コード例 #1
ファイル: CoreUtilsTest.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
 function testAposEncode()
     $result = CoreUtils::aposEncode("No Man's Lie");
     self::assertEquals("No Man's Lie", $result);
     $result = CoreUtils::aposEncode('"implying"');
     self::assertEquals(""implying"", $result);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CoreUtils.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
  * Renders the "Useful links" section of the sidebar
  * @param bool $wrap
  * @return string
 static function getSidebarUsefulLinksListHTML($wrap = true)
     global $Database;
     $HTML = $wrap ? '<ol>' : '';
     $UsefulLinks = $Database->orderBy('"order"', 'ASC')->get('usefullinks');
     foreach ($UsefulLinks as $l) {
         $href = "href='" . CoreUtils::aposEncode($l['url']) . "'";
         if ($l['url'][0] === '#') {
             $href .= " class='action--" . CoreUtils::substring($l['url'], 1) . "'";
         $title = CoreUtils::aposEncode($l['title']);
         $label = htmlspecialchars_decode($l['label']);
         $cansee = Permission::ROLES_ASSOC[$l['minrole']];
         if ($l['minrole'] !== 'developer') {
             $cansee = self::makePlural($cansee, 0) . ' and above';
         $HTML .= "<li id='ufl-{$l['id']}'><div><a {$href} title='{$title}'>{$label}</a></div>" . "<div><span class='typcn typcn-eye'></span> {$cansee}</div>" . "<div class='buttons'><button class='blue typcn typcn-pencil edit-link'>Edit</button><button class='red typcn typcn-trash delete-link'>Delete</button></div></li>";
     return $HTML . ($wrap ? '</ol>' : '');
コード例 #3
ファイル: Logs.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
 private static function _link($url, $blank = false)
     return "<a href='" . CoreUtils::aposEncode($url) . "'" . ($blank ? ' target="_blank"' : '') . ">{$url}</a>";
コード例 #4
ファイル: HTTP.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
  * Redirection
  * @param string $url  Redirection target URL
  * @param int    $http HTTP status code
 public static function redirect($url = '/', $http = 301)
     header("Location: {$url}", true, $http);
     $urlenc = CoreUtils::aposEncode($url);
     die("Click <a href='{$urlenc}'>here</a> if you aren't redirected.<script>location.replace(" . JSON::encode($url) . ")</script>");
コード例 #5
ファイル: ColorGroups.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
  * Get HTML for a color group
  * @param int|array  $GroupID
  * @param array|null $AllColors
  * @param bool       $wrap
  * @param bool       $colon
  * @param bool       $colorNames
  * @param bool       $force_extra_info
  * @return string
 static function getHTML($GroupID, $AllColors = null, bool $wrap = true, bool $colon = true, bool $colorNames = false, bool $force_extra_info = false) : string
     global $CGDb;
     if (is_array($GroupID)) {
         $Group = $GroupID;
     } else {
         $Group = $CGDb->where('groupid', $GroupID)->getOne('colorgroups');
     $label = CoreUtils::escapeHTML($Group['label']) . ($colon ? ': ' : '');
     $HTML = "<span class='cat'>{$label}" . ($colorNames && Permission::sufficient('staff') ? '<span class="admin"><button class="blue typcn typcn-pencil edit-cg"></button><button class="red typcn typcn-trash delete-cg"></button></span>' : '') . "</span>";
     if (!isset($AllColors)) {
         $Colors = self::getColors($Group['groupid']);
     } else {
         $Colors = $AllColors[$Group['groupid']] ?? null;
     if (!empty($Colors)) {
         $extraInfo = $force_extra_info || !UserPrefs::get('cg_hideclrinfo');
         foreach ($Colors as $i => $c) {
             $title = CoreUtils::aposEncode($c['label']);
             $color = '';
             if (!empty($c['hex'])) {
                 $color = $c['hex'];
                 $title .= "' style='background-color:{$color}' class='valid-color";
             $append = "<span title='{$title}'>{$color}</span>";
             if ($colorNames) {
                 $append = "<div class='color-line" . (!$extraInfo || empty($color) ? ' no-detail' : '') . "'>{$append}<span><span class='label'>{$c['label']}";
                 if ($extraInfo && !empty($color)) {
                     $rgb = CoreUtils::hex2Rgb($color);
                     $rgb = 'rgb(' . implode(',', $rgb) . ')';
                     $append .= "</span><span class='ext'>{$color} &bull; {$rgb}";
                 $append .= '</span></div>';
             $HTML .= $append;
     return $wrap ? "<li id='cg{$Group['groupid']}'>{$HTML}</li>" : $HTML;
コード例 #6
ファイル: colorguide.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
/full">Full List of <?php 
echo $EQG ? 'Equestria Girls' : 'Ponies';
		<a class='btn darkblue typcn typcn-arrow-forward' href="/blending">Blending Calculator</a>
		<a class='btn darkblue typcn typcn-tags' href="/cg/tags">Tags</a>
		<a class='btn darkblue typcn typcn-warning' href="/cg/changes">Major Changes</a>
<?  if (Permission::sufficient('developer')){ ?>
		<button class='darkblue typcn typcn-download cg-export'>Export</button>
		<button class='darkblue typcn typcn-document cg-reindex'>Re-index</button>
<?  } ?>
<? if ($elasticAvail){ ?>
	<form id="search-form">
		<input name="q" <?php 
echo !empty($_GET['q']) ? " value='" . CoreUtils::aposEncode($_GET['q']) . "'" : '';
		<button type='submit'  class='blue'>Search</button>
		<button type='button' class='green typcn typcn-flash sanic-button' title="I'm feeling lucky"></button>
		<button type='reset' class='red typcn typcn-times' title='Clear'<?php 
echo empty($_GET['q']) ? ' disabled' : '';
<?  }
	else echo CoreUtils::notice('warn','<span class="typcn typcn-warning"></span> <strong>ElasticSearch server is down!</strong> Please <a class="send-feedback">let us know</a>, and in the meantime, use the <a class="btn darkblue typcn typcn-th-menu" href="/cg'.($EQG?'/eqg':'').'/full">Full List</a> to find appearances faster. Sorry for the inconvenience.',true); ?>
echo $Pagination->HTML . Appearances::getHTML($Ponies) . $Pagination->HTML;
コード例 #7
	echo Appearances::getRelatedEpisodesHTML($Appearance, $EQG);
	if (!empty($Appearance['notes'])){ ?>
			<h2><span class='typcn typcn-info-large'></span>Additional notes</h2>
			<p id="notes"><?=Appearances::getNotesHTML($Appearance, NOWRAP, NOTE_TEXT_ONLY)?></p>
<?  }

	if (!empty($Appearance['cm_favme'])){
		$preview = Appearances::getCMPreviewURL($Appearance); ?>
		<section class="approved-cutie-mark">
			<h2>Recommended cutie mark vector</h2>
<?=Permission::sufficient('staff')&&!isset($Appearance['cm_dir'])?CoreUtils::notice('fail','Missing CM orientation, falling back to <strong>Tail-Head</strong>. Please edit the appaearance and provide an orientation!'):''?>
			<a id="pony-cm" href="http://fav.me/<?=$Appearance['cm_favme']?>" style="background-image:url('<?=Appearances::getCMPreviewSVGURL($Appearance['id'])?>')">
				<div class="img cm-dir-<?=$Appearance['cm_dir']===CM_DIR_HEAD_TO_TAIL?'ht':'th'?>" style="background-image:url('<?=CoreUtils::aposEncode($preview)?>')"></div>
			<p class="aside">This is only an illustration, the body shape & colors are <strong>not</strong> guaranteed to reflect the actual design.</p>
			<p>The image above links to the vector made by <?php
				$Vector = DeviantArt::getCachedSubmission($Appearance['cm_favme']);
				echo Users::get($Vector['author'],'name','name, avatar_url')->getProfileLink(User::LINKFORMAT_FULL);
			?> and shows which way the cutie mark should be facing.</p>
<?  } ?>
		<section class="color-list">
			<h2 class="admin">Color groups</h2>
			<div class="admin">
				<button class="darkblue typcn typcn-arrow-unsorted reorder-cgs">Re-order groups</button>
				<button class="green typcn typcn-plus create-cg">Create group</button>
<?  if ($placehold = Appearances::getPendingPlaceholderFor($Appearance))
コード例 #8
ファイル: Users.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
     * Parse session array for user page
     * @param array $Session
     * @param bool $current
    static function renderSessionLi($Session, $current = false)
        $browserClass = CoreUtils::browserNameToClass($Session['browser_name']);
        $browserTitle = !empty($Session['browser_name']) ? "{$Session['browser_name']} {$Session['browser_ver']}" : 'Unrecognized browser';
        $platform = !empty($Session['platform']) ? "<span class='platform'>on <strong>{$Session['platform']}</strong></span>" : '';
        $signoutText = !$current ? 'Delete' : 'Sign out';
        $buttons = "<button class='typcn remove " . (!$current ? 'typcn-trash red' : 'typcn-arrow-back') . "' data-sid='{$Session['id']}'>{$signoutText}</button>";
        if (Permission::sufficient('developer') && !empty($Session['user_agent'])) {
            $buttons .= "<br><button class='darkblue typcn typcn-eye useragent' data-agent='" . CoreUtils::aposEncode($Session['user_agent']) . "'>UA</button>" . "<a class='btn orange typcn typcn-chevron-right' href='/browser/{$Session['id']}'>Debug</a>";
        $firstuse = Time::tag($Session['created']);
        $lastuse = !$current ? 'Last used: ' . Time::tag($Session['lastvisit']) : '<em>Current session</em>';
        echo <<<HTML
<li class="browser-{$browserClass}" id="session-{$Session['id']}">
<span class="browser">{$browserTitle}</span>
<span class="created">Created: {$firstuse}</span>
<span class="used">{$lastuse}</span>
コード例 #9
ファイル: ImageProvider.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
 private function _getDirectUrl($id)
     switch ($this->provider) {
         case 'imgur':
             $this->fullsize = "https://i.imgur.com/{$id}.png";
             $this->preview = "https://i.imgur.com/{$id}m.png";
         case 'derpibooru':
             $Data = @file_get_contents("http://derpibooru.org/{$id}.json");
             if (empty($Data)) {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested image could not be found on Derpibooru');
             $Data = JSON::decode($Data);
             if (isset($Data['duplicate_of'])) {
                 return $this->_getDirectUrl($Data['duplicate_of']);
             if (!isset($Data['is_rendered'])) {
                 error_log("Invalid Derpibooru response for ID {$id}\n" . var_export($Data, true));
                 throw new \Exception('Derpibooru returned an invalid API response. This issue has been logged, please <a class="send-feedback">remind us</a> to take a look.');
             if (!$Data['is_rendered']) {
                 throw new \Exception('The image was found but it hasn\'t been rendered yet. Please wait for it to render and try again shortly.');
             $this->fullsize = $Data['representations']['full'];
             $this->preview = $Data['representations']['small'];
             self::_checkImageAllowed($this->fullsize, $Data['mime_type']);
         case 'puush':
             $path = "http://puu.sh/{$id}";
             $image = @file_get_contents($path);
             if (empty($image) || $image === 'That puush could not be found.') {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested image could not be found on Puu.sh');
             if ($image === 'You do not have access to view that puush.') {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested image is a private Puu.sh and the token is missing from the URL');
             $this->fullsize = $this->preview = $path;
         case 'dA':
         case 'fav.me':
         case 'sta.sh':
             if ($this->provider === 'dA') {
                 $id = 'd' . base_convert($id, 10, 36);
                 $this->provider = 'fav.me';
             try {
                 $CachedDeviation = DeviantArt::getCachedSubmission($id, $this->provider);
                 if (!DeviantArt::isImageAvailable($CachedDeviation['preview'])) {
                     $preview = CoreUtils::aposEncode($CachedDeviation['preview']);
                     throw new \Exception("The preview image appears to be unavailable. Please make sure <a href='{$preview}'>this link</a> works and try again, or re-submit the deviation if this persists.");
                 if (!DeviantArt::isImageAvailable($CachedDeviation['fullsize'])) {
                     $fullsize = CoreUtils::aposEncode($CachedDeviation['fullsize']);
                     throw new \Exception("The submission appears to be unavailable. Please make sure <a href='{$fullsize}'>this link</a> works and try again, or re-submit the deviation if this persists.");
             } catch (CURLRequestException $e) {
                 if ($e->getCode() === 404) {
                     throw new \Exception('The requested image could not be found');
                 throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
             if (empty($CachedDeviation)) {
                 throw new \Exception("{$this->provider} submission information could not be fetched for {$id}");
             $this->preview = $CachedDeviation['preview'];
             $this->fullsize = $CachedDeviation['fullsize'];
             $this->title = $CachedDeviation['title'];
             $this->author = $CachedDeviation['author'];
         case 'lightshot':
             $page = @file_get_contents("http://prntscr.com/{$id}");
             if (empty($page)) {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested page could not be found');
             if (!preg_match(new RegExp('<img\\s+class="image__pic[^"]*"\\s+src="http://i\\.imgur\\.com/([A-Za-z\\d]+)\\.'), $page, $_match)) {
                 throw new \Exception('The requested image could not be found');
             $this->provider = 'imgur';
             throw new \Exception("The image could not be retrieved due to a missing handler for the provider \"{$this->provider}\"");
     $this->preview = URL::makeHttps($this->preview);
     $this->fullsize = URL::makeHttps($this->fullsize);
     $this->id = $id;
コード例 #10
ファイル: header.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
<body class="loading">

			<li class="sidebar-toggle">
				<svg class="loading-indicator" viewBox="0 0 45 45" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
					<circle r="20" cx="22.5" cy="22.5" class="loading-circle" transform="rotate(-90 22.5 22.5)"></circle>
				<div class="loader"></div>
	            <img class="avatar" src="<?php 
echo $signedIn ? $currentUser->avatar_url : GUEST_AVATAR;
" alt='<?php 
echo ($signedIn ? CoreUtils::aposEncode(CoreUtils::posess($currentUser->name)) : 'Guest') . ' avatar';
echo CoreUtils::getNavigationHTML(isset($view) && $view === 'fatalerr');

	<div id="sidebar">
include INCPATH . "views/sidebar.php";

	<div id="main">
コード例 #11
ファイル: Posts.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
  * Generate HTML for post action buttons
  * @param Post         $Post
  * @param bool         $isRequest
  * @param false|string $view_only Only show the "View" button
  *                                Contains HREF attribute of button if string
  * @return string
 private static function _getPostActions(Post $Post, bool $isRequest, $view_only) : string
     global $signedIn, $currentUser;
     $By = $Post->Reserver;
     $requestedByUser = $isRequest && $signedIn && $Post->requested_by === $currentUser->id;
     $isNotReserved = empty($By);
     $sameUser = $signedIn && $Post->reserved_by === $currentUser->id;
     $CanEdit = empty($Post->lock) && Permission::sufficient('staff') || Permission::sufficient('developer') || $requestedByUser && $isNotReserved;
     $Buttons = array();
     $HTML = self::getPostReserveButton($Post, $By, $view_only);
     if (!empty($Post->reserved_by)) {
         $finished = !empty($Post->deviation_id);
         $staffOrSameUser = $sameUser && Permission::sufficient('member') || Permission::sufficient('staff');
         if (!$finished) {
             if (!$sameUser && Permission::sufficient('member') && $Post->isTransferable() && !$Post->isOverdue()) {
                 $Buttons[] = array('user-add darkblue pls-transfer', 'Take on');
             if ($staffOrSameUser) {
                 $Buttons[] = array('user-delete red cancel', 'Cancel Reservation');
                 $Buttons[] = array('attachment green finish', ($sameUser ? "I'm" : 'Mark as') . ' finished');
         if ($finished && empty($Post->lock)) {
             if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
                 $Buttons[] = array((empty($Post->preview) ? 'trash delete-only red' : 'media-eject orange') . ' unfinish', empty($Post->preview) ? 'Delete' : 'Unfinish');
             if ($staffOrSameUser) {
                 $Buttons[] = array('tick green check', 'Check');
     if (empty($Post->lock) && empty($Buttons) && (Permission::sufficient('staff') || $requestedByUser && $isNotReserved)) {
         $Buttons[] = array('trash red delete', 'Delete');
     if ($CanEdit) {
         array_splice($Buttons, 0, 0, array(array('pencil darkblue edit', 'Edit')));
     if ($Post->lock && Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
         $Buttons[] = array('lock-open orange unlock', 'Unlock');
     $HTML .= "<div class='actions'>";
     if (!$view_only) {
         $Buttons[] = array('export blue share', 'Share');
     if (!empty($Buttons)) {
         if ($view_only) {
             $HTML .= "<div><a href='{$view_only}' class='btn blue typcn typcn-arrow-forward'>View</a></div>";
         } else {
             $regularButton = count($Buttons) < 3;
             foreach ($Buttons as $b) {
                 $WriteOut = "'" . ($regularButton ? ">{$b[1]}" : " title='" . CoreUtils::aposEncode($b[1]) . "'>");
                 $HTML .= "<button class='typcn typcn-{$b[0]}{$WriteOut}</button>";
     $HTML .= '</div>';
     return $HTML;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Appearances.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
  * Returns the HTML for sprite images
  * @param array $Appearance
  * @return string
 static function getSpriteHTML($Appearance)
     $imgPth = self::getSpriteURL($Appearance['id']);
     if (!empty($imgPth)) {
         $img = "<a href='{$imgPth}' target='_blank' title='Open image in new tab'><img src='{$imgPth}' alt='" . CoreUtils::aposEncode($Appearance['label']) . "'></a>";
         if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
             $img = "<div class='upload-wrap'>{$img}</div>";
     } else {
         if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
             $img = "<div class='upload-wrap'><a><img src='/img/blank-pixel.png'></a></div>";
         } else {
             return '';
     return "<div class='sprite'>{$img}</div>";
コード例 #13
ファイル: Tags.php プロジェクト: ponydevs/MLPVC-RR
     * Generates the markup for the tags sub-page
     * @param array $Tags
     * @param bool  $wrap
     * @return string
    static function getTagListHTML($Tags, $wrap = WRAP)
        global $CGDb;
        $HTML = $utils = $refresh = '';
        $canEdit = Permission::sufficient('staff');
        if ($canEdit) {
            $refresh = " <button class='typcn typcn-arrow-sync refresh' title='Refresh use count'></button>";
            $utils = "<td class='utils align-center'><button class='typcn typcn-minus delete' title='Delete'></button> " . "<button class='typcn typcn-flow-merge merge' title='Merge'></button> <button class='typcn typcn-flow-children synon' title='Synonymize'></button></td>";
        if (!empty($Tags)) {
            foreach ($Tags as $t) {
                $trClass = $t['type'] ? " class='typ-{$t['type']}'" : '';
                $type = $t['type'] ? self::$TAG_TYPES_ASSOC[$t['type']] : '';
                $search = CoreUtils::aposEncode(urlencode($t['name']));
                $titleName = CoreUtils::aposEncode($t['name']);
                if (!empty($t['synonym_of'])) {
                    $Syn = self::getSynonymOf($t, 'name');
                    $t['title'] .= (empty($t['title']) ? '' : '<br>') . "<em>Synonym of <strong>{$Syn['name']}</strong></em>";
                $HTML .= <<<HTML
\t\t\t<tr {$trClass}>
\t\t\t\t<td class="tid">{$t['tid']}</td>
\t\t\t\t<td class="name"><a href='/cg?q={$search}' title='Search for {$titleName}'><span class="typcn typcn-zoom"></span>{$t['name']}</a></td>{$utils}
\t\t\t\t<td class="title">{$t['title']}</td>
\t\t\t\t<td class="type">{$type}</td>
\t\t\t\t<td class="uses"><span>{$t['uses']}</span>{$refresh}</td>
        return $wrap ? "<tbody>{$HTML}</tbody>" : $HTML;