public function concept() { $page = 'medicamentos-genericos'; $websiteSettings = \App\Exceptions\Handler::readFile("websiteSettings.json"); $pages = Pages::where('slug', '=', $page)->first(); $texts = Concept::orderBy('sortorder', 'ASC')->get(); return view('website.genericsMedications.concept')->with(compact('page', 'pages', 'websiteSettings', 'texts')); }
public function delete(Request $request) { if (!ACL::hasPermission('concept', 'delete')) { return redirect(route('concept'))->withErrors(['Você não tem permissão para deletar.']); } Concept::find($request->get('conceptId'))->delete(); $success = "Texto excluído com sucesso."; return redirect(route('concept'))->with(compact('success')); }
public function getAssociationsForUser($concept_id, $player) { $concept = Concept::find($concept_id); $concept->load(['associations' => function ($query) use($player) { $query->where('user_id', $player->id); }]); $concept->load(['appreciations' => function ($query) use($player) { $query->where('user_id', $player->id); }]); foreach ($concept->associations as $association) { $association->load(['associated_concept.appreciations' => function ($query) use($player) { $query->where('user_id', $player->id); }]); } $concept->associations = $concept->associations->sortBy('weight'); return $concept; }
public function saveAssociations(Request $request) { $user = Auth::user(); $domain_id = $request->input('domain_id'); $inputs = $request->input('associations'); $main_concept = Concept::find($inputs[0]['concept_id']); // Remove all existing associations for the concept and user Association::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('concept_id', $main_concept->id)->delete(); $associations = array(); foreach ($inputs as $association) { // Adding the entred concepts $concept = Concept::create($association['associated_concept']); // Adding the associations $associations[] = Association::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'concept_id' => $association['concept_id'], 'weight' => $association['weight'], 'associated_concept_id' => $concept->id]); // Adding the appreciations if exists if (isset($association['associated_concept']['appreciations']) && isset($association['associated_concept']['appreciations'][0])) { Appreciation::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'concept_id' => $concept->id, 'appreciation' => $association['associated_concept']['appreciations'][0]['appreciation']]); } } // Look if there is an open match $match = Match::where('concept_id', $main_concept->id)->where('user_id', '<>', $user->id)->whereNull('opponent_user_id')->get()->first(); if ($match) { // if there is an open match then close it $match->opponent_user_id = $user->id; $match->save(); } else { // if there is no open match then sorry :( // create a match if (!Match::where('concept_id', $main_concept->id)->where('user_id', $user->id)->whereNull('opponent_user_id')->get()->first()) { // if there is no open match by the same user for the same concept Match::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'concept_id' => $main_concept->id]); } return Response::json(['flash' => 'No opponent found. your answers will be saved, and you will be notifed when an other player challenges them ;) .', 'nomatch' => true]); } // there is an open match! return Response::json(['match_id' => $match->id]); }