コード例 #1
 public function postAddResident(Request $http)
     $resident = Resident::find($http->resident_id);
     $residence = Residence::find($http->residence_id);
     $query = 'select * from calcdb.residence_resident where resident_id = ? and residence_id = ?';
     $statement = DB::select($query, array($resident->id, $residence->id));
     // Create relationship between residence and newly added resident
     return response()->json(['status' => 200, 'query' => $query]);
コード例 #2
 public function getRoomUsers($confId, $resId, $roomName)
     if (!Entrust::can(PermissionNames::ConferenceRoomEdit($confId))) {
         return response("", 403);
     $res = Residence::find($resId);
     if (is_null($res) || $res->conferenceID != $confId) {
         return response("", 404);
     return $this->findRoomUsers($resId, $roomName);
コード例 #3
ファイル: BillsTableSeeder.php プロジェクト: bll44/billcalc
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     // set default timezone for date() functions to UTC
     $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     // the current day and time
     $last_day_of_month = '2016-02-04 00:00:01';
     $blatsha = Resident::where('username', 'blatsha')->first();
     $N12thSt = Residence::where('nickname', 'Lucky Garden Gambling Place')->first();
     DB::table('bills')->insert([['resident_id' => $blatsha->id, 'residence_id' => $N12thSt->id, 'name' => 'Verizon bill', 'amount' => null, 'due_date' => $last_day_of_month, 'description' => 'Verizon bill for cable and internet', 'active' => 0], ['resident_id' => $blatsha->id, 'residence_id' => $N12thSt->id, 'name' => 'Gas bill', 'amount' => null, 'due_date' => $last_day_of_month, 'description' => 'PGW gas bill', 'active' => 0]]);
コード例 #4
ファイル: RoomSeeder.php プロジェクト: a161527/cs319-p2t5
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $residences = array(["name" => "Foobar Res", "location" => "Integer Drive", "conferenceID" => self::TARGET_CONF], ["name" => "Barbaz Res", "location" => "XYZ Ave", "conferenceID" => self::TARGET_CONF]);
     foreach ($residences as $res) {
     $types = array(["name" => "TypeA", "capacity" => 4, "accessible" => true], ["name" => "TypeB", "capacity" => 4, "accessible" => false], ["name" => "TypeA-R2", "capacity" => 4, "accessible" => true]);
     foreach ($types as $ty) {
     $sets = array(["name" => "104A-104D", "residenceID" => 1, "typeID" => 1], ["name" => "204B-204Y", "residenceID" => 1, "typeID" => 2], ["name" => "21-29", "residenceID" => 2, "typeID" => 3]);
     foreach ($sets as $set) {
コード例 #5
ファイル: BillController.php プロジェクト: bll44/billcalc
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function create($id)
     $residence = Residence::find($id);
     return view('bills.create', compact('residence'));
コード例 #6
 public function search()
     $rating_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', time()), date('j', time()), date('Y', time()));
     //get form select options and quality radio buttons
     $brands = Brand::companyBrands()->get()->lists('name', 'id');
     $residences = Residence::companyResidences()->get()->lists('name', 'id');
     $companies = Company::userCompanies()->get()->lists('name', 'id');
     $companies_ids = Company::userCompanies()->get()->lists('id');
     foreach ($companies_ids as $company_id) {
         $company_ids[] = $company_id;
     $languages = Language::all()->lists('name', 'id');
     array_unshift($languages, "Choose other language");
     $qualities = Qualities::CompanyQualities()->get();
     $inputs = Input::all();
     $employees = Employee::query();
     $employees->whereIn('company_id', $company_ids)->with('company', 'residence', 'phone', 'qualities', 'language')->with(['dates' => function ($query) {
         $query->whereRaw('(? BETWEEN dates.start AND dates.end OR dates.start>?) AND dates.type IN("day_off", "annual_leave")', array(mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', time()), date('j', time()), date('Y', time())), mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n', time()), date('j', time()), date('Y', time()))));
     if (Input::has('company_id') && is_array($inputs['company_id'])) {
         $employees->whereIn('company_id', $inputs['company_id']);
     if (Input::has('nickname')) {
         $employees->where('nickname', 'like', '%' . $inputs['nickname'] . '%');
     if (Input::has('name')) {
         $employees->where('name', 'like', '%' . $inputs['name'] . '%');
     if (Input::has('brand_id') && is_array($inputs['brand_id'])) {
         $employees->join('brand_employee', 'employees.id', '=', 'brand_employee.employee_id')->whereIn('brand_employee.brand_id', $inputs['brand_id']);
     if (Input::has('residences_id') && is_array($inputs['residences_id'])) {
         $employees->whereIn('residences_id', $inputs['residences_id']);
     if (Input::has('address')) {
         $employees->where('address', 'like', '%' . $inputs['address'] . '%');
     if (Input::has('phone')) {
         $employees->join('phones', 'employees.id', '=', 'phones.employee_id')->where('phones.number', 'like', '%' . $inputs['phone'] . '%');
     if (Input::has('email')) {
         $employees->where('email', 'like', '%' . $inputs['email'] . '%');
     if (Input::has('agreement')) {
         $employees->where('agreement', 'like', '%' . $inputs['agreement'] . '%');
     if (Input::has('no_agreement') && $inputs['agreement'] == '') {
         $employees->where('agreement', '=', '');
     if (Input::has('signed_agreement')) {
         $employees->where('signed_agreement', '=', $inputs['signed_agreement']);
     if (Input::has('working_days')) {
         $all_work = array_fill(0, 7, 0);
         foreach ($inputs['working_days'] as $work_day) {
             $all_work[$work_day] = 1;
         $employees->where('working_days', 'like', implode('', $all_work));
     if (Input::has('start_from')) {
         $employees->where('start_from', '<=', $inputs['start_from']);
     if (Input::has('early_finish')) {
         $employees->where('early_finish', '>=', $inputs['early_finish']);
     if (Input::has('birth_date') && $inputs['birth_date']['from'] != '') {
         $birth_date_start = strtotime($inputs['birth_date']['from']);
         $birth_date_end = strtotime($inputs['birth_date']['to']);
         if ($inputs['birth_date']['to'] == '') {
             $birth_date_end = strtotime($inputs['birth_date']['from']) + 60 * 60 * 24;
         $employees->whereBetween('birth_date', [$birth_date_start, $birth_date_end]);
     if (Input::has('start_date') && $inputs['start_date']['start'] != '') {
         $start_date_start = strtotime($inputs['start_date']['start']);
         $start_date_end = strtotime($inputs['start_date']['end']);
         if ($inputs['start_date']['end'] == '') {
             $start_date_end = $rating_date;
         $employees->whereBetween('start_date', [$start_date_start, $start_date_end]);
     if (Input::has('annual_leave') && $inputs['annual_leave']['start'] != '') {
         $leave_start = strtotime($inputs['annual_leave']['start']);
         $leave_end = strtotime($inputs['annual_leave']['end']);
         if ($inputs['annual_leave']['end'] == '') {
             $leave_end = $leave_start + 60 * 60 * 24;
         $employees->join('dates', 'employees.id', '=', 'dates.employees_id')->where('dates.type', 'like', 'annual_leave')->whereBetween('dates.start', [$leave_start, $leave_end])->orWhere(function ($query) use($leave_start, $leave_end) {
             $query->whereBetween('dates.end', [$leave_start, $leave_end]);
     if (Input::has('day_off') && $inputs['day_off']['start'] != '') {
         $dayoff_start = strtotime($inputs['day_off']['start']);
         $dayoff_end = strtotime($inputs['day_off']['end']);
         if ($inputs['day_off']['end'] == '') {
             $dayoff_end = $dayoff_start + 60 * 60 * 24;
         $employees->join('dates', 'employees.id', '=', 'dates.employees_id')->where('dates.type', 'like', 'day_off')->whereBetween('dates.start', [$dayoff_start, $dayoff_end])->orWhere(function ($query) use($dayoff_start, $dayoff_end) {
             $query->whereBetween('dates.end', [$dayoff_start, $dayoff_end]);
     if (Input::has('quit_date') && $inputs['quit_date']['start'] != '') {
         $quit_start = strtotime($inputs['quit_date']['start']);
         $quit_end = strtotime($inputs['quit_date']['end']);
         if ($inputs['quit_date']['end'] == '') {
             $quit_end = $quit_start + 60 * 60 * 24;
         $employees->join('dates', 'employees.id', '=', 'dates.employees_id')->whereBetween('dates.end', [$quit_start, $quit_end]);
     if (Input::has('en_language')) {
         $levels = array('excellent', 'very_good', 'good', 'average', 'bad', 'basic');
         foreach ($inputs['en_language'] as $level) {
             $search_levels[] = $levels[$level];
         $employees->join('employee_language', 'employees.id', '=', 'employee_language.employee_id')->where('language_id', '=', 'en')->whereIn('level', $search_levels);
     if (Input::has('languages') && sizeof($inputs['languages']) > 1) {
         $employees->join('employee_language', 'employees.id', '=', 'employee_language.employee_id')->whereIn('language_id', $inputs['languages']);
     if (Input::has('uniform_size') && $inputs['uniform_size'] != '') {
         $employees->where('uniform_size', 'like', $inputs['uniform_size']);
     if (Input::has('rate') && $inputs['rate'] != '') {
         $employees->where('rate', 'like', $inputs['rate']);
     if (Input::has('quality')) {
         $employees->join('employee_quality', 'employees.id', '=', 'employee_quality.employee_id');
         foreach ($inputs['quality'] as $quality_id => $quality_value) {
             if ($quality_value == 0) {
                 $employees->whereRaw('employees.id NOT IN(SELECT employee_id FROM employee_quality WHERE qualities_id=?)', [$quality_id]);
             } else {
                 $employees->where('employee_quality.qualities_id', '=', $quality_id);
     if (Input::has('smoker')) {
         $employees->where('smoker', '=', $inputs['smoker']);
     if (Input::has('debt')) {
         $employees->where('debt', '=', $inputs['debt']);
     if (Input::has('grade')) {
         foreach ($inputs['grade'] as $grade_level) {
             $employees->orWhere('average_grade', '>=', $grade_level)->where('average_grade', '<', $grade_level + 1);
     if (Input::has('rating')) {
         foreach ($inputs['rating'] as $rating) {
             $rating_array[] = $rating;
         $employees->whereIn('rating', $rating_array);
     if (Input::has('status')) {
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($inputs['status'] as $name => $status) {
             if ($count == 0) {
                 $employees->where('status', $name);
             } else {
                 $employees->orWhere('status', $name);
     // var_dump($employees->get()->toArray());
     $employees = $employees->get();
     return view('search', compact('brands', 'residences', 'languages', 'employees', 'rating_date', 'qualities', 'companies'));
コード例 #7
 public function createRoomSet(Request $req, $confId, $residenceId)
     if (!Entrust::can(PermissionNames::ConferenceRoomEdit($confId))) {
         return response("", 403);
     return DB::transaction(function () use($req, $confId, $residenceId) {
         $res = Residence::find($residenceId);
         if (is_null($res) || $res->conferenceID != $confId) {
             return response("", 404);
         $responses = [];
         foreach ($req->all() as $request) {
             if (isset($request['typeID'])) {
                 $type = $request['typeID'];
             } else {
                 $tyVal = new RoomType();
                 $tyVal->name = $request['type']['name'];
                 $tyVal->capacity = $request['type']['capacity'];
                 $tyVal->accessible = $request['type']['accessible'];
                 $type = $tyVal->id;
             $set = new RoomSet();
             $set->typeID = $type;
             $set->residenceID = $residenceId;
             $set->name = $request['name'];
             $responses[] = ['name' => $set->name, 'id' => $set->id, 'typeID' => $type];
         Log::info("Created " . sizeof($responses) . " new room sets in residence {$res->name} for conference {$confId}");
         return response()->json($responses);