コード例 #1
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function create($patientid)
     $pps = Patientprofile::where('pp_patientid', '=', $patientid)->first();
     if (is_null($pps)) {
         $err_msg = "患者资料不存在!!<br>請先建立患者资料後才能新增出院指导...";
         return view('discharge.create', compact('err_msg'));
     } else {
         $sex = $pps->pp_sex;
         $uid = $pps->user_id;
         $ppname = User::find($pps->user_id)->name;
         $today = Carbon::today()->toDateString();
         $year = Carbon::today()->year;
         $patientprofiles = Patientprofile::where('pp_patientid', '=', $patientid)->first();
         $residencies = User::where('position', '=', '门诊医生')->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id');
         $residencies = array('' => '请选择') + $residencies;
         $err_msg = null;
         EventController::SaveEvent('discharge', 'create(创建)');
         return view('discharge.create', compact('err_msg', 'year', 'today', 'patientprofiles', 'sex', 'uid', 'ppname', 'patientid', 'residencies'));
コード例 #2
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function edit($id)
     $caselist = Caselist::findOrFail($id);
     $sex = Patientprofile::where('id', '=', $caselist->pp_id)->first()->pp_sex;
     //		$uid = $caselist->user_id;
     $ppname = User::find($caselist->user_id)->name;
     $patientid = User::find($caselist->user_id)->pid;
     $today = Carbon::today()->toDateString();
     $year = Carbon::today()->year;
     $casetypes = array('' => '请选择', '1' => '初诊', '2' => '复诊', '3' => '年度检查', '4' => '一般');
     $doctors = User::where('position', '门诊医生')->orWhere('position', '住院医生')->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id');
     $doctors = array('' => '请选择') + $doctors;
     EventController::SaveEvent('caselist', 'edit(编辑)');
     return view('case.edit', compact('caselist', 'year', 'today', 'casetypes', 'sex', 'ppname', 'patientid', 'doctors'));
コード例 #3
 public function gosoap($pid, $bid)
     $pps = Patientprofile::where('pp_patientid', '=', $pid)->first();
     if (is_null($pps)) {
         return Redirect::route("soap");
     } else {
         $ppid = $pps->id;
         $hns = HospitalNo::where('patient_profile_id', '=', $ppid)->first();
         $uuid = $hns->hospital_no_uuid;
         $buildcase = Buildcase::where('id', '=', $bid)->first();
         $buildcase->hospital_no_uuid = $uuid;
         return Redirect::to("/soap/{$uuid}");
コード例 #4
 public function page($uuid = null, $end = null)
     $users = Auth::user();
     if ($uuid == null) {
         $patient = Patientprofile::where('user_id', '=', $users->id)->first();
         if ($patient != null) {
             $hospital_no = $patient->hospital_no;
         } else {
             $err_msg = '请重新登入!';
         if (isset($hospital_no) && $hospital_no != null) {
             $uuid = $hospital_no->hospital_no_uuid;
         } else {
             $err_msg = '没有血糖资料!';
     } else {
         $hospital_no = null;
         $hospital_no = HospitalNo::find($uuid);
         if ($hospital_no != null) {
             $patient = $hospital_no->patient;
             //                    if($hospital_no -> patient_user_id != $users -> id){
             //                        $user_feature = Feature::where('href', '=', '/patient') -> first() -> hasfeatures() -> where('user_id', '=', $users -> id)->first();
             //                        if($user_feature == null){
             //                            $hospital_no = null;
             //                        }
             //                    }
         if ($hospital_no == null) {
             $err_msg = '您没有权限查看此血糖资料!';
     if (!isset($hospital_no) || $hospital_no == null) {
         return view('bdata.error', compact('err_msg'));
     if ($end > date('Y-m-d')) {
         return redirect('/bdata/' . $uuid);
     if ($end == null) {
         $data['next'] = null;
         $end = date('Y-m-d');
     } else {
         $next = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("1 month", strtotime($end)));
         if ($end == date('Y-m-d')) {
             $data['next'] = null;
         } else {
             if ($next == date('Y-m-d')) {
                 $data['next'] = "/bdata/" . $uuid;
             } else {
                 $data['next'] = "/bdata/" . $uuid . "/" . $next;
     $start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-1 month", strtotime($end)));
     $data['previous'] = "/bdata/" . $uuid . "/" . $start;
     if ($hospital_no->count() == 0) {
         $invalid = true;
         return view('bdata.bdata', compact('invalid'));
     $data['displayname'] = $hospital_no->hospital_no_displayname;
     $data['patient_displayname'] = User::find($hospital_no->patient_user_id)->name;
     $data['patient_bday'] = $patient->pp_birthday;
     $data['patient_age'] = $patient->pp_age;
     $data['patient_id'] = $patient->pp_patientid;
     $blood_records = $hospital_no->blood_sugar()->where('calendar_date', '<=', $end)->where('calendar_date', '>', $start)->orderBy('calendar_date', 'DESC')->get();
     $stat = $this->get_stat($blood_records);
     $notes = $this->get_notes($blood_records);
     $blood_records = $this->fillup($blood_records, $start, $end);
     $data['food_categories'] = FoodCategory::all();
     $food_records = $this->get_has_food($uuid);
     $soap_link = "";
     //            if(isset($user_feature) && $user_feature != null){
     $soap_link = '/soap/' . $uuid;
     //            }
     $contact_data = $hospital_no->contact_info;
     if ($contact_data != null) {
         $duty = Buildcase::where('hospital_no_uuid', '=', $uuid)->orderBy('duty_at', 'desc')->first();
         if ($duty == null) {
             $duty = $hospital_no->nurse_user_id;
         } else {
             $duty = $duty->duty;
         $contact_data["nurse_name"] = User::find($duty)->name;
         $contact_data["trace_method"] = $this->convert_trace_method($contact_data["trace_method"]);
         $contact_data["contact_time"] = $this->convert_contact_time($contact_data["contact_time"]);
         $contact_data["phone"] = User::find($hospital_no->patient_user_id)->phone;
         $contact_data["email"] = User::find($hospital_no->patient_user_id)->email;
     $goal = $hospital_no->hba1c_goal;
     $goal_matrix = $hospital_no->hba1c_goal_matrix();
     Session::put('uuid', $uuid);
     return view('bdata.bdata', compact('blood_records', 'data', 'food_categories', 'stat', 'food_records', 'soap_link', 'notes', 'contact_data', 'goal', 'goal_matrix'));
コード例 #5
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int $id
  * @return Response
 public function destroy($id)
     try {
         DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0');
         $casecare = CaseCare::where('patientprofile1_id', '=', $id)->first();
         if ($casecare) {
             $patientprofile = Patientprofile::find($id);
             if ($patientprofile) {
                 //                    $hasfeature = Hasfeature::where('user_id', '=', $patientprofile->user_id) -> first();
                 //                    if($hasfeature != null){
                 //                        $hasfeature -> delete();
                 //                    }
                 $user = User::find($patientprofile->user_id);
                 if ($user) {
                     $msg = '患者资料成功删除。';
                 } else {
                     $msg = '使用者删除失败。';
             } else {
                 $msg = '患者资料删除失败。';
         } else {
             $msg = '患者资料删除失败。';
         DB::statement('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1');
         EventController::SaveEvent('patientprofile', 'destroy(删除)');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $msg = '资料删除失败。';
     return redirect()->back()->with('message', $msg);