public function __construct() { if (!\Auth::user()->cluster) { throw new SoapException("You have no Active Cluster Selected"); } $this->cluster = \Auth::user()->cluster; parent::__construct(storage_path() . '/app/sxml/RISAPI.wsdl', ['trace' => true, 'exceptions' => true, 'location' => 'https://' . $this->cluster->ip . ':8443/realtimeservice/services/RisPort', 'login' => $this->cluster->username, 'password' => $this->cluster->password, 'stream_context' => $this->cluster->verify_peer ?: stream_context_create(array('ssl' => array('verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false)))]); }
/** * */ public function __construct() { if (!\Auth::user()->cluster) { throw new SoapException("You have no Active Cluster Selected"); } $this->cluster = \Auth::user()->cluster; parent::__construct('https://' . $this->cluster->ip . '/controlcenterservice2/services/ControlCenterServices?wsdl', ['trace' => true, 'exceptions' => true, 'location' => 'https://' . $this->cluster->ip . ':8443/controlcenterservice2/services/ControlCenterServices', 'login' => $this->cluster->username, 'password' => $this->cluster->password, 'stream_context' => $this->cluster->verify_peer ?: stream_context_create(array('ssl' => array('verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false)))]); }
public function observationReward() { $mission = Mission::with('type')->find(\Request::get('mission_id')); if ($mission->type->name == 'location') { return $this->locationReward(\Auth::user()->id, $mission->id); } else { return $this->routeReward(\Auth::user()->id, $mission->id); } }
/** * Create a new user instance after a valid registration. * * @param array $data * @return User */ public function create(array $data) { $role = $data['role']; if ($role == 'admin' && !Auth::user()->isAdmin()) { $role = 'person'; } $user = User::create(['nickname' => $data['nickname'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'password' => bcrypt($data['password']), 'role' => $role]); Person::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'first_name' => $data['first_name'], 'last_name' => $data['last_name']]); return $user; }
/** * @param $phoneIP * @throws SoapException */ function __construct($phoneIP) { if (!\Auth::user()->cluster) { throw new SoapException("You have no Active Cluster Selected"); } $this->phoneIP = $phoneIP; $this->cluster = \Auth::user()->cluster; $this->client = new Client(['base_uri' => 'http://' . $this->phoneIP, 'verify' => false, 'connect_timeout' => 2, 'headers' => ['Accept' => 'application/xml', 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml'], 'auth' => [$this->cluster->username, $this->cluster->password]]); $this->reader = new Reader(); }
public function store() { //TODO: maybe the name of the device is not needed -> retrieve it from jwt $responseObs = $this->validateObservation(); if ($responseObs->status == 'error') { return $responseObs; } else { $device = Device::where('device_uuid', \Request::get('device_uuid'))->first(); //first check if the device is registered for this mission to radical //for our db, that means that there's a row in devices_missions table if (!$this->deviceService->isRegistered(\Request::get('mission_id'), \Request::get('device_uuid'))) { if ($this->mission == null) { $this->mission = Mission::find(\Request::get('mission_id')); } if (!\Request::has('latitude') || \Request::get('latitude') == '') { $latitude = number_format(0, 6); } else { $latitude = number_format(\Request::get('latitude'), 6); } if (!\Request::has('longitude') || \Request::get('longitude') == '') { $longitude = number_format(0, 6); } else { $longitude = number_format(\Request::get('longitude'), 6); } //first create a row in devices_missions table $device->missions()->attach($this->mission->id, ['device_uuid' => env('RADICAL_CITYNAME') . '.' . $this->mission->radical_service_id . '.' . $device->device_uuid, 'latitude' => $latitude, 'longitude' => $longitude, 'registration_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); $this->mission->users()->attach(\Auth::user()->id); //then send data to radical api $tmp_device = ['Device_UUID' => env('RADICAL_CITYNAME') . '.' . $this->mission->radical_service_id . '.' . $device->device_uuid, 'Model' => $device->model, 'Manufacturer' => $device->manufacturer, 'Latitude' => $latitude, 'Longitude' => $longitude, 'Type' => $device->type, 'Status' => intval($device->status), 'Registration_Date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]; $this->deviceService->registerToRadical($tmp_device); } $responseMeas = $this->validateMeasurements(\Request::get('measurements')); if ($responseMeas->status == 'error') { return \Response::json($responseMeas); } if ($this->mission == null) { $this->mission = Mission::find(\Request::get('mission_id')); } $observation = new Observation(['device_uuid' => env('RADICAL_CITYNAME') . '.' . $this->mission->radical_service_id . '.' . $device->device_uuid, 'latitude' => \Request::get('latitude'), 'longitude' => \Request::get('longitude'), 'observation_date' => \Request::get('observation_date'), 'device_id' => $device->id]); //save new observation to the db $observation->save(); $radicalMeasurements = $this->getMeasurements($observation->id); $radicalObservation = ['Device_UUID' => env('RADICAL_CITYNAME') . '.' . $this->mission->radical_service_id . '.' . $device->device_uuid, 'Latitude' => \Request::get('latitude'), 'Longitude' => \Request::get('longitude'), 'Observation_Date' => \Request::get('observation_date'), 'Measurements' => $radicalMeasurements]; $this->radicalIntegrationManager->storeObservation($radicalObservation); return $observation; } }
/** * @param $account * @param $data * @param $expenses * @param $vendorMap * @return mixed */ private function parseTransactions($account, $data, $expenses, $vendorMap) { $ofxParser = new \OfxParser\Parser(); $ofx = $ofxParser->loadFromString($data); $account->start_date = $ofx->BankAccount->Statement->startDate; $account->end_date = $ofx->BankAccount->Statement->endDate; $account->transactions = []; foreach ($ofx->BankAccount->Statement->transactions as $transaction) { // ensure transactions aren't imported as expenses twice if (isset($expenses[$transaction->uniqueId])) { continue; } if ($transaction->amount >= 0) { continue; } // if vendor has already been imported use current name $vendorName = trim(substr($transaction->name, 0, 20)); $key = strtolower($vendorName); $vendor = isset($vendorMap[$key]) ? $vendorMap[$key] : null; $transaction->vendor = $vendor ? $vendor->name : $this->prepareValue($vendorName); $transaction->info = $this->prepareValue(substr($transaction->name, 20)); $transaction->memo = $this->prepareValue($transaction->memo); $transaction->date = \Auth::user()->account->formatDate($transaction->date); $transaction->amount *= -1; $account->transactions[] = $transaction; } return $account; }
public function hashMatch($attribute, $value, $parameters) { return Hash::check($value, Auth::user()->{$parameters}[0]); }
public function addText() { $this->_methodName = 'addText'; $this->resolveParams(); $this->checkAuth(); $arNeed = ['userTaskId' => 'required|numeric', 'text' => 'required']; $this->checkAttr($arNeed); $task_user = \App\UserTask::where('id', $this->_request_params['userTaskId'])->where('id_user', Auth::user()->id)->first(); if (is_null($task_user)) { throw new \App\Exceptions\ExceptionApiContactnotfound($this->_request_params, $this->_typeName, $this->_methodName); } $infoTask = \App\InfoTask::where('id_taskUser', $task_user->id)->first(); if (is_null($infoTask)) { $infoTask = new \App\InfoTask(); $infoTask->id_taskUser = $task_user->id; } $infoTask->text = $this->_request_params['text']; $infoTask->save(); return $this; }
public function changePassword() { $this->_methodName = 'edit'; $this->resolveParams(); // TODO Сделать изменения для админов $this->checkAuth(); if (!Auth::checkAdmin()) { $user = Auth::user(); $arNeed = ['oldpasswd' => 'required|min:8|max:32', 'newpasswd' => 'required|min:8|max:32']; $this->checkAttr($arNeed); if (Hash::check($this->_request_params['oldpasswd'], $user->password)) { $user->password = Hash::make(strip_tags(trim($this->_request_params['newpasswd']))); $user->save(); return $this; } else { throw new \App\Exceptions\ExceptionApiAuthCodeinactive(['token' => $this->_request_params['token']], $this->_typeName, $this->_methodName); } } else { return $this; } }
/** * Remove book from wishlist. * @param [type] $book_id [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function removeBookFromWishlist($bookId) { $user_id = Auth::user()->id; DB::table('book_wishlist')->where('user_id', '=', $bookId)->where('book_id', '=', $book_id)->delete(); }
public function selectOnlyReferrals($description, $referral_date, $benefiter_id, $referral_type_id) { $datesHelper = new DatesHelper(); $referralDb = array('description' => $description, 'referral_date' => $datesHelper->makeDBFriendlyDate($referral_date), 'user_id' => \Auth::user()->id, 'benefiter_id' => $benefiter_id, 'referral_lookup_id' => $referral_type_id); return $referralDb; }
public function show() { return View::make('view.setting')->withPoints(Auth::user()->point); }
private function getPsychosocialSessionArrayForDBInsert($request, $socialFolderId) { $temp = $this->getPsychosocialSessionArrayForDBEdit($request); $temp['social_folder_id'] = $socialFolderId; $temp['psychologist_id'] = \Auth::user()->id; return $temp; }
private function getLegalSessionArrayForDBInsert($request, $legalFolderId) { return array('legal_folder_id' => $legalFolderId, 'legal_date' => $this->datesHelper->makeDBFriendlyDate($request['legal_date']), 'legal_comments' => $request['legal_comments'], 'user_id' => \Auth::user()->id, 'medical_location_id' => $request['medical_location_id']); }
private function parseBankAccount($account, $bankAccounts, $expenses, $includeTransactions, $vendorMap) { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->account_name = ''; // look up bank account name foreach ($bankAccounts as $bankAccount) { if (Hash::check($account->id, $bankAccount->account_number)) { $obj->account_name = $bankAccount->account_name; } } // if we can't find a match skip the account if (count($bankAccounts) && !$obj->account_name) { return false; } $obj->masked_account_number = Utils::maskAccountNumber($account->id); $obj->hashed_account_number = bcrypt($account->id); $obj->type = $account->type; $obj->balance = Utils::formatMoney($account->ledgerBalance, CURRENCY_DOLLAR); if ($includeTransactions) { $ofxParser = new \OfxParser\Parser(); $ofx = $ofxParser->loadFromString($account->response); $obj->start_date = $ofx->BankAccount->Statement->startDate; $obj->end_date = $ofx->BankAccount->Statement->endDate; $obj->transactions = []; foreach ($ofx->BankAccount->Statement->transactions as $transaction) { // ensure transactions aren't imported as expenses twice if (isset($expenses[$transaction->uniqueId])) { continue; } if ($transaction->amount >= 0) { continue; } // if vendor has already been imported use current name $vendorName = trim(substr($transaction->name, 0, 20)); $key = strtolower($vendorName); $vendor = isset($vendorMap[$key]) ? $vendorMap[$key] : null; $transaction->vendor = $vendor ? $vendor->name : $this->prepareValue($vendorName); $transaction->info = $this->prepareValue(substr($transaction->name, 20)); $transaction->memo = $this->prepareValue($transaction->memo); $transaction->date = \Auth::user()->account->formatDate($transaction->date); $transaction->amount *= -1; $obj->transactions[] = $transaction; } } return $obj; }
protected function checkUserUnable() { $validator = Validator::make(Auth::user()->toArray(), ['first_name' => 'required|max:32', 'last_name' => 'required|max:32', 'street' => 'required|max:128', 'occupation' => 'required|max:64', 'city' => 'required|max:64']); $mes = $validator->messages(); //dd($mes); if ($validator->fails()) { return false; } return true; }