/** * Responds with information about updated inserted brand * * @method put * @return json/xml data */ public function put($id) { $results = array(); $brand = Brands::findFirstById($id); if ($brand) { $brandCollection = BrandsCollection::findFirst(array(array('id' => $id))); if ($brandCollection != false) { $brandCollection->id = $brand->id; $brandCollection->companyId = $brand->companyId; $brandCollection->name = $brand->name; $brandCollection->alias = $brand->alias; $brandCollection->logo = $brand->logo; $brandCollection->link = $brand->link; $brandCollection->description = $brand->description; $brandCollection->language = $brand->language; $brandCollection->revenueValue = $brand->revenueValue; $brandCollection->active = $brand->active; $brandCollection->created = $brand->created; $brandCollection->modified = $brand->modified; $brandCollection->createdBy = $brand->createdBy; $brandCollection->modifiedBy = $brand->modifiedBy; $brandCollection->save(); $results['id'] = $brand->id; } } return $results; }
/** * @api {post} /products/import/ POST /products/import/ * @apiExample Example usage: * curl -i -X POST "http://apibeta.compargo.com/v1/products/import/?language=en&countryCode=ph * -H "X-COMPARE-REST-API-KEY: 1234567890" * -d "channelId=a1d14206-1ea9-11e4-b32d-eff91066cccf& * data=[{"areaName": "NCR Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao", * "brandName": "Bank of Commerce", * "companyName": "Bank of Commerce", * "productName": "Visa Classic", * "productImage": "bank-of-commerce-visa-classic.jpg", * "linkInformation": "http://www.bankcom.com.ph/percc.php#vc", * "linkApplication": "http://www.bankcom.com.ph/img/ccaf.pdf", * "featured": 0, * "hasApplyButton": 0, * "overlayOrClickthrough": 0, * "phoneNumber": 0, * "status": 1, * "providerCard": 1, * "premiumCard": 0, * "octopusCard": 0, * "islamicCard": 0, * "businessCard": 0, * "studentCard": 0, * "travelCard": 0, * "shoppingCard": 0, * "specialtyCard": 0, * "onlineShoppingCard": 0, * "coBranded": 0, * "greatFor1": "Get a separate credit limit for your local and foreign transactions", * "greatFor2": "Get up to 30% of your credit limit as cash advance", * "greatFor3": "Purchase new appliances, gadgets or other high-ticket items by installment", * "bewareThat1": 0, * "bewareThat2": 0, * "bewareThat3": 0, * "promoPicture": 0, * "promoTitle": 0, * "promoApplyPicture": 0, * "promoApplyContent": 0, * "ribbonBest": 0, * "rewardConversion": "P50 spent = 1 point", * "rewardConversionCondition": "Only principal cardholders can redeem reward points", * "rewardMultiplier": "No points multiplier", * "rewardMultiplierCondition": 0, * "rewardSpendingShopping": "SM P500 Gift Card (3,711 points)", * "rewardSpendingEntertainment": "SM Cinema Tickets for Two (3,149 points)", * "rewardSpendingDining": 0, * "rewardSpendingOther": 0, * "earningPointsOctopus": 0, * "earningPointsAutomaticTransaction": 0, * "earningPointsOnlineBillPayments": 0, * "earningPointsOnlineShopping": 0, * "earningPointsInstallment": 0, * "cashbackDining": 0, * "cashbackDiningCondition": 0, * "cashbackShopping": 0, * "cashbackShoppingCondition": 0, * "cashbackGroceries": 0, * "cashbackGroceriesCondition": 0, * "cashbackEntertainment": 0, * "cashbackEntertainmentCondition": 0, * "cashbackPetrol": 0, * "cashbackPetrolCondition": 0, * "cashbackLocalRetail": 0, * "cashbackLocalRetailCondition": 0, * "cashbackOverseasSpending": 0, * "cashbackOverseasCondition": 0, * "cashbackGeneral": 0, * "cashbackGeneralCondition": 0, * "cashbackOther": 0, * "cashbackOtherCondition": 0, * "cashbackMetaCondition": 0, * "cbeLocalRetails": 0, * "cbeLocalRetailsCondition": 0, * "cbeLocalDining": 0, * "cbeLocalDiningCondition": 0, * "cbeOverseasTransaction": 0, * "cbeOverseasTransactionCondition": 0, * "cbeOnlineShopping": 0, * "cbeOnlineShoppingCondition": 0, * "cbeOnlineBillPayment": 0, * "cbeOnlineBillPaymentCondition": 0, * "cbeOctopusAavs": 0, * "cbeOctopusAavsCondition": 0, * "cbeAutomaticTransaction": 0, * "cbeAutomaticTransactionCondition": 0, * "cbeInstalment": 0, * "cbeInstalmentConditi": 0, * "cbeSpecialCondition": 0, * "cbsAllNewTransactions": 0, * "cbsCashCoupons": 0, * "cbsAutopusAavs": 0, * "cbsPetrol": 0, * "cbsDining": 0, * "cbsShopping": 0, * "cbsEntertainment": 0, * "cbsTravel": 0, * "cbsSpecialCondition": 0, * "discountsDining": 0, * "discountsDiningCondition": 0, * "discountsShopping": 0, * "discountsShoppingCondition": 0, * "discountsGroceries": 0, * "discountsGroceriesCondition": 0, * "discountsEntertainment": 0, * "discountsEntertainmentCondition": 0, * "discountsPetrol": 0, * "discountsPetrolCondition": 0, * "discountsOther": 0, * "discountsOtherCondition": 0, * "discountsMetaCondition": 0, * "milesConversionLocal": 0, * "milesConversionConditionLocal": 0, * "milesConversionOverseas": 0, * "milesConversionConditionOverseas": 0, * "milesPogram": 0, * "insurance": 0, * "airportLounge": 0, * "travelOther": 0, * "fraudProtection": 0, * "installmentPlan": 0, * "personalAssistant": 0, * "parking": 0, * "creditLimit": 0, * "purchaseInterest": 3.5, * "purchaseApr": 0, * "cashAdvanceInterest": 0, * "cashAdvanceApr": 0, * "interestFreePeriod": 21, * "delinquencyRetailPurchaseApr": 0, * "delinquencyCashAdvanceApr": 0, * "annualFee": 1500, * "annualFeePromo": 0, * "annualFeeWaiver": "Request for a reversal by calling Customer Care and spend P5,000 within the specified period", * "foreignTransactionFee": "2% of the converted amount", * "annualFeeSupplementary": "P750", * "annualFeeSupplementaryCondition": 0, * "cashAdvanceFee": "5% of the amount withdrawn ", * "cashAdvanceFee2": 0, * "cardReplacementFee": "P300", * "annualFeeAfterFirst": 1500, * "partlyWaivedCondition": 0, * "minimumRepayment": "5% of the amount due", * "minimumRepayment2": "P500, whichever is higher", * "latePayment": "2% of the overdue amount", * "latePayment2": 0, * "creditOverLimit": 0, * "balanceTransferLowest": 0.88, * "balanceTransferMonth": 18, * "balanceTransferLongest": 0, * "balanceTransferHighlight": 0, * "balanceTransferAware": 0, * "monthlyIncomeLocals": 10000, * "monthlyIncomeForeigners": 0, * "minimumEmploymentSalaried": 0, * "minimumEmploymentSelfEmployed": 0, * "minimumAge": 21, * "minimumAgeSupplementary": 18, * "existingCardHolder": 1, * "nationality": 1, * "residence": 0, * "other1": 0, * "other2": 0, * "minimumAnnualIncome": 10000, * "maxAge": 65, * "language": "en" * }]" * * * @apiDescription Bulk import of Products * @apiName Import * @apiGroup Products * * @apiHeader {String} X-COMPARE-REST-API-KEY Products unique access-key. * * @apiParam {String} language Mandatory Language. * @apiParam {String} countryCode Mandatory Country Code. * @apiParam {String} id Mandatory Product Unique ID. * @apiParam {String} channelId Mandatory ChannelId of the Product. * @apiParam {String} date Mandatory Data of the Product. * * @apiSuccess {String} id The ID of Product. * * @apiSuccessExample Success-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * { * "id": "96b3d052-3716-11e4-b18a-fe7344fb1ea4" * } * * @apiError InvalidAccessToken The access token is invalid. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized * { * "error": "InvalidAccessToken" * } * * @apiError MissingAuthenticationCredentials The authentication credentials are missing. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized * { * "error": "MissingAuthenticationCredentials" * } * @apiError ProductNotFound The id of the Product was not found. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found * { * "error": "ProductNotFound" * } * * @apiError RouteNotFound That route was not found on the server. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 404 * { * "error": "RouteNotFound" * } */ public function bulkImport() { $results = array(); $request = $this->di->get('request'); $data = $request->getPost(); $processCompany = $processBrand = $processChannel = $processArea = 1; if (!empty($data)) { $product = new Products(); $productId = $product->id; $metaData = new Memory(); $columns = $metaData->getColumnMap($product); $channelId = isset($data['channelId']) ? $data['channelId'] : ''; $upload = isset($data['data']) ? $data['data'] : ''; $channel = Channels::findFirstById($channelId); if (!$channel) { throw new HTTPException("Not found", 404, array('dev' => 'The requested channel does not exist.', 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } if (isJson($upload) && !empty($channelId)) { $productData = $brandData = $areaData = $companyData = array(); $companyParams = $brandParams = $channelParams = $productParams = array(); $channelAlias = $channel->alias; $errors = ''; $upload = json_decode($upload, true); if (!empty($upload)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($upload); $i++) { $productInformation = $upload[$i]; $company = Companies::findFirstByName($productInformation['companyName']); if ($company) { $companyId = $company->id; $processCompany = 0; } else { $company = new Companies(); $schemaFile = $this->schemaDir . $this->getDI()->getConfig()->application->jsonSchema->companies; $output = readJsonFromFile($schemaFile, $this); if (!empty($output)) { $properties = $output['properties']; foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'options': continue 2; break; case 'name': $companyParams[$key] = $productInformation['companyName']; break; default: $companyParams[$key] = !empty($productInformation[$key]) ? $productInformation[$key] : ''; break; } } } $valid = $company->validateProperty($companyParams, $schemaFile); if (!empty($valid)) { $errors .= implode(", ", $valid); throw new HTTPException("Request unable to be followed due to semantic errors.", 422, array('dev' => ucfirst($errors), 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } $companyParams['id'] = $company->id; $companyParams['createdBy'] = isset($productInformation['createdBy']) ? $productInformation['createdBy'] : ''; $companyParams['modifiedBy'] = isset($productInformation['modifiedBy']) ? $productInformation['modifiedBy'] : ''; $processCompany = 1; } $brandName = !empty($productInformation['brandName']) ? $productInformation['brandName'] : $productInformation['companyName']; if (isset($brandName)) { $brand = Brands::findFirstByName($brandName); if ($brand) { $brandId = $brand->id; $processBrand = 0; } else { $brand = new Brands(); $schemaFile = $this->schemaDir . $this->getDI()->getConfig()->application->jsonSchema->brands; $output = readJsonFromFile($schemaFile, $this); if (!empty($output)) { $properties = $output['properties']; foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'options': continue 2; break; case 'name': $brandParams['name'] = $brandName; break; default: $brandParams[$key] = !empty($productInformation[$key]) ? $productInformation[$key] : ''; break; } } } $valid = $brand->validateProperty($brandParams, $schemaFile); if (!empty($valid)) { $errors .= implode(", ", $valid); throw new HTTPException("Request unable to be followed due to semantic errors.", 422, array('dev' => ucfirst($errors), 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } $brandParams['id'] = $brand->id; $brandParams['createdBy'] = isset($productInformation['createdBy']) ? $productInformation['createdBy'] : ''; $brandParams['modifiedBy'] = isset($productInformation['modifiedBy']) ? $productInformation['modifiedBy'] : ''; $processBrand = 1; } } $areaName = $productInformation['areaName']; if (isset($areaName)) { $area = Areas::findFirstByName($areaName); if ($area) { $areaId = $area->id; } else { $area = new Areas(); $schemaFile = $this->schemaDir . $this->getDI()->getConfig()->application->jsonSchema->areas; $output = readJsonFromFile($schemaFile, $this); if (!empty($output)) { $properties = $output['properties']; foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'options': continue 2; break; case 'name': $areaParams['name'] = $areaName; break; default: $areaParams[$key] = !empty($productInformation[$key]) ? $productInformation[$key] : ''; break; } } } $valid = $area->validateProperty($areaParams, $schemaFile); if (!empty($valid)) { $errors .= implode(", ", $valid); throw new HTTPException("Request unable to be followed due to semantic errors.", 422, array('dev' => ucfirst($errors), 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } $areaParams['id'] = $area->id; $areaParams['name'] = $areaName; $areaParams['language'] = $productInformation['language']; $areaParams['status'] = $productInformation['status']; if (isset($areaParams['status'])) { $areaParams['active'] = $productInformation['status'] != Areas::ACTIVE ? 0 : 1; } $areaParams['createdBy'] = isset($productInformation['createdBy']) ? $productInformation['createdBy'] : ''; $areaParams['modifiedBy'] = isset($productInformation['modifiedBy']) ? $productInformation['modifiedBy'] : ''; $processArea = 1; } } $productName = !empty($productInformation['productName']) ? $productInformation['productName'] : ''; if (isset($productName)) { $product = Products::findFirstByName($productName); if ($product) { $productId = $product->id; $processChannel = 0; } else { $params['productName'] = $productInformation['productName']; $params['featured'] = isset($productInformation['featured']) ? $productInformation['featured'] : 0; $params['productImage'] = isset($productInformation['productImage']) ? $productInformation['productImage'] : ''; $product = new Products(); $schemaFile = $this->schemaDir . $this->getDI()->getConfig()->application->jsonSchema->{$channelAlias}; $output = readJsonFromFile($schemaFile, $this); if (!empty($output)) { $properties = $output['properties']; foreach ($properties as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'options': continue 2; break; case 'name': $productData['name'] = $productInformation['productName']; break; case 'id': $productData['id'] = $product->id; break; default: $productData[$key] = !empty($productInformation[$key]) ? $productInformation[$key] : ''; break; } } } $valid = $product->validateProperty($productData, $schemaFile); if (!empty($valid)) { $errors .= implode(", ", $valid); throw new HTTPException("Request unable to be followed due to semantic errors.", 422, array('dev' => $errors, 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } $productData['id'] = $product->id; $productData['channelId'] = $channelId; $productData['name'] = $productInformation['productName']; $productData['alias'] = ''; $productData['language'] = $productInformation['language']; $productData['featured'] = $productInformation['featured']; $productData['icon'] = $productInformation['productImage']; $productData['status'] = $productInformation['status']; if (isset($productData['status'])) { $productData['active'] = $productInformation['status'] != Products::ACTIVE ? 0 : 1; } $productData['createdBy'] = isset($productInformation['createdBy']) ? $productInformation['createdBy'] : ''; $productData['modifiedBy'] = isset($productInformation['modifiedBy']) ? $productInformation['modifiedBy'] : ''; $processChannel = 1; } // only save the records when all data is valid if ($processCompany) { $companyParams['id'] = $company->id; if ($company->create($companyParams)) { $companyId = $company->id; } else { throw new HTTPException("Request unable to be followed due to semantic errors", 422, array('dev' => $company->getMessages(), 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } } if ($processBrand) { $brandParams['companyId'] = $company->id; if ($brand->create($brandParams)) { $brandId = $brand->id; } else { throw new HTTPException("Request unable to be followed due to semantic errors", 422, array('dev' => $brand->getMessages(), 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } } if ($processArea) { if ($area->create($areaParams)) { $areaId = $area->id; } else { throw new HTTPException("Request unable to be followed due to semantic errors", 422, array('dev' => $area->getMessages(), 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } } if ($processChannel) { $productData['id'] = $product->id; $productData['brandId'] = $brandId; if ($product->create($productData)) { $productId = $product->id; } else { throw new HTTPException("Request unable to be followed due to semantic errors", 422, array('dev' => $product->getMessages(), 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } } unset($productInformation['productName']); unset($productInformation['areaName']); unset($productInformation['brandName']); unset($productInformation['companyName']); unset($productInformation['language']); unset($productInformation['featured']); unset($productInformation['productImage']); $this->_addProductsOptions($productId, $areaId, $channelAlias, $productInformation); } } return $results; } else { throw new HTTPException('Could not return results in specified format', 403, array('dev' => 'Could not understand type specified by type parameter in query string.', 'internalCode' => 'NF1000', 'more' => 'Type may not be implemented.')); } } else { throw new HTTPException('Could not return results in specified format', 403, array('dev' => 'Could not understand type specified by type parameter in query string.', 'internalCode' => 'NF1000', 'more' => 'Type may not be implemented.')); } } else { throw new HTTPException("The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.", 400, array('dev' => 'A required field is missing.', 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } }
/** * @api {put} /brands/upload/:id PUT /brands/upload/:id * @apiExample Example usage: * curl --upload-file /home/moneymax/brands/bpi-family.png "http://apibeta.compargo.com/v1/brands/upload/0d6b45a6-3eea-11e4-9a7a-90a27a7c008a/?language=en&countryCode=ph * -H "X-COMPARE-REST-API-KEY: 1234567890" * * @apiDescription Upload a Brand Image * @apiName Delete * @apiGroup Brands * * @apiHeader {String} X-COMPARE-REST-API-KEY Brands unique access-key. * * @apiParam {String} language Mandatory Language. * @apiParam {String} countryCode Mandatory Country Code. * @apiParam {String} id Mandatory Company Unique ID. * @apiParam {String} file Mandatory File. * * @apiSuccess {String} id The ID of Brand. * * @apiSuccessExample Success-Response: * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * { * "id": "0d6b45a6-3eea-11e4-9a7a-90a27a7c008a" * } * * @apiError InvalidAccessToken The access token is invalid. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized * { * "error": "InvalidAccessToken" * } * * @apiError MissingAuthenticationCredentials The authentication credentials are missing. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized * { * "error": "MissingAuthenticationCredentials" * } * @apiError BrandNotFound The id of the Brand was not found. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found * { * "error": "BrandNotFound" * } * * @apiError RouteNotFound That route was not found on the server. * * @apiErrorExample Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 404 * { * "error": "RouteNotFound" * } */ public function upload($id) { $parameters = $results = array(); $requestBody = file_get_contents("php://input"); $request = $this->di->get('request'); $language = $request->get()['language']; if (!empty($requestBody)) { $brand = Brands::findFirstById($id); if ($brand) { $width = isset($request->get()['width']) ? $request->get()['width'] : ''; $height = isset($request->get()['height']) ? $request->get()['height'] : ''; $quality = isset($request->get()['quality']) ? $request->get()['quality'] : 85; $parameters = array('prefix' => $id . '_', 'basename' => $brand->name, 'uploadpath' => $language . '/brands/', 'max_width' => $width, 'max_height' => $height, 'quality' => $quality); $image = new ImageUpload(); if ($filename = $image->save($requestBody, $parameters)) { $brand->logo = $filename; if ($brand->save()) { $brandCollection = BrandsCollection::findFirst(array('condition' => array('id' => $id))); $brandCollection->logo = $filename; if ($brandCollection->save()) { $results[] = $brandCollection; } } } } } else { throw new HTTPException("The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.", 400, array('dev' => 'A required field is missing.', 'internalCode' => 'P1000', 'more' => '')); } return $results; }