コード例 #1
  * <p> Retrieve the markers to display on Google Maps and the center position
  * if no items are returned for the Current Project</p>
  * <p> This method is called via an AJAX request from the client side. </p>
  * <p> The method receive by inheritance some post data
  * properties JSON object which includes objectTypes as "keys" and nested associative propNames
  * example:
  * "properties": {
  *  "facility_obj": {
  *   "objectLatPropName": "facility_lat",
  *   "objectLngPropName": "facility_long"
  *   },
  *   "project_obj": {
  *   "objectActivePropName": "project_active"
  *   }
  * Since we must use "project_active" property to determine marker icon we must use multiple mapped objects there and we can't send only facility property info
  * For more info:
  * \Applications\PMTool\Helpers\MapHelper::CreateFacilityMarkerItems
  * @link
  * </p>
  * <p>
  * @param object $rq <p>
  * The current HttpRequest.
  * </p>
  * @return mixed $result <p>
  * The result is a standard JSON response containing
  * the specific data to the request, e.g.:
  *  - the list markers for a given filter
  *  - the default position used to center the map (this configured in the appsettings.xml)
 public function executeListCurrentProject(\Library\HttpRequest $rq)
     $result = $this->InitResponseWS();
     //get datapost and decode properties string to array
     $dataPost = $this->dataPost();
     $properties = json_decode($dataPost['properties'], true);
     //get current session project
     $sessionProject = \Applications\PMTool\Helpers\ProjectHelper::GetCurrentSessionProject($this->app()->user());
     //load marker icons from config
     $icons = \Applications\PMTool\Helpers\MapHelper::GetActiveInactiveIcons($this->app()->relative_path, $this->app()->imageUtil, $this->app()->config());
     //create google maps marker items
     $projectLocationMarkers = \Applications\PMTool\Helpers\MapHelper::CreateFacilityMarkerItems(array($sessionProject), $properties, $icons);
     $result["noLatLngIcon"] = $icons["noLatLng"];
     $result["items"] = $projectLocationMarkers;
     $result["defaultPosition"] = \Applications\PMTool\Helpers\MapHelper::GetCoordinatesToCenterOverARegion($this->app()->config());
     $result["boundary"] = \Applications\PMTool\Helpers\MapHelper::GetBoundary($sessionProject);
     $result["facility_id"] = $sessionProject[\Library\Enums\SessionKeys::FacilityObject]->facility_id();
     $result["project_id"] = $sessionProject[\Library\Enums\SessionKeys::FacilityObject]->project_id();
     $result["type"] = "facility";
     $result["activeTask"] = false;
     $result["controls"] = array("markers" => false, "shapes" => true, "ruler" => true);
     $this->SendResponseWS($result, array("resx_file" => \Applications\PMTool\Resources\Enums\ResxFileNameKeys::Map, "resx_key" => $this->action(), "step" => count($projectLocationMarkers) >= 0 ? "success" : "error"));