コード例 #1
 * Call namespaces
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
use App\Time;
 * Declare local and global variables
global $wpdb;
 * Instantiate classes
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$authentication_bgl360 = new AuthenticationBgl360();
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
$time = new Time();
 * Set up authentication data
//echo "this is authentication page <br>";
$clientId = 'f937a03e-db37-4213-9d37-9484e7eab33d';
$clientSecret = '9a88e4bc-ab1c-41b3-a8b3-a5f7b32502de';
$basicAuthorizationHeader = 'ZjkzN2EwM2UtZGIzNy00MjEzLTlkMzctOTQ4NGU3ZWFiMzNkOjlhODhlNGJjLWFiMWMtNDFiMy1hOGIzLWE1ZjdiMzI1MDJkZQ==';
コード例 #2
 * Call namespaces
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
use App\Time;
 * Declare local and global variables
global $wpdb;
 * Instantiate classes
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$authentication_bgl360 = new AuthenticationBgl360();
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
$time = new Time();
 * Set up authentication data
if ($service_bgl360->isExistAccessToken()) {
コード例 #3
echo 'User email: ' . $current_user->user_email . '<br />';
echo 'User first name: ' . $current_user->user_firstname . '<br />';
echo 'User last name: ' . $current_user->user_lastname . '<br />';
echo 'User display name: ' . $current_user->display_name . '<br />';
echo 'User ID: ' . $current_user->ID . '<br />';
require "bgl360/app/Http/ServiceBgl360.php";
require "bgl360/app/Http/AuthenticationBgl360.php";
require "bgl360/app/Http/ResourceRequestBgl360.php";
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
global $wpdb;
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$authentication_bgl360 = new AuthenticationBgl360();
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
//Authentication set up
echo "Access Token Uri " . $authentication_bgl360->getAccessTokenUri() . '<br>';
//Insert new access token to database print insert token status
//if($service_bgl360->insertNewAccessToken(array('access_token'=>'123123', 'refresh_token'=>'sadasdasd', 'expires_in'=>'123123', 'scope'=> 'investment'))){
//    echo "inserted <br>";
//} else {