コード例 #1
  * Tests if the deployment initialization from a reflection class with a invalid
  * @Remote bean annotation throws an exception.
  * @return void
  * @expectedException \Exception
 public function testFromReflectionClassWithInvalidRemoteAnnotation()
     // prepare the annotation values
     $values = array();
     // create a mock annotation implementation
     $beanAnnotation = $this->getMockBuilder('AppserverIo\\Psr\\EnterpriseBeans\\Annotations\\AbstractBeanAnnotation')->setConstructorArgs(array('Stateless', $values))->getMockForAbstractClass();
     // create a mock annotation
     $annotation = $this->getMockBuilder('AppserverIo\\Lang\\Reflection\\ReflectionAnnotation')->setMethods(array('getAnnotationName', 'getValues', 'newInstance'))->setConstructorArgs(array('Stateless', $values))->getMock();
     // mock the ReflectionAnnotation methods
     // initialize the annotation aliases
     $aliases = array(Resource::ANNOTATION => Resource::__getClass(), EnterpriseBean::ANNOTATION => EnterpriseBean::__getClass());
     // create a mock reflection class
     $reflectionClass = $this->getMockBuilder('AppserverIo\\Lang\\Reflection\\ReflectionClass')->setMethods(array('hasAnnotation'))->setConstructorArgs(array(__CLASS__, array(), $aliases))->getMock();
     // mock the methods
     $reflectionClass->expects($this->exactly(2))->method('hasAnnotation')->withConsecutive(array('Local'), array('Remote'))->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls(false, true);
     // mock the methods
     // initialize the descriptor instance
コード例 #2
  * Initializes the bean descriptor instance from the passed reflection class instance.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Lang\Reflection\ClassInterface $reflectionClass The reflection class with the bean configuration
  * @return \AppserverIo\Psr\EnterpriseBeans\Description\StatelessSessionBeanDescriptorInterface|null The initialized descriptor instance
 public function fromReflectionClass(ClassInterface $reflectionClass)
     // query if we've an enterprise bean with a @Stateless annotation
     if ($reflectionClass->hasAnnotation(Stateless::ANNOTATION) === false) {
         // if not, do nothing
     // set the session type
     // initialize the descriptor instance
     // return the instance
     return $this;
コード例 #3
  * Initializes the bean descriptor instance from the passed reflection class instance.
  * @param \AppserverIo\Lang\Reflection\ClassInterface $reflectionClass The reflection class with the bean configuration
  * @return \AppserverIo\Psr\EnterpriseBeans\Description\SingletonSessionBeanDescriptorInterface|null The initialized descriptor instance
 public function fromReflectionClass(ClassInterface $reflectionClass)
     // query if we've an enterprise bean with a @Singleton annotation
     if ($reflectionClass->hasAnnotation(Singleton::ANNOTATION) === false) {
         // if not, do nothing
     // set the session type
     // we've to check for a @PostDetach or @PreAttach annotation
     foreach ($reflectionClass->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $reflectionMethod) {
         // if we found a @PostDetach annotation, invoke the method
         if ($reflectionMethod->hasAnnotation(PostDetach::ANNOTATION)) {
         // if we found a @PreAttach annotation, invoke the method
         if ($reflectionMethod->hasAnnotation(PreAttach::ANNOTATION)) {
     // initialize the descriptor instance
     // if we found a bean with @Singleton + @Startup annotation
     if ($reflectionClass->hasAnnotation(Startup::ANNOTATION)) {
         // instanciate the bean
     // return the instance
     return $this;