/** * Get all the contracts. * * @param array $ids * @param bool $limit * @return Collection */ public function getContract($ids, $limit) { if ($limit) { return $this->contract->whereIn('id', $ids)->paginate($limit); } return $this->contract->whereIn('id', $ids)->get(); }
/** * Execute the console command. */ public function fire() { $contracts = $this->contract->all(); foreach ($contracts as $contract) { if ($contract->metadata_status == "published") { $this->elastic->postMetadata($contract->id); $this->info(sprintf('Contract %s : Metadata Indexed.', $contract->id)); } if ($contract->text_status == "published") { $this->elastic->postText($contract->id); $this->info(sprintf('Contract %s : Text Indexed.', $contract->id)); } if ($this->annotations->getStatus($contract->id) == "published") { $this->elastic->postAnnotation($contract->id); $this->info(sprintf('Contract %s : Annotations Indexed.', $contract->id)); } } }
/** * Seed Admin User with Roles */ public function run() { $contracts = Contract::all(); foreach ($contracts as $contract) { $metadata = $contract->metadata; $licenseName = $metadata->license_name; $licenseIdentifier = $metadata->license_identifier; unset($metadata->license_name); unset($metadata->license_identifier); $metadata->concession = [["license_name" => $licenseName, "license_identifier" => $licenseIdentifier]]; $contract->metadata = $metadata; $contract->save(); } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { $this->info('processing contract document'); $contractId = $this->input->getArgument('contract_id'); try { $contract = $this->contract->find($contractId); if ($this->input->getOption('force')) { $this->contract->moveS3File(sprintf('%s/%s', $contract->id, $contract->file), $contract->file); $contract->pages()->delete(); $contract->pdf_process_status = Contract::PROCESSING_PIPELINE; $contract->save(); } if ($this->process->execute($contractId)) { $this->info('processing completed.'); } else { $this->error('Error processing contract document.check log for detail'); } } catch (ModelNotFoundException $exception) { $this->error('could cot find contract.' . $exception->getMessage()); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->error('processing contract document.' . $exception->getMessage()); } }
/** * Execute the console command. */ public function fire() { $contracts = Contract::all(); foreach ($contracts as $key => $contract) { $contractDir = $contract->id; if ($this->storage->disk('s3')->exists("{$contractDir}/{$contract->file}")) { try { if ($this->renameS3ContractFileName($contract)) { $this->contract->updateFileName($contract); $this->info("done moving {$contractDir}/{$contract->file}"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); $this->error("error moving {$contractDir}/{$contract->file}:{$message}"); } } else { $this->error("{$contractDir}/{$contract->file} file does not exists"); } } $this->call('nrgi:bulkindex'); }
/** * Get Total Annotation status by type * @param $statusType * @return mixed */ public function getStatusCountByType($statusType) { return $this->contract->distinct()->select('contracts.id', 'a.status')->from('contracts')->leftJoin('contract_annotations as a', function ($join) use($statusType) { $join->on('contracts.id', '=', 'a.contract_id')->where('a.status', '=', $statusType); })->get(); }