コード例 #1
 public function process()
     // set processing time for browser before timeout
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 3600);
     // override default PHP memory limit
     ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
     // fetch all inputs from the submitted form //
     $input = Request::all();
     // create new objects to store params passed in from form
     $dataParams = new SearchData();
     $searchParams = new SearchData();
     // search type for journals (publication name)
     $queryType1 = "SO";
     // keyword(s)
     // check if journal1 field has been populated, if not entered then set to blank
     if ($input["journal1"]) {
         $queryJournal1 = $input["journal1"];
         $queryJournal1 = $queryType1 . "=" . $queryJournal1;
         // for search params
         $searchJournal1 = $input["journal1"];
     } else {
         $queryJournal1 = "";
         $searchJournal1 = "";
     // check if journal2 field has been populated, if not entered then set to blank
     if (isset($input["journal2"])) {
         $queryJournal2 = $input["journal2"];
         $queryJournal2 = " OR " . $queryType1 . "=" . $queryJournal2;
         // for search params
         $searchJournal2 = $input["journal2"];
     } else {
         $queryJournal2 = "";
         $searchJournal2 = "";
     // check if journal3 field has been populated
     if (isset($input["journal3"])) {
         $queryJournal3 = $input["journal3"];
         $queryJournal3 = " OR " . $queryType1 . "=" . $queryJournal3;
         // for search params
         $searchJournal3 = $input["journal3"];
     } else {
         $queryJournal3 = "";
         $searchJournal3 = "";
     // search type for titles
     $queryType2 = "TI";
     // keyword(s)
     // check if title1 field has been populated
     if ($input["title1"] && $input["journal1"]) {
         $queryTitle1 = $input["title1"];
         $queryTitle1 = " AND " . $queryType2 . "=" . $queryTitle1;
         // for search params
         $searchTitle1 = $input["title1"];
     } elseif ($input["title1"] && !$input["journal1"]) {
         $queryTitle1 = $input["title1"];
         $queryTitle1 = $queryType2 . "=" . $queryTitle1;
         // for search params
         $searchTitle1 = $input["title1"];
     } else {
         $queryTitle1 = "";
         $searchTitle1 = "";
     // check if title2 field has been populated
     if (isset($input["title2"])) {
         $queryTitle2 = $input["title2"];
         $queryTitle2 = " OR " . $queryType2 . "=" . $queryTitle2;
         // for search params
         $searchTitle2 = $input["title2"];
     } else {
         $queryTitle2 = "";
         $searchTitle2 = "";
     // check if title3 field has been populated
     if (isset($input["title3"])) {
         $queryTitle3 = $input["title3"];
         $queryTitle3 = " OR " . $queryType2 . "=" . $queryTitle3;
         // for search params
         $searchTitle3 = $input["title3"];
     } else {
         $queryTitle3 = "";
         $searchTitle3 = "";
     // replace any whitespace with %20 (url encoding)
     $queryTitle1 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $queryTitle1);
     $queryTitle2 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $queryTitle2);
     $queryTitle3 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $queryTitle3);
     // sort type
     $sortType = "TC";
     // check if timespan fields have been populated
     if ($input["timeStart"] != "Select" && $input["timeEnd"] != "Select") {
         $timeStart = $input["timeStart"];
         $timeEnd = $input["timeEnd"];
     } elseif ($input["timeStart"] != "Select" && $input["timeEnd"] == "Select") {
         $timeStart = $input["timeStart"];
         $timeEnd = date("Y");
     } elseif ($input["timeStart"] == "Select" && $input["timeEnd"] != "Select") {
         $timeStart = "1970";
         $timeEnd = $input["timeEnd"];
     } else {
         $timeStart = "1970";
         $timeEnd = date("Y");
     // store the relevant data in the dataParams object
     $dataParams = ['journal1' => $queryJournal1, 'journal2' => $queryJournal2, 'journal3' => $queryJournal3, 'title1' => $queryTitle1, 'title2' => $queryTitle2, 'title3' => $queryTitle3, 'from' => $timeStart, 'to' => $timeEnd];
     // create an array to store all the search parameters to display alongside graphs
     $searchParams = ['journal1' => $searchJournal1, 'journal2' => $searchJournal2, 'journal3' => $searchJournal3, 'title1' => $searchTitle1, 'title2' => $searchTitle2, 'title3' => $searchTitle3, 'from' => $timeStart, 'to' => $timeEnd];
     // ================================================================ //
     // ========== PASS IN PARAMETERS FOR REST REQUEST: GtR ============ //
     // ================================================================ //
     // keyword(s)
     // check if title1 field has been populated
     if ($_POST["title1"] != "") {
         $keyword1 = $_POST["title1"];
     } else {
         $keyword1 = "";
     // check if title2 field has been populated
     if (isset($_POST["title2"])) {
         $keyword2 = $_POST["title2"];
         $keyword2 = " OR " . $keyword2;
     } else {
         $keyword2 = "";
     // check if title3 field has been populated
     if (isset($_POST["title3"])) {
         $keyword3 = $_POST["title3"];
         $keyword3 = " OR " . $keyword3;
     } else {
         $keyword3 = "";
     // replace any whitespace with %20 (url encoding)
     // $keyword1 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $keyword1);
     // $keyword2 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $keyword2);
     // $keyword3 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $keyword3);
     $keyword1 = urlencode($keyword1);
     $keyword2 = urlencode($keyword2);
     $keyword3 = urlencode($keyword3);
     // create new SoapWrapper object to get SOAP data from WoS
     $soap = new SoapWrapper();
     // create new RestWrapper object to get REST data from GtR
     $rest = new RestWrapper();
     // create new ScopusWrapper object to get REST data from Scopus
     // $scopus = new ScopusWrapper;
     // authenticate WoS search to get SID; get initial data (SoapWrapper function)
     // perform REST exchange with GtR API
     $rest->restExchange($keyword1, $keyword2, $keyword3);
     // perform REST exchange with Scopus API
     // $scopus->scopusWebExchange($keyword1, $keyword2, $keyword3);
     // perform iterativeWosSearch (SoapWrapper class) to get all records from WoS
     // perform iterateGtrSearch (RestWrapper class) to get all records from GtR
     $rest->iterateGtrSearch($keyword1, $keyword2, $keyword3);
     // sum the funds for duplicate people in data
     // separate the data into the different arrays for time periods
     $rest->timedFunds($timeStart, $timeEnd);
     // sort the data by funds
     $rest->orderData($rest, 'projects', 'funds');
     $rest->orderData($rest, 'timeArrayFunds', 'funds');
     $rest->orderData($rest, 'tenArrayFunds', 'funds');
     $rest->orderData($rest, 'fiveArrayFunds', 'funds');
     $rest->orderData($rest, 'twoArrayFunds', 'funds');
     // make the funds more readable as they are generally in the millions
     // create a new DataSort object to store all the data for the WoS graphs
     $wosData = new DataSort($soap->records);
     // create a new DataSort object to store all the data for the Scopus graphs
     // $scopusData = new DataSort($scopus->scopusData);
     // assign a determined value to each author (WoS)
     // assign a determined value to each author (Scopus)
     // $scopusData->assignValues();
     // run function to create tables for db for WoS data
     // run function to create tables for db for Scopus data
     // $scopusData->createTables();
     // populate tables with data from $wosData->records
     $wosData->populateTables($wosData->records, $timeStart, $timeEnd);
     // populate tables with data from $scopusData->records
     // $scopusData->populateTables($scopusData->records, $timeStart, $timeEnd);
     // sum the citations values in all the tables for duplicate authors (WoS)
     // sum the weighted values in all the tables for duplicate authors
     // sum the citations values in all the tables for duplicate authors (Scopus)
     // sum the weighted values in all the tables for duplicate authors
     // return processed data back from MySQL to PHP arrays & convert to associative arrays (WoS)
     $wosData->allArray = json_decode(json_encode($wosData->pullData('searchresponse')), true);
     $wosData->timeArray = json_decode(json_encode($wosData->pullData('userdefined')), true);
     $wosData->tenArray = json_decode(json_encode($wosData->pullData('tenyear')), true);
     $wosData->fiveArray = json_decode(json_encode($wosData->pullData('fiveyear')), true);
     $wosData->twoArray = json_decode(json_encode($wosData->pullData('twoyear')), true);
     $wosData->valueArray = json_decode(json_encode($wosData->pullData('searchresponse')), true);
     // return processed data back from MySQL to PHP arrays & convert to associative arrays (Scopus)
     //$scopusData->allArray = json_decode(json_encode($scopusData->pullData('searchresponse')), true);
     //$scopusData->timeArray = json_decode(json_encode($scopusData->pullData('userdefined')), true);
     //$scopusData->tenArray = json_decode(json_encode($scopusData->pullData('tenyear')), true);
     //$scopusData->fiveArray = json_decode(json_encode($scopusData->pullData('fiveyear')), true);
     //$scopusData->twoArray = json_decode(json_encode($scopusData->pullData('twoyear')), true);
     //$scopusData->valueArray = json_decode(json_encode($scopusData->pullData('searchresponse')), true);
     // sort data by highest cited first (WoS)
     $wosData->sortData($wosData, 'allArray', 'citations');
     $wosData->sortData($wosData, 'timeArray', 'citations');
     $wosData->sortData($wosData, 'tenArray', 'citations');
     $wosData->sortData($wosData, 'fiveArray', 'citations');
     $wosData->sortData($wosData, 'twoArray', 'citations');
     $wosData->sortData($wosData, 'valueArray', 'weight');
     // sort data by highest cited first (Scopus)
     //$scopusData->sortData($scopusData, 'allArray', 'citations');
     //$scopusData->sortData($scopusData, 'timeArray', 'citations');
     //$scopusData->sortData($scopusData, 'tenArray', 'citations');
     //$scopusData->sortData($scopusData, 'fiveArray', 'citations');
     //$scopusData->sortData($scopusData, 'twoArray', 'citations');
     //$scopusData->sortData($scopusData, 'valueArray', 'weight');
     // sort value data so that it only has 2 values for bubble chart (author & value)
     // for data to work in d3 as bubble chart, needs to have parent and children
     $wosData->valuesJSON = [];
     $wosData->valuesJSON["name"] = "rankedData";
     $wosData->valuesJSON["children"] = $wosData->valueArray;
     // SCOPUS
     //$scopusData->valuesJSON = [];
     //$scopusData->valuesJSON["name"] = "rankedData";
     //$scopusData->valuesJSON["children"] = $scopusData->valueArray;
     // JSON encode cited data for use in jQuery (WoS)
     $allCited = json_encode($wosData->allArray);
     $userCited = json_encode($wosData->timeArray);
     $tenCited = json_encode($wosData->tenArray);
     $fiveCited = json_encode($wosData->fiveArray);
     $twoCited = json_encode($wosData->twoArray);
     // JSON encode values data for use in jQuery
     $valueData = json_encode($wosData->valuesJSON);
     // JSON encode cited data for use in jQuery (Scopus)
     //$allCited = json_encode($scopusData->allArray);
     //$userCited = json_encode($scopusData->timeArray);
     //$tenCited = json_encode($scopusData->tenArray);
     //$fiveCited = json_encode($scopusData->fiveArray);
     //$twoCited = json_encode($scopusData->twoArray);
     // JSON encode values data for use in jQuery
     //$valueData = json_encode($scopusData->valuesJSON);
     // JSON encode funds data for use in jQuery
     $allFunds = json_encode($rest->projects);
     $userFunds = json_encode($rest->timeArrayFunds);
     $tenFunds = json_encode($rest->tenArrayFunds);
     $fiveFunds = json_encode($rest->fiveArrayFunds);
     $twoFunds = json_encode($rest->twoArrayFunds);
     //echo "</br>BUBBLE CHART VALUES:</br>";
     //print "<pre>\n";
     //print "</pre>";
     // pass data to JavaScript (uses https://github.com/laracasts/PHP-Vars-To-Js-Transformer)
     JavaScript::put(['allCited' => $allCited, 'userCited' => $userCited, 'tenCited' => $tenCited, 'fiveCited' => $fiveCited, 'twoCited' => $twoCited, 'valueData' => $valueData, 'allFunded' => $allFunds, 'userFunded' => $userFunds, 'tenFunded' => $tenFunds, 'fiveFunded' => $fiveFunds, 'twoFunded' => $twoFunds, 'searchData' => $searchParams]);
     return View::make('pages.data');
コード例 #2
 public function process()
     // set processing time for browser before timeout
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 3600);
     // override default PHP memory limit
     ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
     // fetch all inputs from the submitted form //
     $input = Request::all();
     // create new objects to store params passed in from form
     $dataParams = new SearchData();
     $searchParams = new SearchData();
     // search type for journals (publication name)
     $queryType1 = "SO";
     // keyword(s)
     // check if journal1 field has been populated, if not entered then set to blank
     if ($input["journal1"]) {
         $queryJournal1 = $input["journal1"];
         $queryJournal1 = $queryType1 . "=" . $queryJournal1;
         // for search params
         $searchJournal1 = $input["journal1"];
     } else {
         $queryJournal1 = "";
         $searchJournal1 = "";
     // check if journal2 field has been populated, if not entered then set to blank
     if (isset($input["journal2"])) {
         $queryJournal2 = $input["journal2"];
         $queryJournal2 = " OR " . $queryType1 . "=" . $queryJournal2;
         // for search params
         $searchJournal2 = $input["journal2"];
     } else {
         $queryJournal2 = "";
         $searchJournal2 = "";
     // check if journal3 field has been populated
     if (isset($input["journal3"])) {
         $queryJournal3 = $input["journal3"];
         $queryJournal3 = " OR " . $queryType1 . "=" . $queryJournal3;
         // for search params
         $searchJournal3 = $input["journal3"];
     } else {
         $queryJournal3 = "";
         $searchJournal3 = "";
     // search type for titles
     $queryType2 = "TI";
     // keyword(s)
     // check if title1 field has been populated
     if ($input["title1"] && $input["journal1"]) {
         $queryTitle1 = $input["title1"];
         $queryTitle1 = " AND " . $queryType2 . "=" . $queryTitle1;
         // for search params
         $searchTitle1 = $input["title1"];
     } elseif ($input["title1"] && !$input["journal1"]) {
         $queryTitle1 = $input["title1"];
         $queryTitle1 = $queryType2 . "=" . $queryTitle1;
         // for search params
         $searchTitle1 = $input["title1"];
     } else {
         $queryTitle1 = "";
     // check if title2 field has been populated
     if (isset($input["title2"])) {
         $queryTitle2 = $input["title2"];
         $queryTitle2 = " OR " . $queryType2 . "=" . $queryTitle2;
         // for search params
         $searchTitle2 = $input["title2"];
     } else {
         $queryTitle2 = "";
         $searchTitle2 = "";
     // check if title3 field has been populated
     if (isset($input["title3"])) {
         $queryTitle3 = $input["title3"];
         $queryTitle3 = " OR " . $queryType2 . "=" . $queryTitle3;
         // for search params
         $searchTitle3 = $input["title3"];
     } else {
         $queryTitle3 = "";
         $searchTitle3 = "";
     // replace any whitespace with %20 (url encoding)
     $queryTitle1 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $queryTitle1);
     $queryTitle2 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $queryTitle2);
     $queryTitle3 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $queryTitle3);
     // sort type
     $sortType = "TC";
     // check if timespan fields have been populated
     if ($input["timeStart"] != "Select" && $input["timeEnd"] != "Select") {
         $timeStart = $input["timeStart"];
         $timeEnd = $input["timeEnd"];
     } elseif ($input["timeStart"] != "Select" && $input["timeEnd"] == "Select") {
         $timeStart = $input["timeStart"];
         $timeEnd = date("Y");
     } elseif ($input["timeStart"] == "Select" && $input["timeEnd"] != "Select") {
         $timeStart = "1970";
         $timeEnd = $input["timeEnd"];
     } else {
         $timeStart = "1970";
         $timeEnd = date("Y");
     // store the relevant data in the dataParams object
     $dataParams = ['journal1' => $queryJournal1, 'journal2' => $queryJournal2, 'journal3' => $queryJournal3, 'title1' => $queryTitle1, 'title2' => $queryTitle2, 'title3' => $queryTitle3, 'from' => $timeStart, 'to' => $timeEnd];
     // create an array to store all the search parameters to display alongside graphs
     $searchParams = ['journal1' => $searchJournal1, 'journal2' => $searchJournal2, 'journal3' => $searchJournal3, 'title1' => $searchTitle1, 'title2' => $searchTitle2, 'title3' => $searchTitle3, 'from' => $timeStart, 'to' => $timeEnd];
     // ================================================================ //
     // ========== PASS IN PARAMETERS FOR REST REQUEST: GtR ============ //
     // ================================================================ //
     // keyword(s)
     // check if title1 field has been populated
     if ($_POST["title1"] != "") {
         $keyword1 = $_POST["title1"];
     } else {
         $keyword1 = "";
     // check if title2 field has been populated
     if (isset($_POST["title2"])) {
         $keyword2 = $_POST["title2"];
         $keyword2 = " OR " . $keyword2;
     } else {
         $keyword2 = "";
     // check if title3 field has been populated
     if (isset($_POST["title3"])) {
         $keyword3 = $_POST["title3"];
         $keyword3 = " OR " . $keyword3;
     } else {
         $keyword3 = "";
     // replace any whitespace with %20 (url encoding)
     $keyword1 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $keyword1);
     $keyword2 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $keyword2);
     $keyword3 = str_replace(" ", "%20", $keyword3);
     // create new SoapWrapper object to get SOAP data from WoS
     $soap = new SoapWrapper();
     // create new RestWrapper object to get REST data from GtR
     $rest = new RestWrapper();
     // authenticate WoS search to get SID; get initial data (SoapWrapper function)
     // perform REST exchange with GtR API
     $rest->restExchange($keyword1, $keyword2, $keyword3);
     // perform iterativeWosSearch (SoapWrapper class) to get all records from WoS
     // perform iterateGtrSearch (RestWrapper class) to get all records from GtR
     $rest->iterateGtrSearch($keyword1, $keyword2, $keyword3);
     // sum the funds for duplicate people in data
     // separate the data into the different arrays for time periods
     $rest->timedFunds($timeStart, $timeEnd);
     // make the funds more readable as they are generally in the millions
     // echo "</br>GtR DATA: </br>";
     // print "<pre>\n";
     // print_r($rest);
     // print "</pre>";
     // create a new DataSort object to store all the data for the various graphs
     $rawData = new DataSort($soap->records);
     // assign a determined value to each publication
     // run function to create tables for db
     // populate tables with data from $rawData->records
     $rawData->populateTables($rawData->records, $timeStart, $timeEnd);
     // sum the citations values in all the tables for duplicate authors
     // return processed data back from MySQL to PHP arrays
     $topCited = $rawData->pullData('searchresponse');
     $topCitedYears = $rawData->pullData('userdefined');
     $topCitedTen = $rawData->pullData('tenyear');
     $topCitedFive = $rawData->pullData('fiveyear');
     $topCitedTwo = $rawData->pullData('twoyear');
     echo "</br>TOPCITED ARRAY: </br>";
     print "<pre>\n";
     print "</pre>";
     // sort data by publication year so that remaining publications after
     // removing duplicates is the most recent
     // $rawData->sortData($rawData->records, 'records', 'pubyear');
     // remove duplicate authors
     // $rawData->removeDuplicates();
     // pull out seperate data arrays for various time spans
     // pass in dates from form
     // $rawData->timeSpan(($soap->data['queryParameters']['timeSpan']['begin']), ($soap->data['queryParameters']['timeSpan']['end']));
     $rawData->valueArray = array_merge([], $rawData->records);
     // sort arrays according to citations
     /* $topCited->sortData($topCited, 'records', 'citations');
     		$topCitedYears->sortData($topCitedYears, 'timeArray', 'citations');
     		$topCitedTen->sortData($topCitedTen, 'tenArray', 'citations');
     		$topCitedFive->sortData($topCitedFive, 'fiveArray', 'citations');
     		$topCitedTwo->sortData($topCitedTwo, 'twoArray', 'citations'); */
     // sort values array according to values
     $rawData->sortData($rawData->valueArray, 'valueArray', 'values');
     // only include first ten elements in array
     // $rawData->records = array_slice($rawData->records, 0, 10);
     // $rawData->timeArray = array_slice($rawData->timeArray, 0, 10);
     // $rawData->tenArray = array_slice($rawData->tenArray, 0, 10);
     // $rawData->fiveArray = array_slice($rawData->fiveArray, 0, 10);
     //$rawData->twoArray = array_slice($rawData->twoArray, 0, 10);
     // $rawData->valueArray = array_slice($rawData->valueArray, 0, 10);
     // sort value data so that it only has 2 values for bubble chart (author & value)
     // for data to work in d3 as bubble chart, needs to have parent and children
     $rawData->valuesJSON = [];
     $rawData->valuesJSON["name"] = "rankedData";
     $rawData->valuesJSON["children"] = $rawData->valueArray;
     $finalData = json_encode($rawData);
     /* echo "</br>DATA: </br>";
     		print "<pre>\n";
     		print "</pre>"; */
     return view('pages.data')->with('data', $finalData);