPE_PRIVATE);
                     } elseif (Helper::NS_WSS === $referencedNode->namespaceURI && 'BinarySecurityToken' == $referencedNode->localName) {
                         $key = XmlSecurityPem::formatKeyInPemFormat($referencedNode->textContent);
                         return XmlSecurityKey::factory(XmlSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, $key, false, XmlSecurityKey::TYPE_PUBLIC);
     return null;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Enc.php プロジェクト: komex/XmlSecurity
  * Gets the security referenced in the given $encryptedData element.
  * You can add your own key resolver by calling:
  * $ns = 'myns';
  * $localname = 'MyKeyInfo';
  * $keyResolver = array('MyClass' => 'function');
  * \ass\XmlSecurity\DSig::addKeyInfoResolver($ns, $localName, $keyResolver);
  * @param DOMElement $encryptedData Encrypted data element
  * @param Key        $key           Key to decrypt EncryptedKey
  * @return Key|null
 public static function getSecurityKey(DOMElement $encryptedData, Key $key = null)
     $encryptedMethod = $encryptedData->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NS_XMLENC, 'EncryptionMethod')->item(0);
     if (!is_null($encryptedMethod)) {
         $algorithm = $encryptedMethod->getAttribute('Algorithm');
         $keyInfo = $encryptedData->getElementsByTagNameNS(DSig::NS_XMLDSIG, 'KeyInfo')->item(0);
         if (!is_null($keyInfo)) {
             if (null !== $key) {
                 $encryptedKey = self::locateEncryptedKey($keyInfo);
                 if (null !== $encryptedKey) {
                     $keyString = Enc::decryptEncryptedKey($encryptedKey, $key);
                     return Key::factory($algorithm, $keyString, false, Key::TYPE_PRIVATE);
                 } else {
                     $class = __CLASS__;
                     $keyResolver = function (DOMElement $node, $algorithm) use($class, $key) {
                         if ($class::RETRIEVAL_METHOD_ENCRYPTED_KEY == $node->getAttribute('Type')) {
                             $uri = $node->getAttribute('URI');
                             $referencedNode = $class::getReferenceNodeForUri($node, $uri);
                             if (null !== $referencedNode && $class::NS_XMLENC == $referencedNode->namespaceURI && 'EncryptedKey' == $referencedNode->localName) {
                                 $keyString = $class::decryptEncryptedKey($referencedNode, $key);
                                 return Key::factory($algorithm, $keyString, false, Key::TYPE_PRIVATE);
                         return null;
                     DSig::addKeyInfoResolver(DSig::NS_XMLDSIG, 'RetrievalMethod', $keyResolver);
             return DSig::getSecurityKeyFromKeyInfo($keyInfo, $algorithm);
     return null;
コード例 #6
ファイル: DSig.php プロジェクト: komex/XmlSecurity
  * Sign the document.
  * @param DOMElement $signature                 Signature element to sign
  * @param Key        $keyForSignature           Key used to sign data
  * @param string     $canonicalizationAlgorithm Canonicalization algorithm
  * @return DOMElement
 public static function signDocument(DOMElement $signature, Key $keyForSignature, $canonicalizationAlgorithm)
     $doc = $signature->ownerDocument;
     $signedInfo = $signature->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NS_XMLDSIG, 'SignedInfo')->item(0);
     if (!is_null($signedInfo)) {
         $canonicalizedData = self::canonicalizeData($signedInfo, $canonicalizationAlgorithm);
         $signatureValueString = base64_encode($keyForSignature->signData($canonicalizedData));
         $signatureValue = $doc->createElementNS(self::NS_XMLDSIG, self::PFX_XMLDSIG . ':SignatureValue', $signatureValueString);
         $keyInfo = $signature->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NS_XMLDSIG, 'KeyInfo')->item(0);
         $signature->insertBefore($signatureValue, $keyInfo);
     return $signatureValue;
コード例 #7
ファイル: WsSecurityKey.php プロジェクト: mablae/BeSimpleSoap
  * Add public key.
  * @param string  $encryptionType Encryption type
  * @param string  $key            Public key
  * @param boolean $keyIsFile      Given key parameter is path to key file
  * @return void
 public function addPublicKey($encryptionType, $key = null, $keyIsFile = true)
     $this->publicKey = XmlSecurityKey::factory($encryptionType, $key, $keyIsFile, XmlSecurityKey::TYPE_PUBLIC);