public function delete($id) { if (!($id instanceof SupplServicesModel || is_string($id))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid model. Not an supplementary service"); } return parent::delete($id); }
protected function _getItem() { $itemId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id'); $item = $this->_service->load($itemId); if (empty($item)) { throw new NotFoundException($this->_getName() . ' ' . $itemId . ' not found', 404); } $this->_helper->allowed('read', $item); return $item; }
public function delete($idOrModel) { if ($idOrModel instanceof models\ModelAbstract) { $model = $idOrModel; } else { $model = $this->load($idOrModel); } $result = parent::delete($model); WatcherService::getInstance()->removeByScope('apiId', $model->id); }
public function delete($supervGroup) { $count = $this->countSims($supervGroup); if ($count > 0) { throw new ValidateException("Supervision group is not empty (has {$count} sims)"); } if (strtolower($supervGroup->id) == 'default_group') { throw new ValidateException("It not possible remove default supervision group"); } return parent::delete($supervGroup); }
/** * Delete one model * * @param string|ModelAbstract $idOrModel * @return boolean */ public function delete($idOrModel) { if ($idOrModel instanceof ModelAbstract) { $model = $idOrModel; } else { $model = $this->load($idOrModel); } $result = parent::delete($model); $this->_sendEvent('delete', $model); return $result; }
/** * @param TemplateModel $template * @return TemplateModel */ public function create(ModelAbstract $template, $org = null) { if ($template->getId()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Supplied template model already has an Id'); } if (!$template->getType()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Supplied template model needs a type'); } if (!$org) { $org = \App::getOrgUserLogged(); } $template->setOrganizationId($org->getId()); return parent::create($template); }
public function delete($commercialGroup) { if (is_string($commercialGroup)) { $commercialGroup = new CommercialGroupModel(array('id' => $commercialGroup)); } if (!$commercialGroup instanceof CommercialGroupModel) { throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException('No supplied commericial group Id or model'); } if (is_null($commercialGroup->getSubscriberCount())) { $commercialGroup = $this->load($commercialGroup->getId()); } if ($commercialGroup->getSubscriberCount() !== 0) { throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException('Supplied commericial group has subscriptions'); } return parent::delete($commercialGroup); }
public function create(ModelAbstract $model) { if (!$model instanceof WatcherModel) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Watcher model expected"); } if (!$model->status) { $model->status = WatcherModel::STATUS_ACTIVE; } if (!$model->priority) { $model->priority = WatcherModel::PRIORITY_LOW; } if (is_null($model->tags)) { $model->tags = array(); } $model->eventCount = 0; $model->eventList = array(); $result = parent::create($model); \App::log()->info("{WATCHERS}{PUSH} Created new Watcher (ID: {$model->id}) for {$model->entityType}: " . implode(', ', $model->entityIds)); return $result; }
/** * @param string $id * @return void */ public function delete($idOrModel) { if ($idOrModel instanceof DownloadTokenModel) { $downloadToken = $idOrModel; } else { $downloadToken = $this->load($idOrModel); } return parent::delete($downloadToken); }
protected function _validateLteState($state) { $validator = new \Zend_Validate_InArray(array('true', 'false', '1', '0')); if (!$validator->isValid($state)) { AbstractService::throwValidateException($validator->getMessages(), ValidationCodes::INVALID_VALUE, 'lte'); } }
public function update(ModelAbstract $model) { $model->userId = \App::getUserLogged()->id; return parent::update($model); }
public function getPaginator() { return parent::getPaginator('SELECT o FROM Application\\Entity\\Product o'); }
public function getPaginator() { return parent::getPaginator('SELECT o,c FROM Application\\Entity\\Order o LEFT JOIN o.customer c'); }
public function getPaginator() { return parent::getPaginator('SELECT o FROM Application\\Entity\\StockRecord o'); }
public function validate($model, $exceptions = false, ModelAbstractValidate $validator = null, $removeNotPresentFields = false) { if (!$validator) { if ($model instanceof TariffPlanLifeCycleModel) { $validator = new \Application\Model\Validate\TariffPlanLifeCycleValidate(); } else { if ($model instanceof TariffPlanServicesModel) { $validator = new \Application\Model\Validate\TariffPlanServicesValidate(); } else { return array('Model' => "Data must be a tariff."); } } } return parent::validate($model, $exceptions, $validator, $removeNotPresentFields); }
public function __construct(EntityManager $em) { parent::__construct($em); $this->entity = "Application\\Entity\\Pergunta"; }
/** * @param AbstractService $service * @return AbstractService */ protected function getService(AbstractService $service) { $service->setEntityManager($this->em); $service->setConfig($this->config); return $service; }
public function __construct(EntityManager $em) { $this->entity = "Application\\Entity\\Food"; parent::__construct($em); }
public function delete($model) { if (is_string($model)) { $model = $this->load($model); } if (!$model instanceof ServicePackModel) { throw new AppEx\InvalidArgumentException('Supplied service pack model must have Id'); } if ($model->getCustomerCount() !== 0) { throw new AppEx\ForbiddenException('Delete service pack assigned to a customer is not allowed.'); } $result = parent::delete($model); if ($model->getLifeCycleId()) { try { LifeCycleService::getInstance()->delete($model->getLifeCycleId()); } catch (\Exception $e) { \App::log()->warn($e); } } if ($model->getRestrictionsId()) { try { RestrictionService::getInstance()->delete($model->getRestrictionsId()); } catch (\Exception $e) { \App::log()->warn($e); } } if ($model->getTariffPlanLifeCycleId()) { try { TariffPlanService::getInstance()->delete($model->getTariffPlanLifeCycleId(), TariffPlanService::TYPE_LIFECYCLE); } catch (\Exception $e) { \App::log()->warn($e); } } if ($model->getTariffPlanServicesId()) { try { TariffPlanService::getInstance()->delete($model->getTariffPlanServicesId(), TariffPlanService::TYPE_SERVICES); } catch (\Exception $e) { \App::log()->warn($e); } } $steeringListService = SteeringListService::getInstance(); if ($steeringList = $steeringListService->loadByServicePack($model->id)) { $steeringListService->delete($steeringList); } return true; }