コード例 #1
  * Removes a database
 public function delete()
     $data = Request::only(['delete_db_name_encrypted', 'delete_db_name']);
     if (Crypt::decrypt($data['delete_db_name_encrypted']) == $data['delete_db_name']) {
         $db_name = str_replace('`', '', $data['delete_db_name']);
         // Remove the DB
         DB::statement("DROP DATABASE `{$db_name}`");
         MySQLDatabase::where('db_name', $db_name)->first()->delete();
     return Redirect::back();
コード例 #2
 public function handleInstall($postInfo)
     // We add  ../ to directory
     $directory = !empty($postInfo['directory']) ? $postInfo['directory'] . '/' : '';
     // Every directory should be an extension of a user's
     // public_html directory
     $directory = Setting::where('name', 'DEFAULT_HOME_DIRECTORY')->first()->setting . Auth::user()->uid . "/public_html/" . $directory;
     // try {
     //    $db = new \PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=tester_db_3496', 'tester_wp_3496', '9NQJ66gGN3XVDLm');
     // }
     // catch (Exception $e) {
     // 	$this->data['db'] = "error etablishing connection";
     // }
     // dd();
     switch ($postInfo['action']) {
         case "check_before_upload":
             $this->data = array();
             /*	We verify if we can connect to DB or WP is not installed yet
             // WordPress test
             if (file_exists($directory . 'wp-config.php')) {
                 $this->data['wp'] = "error directory";
             if (substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($directory)), -4) != '0775') {
                 $this->data['wp'] = "error directory-permissions";
             try {
                 MySQLDatabase::where('db_name', $postInfo['dbname'])->firstOrfail();
             } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
                 // Create a database and a user
                 MySQLController::createSoleUser($postInfo['uname'], $postInfo['pwd'], $postInfo['dbname']);
             // We send the response
             echo json_encode($this->data);
         case "download_wp":
             // Get WordPress language
             $language = substr($postInfo['language'], 0, 6);
             // Get WordPress data
             $wp = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->WP_API_CORE . $language))->offers[0];
             /*	We download the latest version of WordPress
             if (!file_exists($this->WPQI_CACHE_CORE_PATH . 'wordpress-' . $wp->version . '-' . $language . '.zip')) {
                 file_put_contents($this->WPQI_CACHE_CORE_PATH . 'wordpress-' . $wp->version . '-' . $language . '.zip', file_get_contents($wp->download));
         case "unzip_wp":
             // Get WordPress language
             $language = substr($postInfo['language'], 0, 6);
             // Get WordPress data
             $wp = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->WP_API_CORE . $language))->offers[0];
             /*	We create the website folder with the files and the WordPress folder
             $zip = new \ZipArchive();
             // We verify if we can use the archive
             if ($zip->open($this->WPQI_CACHE_CORE_PATH . 'wordpress-' . $wp->version . '-' . $language . '.zip') === true) {
                 // Let's unzip
                 // We scan the folder
                 $files = scandir('wordpress');
                 // We remove the "." and ".." from the current folder and its parent
                 $files = array_diff($files, array('.', '..'));
                 $this->recursive_copy('wordpress', $directory);
                 // We remove WordPress folder
                 unlink($directory . '/license.txt');
                 // We remove licence.txt
                 unlink($directory . '/readme.html');
                 // We remove readme.html
                 unlink($directory . '/wp-content/plugins/hello.php');
                 // We remove Hello Dolly plugin
         case "wp_config":
             /*	Let's create the wp-config file
             // We retrieve each line as an array
             $config_file = file($directory . 'wp-config-sample.php');
             // Managing the security keys
             $secret_keys = explode("\n", file_get_contents('https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/'));
             foreach ($secret_keys as $k => $v) {
                 $secret_keys[$k] = substr($v, 28, 64);
             // We change the data
             $key = 0;
             foreach ($config_file as &$line) {
                 if ('$table_prefix  =' == substr($line, 0, 16)) {
                     $line = '$table_prefix  = \'' . $this->sanit($postInfo['prefix']) . "';\r\n";
                 if (!preg_match('/^define\\(\'([A-Z_]+)\',([ ]+)/', $line, $match)) {
                 $constant = $match[1];
                 switch ($constant) {
                     case 'WP_DEBUG':
                         // Debug mod
                         if (isset($postInfo['debug']) && (int) $postInfo['debug'] == 1) {
                             $line = "define('WP_DEBUG', 'true');\r\n";
                             // Display error
                             if (isset($postInfo['debug_display']) && (int) $postInfo['debug_display'] == 1) {
                                 $line .= "\r\n\n " . "/** Affichage des erreurs à l'écran */" . "\r\n";
                                 $line .= "define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', 'true');\r\n";
                             // To write error in a log files
                             if (isset($postInfo['debug_log']) && (int) $postInfo['debug_log'] == 1) {
                                 $line .= "\r\n\n " . "/** Ecriture des erreurs dans un fichier log */" . "\r\n";
                                 $line .= "define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', 'true');\r\n";
                         // We add the extras constant
                         if (isset($postInfo['uploads']) && !empty($postInfo['uploads'])) {
                             $line .= "\r\n\n " . "/** Dossier de destination des fichiers uploadés */" . "\r\n";
                             $line .= "define('UPLOADS', '" . $this->sanit($postInfo['uploads']) . "');";
                         if (isset($postInfo['post_revisions']) && (int) $postInfo['post_revisions'] >= 0) {
                             $line .= "\r\n\n " . "/** Désactivation des révisions d'articles */" . "\r\n";
                             $line .= "define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', " . (int) $postInfo['post_revisions'] . ");";
                         if (isset($postInfo['disallow_file_edit']) && (int) $postInfo['disallow_file_edit'] == 1) {
                             $line .= "\r\n\n " . "/** Désactivation de l'éditeur de thème et d'extension */" . "\r\n";
                             $line .= "define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);";
                         if (isset($postInfo['autosave_interval']) && (int) $postInfo['autosave_interval'] >= 60) {
                             $line .= "\r\n\n " . "/** Intervalle des sauvegardes automatique */" . "\r\n";
                             $line .= "define('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', " . (int) $postInfo['autosave_interval'] . ");";
                         if (isset($postInfo['wpcom_api_key']) && !empty($postInfo['wpcom_api_key'])) {
                             $line .= "\r\n\n " . "/** WordPress.com API Key */" . "\r\n";
                             $line .= "define('WPCOM_API_KEY', '" . $postInfo['wpcom_api_key'] . "');";
                         $line .= "\r\n\n " . "/** On augmente la mémoire limite */" . "\r\n";
                         $line .= "define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M');" . "\r\n";
                     case 'DB_NAME':
                         $line = "define('DB_NAME', '" . $this->sanit($postInfo['dbname']) . "');\r\n";
                     case 'DB_USER':
                         $line = "define('DB_USER', '" . $this->sanit($postInfo['uname']) . "');\r\n";
                     case 'DB_PASSWORD':
                         $line = "define('DB_PASSWORD', '" . $this->sanit($postInfo['pwd']) . "');\r\n";
                     case 'DB_HOST':
                         $line = "define('DB_HOST', '" . $this->sanit($postInfo['dbhost']) . "');\r\n";
                     case 'AUTH_KEY':
                     case 'SECURE_AUTH_KEY':
                     case 'LOGGED_IN_KEY':
                     case 'NONCE_KEY':
                     case 'AUTH_SALT':
                     case 'SECURE_AUTH_SALT':
                     case 'LOGGED_IN_SALT':
                     case 'NONCE_SALT':
                         $line = "define('" . $constant . "', '" . $secret_keys[$key++] . "');\r\n";
                     case 'WPLANG':
                         $line = "define('WPLANG', '" . $this->sanit($postInfo['language']) . "');\r\n";
             $handle = fopen($directory . 'wp-config.php', 'w');
             foreach ($config_file as $line) {
                 fwrite($handle, $line);
             fwrite($handle, "define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');\r\n");
             chmod($directory . 'wp-config.php', 0775);
             chgrp($directory . 'wp-config.php', Setting::where('name', 'REGISTRATION_GROUP')->first()->setting);
         case "install_wp":
             /*	Let's install WordPress database
             define('WP_INSTALLING', true);
             /** Load WordPress Bootstrap */
             require_once $directory . 'wp-load.php';
             /** Load WordPress Administration Upgrade API */
             require_once $directory . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
             /** Load wpdb */
             require_once $directory . 'wp-includes/wp-db.php';
             // WordPress installation
             wp_install($postInfo['weblog_title'], $postInfo['user_login'], $postInfo['admin_email'], (int) $postInfo['blog_public'], '', $postInfo['admin_password']);
             update_option('siteurl', $postInfo['url']);
             update_option('home', $postInfo['url']);
             /*	We remove the default content
             if (isset($postInfo['default_content']) && $postInfo['default_content'] == '1') {
                 wp_delete_post(1, true);
                 // We remove the article "Hello World"
                 wp_delete_post(2, true);
                 // We remove the "Exemple page"
             /*	We update permalinks
             if (isset($postInfo['permalink_structure']) && !empty($postInfo['permalink_structure'])) {
                 update_option('permalink_structure', $postInfo['permalink_structure']);
             /*	We update the media settings
             if (isset($postInfo['thumbnail_size_w']) && !empty($postInfo['thumbnail_size_w']) || !empty($postInfo['thumbnail_size_h'])) {
                 update_option('thumbnail_size_w', (int) $postInfo['thumbnail_size_w']);
                 update_option('thumbnail_size_h', (int) $postInfo['thumbnail_size_h']);
                 update_option('thumbnail_crop', (int) $postInfo['thumbnail_crop']);
             if (isset($postInfo['medium_size_w']) && !empty($postInfo['medium_size_w']) || !empty($postInfo['medium_size_h'])) {
                 update_option('medium_size_w', (int) $postInfo['medium_size_w']);
                 update_option('medium_size_h', (int) $postInfo['medium_size_h']);
             if (isset($postInfo['large_size_w']) && !empty($postInfo['large_size_w']) || !empty($postInfo['large_size_h'])) {
                 update_option('large_size_w', (int) $postInfo['large_size_w']);
                 update_option('large_size_h', (int) $postInfo['large_size_h']);
             update_option('uploads_use_yearmonth_folders', (int) $postInfo['uploads_use_yearmonth_folders']);
             /*	We add the pages we found in the wordpress/data.ini file
             // We check if wordpress/data.ini exists
             if (file_exists(app_path() . '/Http/Controllers/Software/wordpress/data.ini')) {
                 // We parse the file and get the array
                 $file = parse_ini_file(app_path() . '/Http/Controllers/Software/wordpress/data.ini');
                 // We verify if we have at least one page
                 if (count($file['posts']) >= 1) {
                     foreach ($file['posts'] as $post) {
                         // We get the line of the page configuration
                         $pre_config_post = explode("-", $post);
                         $post = array();
                         foreach ($pre_config_post as $config_post) {
                             // We retrieve the page title
                             if (preg_match('#title::#', $config_post) == 1) {
                                 $post['title'] = str_replace('title::', '', $config_post);
                             // We retrieve the status (publish, draft, etc...)
                             if (preg_match('#status::#', $config_post) == 1) {
                                 $post['status'] = str_replace('status::', '', $config_post);
                             // On retrieve the post type (post, page or custom post types ...)
                             if (preg_match('#type::#', $config_post) == 1) {
                                 $post['type'] = str_replace('type::', '', $config_post);
                             // We retrieve the content
                             if (preg_match('#content::#', $config_post) == 1) {
                                 $post['content'] = str_replace('content::', '', $config_post);
                             // We retrieve the slug
                             if (preg_match('#slug::#', $config_post) == 1) {
                                 $post['slug'] = str_replace('slug::', '', $config_post);
                             // We retrieve the title of the parent
                             if (preg_match('#parent::#', $config_post) == 1) {
                                 $post['parent'] = str_replace('parent::', '', $config_post);
                         // foreach
                         if (isset($post['title']) && !empty($post['title'])) {
                             $parent = get_page_by_title(trim($post['parent']));
                             $parent = $parent ? $parent->ID : 0;
                             // Let's create the page
                             $args = array('post_title' => trim($post['title']), 'post_name' => $post['slug'], 'post_content' => trim($post['content']), 'post_status' => $post['status'], 'post_type' => $post['type'], 'post_parent' => $parent, 'post_author' => 1, 'post_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'post_date_gmt' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'ping_status' => 'closed');
         case "install_theme":
             /** Load WordPress Bootstrap */
             require_once $directory . 'wp-load.php';
             /** Load WordPress Administration Upgrade API */
             require_once $directory . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
             /*	We install the new theme
             // We verify if theme.zip exists
             if (file_exists(app_path() . '/Http/Controllers/Software/wordpress/theme.zip')) {
                 $zip = new \ZipArchive();
                 // We verify we can use it
                 if ($zip->open(app_path() . '/Http/Controllers/Software/wordpress/theme.zip') === true) {
                     // We retrieve the name of the folder
                     $stat = $zip->statIndex(0);
                     $theme_name = str_replace('/', '', $stat['name']);
                     // We unzip the archive in the themes folder
                     $zip->extractTo($directory . 'wp-content/themes/');
                     // Let's activate the theme
                     // Note : The theme is automatically activated if the user asked to remove the default theme
                     if (isset($postInfo['activate_theme']) && $postInfo['activate_theme'] == 1 || $postInfo['delete_default_themes'] == 1) {
                         switch_theme($theme_name, $theme_name);
                     // Let's remove the Tweenty family
                     if (isset($postInfo['delete_default_themes']) && $postInfo['delete_default_themes'] == 1) {
                     // We delete the _MACOSX folder (bug with a Mac)
         case "install_plugins":
             /*	Let's retrieve the plugin folder
             if (isset($postInfo['plugins']) && !empty($postInfo['plugins'])) {
                 $plugins = explode(";", $postInfo['plugins']);
                 $plugins = array_map('trim', $plugins);
                 $plugins_dir = $directory . 'wp-content/plugins/';
                 foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
                     // We retrieve the plugin XML file to get the link to downlad it
                     $plugin_repo = file_get_contents("http://api.wordpress.org/plugins/info/1.0/{$plugin}.json");
                     if ($plugin_repo && ($plugin = json_decode($plugin_repo))) {
                         $plugin_path = $this->WPQI_CACHE_PLUGINS_PATH . $plugin->slug . '-' . $plugin->version . '.zip';
                         if (!file_exists($plugin_path)) {
                             // We download the lastest version
                             if ($download_link = file_get_contents($plugin->download_link)) {
                                 file_put_contents($plugin_path, $download_link);
                         // We unzip it
                         $zip = new \ZipArchive();
                         if ($zip->open($plugin_path) === true) {
                             $this->chmod_r($plugins_dir . $plugin->slug);
             if ($postInfo['plugins_premium'] == 1) {
                 // We scan the folder
                 $plugins = scandir($directory . 'wp-content/plugins');
                 // We remove the "." and ".." corresponding to the current and parent folder
                 $plugins = array_diff($plugins, array('.', '..'));
                 // We move the archives and we unzip
                 foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
                     // We verify if we have to retrive somes plugins via the WP Quick Install "plugins" folder
                     if (preg_match('#(.*).zip$#', $plugin) == 1) {
                         $zip = new \ZipArchive();
                         // We verify we can use the archive
                         if ($zip->open($directory . 'wp-content/plugins/' . $plugin) === true) {
                             // We unzip the archive in the plugin folder
             /*	We activate extensions
             if ($postInfo['activate_plugins'] == 1) {
                 /** Load WordPress Bootstrap */
                 require_once $directory . 'wp-load.php';
                 /** Load WordPress Plugin API */
                 require_once $directory . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
                 // Activation
         case "success":
             /*	If we have a success we add the link to the admin and the website
             /** Load WordPress Bootstrap */
             require_once $directory . 'wp-load.php';
             /** Load WordPress Administration Upgrade API */
             require_once $directory . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php';
             /*	We update permalinks
             if (!empty($postInfo['permalink_structure'])) {
                 file_put_contents($directory . '.htaccess', null);
                 chgrp($directory . '.htaccess', 'member');
                 chmod($directory . '.htaccess', 0755);
             // Link to the admin
             echo '<a href="' . str_replace('https', 'http', admin_url()) . '" class="button" style="margin-right:5px;" target="_blank">' . _('Log In') . '</a>';
             echo '<a href="' . str_replace('https', 'http', home_url()) . '" class="button" target="_blank">' . _('Go to website') . '</a>';
             echo '<a href="' . \URL::route('home') . '" class="button" target="_blank">' . _('Go Back To Netsoc') . '</a>';