public function getApproveVote($voteId) { $vote = Vote::find($voteId); $vote->checked = 1; $vote->isActive = 1; $vote->save(); return redirect('admin/votes'); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store($aid, $vote1) { $id = Auth::id(); $vote2 = Vote::all(); foreach ($vote2 as $v) { if ($v->aid == $aid && $v->id == $id) { $voter = Vote::find($v->id); $voter->delete(); } } $vote = new Vote(); $vote->aid = $aid; $vote->id = $id; $vote->value = $vote1; $vote->save(); return redirect()->back(); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. Requires the vote_id to be submitted * * @param int vote_id the comment will be attached to * @return Response */ public function store() { if (!Auth::user()->can('create-comments')) { abort(401, 'You do not have permission to write a comment'); } $vote = Vote::find(Request::get('vote_id')); if (!$vote) { abort(403, "There is no vote with the provided ID of (" . Request::get('vote_id') . ")"); } if ($vote->user_id != Auth::user()->id) { abort(403, "You can not comment tied to another users vote"); } $comment = Comment::onlyTrashed()->where('vote_id', $vote->id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first(); if ($comment) { $comment->forceDelete(); } $comment = new Comment(Request::all()); $comment->vote_id = $vote->id; if (!$comment->save()) { abort(403, $comment->errors); } return $comment; }
public function getChart($id) { $vote = Vote::find($id); $data['legend'] = $vote->title . '统计图'; $data['series']['name'] = '票数'; foreach ($vote->nominations as $nomination) { $data['categories'][] = $nomination->title; $data['series']['data'][] = $nomination->voters->count(); } return response()->json($data); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $vote = Vote::find((int) $id); if ($vote->debates->first()) { Post::create(['user_id' => Auth::user()->id, 'debate_id' => $vote->debates->first()->id, 'message' => '<p>Le vote a été annulé.</p>']); } Vote::destroy($vote->id); return back()->with('message', 'Vote supprimé avec succès.'); }