public static function endExportProcess($data = null) { if (!empty($data) && $data->key == config('monster.key')) { $message = 'Total records: ' . number_format($data->jobs_count) . ' Processed records: ' . number_format($data->processed_count); $process = $data->source_id; ExportLog::create(['process' => $process, 'filename' => $data->file_name, 'message' => $message]); self::moveFtpFile($data->file_name, $process); } return ['success' => 'true']; }
/** * Define the application's command schedule. * * @param \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule $schedule * @return void */ protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->command('export-monster-files test')->cron('00 * * * *')->name('process-feed')->withoutOverlapping(); $schedule->call(function () { $files = \App\FileDeleteQueue::all(); foreach ($files as $file) { $local_file = config('monster.tmp_storage_path') . $file->file_name; if (file_exists($local_file)) { $tmp_is_deleted = unlink(realpath($local_file)); if (!$tmp_is_deleted) { \App\ExportLog::create(['process' => 'deleting local file', 'filename' => $ftp_file, 'message' => 'cannot be deleted from /tmp/ folder']); } else { $file->delete(); } } } })->name('delete-local-files')->twiceDaily(12, 23); $schedule->call(function () { // deleting expired jobs $today = date('Y-m-d', time()); $jobs = \App\Job::where('end_date', '<', $today)->take(1000)->get(); if (!$jobs->isEmpty()) { $i = 0; foreach ($jobs as $j) { $j->delete(); $i++; } \App\ExportLog::create(['process' => 'deleting expired jobs', 'message' => 'Deleted ' . $i . ' jobs']); } })->cron('5 * * * *')->name('delete-expired-jobs-hourly')->withoutOverlapping(); $schedule->call(function () { $today = date('Y-m-d', time() - 3 * 86400); \App\ExportRecordFailure::where('created_at', '<', $today)->take(3000)->delete(); })->cron('5 * * * *')->name('delete-export-record-failures')->withoutOverlapping(); $schedule->call(function () { $queue = \App\CacheQueue::where(['in_process' => 0])->take(10); $records = $queue->get(); if (!$records->isEmpty()) { $queue->update(['in_process' => 1]); foreach ($records as $record) { $run = call_user_func($record->model . '::' . $record->method, $record->args); if ($run) { $record->delete(); } else { $record->in_process = null; $record->save(); } } } })->everyMinute()->name('process-cache-queue-records'); }
/** * Execute the command. * * php artisan export-monster-files ftp-folder * * @return void */ public function handle() { $ftp_dir = $this->argument('ftp-folder') . '/'; $site_domain = config('app.domain'); $process = $source_id = $this->argument('ftp-folder'); $filesInProgress = \App\FileInProgress::all()->count(); if ($filesInProgress > 0) { return; } // connecting to monster ftp server $ftp_conn = ftp_connect(config('monster.ftp_server'), 21); if ($ftp_conn) { $ftp_login = ftp_login($ftp_conn, config('monster.ftp_user'), config('monster.ftp_password')); if ($ftp_login) { $is_passive = ftp_pasv($ftp_conn, true); if ($is_passive) { $is_dir_changed = ftp_chdir($ftp_conn, $ftp_dir); if (!$is_dir_changed) { ftp_close($ftp_conn); return; } else { // Generate ftp cache list $ftp_files = ftp_nlist($ftp_conn, ""); if (!empty($ftp_files)) { // remove directories from the list $ftp_files = cleanupFtpDir($ftp_files); if (empty($ftp_files)) { ftp_close($ftp_conn); return; } // get the first one $ftp_file = $ftp_files[0]; if ($filesInProgress == 0) { \App\FileInProgress::create(['file_name' => $ftp_file]); } else { ftp_close($ftp_conn); return; } $tmp_file_location = config('monster.tmp_storage_path') . $ftp_file; if (ftp_get($ftp_conn, $tmp_file_location, $ftp_file, FTP_BINARY)) { $file_content = file_exists($tmp_file_location); if ($file_content !== false) { $filesize = filesize($tmp_file_location); if (!empty($filesize)) { $filesize = formatFileSize($filesize); } \App\ExportLog::create(['process' => $process, 'filename' => $ftp_file, 'filesize' => $filesize, 'message' => 'Starting the process ....']); $url = $site_domain . ':8080/node'; $args = ['key' => config('monster.key'), 'source_id' => $source_id, 'file_name' => $ftp_file, 'submit_host' => $site_domain, 'submit_path' => '/monster/create_job_record', 'done_path' => '/monster/end_job_process']; $result = json_decode(Curl::post($url, [], $args)); //File::append('/tmp/monster.txt', "result from curl: $result \n"); if (!empty($result->error)) { $err_msg = $result->error; if ($result->error == 'missing data') { $err_msg = $result->error . ': ' . $result->req_data; } \App\ExportLog::create(['process' => $process, 'filename' => $ftp_file, 'message' => $err_msg]); \App\Monster::moveFtpFile($ftp_file, $process); } } else { \App\ExportLog::create(['process' => $process, 'filename' => $ftp_file, 'message' => 'Cannot save file locally']); } } else { \App\ExportLog::create(['process' => $process, 'filename' => $ftp_file, 'message' => 'Cannot download file']); } } } } } ftp_close($ftp_conn); } }