/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $images = Picture::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('isDish', '=', false)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(5)->get(); $profile = User::find(Auth::user()->id); $favoriteDish = explode(';', $profile->favoriteDish); $time = explode("-", $profile->dateOfBirth); $dt = Carbon::createFromDate($time[0], $time[1], $time[2], 'Europe/Brussels'); $now = Carbon::today(); $age = $now->diffInYears($dt); $profile->age = $age; foreach ($favoriteDish as $key => $value) { if ($value == "") { unset($favoriteDish[$key]); } } $profile->favoriteDishArray = $favoriteDish; $friends = User::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first()->friends()->get(); $friendRequests = Friend::where('friend_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('accepted', '=', false)->get(); $mayLike = array(); foreach ($profile->tastes as $taste) { $othersTaste = $taste->users()->where('user_id', '<>', Auth::user()->id)->where('taste_id', $taste->id)->get(); foreach ($othersTaste as $user) { $mayLike[] = $user->id; } } //count how many times an id apears in array $CountMayLikes = array_count_values($mayLike); //sort from high to low arsort($CountMayLikes); //var_dump($CountMayLikes); $sortedArray = []; foreach ($CountMayLikes as $id => $value) { $sortedArray[] = $id; } //var_dump($sortedArray); //give te first 10z $pYML = array_slice($sortedArray, 0, 10); $people = User::whereIn('id', $pYML)->select('id', 'name', 'surname', 'country', 'city', 'dateOfBirth')->get(); foreach ($people as $person) { // var_dump($person->id); $picture_url = Picture::where('user_id', $person->id)->select('picture_url')->first(); // echo '<pre>'; // var_dump($picture_url['picture_url']); $person->picture_url = $picture_url['picture_url']; } $smaken = Taste::select('id', 'tastes')->get(); $tasts = array(); foreach ($smaken as $smaak) { $tasts[$smaak->id] = $smaak->tastes; } $data = ['profile' => $profile, 'friends' => $friends, 'friendRequests' => $friendRequests, 'images' => $images, 'tasts' => $tasts, 'peoples' => $people]; return View('dashboard')->with($data); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $tast = new Taste(); $tast->tastes = "bitter"; $tast->save(); $tast1 = new Taste(); $tast1->tastes = "zoet"; $tast1->save(); $tast2 = new Taste(); $tast2->tastes = "zout"; $tast2->save(); $tast3 = new Taste(); $tast3->tastes = "zuur"; $tast3->save(); $tast4 = new Taste(); $tast4->tastes = "umami"; $tast4->save(); $tast5 = new Taste(); $tast5->tastes = "chinees"; $tast5->save(); $tast5 = new Taste(); $tast5->tastes = "italiaans"; $tast5->save(); $tast5 = new Taste(); $tast5->tastes = "italiaans"; $tast5->save(); $tast5 = new Taste(); $tast5->tastes = "vegitarisch"; $tast5->save(); $tast5 = new Taste(); $tast5->tastes = "boerenkost"; $tast5->save(); $tast5 = new Taste(); $tast5->tastes = "spaans"; $tast5->save(); }