/** * Handle the command. * * @param CreateCostCommand $command * @return void */ public function handle(CreateCostCommand $command) { $cost = Cost::create(['salary' => $command->salary, 'save' => $command->save, 'spend' => $command->spend]); if (!empty($cost)) { return $cost; } return false; }
/** * Handle the command. * * @param UpdateTotalCommand $command * @return void */ public function handle(UpdateTotalCommand $command) { $cost = Cost::where(DB::raw('MONTH(created_at)'), '=', $command->month)->where(DB::raw('YEAR(created_at)'), '=', $command->year)->first(); if (!empty($cost)) { $cost->spend = $command->spend; $cost->income = $command->income; if ($cost->save()) { return $cost; } } return false; }
/** * Handle the command. * * @param UpdateCostCommand $command * @return void */ public function handle(UpdateCostCommand $command) { $cost = Cost::whereId($command->id)->first(); if ($cost) { $cost->salary = $command->salary; $cost->save = $command->save; if ($cost->save()) { return $cost; } } return false; }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store() { //Check if exists $cost = Cost::exists($this->month, $this->year); if (!empty($cost)) { return $this->saveResponse(false); } $setting = Setting::first(); $spend = Item::total($this->month, $this->year); $cost = Bus::dispatch(new CreateCostCommand($setting->salary, $setting->save, $spend)); return $this->saveResponse($cost); }
public static function exists($month, $year) { return Cost::where(DB::raw('MONTH(created_at)'), '=', $month)->where(DB::raw('YEAR(created_at)'), '=', $year)->first(); }
public function get($month, $year) { return \App\Models\Cost::where(DB::raw('MONTH(created_at)'), '=', $month)->where(DB::raw('YEAR(created_at)'), '=', $year)->first(); }