public function item($id = 0) { $item = Items::find($id); if ($item['obj']) { $obj = json_decode($item['obj'], true); $item['obj'] = $obj; if (!isset($obj['images'])) { $item->images = []; } else { $item->images = $obj['images']; } } $catalog_banner = UIComponents::where('name', '=', 'catalog-banner')->get()->first(); $catalog_banner_arr = []; if (isset($catalog_banner) && isset($catalog_banner->obj)) { $obj = json_decode($catalog_banner->obj); if (isset($obj->images)) { $catalog_banner_arr['images'] = $obj->images; } if (isset($obj->html)) { $catalog_banner_arr['html'] = $obj->html; } } if (isset($item['obj']['Версия/Модификация']) && trim($item['obj']['Версия/Модификация']) != '') { $item['name'] = "{$item['obj']['type_auto'][0]['children'][0]['text']}" . " {$item['obj']['type_auto'][0]['children'][0]['children'][0]['text']}" . " {$item['obj']['Версия/Модификация']}" . " {$item['obj']['God_vypuska'][0]['text']}"; } else { $item['name'] = "{$item['obj']['type_auto'][0]['children'][0]['text']}" . " {$item['obj']['type_auto'][0]['children'][0]['children'][0]['text']}" . " {$item['obj']['God_vypuska'][0]['text']}"; } return view('catalog/catalog/item', ['item' => $item, 'catalog_banner' => $catalog_banner_arr]); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { Items::create(['item_name' => 'Venda 4 mts. 3M', 'item_description' => 'Venda de 4 metros por 5 cm. de largo', 'min_quantity' => '20', 'stock_quantity' => '35', 'profit_percentage' => '1', 'type' => '1', 'cost' => '43.56']); Items::create(['item_name' => 'Solución salina', 'item_description' => 'Splución salina intravenosa', 'min_quantity' => '50', 'stock_quantity' => '48', 'profit_percentage' => '2', 'type' => '1', 'cost' => '67.99']); Items::create(['item_name' => 'Equipo para Venoclisis', 'item_description' => 'Normogotero que está elaborado con diferentes tipos de plástico grado médico y que su característica principal es la de proporcionar un goteo comprendido entre 28 y 32 gotas por minuto.', 'min_quantity' => '10', 'stock_quantity' => '25', 'profit_percentage' => '3', 'type' => '1', 'cost' => '234.45']); Items::create(['item_name' => 'Sonda de Foley', 'item_description' => 'Los catéteres de Foley se fabrican en varios subtipos. Los catéteres Coudé (palabra francesa que significa acodado/en codo) tienen en la extremidad una curva de 45° para permitir un paso más fácil a través de una próstata agrandada.', 'min_quantity' => '20', 'stock_quantity' => '35', 'profit_percentage' => '1', 'type' => '1', 'cost' => '868.77']); }
public function get_category($get_category_id, $get_subcategory_id, $search_term) { $sub_categories = Sub_category::all(); $arr = array(); if ($get_category_id == 0 && $get_subcategory_id == 0) { foreach ($sub_categories as $sub_category) { array_push($arr, $sub_category->id); } } else { if ($get_category_id != 0 && $get_subcategory_id == 0) { foreach ($sub_categories as $sub_category) { if ($sub_category->categories_id == $get_category_id) { array_push($arr, $sub_category->id); } } } else { if ($get_category_id != 0 && $get_subcategory_id != 0) { array_push($arr, $get_subcategory_id); } } } if ($search_term != null) { $items = Items::whereIn('sub_categories_id', $arr)->where('title', 'like', '%' . $search_term . '%')->paginate(12); } else { $items = Items::whereIn('sub_categories_id', $arr)->paginate(12); } return $items; }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { // // $name = Auth::user()->email; // return view('dashboard'); $user = Auth::user()->name; $userId = Auth::user()->id; $locateInDbUser = App\User::find($userId); $locateInDbItems = App\Items::find($userId); $locateInDbWatchlist = App\Watchlist::find($userId); $itemsWatched = DB::table('watchlists')->where('user_id', '=', $userId)->count(); $itemsOwned = DB::table('items')->where('users_id', '=', $userId)->count(); $benefit = $locateInDbUser->benefits; $auction_wins = $locateInDbUser->auction_wins; $itemsOnWatchlist = DB::table('watchlists')->where('user_id', '=', $userId)->get(); if ($itemsOnWatchlist == []) { $queryWatchlist = ''; return view('dashboard')->with('user', $user)->with('userId', $userId)->with('benefits', $benefit)->with('auction_wins', $auction_wins)->with('itemsWatched', $itemsWatched)->with('itemsOwned', $itemsOwned)->with('itemsOnWatchlist', $itemsOnWatchlist)->with('queryWatchlist', $queryWatchlist); } else { $queryWatchlist = DB::table('items'); foreach ($itemsOnWatchlist as $itemOnWatchlist) { $queryWatchlist->orWhere('id', '=', $itemOnWatchlist->item_id); } $queryWatchlist = $queryWatchlist->get(); // return $queryWatchlist; return view('dashboard')->with('user', $user)->with('userId', $userId)->with('benefits', $benefit)->with('auction_wins', $auction_wins)->with('itemsWatched', $itemsWatched)->with('itemsOwned', $itemsOwned)->with('itemsOnWatchlist', $itemsOnWatchlist)->with('queryWatchlist', $queryWatchlist); } }
static function modifiedData($input) { $item = Items::where('id', '=', $input['id'])->get()->first(); $text = ''; if ($item) { $text = $item->text; } if ($input && isset($input['obj']) && $input['obj']) { $obj = json_decode($input['obj'], true); $mark = isset($obj['type_auto'][0]['children'][0]['text']) ? $obj['type_auto'][0]['children'][0]['text'] : ''; $model = isset($obj['type_auto'][0]['children'][0]['children'][0]['text']) ? $obj['type_auto'][0]['children'][0]['children'][0]['text'] : ''; $god = isset($obj['God_vypuska'][0]['text']) ? $obj['God_vypuska'][0]['text'] : '' . 'г.'; $toplivo = isset($obj['Тип двигателя'][0]['text']) ? $obj['Тип двигателя'][0]['text'] : ''; if (isset($input['price'])) { $input['price'] = intval($input['price']); $price = "Цена {$input['price']}\$"; } else { $price = ''; } $price = isset($input['price']) ? "Цена {$input['price']}\$" : ''; if (isset($input['title']) && $input['title'] == '') { $input['title'] = "Купить {$mark} {$model} {$god} {$toplivo} {$price} в Минске Голденмоторс"; } if (isset($input['description']) && $input['description'] == '') { $input['description'] = "Продажа в РБ {$mark} {$model} {$text}"; } if (isset($input['keywords']) && $input['keywords'] == '') { $input['keywords'] = "{$mark} {$model}"; } } return $input; }
function checkout(DeliveryFormRequest $request) { if (isset($_COOKIE['basket'])) { $orders = $_COOKIE['basket']; $orders = json_decode($orders); } else { return redirect('/basket'); } $ids = []; $amount = []; $total_cost = 0; $order_id = Orders::latest()->first(); //получаем последний заказ empty($order_id) ? $order_id = 1 : ($order_id = $order_id->order_id + 1); //определяемся с новым заказом, увеличивая номер последнего заказа на 1 foreach ($orders as $order) { $ids[] = $order->item_id; //создаем массив из id заказанных товаров $amount[$order->item_id] = $order->amount; //создаем массив с количеством каждого товара ['id товара'=>'количество товара'] } $items = Items::whereIn('id', $ids)->get(); foreach ($items as $item) { $orders = Orders::create(['item_id' => $item->id, 'price' => $item->price, 'order_id' => $order_id, 'amount' => $amount[$item->id], 'name' => $request->name, 'address' => $request->address, 'phone' => $request->phone]); //сохраняем заказ в базу $total_cost = $total_cost + $item->price * $amount[$item->id]; } setcookie('basket', ''); $orders = Orders::where('order_id', $orders->order_id)->get(); return view('finish_order', ['orders' => $orders, 'total' => $total_cost]); }
public function viewImages() { $imDets = Items::all(); return view('pages/home1')->with('imDets', $imDets); // return $imDets; // //return 'hello'; // $imDets = 'hello'; // return view('pages/home')->with('imDets',$imDets); }
public function index($id = 0) { $categories = Categories::all(); $categories = $categories->sortBy('sort_id'); $item = Items::find($id); $comments = Comments::where('items_id', '=', $id)->get(); $data = ['categories' => $categories, 'item' => $item, 'id' => $item->categories_id, 'comments' => $comments]; return view('items.index', $data); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($id) { $item = Items::find($id); if ($item) { return view('item.addImage', compact('item')); } else { return redirect()->action('ItemsController@index')->with('error', 'El producto solicitado no existe'); } }
/** * Vérification des données utilisateurs avant la création de l'enchère * * @param Request $request * @param int $item_id Identifiant de l'item * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector */ public function add(Request $request, $item_id) { // Après quelques vérifications, l'utilisateur saura s'il a le droit d'enchérir ou non $denied = false; // On récupère l'ID du formulaire (permettra de savoir à quel formulaire une erreur s'est produite) $form_id = $request->input('_form_id', 'default'); // Si l'utilisateur a supprimé le champ (gg), on essaye de récupérer l'ID dans l'URL if ($form_id === null && preg_match('/\\/items/', URL::previous())) { $url_items = explode('/', $request->getPathInfo()); $form_id = 'form_' . array_pop($url_items); } // Les messages d'erreurs seront désormais spécifiques à un formulaire, et pas tous $this->validatesRequestErrorBag = $form_id; // Permettra de savoir dans quel formulaire s'est produite l'erreur $request->session()->flash('errorBag', $this->validatesRequestErrorBag); // On check si l'item existe bien dans la BBD ('Ivre, il enchérit une vente qui n'existe pas, la suite va vous surprendre !) $item = Items::get()->where('id', $item_id)->first(); $min_price = $item->getPrice() + 1; // L'enchère n'existe pas if ($item === null) { $denied = true; $request->session()->flash('message', 'danger|Cette enchère n\'existe pas'); return redirect(route('items')); } // L'enchère existe, donc on fait quelques tests dessus if ($item !== null) { // La vente n'a pas encore commencé if (strtotime($item->date_end) - time() < 0) { $denied = true; $request->session()->flash('message', 'danger|L\'enchère n\'a même pas commencé, calmez-vous...'); // La vente est terminé } elseif (strtotime($item->date_start) - time() > 0) { $denied = true; $request->session()->flash('message', 'danger|L\'enchère est terminée !'); } // L'utilisateur a atteint le nombre maximum de renchère sur cette annonce if ($item->getUserCantBid()) { $denied = true; $request->session()->flash('message', 'danger|Vous avez dépassé les ' . MAX_BID_PER_SALE . ' propositions d\'enchères maximales !'); } } // Le vendeur ne peut pas enchérir sa propre annonce... if ($item->isSeller()) { $denied = true; $request->session()->flash('message', 'danger|Il n\'est pas possible d\'enchérir votre annonce..'); } // Pour une quelconque raison, l'utilisateur n'a pas pu enchérir if ($denied) { return redirect(route('items')); } // Le prix rentré doit être supérieur à la valeur minimale de l'enchère $this->validate($request, ['price' => 'required|numeric|min:' . $min_price], ['price.min' => 'Le prix doit être supérieur à :min €.']); return $this->create($request, $item_id); }
public function add(Request $request) { $validator = $this->validator($request->all()); if ($validator->fails()) { $this->throwValidationException($request, $validator); } $item = Items::find($request->items_id); $item->count_comments++; $item->save(); $this->create($request->all()); return redirect('items/' . $request->items_id); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { // $user = Auth::user()->name; $userId = Auth::user()->id; $locateInDbUser = App\User::find($userId); $locateInDbItems = App\Items::find($userId); $locateInDbWatchlist = App\Watchlist::find($userId); $itemsWatched = DB::table('watchlists')->where('user_id', '=', $userId)->count(); $itemsSelect = DB::table('items')->where('betting_status', '=', 1)->where('users_id', '=', $userId)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->lists('item_name'); $itemsOwned = DB::table('items')->where('users_id', '=', $userId)->count(); $benefit = $locateInDbUser->benefits; $auction_wins = $locateInDbUser->auction_wins; return view('retrieveOffer')->with('user', $user)->with('userId', $userId)->with('benefits', $benefit)->with('auction_wins', $auction_wins)->with('itemsWatched', $itemsWatched)->with('itemsOwned', $itemsOwned)->with('itemsSelect', $itemsSelect); }
public function index($id = 0) { //get rundom category if ($id == 0) { $category = Categories::where('parent_id', '!=', 0)->orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(1)->get(); $id = $category[0]->id; } //get all categories for menu $categories = Categories::all(); $categories = $categories->sortBy('sort_id'); //get categories for slider $sliders = Categories::where('parent_id', '!=', 0)->orderBy(DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(3)->get(); //get items $items = Items::where('categories_id', '=', $id)->get(); $data = ['categories' => $categories, 'items' => $items, 'id' => $id, 'sliders' => $sliders]; return view('categories.index', $data); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { if (States::isProtected($id)) { return $this->error("This item is protected"); } if (sizeof(States::all()) <= 2) { return $this->error("Do you really want to delete all States? In which state are you?!"); } if (Items::hasStatus($id) || Persons::hasStatus($id)) { return $this->error("Do you really want to delete all States? In which state are you?!"); } $data = States::find($id); if ($data) { $data->delete(); return $this->success($data); } else { return $this->error("Item doesn't exist"); } }
/** * Update details for the item. * * @author Sinthujan G. * @return mixed Redirects to view with Error or Success messages. */ public function upPrices() { $dets = array('itName' => Request::input('iName'), 'itDescrip' => Request::input('iDescrip'), 'itPrice' => Request::input('iPrice')); $rules = array('itName' => 'required', 'itDescrip' => 'required', 'itPrice' => 'required|numeric'); $messages = array('itName.required' => 'The item name is required.', 'itDescrip.required' => 'The item description is required.', 'itPrice.required' => 'The item price is required.', 'itPrice.numeric' => 'The item price must be numeric.'); // doing the validation, passing post data, rules and the messages $validator = Validator::make($dets, $rules, $messages); if ($validator->fails()) { // send back to the page with the input data and errors return Redirect::to('aitem')->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } else { $itID = DB::table('items')->select('itID')->where('itName', '=', $dets['itName'])->first(); $chkList = DB::table('itemorders')->join('orders', 'orders.ordID', '=', 'itemorders.ordID')->join('users', 'orders.custID', '=', '')->where('itemorders.itID', '=', $itID->itID)->where('orders.status', '=', 'Ongoing')->count(); if ($chkList > 0) { return Redirect::to('aitem')->withInput()->withErrors("This item is currently in order. Please update after the order has been completed."); } else { $res = Items::where('itName', '=', $dets['itName']); $res->update($dets); } if (!$res) { App::abort(500, 'Some Error'); } return Redirect::to('aitem')->with('success', true)->with('message', 'Item sucessfully updated'); } }
function search_items(Request $request) { $s_item = $request->search_item; $items = Items::where('title', 'like', '%' . $s_item . '%')->paginate(10); return view('manage-items', ['items' => $items]); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $data = Persons::find($id); if ($data) { if (Items::hasUser($data->id)->first()) { return $this->error("there is still an item allocated to his person"); } else { $data->delete(); return $this->success($data); } } else { return $this->error("No item with this id"); } }
/** * Permet de récupérer plus simplement les annonces qui viennent de se terminer * * @return mixed */ public function getItemsToHandle() { return Items::where('date_end', '<=', date('Y-m-d'))->with('user', 'bids')->get(); }
public function ShowSubCategoryItems($id) { $data['slider'] = Slide::orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->get(); $data['sideslider'] = SideSlider::orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->get(); $data['partner'] = Partner::orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->get(); $data['category'] = Category::with('SubCategory')->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->get(); $data['categoryex'] = Category::findOrFail($id); $data['categoryex'] = Category::with('SubCategory')->findOrFail($id); $data['subcategory'] = SubCategory::findOrFail($id); $data['item'] = Items::where('subcategory_id', $id)->orderBy('created_at', 'asc')->paginate(12); return view('site.category-item-list', $data); }
public function show($id) { $items = Items::find($id); $parameters = $items->parameters; $count = $parameters->count(); $res = collect([]); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $value = Items_parameters::where('items_id', $items->id)->get()[$i]->value; $res->push(collect(['title' => $parameters[$i]->title, 'unit' => $parameters[$i]->unit, 'value' => $value])); } $res = $res->toArray(); if ($items->preview != "") { $images = explode(';', $items->preview); } else { $images = null; } $categories = ""; $categories = DB::table('sub_categories')->select('title')->where('id', $items->sub_categories_id)->get(); if (!empty($categories)) { $categories = $categories[0]->title; } else { $categories = "non categories"; } $main_categories = Category::all(); return view('show-item', ['items' => $items, 'res' => $res, 'images' => $images, 'categories' => $categories, 'main_categories' => $main_categories]); }
public function searchItemForm() { $itemToSearchName = Input::get('itemName'); $itemToSearchSelect = Input::get('userChosen'); $itemToSearchSelect2 = Input::get('categoryChosen'); $user = Auth::user()->name; $userId = Auth::user()->id; // $itemsToId=DB::table('items') // ->where('item_name','=',$itemToOffer) // ->where('users_id','=',$userId) // ->first(); $query = DB::table('items'); $query->where('users_id', '<>', $userId); $query->where('betting_status', '=', 1); if ($itemToSearchSelect != 'Any user') { // $query->where('user') $usersSelect = DB::table('users')->where('email', '=', $itemToSearchSelect)->first(); $query->where('users_id', '=', $usersSelect->id); } if ($itemToSearchSelect2 != 'Any category') { // $query->where('user') // $catSelect=DB::table('categories') // ->where('catname','=',$itemToSearchSelect2) // ->first(); $query->where('category1', '=', $itemToSearchSelect2); } if ($itemToSearchName != '') { $query->where('item_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $itemToSearchName . '%'); } $rows = $query->get(); if ($rows == []) { Session::flash('messageErrorDate', "No match, redefine your search terms"); return redirect('searchItem'); } else { $rows = $query->paginate(10); $user = Auth::user()->name; $userId = Auth::user()->id; $locateInDbUser = App\User::find($userId); $locateInDbItems = App\Items::find($userId); $locateInDbWatchlist = App\Watchlist::find($userId); $itemsWatched = DB::table('watchlists')->where('user_id', '=', $userId)->count(); $usersTable = DB::table('users'); $itemsOwned = DB::table('items')->where('users_id', '=', $userId)->count(); $benefit = $locateInDbUser->benefits; $auction_wins = $locateInDbUser->auction_wins; Session::flash('messageOkSearch', ""); return view('searchResults')->with('user', $user)->with('userId', $userId)->with('benefits', $benefit)->with('auction_wins', $auction_wins)->with('itemsWatched', $itemsWatched)->with('itemsOwned', $itemsOwned)->with('rowsSearch', $rows)->with('usersTable', $usersTable); } // return $rows; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $data = Items::find($id); if ($data) { $data->delete(); return response()->json($data); } else { return $this->error("No item with this id"); } }
/** * Insère un nouvel item dans la BDD * * @param Request $request * @return bool|mixed */ public function create(Request $request) { $datas = $request->all(); $manager = new ImageManager(['driver' => 'imagick']); // Création de l'Item $item = new Items(); $item->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $item->category_id = Categories::where('slug', $datas['category'])->value('id'); $item->name = trim($datas['name']); $item->description = trim($datas['description']); $item->price = $datas['price']; $item->date_start = $datas['date_start']; $item->date_end = $datas['date_end']; // Récupération de la photo envoyée par l'utilisateur $file = $request->file('photo'); $filename = str_limit(str_replace(['/', '\\'], '', $file->getClientOriginalName()), 30) . str_random(); $filename_thumb = $filename . '_thumb'; // Sauvegarde de la photo $file->move(public_path('upload'), $filename . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension()); // On sauvegarde un lien relatif pour le lien de la photo, pour éviter un bordel monstre lors d'un // changement de nom de domaine. $item->photo = 'upload/' . $filename . '.jpg'; // Là on peut utiliser le chemin absolu de l'image (/home/..../image.jpg) $filename = public_path('upload') . '/' . $filename; $filename_thumb = public_path('upload') . '/' . $filename_thumb; // Active l'entrelacement sur la photo envoyée par l'utilisateur et réduit la qualité $manager->make($filename . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension())->interlace(true)->save($filename . '.jpg', 80); // Si par exemple l'utilisateur a envoyé un .png (ou un .JpG), alors on supprime l'image, // puisqu'on a déjà sauvegardé une version en .jpg if ($file->getClientOriginalExtension() !== 'jpg') { unlink($filename . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension()); } // Création de la miniature, de taille 300px * ratio px. $manager->make($filename . '.jpg')->resize(300, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); })->interlace(true)->save($filename_thumb . '.jpg'); // Si on a bien réussi à sauvegarder l'Item, on renvoie l'id, pour une redirection sur la page de l'Item if ($item->save()) { return $item->id; } // Sinon il y a eu un problème. :< :< :< return false; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function delete($id) { $item = Items::find($id); $item->delete(); return \Redirect::action('Admin\\ItemsController@index'); }
public function FinalItembet($idItem) { $user = Auth::user()->name; $userId = Auth::user()->id; $locateInDbUser = App\User::find($userId); $locateInDbItems = App\Items::find($userId); $locateInDbWatchlist = App\Watchlist::find($userId); $itemId = explode('X', $idItem); $itemId = intval($itemId[0]); $itemsWatched = DB::table('watchlists')->where('user_id', '=', $userId)->count(); $itemsName = DB::table('items')->where('id', '=', $itemId)->value('item_name'); $itemsDescription = DB::table('items')->where('id', '=', $itemId)->value('description'); $itemsMin = DB::table('items')->where('id', '=', $itemId)->value('minimalPrice'); $itemsOwned = DB::table('items')->where('users_id', '=', $userId)->count(); $benefit = $locateInDbUser->benefits; $auction_wins = $locateInDbUser->auction_wins; // return view('FinalItembet')->with('user', $user)->with('userId', $userId)->with('benefits', $benefit)->with('auction_wins', $auction_wins)->with('itemsWatched', $itemsWatched)->with('itemsOwned', $itemsOwned)->with('itemsDescription', $itemsDescription)->with('itemsMin', $itemsMin)->with('itemId', $itemId)->with('itemsName', $itemsName); }
public function destroy(Request $request, $id) { //ELIMINA PRODUCTO $item = Items::find($id); if ($item->delete()) { //SE REGISTRA LA ACTIVIDAD EN LA BITACORA $this->binnacle("ELIMINÓ PRODUCTO", $request); } return redirect()->action('ItemsController@index')->with('message', 'El producto se eliminó correctamente'); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $item = Items::findOrFail($id); try { File::delete(public_path() . '/uploads/item/' . $item->main_image); $item->destroy($id); } catch (Exception $e) { App::abort(404); } return Redirect::route(''); }
public function deleteItem($id) { $item = Items::findOrFail($id); $item->delete(); return redirect('/itemlist')->with('flash_notification.message', 'Successfully deleted your item.')->with('flash_notification.level', 'success'); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { Items::destroy($id); return redirect('item'); }
public function edit($id) { $acquisition = Acquisitions::find($id); if ($acquisition) { $contacts = Contacts::type('PROVEEDOR')->orderBy('name')->get()->lists('name', 'id'); $items = Items::orderBy('item_name')->lists('item_name', 'id'); return view('acquisition.edit', compact('acquisition', 'contacts', 'items')); } else { return redirect()->action('AcquisitionsController@index')->with('error', 'La compra solicitada no existe'); } }