/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $inputs = $request->all(); $i = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) { if (isset($inputs['serial' . $i]) && isset($inputs['temperature' . $i])) { Temperature::create(['sensor_id' => $inputs['serial' . $i], 'value' => $inputs['temperature' . $i]]); } } }
public function index() { $controls = Control::all()->keyBy('name'); // we will get temperatures here as well to pass them to home view $temps = collect(Temperature::getLatest())->keyBy('sensor_id'); // get water level value(s) and pass to view $waterLevel = WaterLevel::getLatest()->first(); $rainSensor = RainSensor::getLatest()->first(); // pass it to the view return view('home', compact('controls', 'temps', 'waterLevel', 'rainSensor')); }
public function getCurrentEnvironmentValue($id) { $currentLight = Light::where("sensor_id", "=", $id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); $currentSoilMoisture = SoilMoisture::where("sensor_id", "=", $id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); $currentTemperature = Temperature::where("sensor_id", "=", $id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); $currentAirHumidity = Humidity::where("sensor_id", "=", $id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); $json = array(); $json[0] = $currentLight; $json[1] = $currentTemperature; $json[2] = $currentAirHumidity; $json[3] = $currentSoilMoisture; return $json; }
if ($notificationCheck->minLux != 0 && $notificationCheck->minLux > $humid) { $notificationController->sentMonitorNotification("Alert!! : " . $id . " reach minimum light <" . $notificationCheck->minLux . " lux", $id); } if ($notificationCheck->maxLux != 0 && $notificationCheck->maxLux < $humid) { $notificationController->sentMonitorNotification("Alert!! : " . $id . " reach maximum light >" . $notificationCheck->maxLux . " lux", $id); } } if ($checkHourly == 6) { $lightMin = Light::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->min('luxValue'); $lightAverage = Light::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->avg('luxValue'); $lightMax = Light::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->max('luxValue'); Light::where('sensor_id', 'like', $SensorPrimaryKey)->delete(); $temperatureMin = Temperature::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->min('celsiusValue'); $temperatureAverage = Temperature::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->avg('celsiusValue'); $temperatureMax = Temperature::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->max('celsiusValue'); Temperature::where('sensor_id', 'like', $SensorPrimaryKey)->delete(); $humidityMin = Humidity::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->min('humidityPercentage'); $humidityAverage = Humidity::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->avg('humidityPercentage'); $humidityMax = Humidity::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->max('humidityPercentage'); Humidity::where('sensor_id', 'like', $SensorPrimaryKey)->delete(); $soilMoistureMin = SoilMoisture::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->min('soilValue'); $soilMoistureAverage = SoilMoisture::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->avg('soilValue'); $soilMoistureMax = SoilMoisture::where('sensor_id', '=', $SensorPrimaryKey)->max('soilValue'); SoilMoisture::where('sensor_id', 'like', $SensorPrimaryKey)->delete(); $daily = new Daily(); $daily->minLight = $lightMin; $daily->avgLight = $lightAverage; $daily->maxLight = $lightMax; $daily->minTemperature = $temperatureMin; $daily->avgTemperature = $temperatureAverage; $daily->maxTemperature = $temperatureMax;
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { // this is one user Temperature::create(['sensor_id' => '28 f2 68 97 06 00 00 9b', 'value' => 0]); }